dcdale9 ago

I long thought this was a Zionist op. Never an investigation/. He has been able to amass almost 30k followers in a short time. Somewhat rare! And, I'm really suspicious now! I asked myself, what does a converted Zionist Jew who has a Jesus complex want? CONTROL of the masses. This is a social experiment, not an investigation. I recognize it. Right out of Soros playbook. George Soros has conducted these social experiments since the 60's. Webb's followers are devoted and loyal. Never Questioning his motives or agenda. Those who do are attacked until the free thinker is driven from the forum. I have an image of a master and his slaves!
I've seen his postings in omegashock.com. He muses over his conflict with Zionism. He longs to regain the feeling he had when he was in church with MOM. CHURCH not a SYNOGOGUE. He writes of his thoughts of building a church, not a synagogue, and carrying a tent and preach like Jesus did. Webb doesn't want to build a brick and mortar structure. Check out omegashock.com. User name is: mangled man. I read the guy who has this forum is pissed at Webb for saying something that was not in favor of Zionism. Webb's conflicted. I think he wants out.

dcdale9 ago

They won't let me post one of them is a letter agency. I'm blocked from posting it.

equineluvr ago

You KNOW that the CIA is involved in this too. "Former CIA" and bullshitter extraordinaire Robert David Steele has publicly endorsed Webb, and they are working together on their joint venture, The UNRIG Campaign. Webb's dumbassed supporters contributed $9K to that bullshit.

SterlingJB ago

The Lucent Tech connection is kinda a big deal for me. Not sure how I didn't see that back in dec. Also, and I'm prepared to be down voated, but it's worth considering the G show would have never taken off without PG, which doesn't mean JA and his freaky insta acct (all the kids and modern blood passover pizza art)and pedo associates while also being invited to visit the WH (along with all the haiti stuff) aren't suspicious AF.

equineluvr ago

Superb article. Someone exposing Webb's BS provided the link to me. As I read it, all I could think about was Webb's background in behaviorial analytics and Acton's NSA and DHS ties.

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

"...here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.

Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable."


GrDec ago

Excellent info.. thanks for posting this.

equineluvr ago

Break Free TV is on Livestream and is COMPLETELY DESTROYING the George Webb psy-op. LOL

1:38 AM - 3 hours long, he says he's about to end. He's dismayed by how GULLIBLE everyone in the "truth" community is. I don't agree with him that DA and GW are possibly the same person. (Link to Stream at bottom)

From Description:

The psyops on Youtube are never ending.

More Actors and Agents Identified - This is soooo messed up what they are doing. They are sucking in truthers by the dozen, it's as bad as the Flat Earth psyop.

George Webb (aka George Webb Sweigart aka Dave Acton aka David Sweigart) Brothers with strange stuff going on. Facebook psyop to collect all names of truthers and real investigators, for outing sources, etc.

George Webb is working the Clinton truther community taking them down the rabbit hole and crowd sourcing meta data from the community that has surrounded the Clinton machine and the fake Awan brotherhood. His brother David Acton works the Alex Jones community in regards to preppers and the community of preppers and activists. Both are said by some are the same person, some not.

I think the divide was yet another planned contingency to take ppl with q's down yet another rabbit hole and get them arguing about it all while the real truth still waits patiently to be discovered.

show links of interest: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/polit... , http://www.iamovers.org/ResourcesPubl... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DoLG... https://www.youtube.com/user/Actonthe... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Aja... https://www.youtube.com/results?searc... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLesO... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue6Vz... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA87Q...

two best followups so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Aja... defango https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjY2e... reality unknown

Psy-Op Crushed

equineluvr ago

Dave Acton live on stream. Lift the Veil's show. 8:49 PM EST.

Dave Acton on LTV

GrDec ago

Fuck LTV.. he's a schizophrenic moron who still believes that Dave Acton and George are the same person.. there is no point in wasting time watching retarded mongoloids.

Dave lost all credibility by even talking to him..

equineluvr ago

I didn't watch it to see Nathan. George, Dave, Defango, Wednesdayy, Call for Uprising, Tracy Beanz, Denise Stark, etc. were all there.

GrDec ago

I wish i could UNSEE nathan among the rest of the guests LOL,

i just get literally sick having to watch an shizo jew with a messiah complex.. it is just as bad as watching phony joo Dave Seaman..

equineluvr ago

I hear ya. He has that creepy-assed black-eyed stare, too.

TBH when it's on I leave the laptop to go do something and listen to it in the background.

equineluvr ago

I know. But it was an interesting show nonetheless. Acton was there, GW was there, Defango, Tracy Beanz, Denise Stark. etc. Many others in chat. Several challenging LTV.

V____Z ago

He's a joke, a disinfo agent and along with Defango, is playing a little game of "let's distract the researchers with meaningless bullshit". But he no longer believes they are the same person because he spoke with them at the same time today.

equineluvr ago

No, he says he's still not convinced. LOL

I know he's disinfo. I wasn't "endorsing" him, just providing a link to the livestream. As noted above, it was very interesting. Lots of folks there who called him out. Also VERY interesting to note the reactions of GW and DA. They didn't act like brothers who haven't talked with each other in 2-1/2 years due to "feuding." They are also all linked up on FaceSpook, which belies that narrative.

Again, the "brother-vs.brother" is BULLSHIT. It's part of the psy-op.

GrDec ago

See?? I Told ya.

You can argue with a medicated schizophrenic Joo..

I am sure the voices in his head are telling him they are the same person.

GrDec ago

I don't know.. I caught the end his Live stream and we was still talking about Dave having to "show his face".. the guy just irritates me.. the whole idea of watching videos of a jewish medicated schizophrenic talking non-sense, sounds like a complete waste of life to me..

V____Z ago

I'm sure he works for the government. He's even admitted he was offered money to discredit David Seaman, and low and behold, he showed up at the DC protest simply to film Seaman, so I think we already know the guy is a sellout. He's distraction, division and disinfo. And a very sick guy who literally lives with his dad.

GrDec ago

The whole thing is a charade..

Hey let's watch a psychopatic schizo (nathan) take down a fake, phony, band-wagon jumping flip-flopper (Seaman)..

Hey let's watch the lying, slighty-insane Sweigert bros.convince insane Joo schizo (Nathan) than the voices in his head are not real and that they are really two different people.. LOL

You couldn't make this stuff up... it is better just to stop watching them all..

equineluvr ago

It had value. For the first time ever, I got to hear the two "feuding" brothers. They acted normally, not like two bros who hated each other, were angry with each other, and haven't spoken in 2-1/2 years. Or even in a one-sided "spat." Also, Nathan wasted no time in hanging up on them to terminate the call. The entire thing smacked of more uberdramatic bullshit.

Oh, and GW claimed that Dave's IQ was "200." LMAO!!

GrDec ago


200 uh?

this is why an unknown, James, got Dave's YT account locked out, and now he is forced to talk though comments on other's people's YT videos LOL..

V____Z ago

Latest from HA Goodman, might as well leave this here


equineluvr ago

This George Webb disinfo bullshit -- straight from SORCHA FAAL in many cases -- has been a psy-op from the getgo.

WHO is STUPID enough to believe that a COMPUTER SALESMAN working for DEFENSE CONTRACTORS with ZERO research bona fides knows how to research or investigate!?

seekingpeace ago

Yes, GW makes the "undergraduate" error of coming up with a theory first then trying to find "stuff" to support it. His brother said it best "He's a jock."

Cynthia McKinney needs to be very careful about aligning herself with him. GW has a history of using women.

dcdale9 ago

Have you read Cynthia dossier? Her political ideology? One should.

equineluvr ago

Great post, V___Z. The shills are all over this, proving that you've hit the nail on the head. :) ^

V____Z ago


I simply discovered a guy who hit the nail on the head. This man in a gem!

equineluvr ago

Fair point. I meant to say that your post is hitting the nail on the head, which is bringing the shills outta the woodwork.

He's pretty good I still say he has fallen for the "brother-vs.brother" drama BS. It's part of the psy-op.

V____Z ago

Someone noted on one of my previous Webb posts, that the score seemed unreasonably low. Check this one out too - 9 upvotes but 43 comments?? And 229 views...

This happens on all of my Webb posts. But any Katy Perry post will get 140 upvotes in hours. I think the scores are being manipulated. Once it falls off the front page, it pretty much disappears, If you scroll back to even the second page of top posts, they're all archived - many from 3 months ago, some that were never really relevant (3 upvotes).

equineluvr ago

OK, I'll take a look at the other one. Did you have the link?

My recent thread (Freemason, bomb threat) was the same. The shills are attracted to anything to do with Webb like flies to honey. There may be some here who are confused by all the conflicting info, so they take a look but don't know how to vote and don't comment because they don't know what to say. Just a thought.

Another thing that Bravo von Muller said that I don't agree with -- He acted like it was some "great thing" that Jason Goodman bailed George out of jail. Goodman just wanted his "broadcast partner" back so they could resume making videos, so it was in his best interest to have George out ASAP.

V____Z ago

I thought that too at first, about Jsson, but listen again, he prefaces it by saying, "look, i'm on nobody's side, so let me be fair and see if i've missed any points" - it really a neutral assessment, and a simple statement of fact. You could also hear it as "Dave didn't do anything to help George, so claims that he cares about his welfare are BS".

There may be some here who are confused by all the conflicting info, so they take a look but don't know how to vote and don't comment because they don't know what to say. Just a thought.

I've definitely thought this too.

equineluvr ago

Watched it earlier.

It's a pretty good video. Where he and I disagree is that he has fallen for the "brother-vs.brother" BS drama part of the psy-op. Acton addressed the "brother-vs-brother" aspect, and if you read between the lines it's an ADMISSION that this is in their script.

Fatsack ago

Deep state shills still butt hurt about being exposed I see.

GuannaRue ago

Dear OP @V____Z

  1. You make multiple posts re: george webb.

  2. It is then established that George webb is a disinformation agent.

  3. You continue to post about George webb (confirmed controlled opposition).

  4. You are reminded multiple times that George webb is disinfo.

  5. You continue to post about George webb (confirmed controlled opposition).

  6. You are an obvious shill.

  7. The End.

Silverlining ago

Yes, thank you for keeping George Webb at the top of the v/pizzagate board. You're welcome to join me over on v/WebbWatch

redditsuckz ago

Its to try and get people to follow someone else...

Dave Acton George Webb Sweigert Defango Lift the Veil - JEWISH ACTING SHILLS EXPOSED!!


Dont follow anyone...follow yourself...

After you get sucked into watching their videos for half an hour they then will most likely throw in a little mind control for good measure...just like Alex Jones here @8:40 he does some mind control hypnotism with the words "It doesnt Exist and now you begin to see" and then a snap of the fingers.;



trueringstrue ago

Thank you for your comment here. One Happy Upvote For You.

trueringstrue ago

This is an honest question ok? I am fairly new here.

What would V___Z be trying to accomplish now?

I got the message over a month ago about Webb. Do you have any ideas?

I can't see an upside. Unless op feels a need to keep Webb et al in the spotlight?

GuannaRue ago

In my opinion, OP @V____Z is likely paid to come here on voat and spread seeds of disinformation to distract honest researchers from legitimate leads.

Silverlining ago

But they are here in threes eqlvr and drG. Small op for Crowdstrike, but reassuring that they care!

20Justice4All17 ago

You're not the only one: VZ, Done, horse lover, DeGre....all act like shills

equineluvr ago

Nope. It's called VETTING SOURCES, and it's an important element of ANY "investigation."

You idiots either don't know how to do it, don't care about it, are so ENAMORED with Webb's bullshit role that you don't want to see the truth, or you're on someone's payroll. Perhaps a combination of these.

Either way, you're not interested in TRUTH so should be completely IGNORED.

Silverlining ago

So glad to be a fool, if you're the smart one!

20Justice4All17 ago

I see GW for what he is. He is not hiding it. You think Pizzagate just happened by accident? There are tons of intelligence agencies around the world with various motives that are sick of the level of deprevity being pushed out of Washington into the rest of the world. Just because this source doesn't completely align with your vetting requirements doesn't mean he isn't legit and bringing legitimate evidence of this evil to light. His approach seems more pragmatic than what we want to see here but that doesn't mean what he has revealed should be disregarded. I have taken a balanced approach to GW and am willing to cede you and others many points on 'specific' pieces of info that are legitimitely refutable. I'm also willing to cede you and others his motives don't align with this board.
I am not willing to listen to you and others completely discredit his findings because that is a disservice to this board and people on here looking for answers. That is the difference between me and the others who gang up on GW. That is why you all sound like shills and I don't.

V____Z ago

OR, Webb has an online team of trolls to manufacture either support for him, and/or support for his detractors. These people have 10 day old accounts.

trueringstrue ago

Thank you. Good point.

dickface888 ago

Yeah I don't get that logic either.

redditsuckz ago

Because he is posting links to other "molasses" researchers designed to waste your time...They desperately as fuck want you to follow other "shepherds" into black holes of disinformation.

trueringstrue ago

Very helpful perspective.. thank you! I am new to voat. Trying not to be naive. Update for you!

trueringstrue ago

It's good to know that I am not the only one. Thank you for your comment!

DawnofTruth ago

Among many things about George and his new-found publicly announced brother, Dave Acton, I find this strange. They both admit being the sons of inventor and patent-holder of the first cell phone George Sweigert (which there's no way to verify this claim so far) and----according to Dave, he's older than George. Now isn't it most typical the first born bears the father's name? I don't think I've personally met a second, third or fourth son finally named after his father.

So like I said, there are a few things that I find weird to this entire saga but the name-thing just isn't sitting right.


equineluvr ago

Cordless phone, not cell phone.

DawnofTruth ago

Right. Sorry bout that. My brain seems to be stuck in the 'now' :)

equineluvr ago

No biggie. It's an important distinction yet a trivial detail in the larger scheme of things. :)

GrDec ago

George is the baby of the family, according to Dave. So i guess the parents ran out of names, and they decided to name the last one, the same as the father. Nothing strange about that.

DawnofTruth ago

They ran out of names? Didn't think that was possible but okay. I still find it odd though. Has anyone been able to confirm the Sweigarts are of the same family? I couldn't find one obituary online that detailed George H Sweigert (inventor) personal family life.

GrDec ago

Excellent, thank you for posting this!!

The video is pretty interesting.

I have a couple of comments to make:

1-I don't believe that wikileaks has been compromised. If it was, Hillary would be president right now, and Assange wouldn't (still) be trapped in the Ecuadorian embassy. Why do you think the Ecuadorian embassy and CIA-controlled then-president Correa cut off his internet until the election was over?

2-I mentioned to someone here, that there seemed to be some kind of propaganda / press team trying to push George "i was a sex slave" Sweigert as the next Alex Jones,, but they are obviously failing, so far..

3-Attemps to force people to use ID to in order to be on the internet are ALREADY here. This is why sites like google, steemit, twitter and others are FORCING us to do a phone verification to open an account. Jewbook goes a step further and in some instances demands scans of photo IDs!!!

Any further attemps to force everyone to use ID, may work for the sheep, but will fail miserably for intelligent people who want privacy, because all forms of ID can be hacked, just like all digital security measures can be defeated, most OS's can be hacked, etc

V____Z ago

Thanks for weighing in! Your insight helps.

srayzie ago

Thank you for all the great info. I'm going to go start watching now.

GrDec ago

Let's quote the George Webbtard hero from his own YT video comments:

Day 224.3. Hillary's Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen


I am a zionist, so i admit i protect Israel in the story. Israel supports the ISIS ratline (75% of Israeli line is from the ratline i believe) But i don't believe they are involved, etc. My big focus is to get all the emails, not to shame Israel. The emails are the key to the investigation IMO.

Pretty funny thing to say, for a guy who is not even Jewish, wouldn't you say?

Just like i wrote many times already, All of his "research" is carefully constructed to divert attention from AIPAC / Israel's involvement in the corrupt US government, and in organ, women and child trafficking

Anyone with half a brain can figure out the Awan Brothers were employed by Mossad through AIPAC.. they were really patsies working on gathering info for the state of Israel, of course neither George or the zionist Gayson are going to mention this.

dcdale9 ago

I agree the diversion is obvious. He has outed the rat lines in the middle east, and remains silent on Israel's rat lines. The longest in existence since 1900. They are the world's leader in human trafficking and organ harvesting. The atrocities Israel has inflicted on the Palestinians is beyond my imagination. The women the kidnapped and children the took from parents to traffic them for organs or send them to the US to groom for later infiltration like Braverman, Brown, Obama.

dcdale9 ago

You bet he's steering this away from pizzagate. The horrific stories he told us about the Jews and they are still murdering Palestinians for trafficking and organ harvesting. I think that's one reason he deleted the videos. He revealed too much.

mysecretidentity ago

where are you getting the idea george webb isn't jewish? i've heard him mention in several of his videos he is a zionist jew

dcdale9 ago

Yes , he claims a converted Jew! Mom was Roman Catholic.

dcdale9 ago

He's a converted Jew. Was not born a Jew. I think he's conflicted about this. Webb writes his thoughts I a forum omegashock.com His user name is: mangled man

dcdale9 ago

Webb was not born Jewish. His mom was a Roman Catholic. I read her obit. Webb admitted he converted. He has pretty much revealed his history of be involved as an operative. He was recruited by a Czech writer for Russia to find later the Czech was a Russian, 1989.

GrDec ago

He isn't

His brother has stated SEVERAL times on video, that his family is ZERO Jewish.

I have the videos on YT if you want to watch them.


Look at his mother's obituary.. and read where is was buried and what kind of ceremony she had..


GSW's mother was not jewish, and there is no evidence that his father was jewish either.

Just because George's insane mind or his Mossad handlers want to make people think he is Jewish, doesn't mean that he is.


privatepizza ago

Sounds interesting V, thanks for the ping !

DarkMath ago

"sharing information about crimes of the elite."

Great! I'm glad you're on board now. If you want to talk about possible crimes of the Elite look no further than James Alefantis and his Pegasus Museum. There have been numerous articles here that delve into the shady loop holes rich beautiful white people are given to transport their "Art".

In fact the buying and selling of Art is often a cover for money laundering. Given the fact George Webb is so poor he has to stay in a Motel 6 I don't think you could call him "Elite".

So by you're own measure buying and selling expensive Art takes precedence in this investigation. What do ya say? Pegasus Museum is a possible cover for money laundering?


DonKeyhote ago

Jews arent white you fucking asshole

DarkMath ago

Only Nazis are all white.


Silverlining ago

And DK makes a fearsome foursome!

GrDec ago

Typical DarkJew zionist disinfo.. he's always ready to defend Israel / Mossad / AIPAC and its agents

how's the weather in Tel Aviv?

DarkMath ago

"how's the weather in Tel Aviv?"

I'm not Jewish. How's the weather in Romania today?

You lose, again.


GrDec ago

There is nothing to lose. We all already know you are an IDF / Zionist / Israel shill.

DarkMath ago

I'm not a shill. You're the shill remember? You're the one who too stupid to get a real job and get paid to post bull shit here.


V____Z ago

Honey, the topic here is Zionism. Try to stay on it.

20Justice4All17 ago

No, it's Pizzagate.

DarkMath ago

So now its Zionism. Ok. George Webb has no credibility because of "Zionism". Silly question but if George Webb has no credibility why do you feel so compelled to remind us all day every day? Your entire job appears to be convincing everyone here that George Webb should not be listened to.

That's odd. If you don't think George Webb has any credibility then just ignore him. Investigate James Alefantis and his Pegasus Museum for a possible money laundering operation.

GrDec ago

How can anyone who's job is to

protect Israel in the story

have any credibility?

DarkMath ago

Stop talking about George Webb.

If you want to help us out investigate James Alefantis and his Pegasus Museum. It's always looked very sketchy to me. Art sales would be an ingenious way to launder money. And the "art" itself can bypass customs through a philanthropic loop hole for the very rich.


Silverlining ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagateproof/1696971 Pegasus information dump 's [won't claim its the best] for anyone wanting to reopen this angle. Pegasus sort of trailed off before...

GrDec ago

I've found if you want to shut up a zionist / israel paid shill if to start talking about the connection between the Awan Bros and AIPAC / Mossad The shills scatter like roaches. It's hysterical.

DarkMath ago

I've found if you want to shut up a troll quick start talking about James Alefantis and Pegasus Museum. The shills scatter like roaches. It's hysterical.

equineluvr ago

"Stop talking about George Webb."

Oh look!! It's the POSTING NAZI!!

DarkMath ago

Oh look!! It's the POSTING NAZI!!

GrDec ago

Why don't you ask your hero George to 'investigate" the connection between the Awan Bros and AIPAC / Mossad.?

Do you really believe they got hired to have access to all DNC data without the approval of Israel firster Debbie Wasserman Shultz???

V____Z ago
