Narcissism ago

Thailand is not a pedo destination unlike Cambodia.

Gothamgirl ago

You know what makes your discovery interesting. Podesta has emails that are written in Mandarin that contain a bunch pictures of children, in the attachments, 3 of them fit the profile of the kid screaming in the shower. In one of those emails he says "please send your girl to tie the knot." Your discovery comes from someone's blog Interesting that it's marked evidence.

winner2018 ago

No.. This is bullshit

Gothamgirl ago

You may have pointed out new victims, and I thought it was a kid, good job something new to investigate.

winner2018 ago

LOL, their deaths have nothing to do with PG because PG is bullshit! Worldcrop is bullshit, It's all bullshit!

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Not disbelieving you Gotham girl but can you share a link.

twistedmac11 ago

@gothamgirl is this the one you're talking about?

It's an email with a bunch of picture attachments on different ways to tie "scarfs".

Message translates (using google, so it's a rough translation) to "Please send your new female scarf to knot the law, please smile. Please male transfer to the female family or friends."

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Is she selling the girls in the pictures?

twistedmac11 ago

Possibly; honestly idk. There's gotta be something to it though; it doesn't make sense for these emails to be sent with no rhyme or reason. I noticed the Hermes logo, and I also noticed the Beijing 2008 olympics logo; could those be clues of some kind? Idk I'm just throwing out some stuff 😆

winner2018 ago

Oh nooo, he received spam!

Gothamgirl ago

Thats the one, and 2 young boys here with Panda's. And then this kid hidden in the pic looks pretty terrified to me. Then there is cookie cut out of picture, of a kid in a pamper here.

There is a few little girls & boys in those same emails to.

DeathTooMasons ago

Orange County california has more pedos per capita than just about anywhere. I have lived in Thailand, I would say Cambodia isa bigger problem.

crashing_this_thread ago

Thailand has more pedo tourism I bet.

Vindicator ago

@winner2018: Thank you for researching and posting this. It's very fishy how hard these worldcorpo videos are pushed around here. And now here is evidence they are disinfo. Giving this a "New Evidence" flair.

winner2018 ago

Their trolls and finding this was easy, i just cropped the photo of the body from the background and used google reverse image search... should have been done by someone months ago

winner2018 ago

Stop deleting me you faggot

winner2018 ago

here is a webpage about her with the unedited photo: