SterlingJB ago

Haha, I liked the meta ending. Also, not sure what breadcrumbs you're talking abt but the ardent critics are sure using a lot of CTR rhetorical tactics whether they know it or not. Ethos assualts or kill the messenger tactics work on fb great but seem to backfire on voat. Also, who knows, perhaps GW is the pie piper of Pg and deep state. (Personally cld see them both being a plotted and coordinated effort: p word and g in tandem has done a number. Bannon though, not hrc, wld be my guess for string puller). But no matter what I learned a shit ton abt the corp side of the pentagon from him the 3 months that I followed consistently. Well not really from him but from his reading list of sources which led me to more articles and books.

defango ago

Here is a bunch more stuff that was found about it.

It seems they are really trying to slam little ole me

HolyMoly0 ago

Thanks for stopping by. Don't be a stranger.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Dressage2 ago

Is there anything wrong with waking up and wanting to be a super hero any day or any year? That is what red pilling is. A lot of people woke up last year and still continue to do so with Webb informing them of what is really going on. There is a lot of informative people that have a certain skill set that allows them to make YTs, blogs, Periscopes, etc., and some are only just beginning to gather viewers on this information highway. I only pray more people wake up every day and become a super hero like Webb. I consider all of us super heroes as well as every day we continue to dig into this slew hole we live in. Some people just happen to be better at it than others. @jem777 @jangles @DarkMath

jangles ago

@V____Z > i have personal trolls, pay them no mind :) archive

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

You must have not understood what i said... Or maybe I'm not understanding what you said... But I said, Attack the the information he is providing. What about his information was wrong, what information are people in deniable about? To clarify; Information pertaining to this research... not george webb himself. I'll have to watch his entire clip, as there is usually a lot of context that has been cut out, or it has been misinterpreted by who ever is attacking him... But It's interesting you only have the last sentence in quotes.... but you don't quote the things that you're saying we should stop supporting him and deem his information invalid.

George has an audience that knows him. They know what he means when he says certain things.... I DO NOT know what he means in this specific instance, again, as I have not watched it in its entirety. But again, the attacks are the same attacks with different "Evidence."

For example, when people attack him for saying He likes bill clinton, it doesn't mean he presenting information on behalf of bill clinton.... In fact, he's presented more damning information on the clintons, than voat has as whole... ten times over. Do I think he should be saying shit like that? NO I wish he didn't.... But only because I know It gives people like you something to bitch about.

If given the choice right now, Between current practices, and old practices, are you suggesting it doesn't matter? it's all the same? Because thinking like that is your problem. It's not the same, It's not comparable. But again, I'm not commenting on the current attacks against george, as I have not seen his full video... But even without seeing the full video, It's obvious your attacking him for the same shit everyone's been attacking him for, from the start.

Attacking george because of george.... And ignoring the irrefutable amount of evidence he's put forth. He's basically exposed more than this entire forum has, 10 times over. If you just started watching george, I understand how you're unaware of that... you have 750 videos from the last 230+ days that you'd need to watch to catch up.

So maybe you can shut me up right now... What information has he put forth that is disinfo? Or simply incorrect? For you to answer that, you'll need to state how you know the information is incorrect. I'm not saying you have to accept everything he says as fact, in fact, you'd be retarded to do so. But what data has he put forth that is in correct, and how do you know it's in correct? Working theory is not an example of his data being incorrect. Working theory is speculation based on the verifiable data. So please enlighten me with once piece of data that is incorrect

NotTooLate ago

This is true and is important to remember. I'm not sure what I'm missing with the downvotes on this one.

LostandFound ago

Agree, thank you for sharing V_Z

SuperShilly ago

I watched one video of that faggot and knew he was a fraud

srayzie ago

Thank you for keeping up with this! I'm trying to follow this but you make it much easier because it's like you're my little reporter lol. You've kept me busy watching YouTube videos lately. Who is the honey boo boo that George keeps talking about? Obviously it's not the reality show girl.

V____Z ago

He's referring to that weird psyop with Reality Winner. Drunk George couldn't remember her name so called her Honey Boo Boo, and strangely never forgets to call her that.

srayzie ago

Ohhh haha that's funny

numbtoyou ago


pizzagatecharlotte ago

If he is genuine, who is funding his operation?

jangles ago

Fucking joke. Defame him by your pay I stand by him with my logic and honor.

Jsanto ago

Had to log in for this and give my two cents, your right webs not to be trusted . Theres something unsettling about the three musketeers. George is not your ordinary operative, on a another level of shill. It's also possible nothing will become of this , web will continue making his TV show, claiming more revelation and the public will eat it up as we've done. Has anyone from voat ever met web spoken with him?

DeathTooMasons ago

He got rid of nobody, delivered limited hangouts and is a scumbag spook. But you see the positives. Fail.

DeathTooMasons ago

He is jaw dropping to you because you want to suck on his cockledoodledoo. Stop Talking bad about my hero George!

DeathTooMasons ago

George is a first rate scumbag, and has people idolizing him. Shame there are so many needy followers who need a hero, and they latch on to a psychopath spook with a smile.

Donttormebro ago

With his "groundbreaking" work he should be dead. He posts his location everywhere all the time and has had nothing happen to him. He's not with us for sure.

DeathTooMasons ago

Maybe he will get posisoned like David Seaman, twice.

Donttormebro ago

I have a feeling his YouTube comments are somewhat faked

islandofdelight ago

Another hit piece. You are willfully ignorant. Go find something better to talk about.

DeathTooMasons ago

No, you go to a thread you prefer. We will continue on. Sweat it.

ArthurEdens ago

Any info that he brings to light is good, his end goal is not good enough for me either. I choose to ignore him 80% of the time but I've come to understand how the world is operating partly because of him. I know you think he should be dumped with the trash and I respect your stance.

NotTooLate ago

This is my opinion only. If you chose to watch him you are playing with fire. Who else or what else could you be watching or reading. What 80% do you ignore and what 20% do you trust. I agree he needs to be watched so people can validate and see what he is doing but your time is valuable and this is one very dangerous guy.

ArthurEdens ago

At the very least I'm getting the experience of how live action espionage and disinfo agents works, and what a tightrope politics is because you never know who or what to trust. The 20% I trust are the bits I can doublecheck myself. The other stuff is soup. I have no stakes in the game so it doesn't matter which parts I believe honestly.

blumeanie ago

Drop George Webb and move on, simple dimple.

DeathTooMasons ago

You move on. Don't worry about others exposing him and sharing info. Move on and don't come back. Simple dimple, ya pimple.

V____Z ago

I've been saying this since January, nothing new about it. You are a fan of his goal to restore the ole rat lines, because?

redditsuckz ago

It's possible he is doing some sort of mind control operation

And you are contributing to it when you keep posting links to their videos. Maybe when you said you were raised by Jews they mind-fucked you into working for them. You even said you know David Seaman(?)...or followed him for years(?) and listening to David Seaman too much probably fucked you in the head.

What I have learned from all your threads is that the Jews are scared the goyim wont follow them off a cliff anymore. Are the Jews afraid of the goys finding a goy leader to lead them to the truth?...or are they more afraid that the goyim will begin to think for themselves with no need for a leader/shepherd?

DeathTooMasons ago

Redditsucks, but you swallow.

redditsuckz ago

From your other account @Death2Masons it looks like you are a bitch and swallow for the Jews.

V____Z ago

You're a trip, that's all i'll say to this.

V____Z ago

Share more?What was your experience, if you feel comfortable...

Baxterbaxter ago

I'm a skeptic because of who Webb doesn't talk about... Obama. IMO his objective is to build a firewall, taking the Clinton cabal down while leaving Obama's operation intact.

I mean really, Clinton served as sec of state under Obama, her criminal operations in full swing, much of which Webb discusses at great length, but Obama is never implicated that I can recall. I followed Webb closely for quite some time, but not much lately. Did I miss something?

DeathTooMasons ago

He spoke about Obama and said he likes him.

Baxterbaxter ago

He gets close to talking about Obama, but always changes the subject, never going one step further to implicate him. I find this so incredible, because to believe Obama had no involvement in Clinton's activities one would have to believe he wasn't aware of what was happening in his own administration.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I started watching George Webb's videos a few months ago and it seemed like incoherent babbling. At best, he's a terrible communicator.

Vindicator ago

Struck me as ADHD to the nines.

kazza64 ago

he looks like cia to me ..... its just like life ..... i take what i want and leave the rest

Narcissism ago

All he is doing is to look non-threatened to the old established order. If he takes on both the new and old Deep State he would be walking dead by now. The excesses of the New Deep State are far worse than the old guard. If you want an angel in all this you are going to need to look elsewhere.

meowski ago

George Webb is disinfo. I can see them coming a mile away. He already admitted in so many words that he worked for Mossad.

DeathTooMasons ago

He want to go back to the old ways of child traficking. Why do people bash him so?

Shillaxe ago

Just a few organs, here & there. ...

equineluvr ago

"Webb runs these facts off in your face, like a timeshare salesman." -- Dave Acton

equineluvr ago

A FF like you describe is certainly plausible.

Who knows what the "end game" to this WEB business is.

V____Z ago

Why is he flashing pictures like this

equineluvr ago

Acton was on Defango's show a couple of days ago discussing this. (Dave enters at 5:02, Webb discussion begins about 5:30.)

Acton on Defango's Show

They discuss the "deja vu" of Justin Wooley of about a year and a half ago, with a dreaded possible FF ending with Webb at ~6:50. At about 8 minutes they discuss Webb constantly OUTING everyone who is trying to remain anon, including not only associates but informants as well. At about 8:48 they discuss MrCati's (and Acton's) opinion that Webb is mopping up info.

Webb is most likely gathering info from and data on people who know things. MIND CONTROL was also raised by Acton, who wonders if Webb may have embedded tones in his GooTube videos. About 09:35, Acton asks Defango if he can perform spectrum analysis on Webb's audios to detect subaudible tones because he said that listening to Webb clouded his head, just as he got while listening to disinfo agent Dallas Goldbug. (I REMEMBER that Masonic clown.)

There's more -- discussion of Webb's "interesting" bio, Kissinger connection, his actions that belie his narrative, his CIA-associated education, his women, etc. I don't want to transcribe the entire video.

Remember that Webb's backgrounds/specialties are DATA MINING and BEHAVIORAL ANALYTICS. !!

Behavioral analytics is a recent advancement in business analytics that reveals new insights into the behavior of consumers on eCommerce platforms, online games, web and mobile applications, and IoT. The rapid increase in the volume of raw event data generated by the digital world enables methods that go beyond typical analysis[promotional language] by demographics and other traditional metrics that tell us what kind of people took what actions in the past. Behavioral analysis focuses on understanding how consumers act and why, enabling accurate predictions about how they are likely to act in the future. It enables marketers to make the right offers to the right consumer segments at the right time.

Behavioral analytics utilizes the massive volumes of raw user event data captured during sessions in which consumers use application, game, or website, including traffic data like navigation path, clicks, social media interactions, purchasing decisions and marketing responsiveness. Also, the event-data can include advertising metrics like click-to-conversion time, as well as comparisons between other metrics like the monetary value of an order and the amount of time spent on the site. These data points are then compiled and analyzed, whether by looking at session progression from when a user first entered the platform until a sale was made, or what other products a user bought or looked at before this purchase. Behavioral analysis allows future actions and trends to be predicted based on the collection of such data.

While business analytics has a more broad focus on the who, what, where and when of business intelligence, behavioral analytics narrows that scope, allowing one to take seemingly unrelated data points in order to extrapolate, predict and determine errors and future trends. It takes a more holistic and human view of data, connecting individual data points to tell us not only what is happening, but also how and why it is happening.

cantsleepawink ago

Good comment. People also need to brush up on behavioral game theory

V____Z ago

"White Rabbit", the source of what Webb fallaciously claimed were Seth Rich files, and new (they were neither), says that the files were changed after Webb got a hold of them, before releasing them and demanding everyone hurriedly download them.

The files uploaded by #georgewebb and #jasongoodman have been tampered with and may contain tracking malware. The files are not the same.

V____Z ago

Why are there so many people complaining about me sharing this information? This is earth-shattering. A guy was sent in to disrupt our pizzagate investigation, he has admitted to working for Mossad, and now he is telling us he was called in to restore more subtle forms of, essentially, pizzagate.

If you don't see it that way, fine. But i'm sick pf being trolled by Webb's online army, the same ones who demand that every big channel interview Webb - this is all the work of Brocks trolls, in my opinion. Very familiar to me, as someone was trolled relentlessly for not supporting Hillary.

So, Brock bots, I am ignoring you. And Jason, I know you read my comments, I am no longer posting my research where you can see it.

Fatsack ago

You are a disinfo shill.

V____Z ago

In your opinion, posting a little clip of Webb and quoting him makes me a shill? Do you support him and his goal of restoring subtle rat lines?

Fatsack ago

Apparently you support the all out ratlines that target innocents for their organs. I'd rather have no ratlines but i'll take ratlines that only target convicts and not children. Apparently you don't want your own personal pizza parties interrupted you sick fuckin pedo

V____Z ago

Apparently you didn't even watch the video slip that is the subject of this post - he wants "subtle compromise of children" too.

Fatsack ago

timestamp and link please

srayzie ago

Well then where are you gonna post it? Private message me then! Haha

V____Z ago

suddenly PMs get hacked LOL

DeathTooMasons ago

As always, big thumbs up. Keep all over Webb if only to get the shills to expose themselves by implausably continuing to defend him.

V____Z ago

Thanks! Word is this week the youtube community is going to let them have it. Be watching Tracey Beans and Agent 19. Lift the Veil is trying to claim everyone on both sides is part of a psyop... and Jason is saying they're all after him, and wrong and Very Bad People, and encouraging them to "research" just who Defango really is, and threatening to out Rabbit. Jason's new video is full of comments from his audience laughing at him. (But he will soon delete those, I'm sure)

DeathTooMasons ago

Because there are a lot of sock pupett accounts in here. Think about it, what type of researcher would overlook that George is a piece of shit spook, talks about how he was part of pedo entrapment schemes, talks about wanting to have more moderate child traficking and organ harvesting, and thinks there are a lot of good comrads in his profession that he admires? Only a shill. No excuse for anybody else to have a problem with exposing this creep.

islandofdelight ago

If you are sick of being 'trolled', then stop attacking him. Expect a cause and effect. This site has a bad history of attacking individuals... you do not pay close enough attention to know what Webb said. He does not work for Mossad - he said he's never been on a Mossad pay roll. The truth is more complicated. The same fools will burn down whatever Tulsi Gabbard tries to do because her name is on C.F.R. membership list.

NotTooLate ago

This is huge evidence of how dangerous he is. Address the video instead of agitating. Are you into subtle compromise of children? Is that what you are saying here? George Webb....subtle rat lines, subtle compromise of children, and subtle organ harvesting, "Washington is screaming for that so, that's why I'm here, trying to get back to the good ole days".

DeathTooMasons ago

If an individual is a spook trying to lead investigations in the wrong direction, they need to be outed and people need to know that they can't source him for research without taking in his lies with any good info they might extract. You having a problem with this, and ignoring what is being showm, puts you in a bad light.

ArtificalDuality ago

Yes... another circumstantial logical bit is this:

The videos produced often take a moderate studio and people to be produced. They require editing into a final, convincing result. You have to look through the eyes of a media producer.

Using this, you can tell which videos have "media force" behind them and which not. David Brock's Media Matters Read it. You'll be stunned. This is the NWO media battle plan to shape your truths.

Videos that suggest a media team behind them act as an amplification to content validation. If there's fallacies in the content (truth) conveyed, big chance it's organized effort.

Honey Bee for example is real. She doesn't emphasize the (media) format. She's all content. She also intermingles with the people. GW does not do that. All these 'super-agent-master-investigators' don't do that. Their communications are a one-way street.

Another "bio-marker" of disinfo and noisification is the fact that the videos involved are often hours in length and don't really say much. They are designed to be a time-sink (stealing your valuable time) that keep you trapped in their mills. Quick calculation:

10K people watching a 3-hour video equals 30.000 hours of wasted time. Imagine how 30.000 hours of manpower could be used to USEFUL stuff....

Dressage2 ago

Just because someone does their intel gathering, dissemination differently doesn't make it less valid, less informative or not true. Webb moves in the direction the leads take him. He doesn't have a pre-set agenda. Everyone has their own style and his has been very successful. All the people that complain just stop watching him and ignore his data. I already know that there are people on here I never bother to read their posts because I know their MO. It all results in bullshit. we have so many people telling us personally that we are crazy, Pizzagate is bullshit, etc., relatives included, but we all move forward because we know that the more we research the more we uncover. @jem777 @Darkmath @jangles

DarkMath ago

Amen Dressage2.

And thank you for sticking up for me.


Jem777 ago

Has anyone wondered why certain posters only submit about George Webb. They put more energy into defaming him than actually investigating pizzagate. In fact she must be scouring his every word to try and confirm her bias. This is obsessive & odd behavior. She might need to talk to someone about this problem. @DarkMath, @Dressage2, @jangles

V____Z ago

But you're following and supporting someone who makes 10 videos a day nonstop for the past 6 months, that's obsessive! I post one a day for the past week, because this week he is being outed and this community is going to be saved from this psyop. It isn't just me, many people are following this unfolding story closely because it was an attack on THIS community, and we are trying to stop it by telling the truth.

In this post, I'm making clear that George Webb said he is here to make sure the rat lines remain, just not obviously. If you care about investigating pizzagate, and you care about children, why are you not thanking me for making this clear to all? He wants to get back to "subtle compromise of children"!!! WTF

DarkMath ago

"makes 10 videos a day nonstop for the past 6 months"

Correct. How many times have I explained the following? George Webb is Mossad and Israel turning state's evidence against their co-conspirators.

You refuse to acknowledge that. Why? The only reason I can think of is you're a shill. Otherwise you would give Israel some credit for at least fessing up to their crimes.

Israel turning state's evidence is a brilliant move. These are, ding ding ding, "The Jews!(tm)". They're smart and make great lawyers. Israel turning state's evidence forces all the blame on the remaining co-conspirators, it almost completely nullifies their guilt. It's a brilliant move. This is so obvious you couldn't miss it. You are falling right into their rhetorical trap as well. You're coming across as practically another Pocket Hitler like the Horsefucker. Get it?

Israel turning state's evidence allows them to run the table. And they are. George Webb is Israel leading the pack of co-conspirators by a country mile. They'll cross the finish line days before everyone else. Israel will come out looking like heroes despite the fact they played a role albeit 2nd fiddle. George H.W. Bush and David Rockefeller planned 9/11 and hired Mossad explosives experts to rig the WTC towers. Israel and Mossad played a part in 9/11 and a lot of other stuff. They have blood on their hands.

Whatever game you're playing isn't working. Get it?


jangles ago

I don't understand why all the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and why they used Steganography to communicate. Can you answer those questions?

DarkMath ago

"I don't understand why all the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia"

Because after the Soviet Union collapsed there was only Communist China and Radical Islam left and China has too many nukes to fuck with so they picked poor brown people. Plus we were already really good at bombing poor brown people.

Dressage2 ago

LOL. I agree as I just told someone too much work pulling up all Webb's metadata. If you don't believe what he says just move along to the next post. Believe me I do on here all the time. Too much effort to read all the crap.

jangles ago

@V____Z has diminishing credibility. @Jem777 I have noticed this tactic is working for them. A personal friend of mine, and investigator was just telling me yesterday they were buying into the disinformation campaign, now after showing him my resources he understands the situation more clearly, CIA tactics for sure. George and Jason are doing a good job defending their position and as they do more live streams we will see how these shills pushing a GW witch hunt will find themselves tied to the stake.

NotTooLate ago

Are you saying he is lying in this video where he say's he's here trying to get back to the good old days of subtle compromise of children and organ "donation". Because if you are, you are confirming he is a liar using his "different way of disseminating".

Watch people and make them answer the question this OP has addressed. They are going to pepper the submission with more disrupt and disinfo while not acknowledging what is coming out of GW's own mouth.

V____Z ago


ArtificalDuality ago

And ofcourse he calls in the usual suspects. I'm still waiting for an answer.

islandofdelight ago

You are ridiculous saying his videos have a 'media force' behind them. They are not hours in length. What even are you talking about? What fallacies?

ArtificalDuality ago

It is a generic remark. Obviously you haven't looked through eyes of media production, nor have an impression of relevant education / knowledge taught in that field. One of the aspects of media work is creating a setting; illusion. The lone youtuber is as much a result of that. No. Not every youtuber has more capable media processing facilities. But you can tell by a whole lot of things what is homebrew and what is designed media script using facilities.

GrDec ago

You are a liar.

Of course GWS's videos are hours in length.. some of this videos may be short, but he posts hundreds of them. The guy rambles on and on and on, about all kinds of nonsense, and about the same things on and on.. . most of the garbage he says could be condensed in one or two pages of graphs and text.

George Webb Sweigert is pure disinfo.

V____Z ago

10K people watching a 3-hour video equals 30.000 hours of wasted time. Imagine how 30.000 hours of manpower could be used to USEFUL stuff.... investigating pizzagate!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Honestly, I think you should still post your research here. Youre research is really important and you would be giving up an important platform if you give up posting here, so please don't. It really doesn't matter if they see it, its only going to make them work harder, and thats ok.

V____Z ago

Thanks for weighing in, and for the nice compliment. I'll consider this. It's enraging to hear him repeat exactly what i just said here on his livestream, and uses it simply as a prompt for George to respond to, and either incorporate it into his narrative (THE AWAN BROTHERS AGAIN!!!) or explain it away with a simple "no i didn't say that" regardless of evidence to the contrary.

jangles ago

You are a fucking troll, "the awan brothers again" That has irrefutable evidence, unlike your claims.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I agree with @ohrutherfordbehave .. take it as a compliment. They want investigators here there and everywhere to take away the solidarity and team work here.

Vindicator ago

Yes. Yes they do.

V____Z ago

Thanks, U&S.

<Fist bump>

equineluvr ago

For some, their egos are bruised.

It just kills them to admit that they were hoodwinked by this clown for so many MONTHS. This is evidenced by HOW MANY "George Webb says" threads have been posted on this forum -- just a few weeks ago, the entire front page was nothing but "George Webb reporting on Seth Rich's 'murder" bullcrap.

Some are STILL in denial about Webb. It's unreal.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

EDit: And obviously I didn't write this to @equineluvr, as his motives are overtly clear. Look at this history. its for anyone that might not be up to date

Wait... They are in Denial about what? What about his information was wrong? If you mean they are in denial about his motives, you would be making a fair point..Because there are people who have been following him from the get goi, yet some how didn't realize who he actually is connected to...

BUT THATS NOT WHAT YOU MEAN. Is it? You're insinuating that somehow all of the information that's been accumulated by thousands of people, and presented by George is invalid.

I literally just got done apologizing to someone who I told to kill themselves in the heat of the moment, after saying I only say that shit when I'm drunk... but I can't help myself, SOBER ME is begging you to kill yourself @equineluvr . I don't know why it has to come to that... I mean, For whatever Reason, I don't think you're being paid... perhaps I'm retarded to assume that since you have a clear agenda here on voat... But why can't you just stop being retarded? Go after things that warrant going after. Go after something he said that was deliberately disinfo to thwart the pizza/pedogate research. Go after something that he said, that hew knew to be un true. George's investigiation is about the investigation and the information supporting it. Not who george is working for.

Fuck tard, what if Jullian Assange ends up being a russian agent???? WHO THE FUCK CARES! I wouldn't care if Jullian is putins gay lover.... The information he provides is solid, and without it, we're nothing. Granted, jullian assange's role is completely different, but its a vaild comparison for the point I'm trying to make

Attack the information, or shut the fuck up. All of this can only exist because of people that are involved in the deep-state. To clarify for those who need clarifying... There are fuck ton of people in the deep state, trying to take down the deep state... being in the deep state doesn't make you the enemy at this point in time. They might have been horrible people in the past. But the point is, for whatever reason, they are done facilitating the current practices of the deep state.

If john podesta wanted to fucking turn, We should welcome him with open arms.... Granted that would be extremelly hard to do... But It would be retarderd to ignore what he has tyo say or contribute, if he had legit turned from the deep state. Fortunately, or unfortunately, We will never have to cross that bridge, as that will never happen...

Perhaps welcoming john podesta with open arms might be a bit much, and I'm not saying George was horrible person in the past, but anyone working against the deep state, is on our side.

All I'm saying is, You;'re a retard or a shill... And you're deliberately trying to persuade people into doubting the information he's presented. You can't actually point to information and dissolve the allegations that come from it... You stick to "HE'S AN AGENT SPREADING DISINFO"

George only has credibility because of what he's presented. His Hopes and motivations are irrelevant. He has no control over where his information will lead to. He could be fucking hitler reincarnated... Until his information starts to be debunked, and or exposed, you;re hurting everything that is pedogate. If this has already happened, then please enlighten me with some examples?

For anyone that was ever under the impression that george webb is NOT connected in some way or another to an intelligence agency, I'm sorry to say, he is.

That being said. THere is no fucking pedogate, without people within the intelligence community... that's the blunt truth. As powerfuil as this open source research is... IT'S NOTHING, WITHOUT PEOPLE ON THE INSIDE, Such as george.

Dressage2 ago

I agree and the intel people are the ones who give us great leads. Look at FBIanon. Most of his info has come to pass yet Media Matters' trolls continue to call his leads disinformation. I just ignore what they say about Webb and crew and continue on. People need to use their own filters and move forward. Also, everyone has an opinion, and you should let others make up their own minds.

Metadata is our friend, which Webb uses for his investigation. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are helping Webb with his investigation. That is what pisses off the trolls and those trying to make a living off the internet. Webb gives his info away for free. No disrespect for those trying to make a living with their YT channels and blogs as many of those contribute to the info highway as well, but don't discredit someone who is helping tremendously and has developed an amazing way of gathering intel. @DarkMath @jem777 @jangles

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

@Dressange2 I'm hesitant to say this in this forum as it can only discredit my original point.... But I'll give it a disclaimer at the end.

I think george webb has some connection to FBI ANON. Either knows who it is, Or in fact is FBI ANON... Fuck, Not gonna lie, I feel retarded for saying that... but that's what My gut says based on a lot of shit... And I'd like to have record of saying that so on the slim chance he actually is FBI ANON, I can say " Told you so." Petty,I know.

And if some how we ever do find out who FBI ANON is, I will just sneak back in here, delete this comment, and pretend I was never retarded enough to think that.

I will confidently say that FBI ANON is not in the FBI... because step one to remaining anonymous yet credible; Don't say who you fucking work for, but make sure you say you work for someone who would know the things your sharing. No FBI agent is going on to 4 chan, attempting to remain anonymous, yet giving their ACTUAL place of employment. If that were the case... We wouldn't have a second and third FBI ANON thread, as they would be stopped after the frist.

Dressage2 ago

No need to delete if wrong, right now just a working theory. I can believe Anon is not FBI as it sounds logical, but I have no experience in the three letter groups.

Jsanto ago

I still think Seth rich hold weight but I don't trust web and his army of cult follower shills

islandofdelight ago

You can't say his research cannot be accurate. A lot of character hit pieces based on only things he's said. You look desperate trying to defame him.

NotTooLate ago

He starts of with some good information - you are thrilled, something is finally going to happen to these evil do-ers. He asks you to help him investigate, you send him things on the good information. The next day, he does a total switch and steers you completely away from the truth. Lost forever and I just have to get to this new thing...Have to go to Haiti to save the kids....have to stop these stinger missiles moved to Mexico that will shoot down our planes. You are stunned, questioning but have invested so much and want to learn more. If you just stick with him you can figure it out. You don't want to stop watching and being hand fed information and entertainment because you aren't getting it anywhere else. It takes hours to validate his stuff and help the independent researchers. You don't have this kind of time. So you keep watching.....and believing.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Why is it that someone needs someone to follow? I listem to everyone and trust no one while researching. I believe the most interesting revelations were exposed by anon researchers here on voat. Seamen, Cernovich, Jones, and Webb are ALL controlled oppositions.

Jsanto ago

It's a shill network, Jones has been exposed for years by William Cooper ex navel intelligence officer, whom lost his life for exposing the truth.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Hence, we need to fight back and tell others that these disinfo agents are leading many astray. I've seen several posts claiming that we are the shills because we denounce Webb and others.

islandofdelight ago

Everyone here is following someone for information.

V____Z ago

But e, the people i'm talking about are accounts i've never seen before.

dreeeg ago

I am one you have accused.. I have been here since the beginning.. I just want to call you out for make continuous posts attacking Webb.. I question Defangos links to Cicada 3301 (notice the 33 ) I am annoyed that Defango escapes any scrutiny.

Gothamgirl ago

I agree.

V____Z ago

I said at this time, i don't see why anything about him matters beyond the hard data he shows us about the files. But I believe Tracey Beans is going to do a video making this same information clear (and I expect there will be something from her history people here freak out over), so we won't have to rely on Defango for it.

dreeeg ago

Defango has done damage regardless of what happens now-- Go to his about on you tube-- he thinks he is an interdimensional being... sound occultism to you?

NotTooLate ago

I agree with you on being annoyed that Defango is trusted.

Vindicator ago

I have noticed a rash of new accounts pushing GW since the Seth Rich resurgence, as well.

NotTooLate ago

The same thing happened on his new youtube channel with sudden new adoring followers with creepy pics and similarly worded about descriptions.

privatepizza ago

I've noticed that too... so many names we don't know suddenly interested in SR and the GW threads. Most haven't commented much at all and all of a sudden they're highly animated. Thanks for sharing the news from your side @Vindicator

V____Z ago

Wow, thanks, that's helpful :)

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Because it's kind of not earth shattering... anymore. This is pretty widely believed and Im glad you're now seeing it. Am I wrong remembering that you were pretty Team GW a few weeks ago? If I am, apologies.

GuannaRue ago

I am almost certainly convinced that OP (@V____Z) is a disinfo shill! I've said it before.

NotTooLate ago

Address the video instead of agitating. Are you into subtle compromise of children? Is that what you are saying here? George Webb....subtle rat lines, subtle compromise of children, and subtle organ harvesting, "Washington is screaming for that so, that's why I'm here, trying to get back to the good ole days".

GuannaRue ago

I don't watch celebrity videos. I don't give a fuck about George webb and I am not interested in what he has to say. This guy is obvious disinfo, just like all the other ambulance-chasing, attention whores.

Save your bullshit for some other idiot.

V____Z ago

I've seen it since the first and only video I watched of his while he still had the benefit of the doubt. In it, he said if we all get on Twitter, and tweet a certain hashtag, he'll find us when he gets some huge reward, and of course he doesn't want a dime, but we'll each get "at least" a million dollars. How could anyone take him seriously after that? I saw it as a honeytrap immediately, and him as a bullshit disinfo agent.

But not everyone is aware... yet

ArtificalDuality ago

Honey Bee for example is real. She doesn't emphasize the (media) format. She's all content. She also intermingles with the people. GW does not do that. All these 'super-agent-master-investigators' don't do that. Their communications are a one-way street.

V____Z ago

100% agree.

Vindicator ago

I would love to see the link to that tweet. That guy set off my shill-dar from the day one "Where is Eric Braverman?" hype.

DeathTooMasons ago

You should set off your own shill-dar. Must be noisy in your head 24-7.

privatepizza ago

Yeah... and now he's saying that Eric Braverman is safe with his mom in Israel. Can you believe it?

He made an entire show of "Where is Eric Braverman" and then this???

Here's the 30 sec clip as evidence -

V____Z ago

It wasn't a tweet, it was a video where he said this. and of course, he removed the video.

Kcpedogate ago

Obsessed much? This is getting a little ridiculous, shill team six. If you you don't like him, don't watch him, soooo simple. Its almost like you are watching everything he does to try and find something to discredit him, dont you have a real job, or is this your only one?

DeathTooMasons ago

What is it to you? Ohhhh, close to home? You haven't been this mad since we refused to get off Alefantis jock. I think more Georgie threads are do. Ever here of the Streisand affect?

V____Z ago

LOL parrot talking points much? This is the exact same thing you squatters say to every one of my posts. And now, I shall ignore you all.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Im asking a genuine question. I've never been a GW fan. Couldn't even force myself to waste more that a few minutrs on any video.

But I dont honestly think any of these YT researchers are worth much stock. Except maybe SGT Report.

fartyshorts ago

There's a handful of good ones, but I never recommend any because they sometimes turn out to be full of shit.

Kcpedogate ago

So quick on the draw there, but you're on the clock, so you have to stay on top of your work load.

nottfadeaway ago

you're a webb SHILL

Kcpedogate ago

Yes i get paid for the 4 pro-webb comments I've made about george webb. Ive made soooo much from it.

equineluvr ago

Oh puhleez! V____Z has been here for MONTHS and has contributed a lot of good info here.

V___Z is no shill.

V____Z ago

This is some of the fine work from @Kcpedogate

Agreed, I have been following him for a long time and havent seen hardly any negativity,(i think they were trying to keep him loe profile) then when he began to grow all the sudden all of the comments are full are people claiming he is a shill and voat pizzagate has five posts about how terrible he is. We are onto their tricks.

He's onto our tricks!! We're out to get Georgie The Innocent!

Kcpedogate ago

Hmmm, think about don't think that the powers to be sent anyone here to gain the trust of the community in order to sway opinion? What do you think they are doing, the elite wouldn't be in power if they didn't do BASIC infiltration like this.

V____Z ago

Dun dun dunnnn. school us on the ways of the deceitful, oh master.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Serious question: You post very often here about GW. Why are you still giving him attention and views?

DeathTooMasons ago

If only he would let George be, you could sleep better.

V____Z ago

People are in danger, this very community, and they need to know. That's all the reason I need.