I’m writing this because I feel it needs to be said since people are making Jem out to be a martyr.
Now mods are attacked because that’s the disinfo that Jem pushed because @Vindicator banned her after many warnings. People have tried to put blame on him, people have said him and some of us other mods are evil. It’s going too far. I was just a regular user when she was banned. I worked my way up and got to know everyone. It’s nothing like what she describes. There isn’t some mod conspiracy against whistleblowers. I have private tweets of her trying to convince me of that as well. People can be hateful....
Here is one example. Read my reply underneath so you get an idea of where I’m coming from.
People have been urging me to share. I mean no disrespect. I believe Jem did did do a lot of good. But, you guys shouldn’t just go believe everything she’s shared. She exaggerated CONSTANTLY. She always needed to feel important. Plus, she had been working with George Webb all along I believe.
I’m sure some of you are going to be pissed off. I’m sorry. But, you can read thru this and make your own decision, at least I’m putting it out there for you guys to decide on your own.
She made the following tweets. Note how on the last one, it shows George Webb.
These were from Dec 15th. Notice the bottom one shows George Webb...
She sent more pictures privately on Twitter...
This is where it’s time to pay closer attention. She sent me these private messages with pictures of James Alefantis, who was supposedly watching her, following her, etc.. As well as talking about a secret bathroom.
See the pictures here...
Here is a personal video she sent me from inside Comet ping pong telling me about a secret room off the bathroom...
She was always defensive of George Webb. ALWAYS. She didn’t like me until I went thru a period of liking him too. I think she knew him all along. I think she was working with George Webb. So on the same night after going to Comet ping pong, we had a conversation about George Webb. You can see how happy she was being with him. I wondered if they were a couple.
Here is that conversation...
Jem talking about George.JPEG
A couple of days later, George Webb made some tweets. It pissed a lot of people off. This is how it started... First, he was accused of child trafficking with James Alefantis. So he showed up at Comet ping pong WITHIN THE HOUR. He must have been pretty concerned to do that.
What made people become so angry was how he described James Alefantis.
He said “I met James Alefantis. He is playing a role as sex predator at CIA.
Good actor. Good CIA man”. He later deleted those tweets and wouldn’t answer people’s questions when they got angry. If it was so important for him to go within the hour, all he said about that was that he’s quite sure he didn’t know James?
Here are the tweets below...
George Webb TweetsJPEG
An angry tweet from a userJPEG
AFTER George made that tweet, I had a private twitter conversation with Jem. She made light of it and tries to convince me that when George Webb is speaking, he uses psychological warfare. If he was using psychological warfare, then why delete his tweets?
Her story was falling apart. What about the pictures she sent showing James Alefantis and his CIA friend staring her down and following her? What about the secret room off the bathroom that she sent me a video of? She didn’t know that George Webb would tweet what he did so she had to come up with excuses. That’s just a short conversation. But she ended it by saying she thinks James Alefantis is a Finder.
Here is that conversation...
Conversation with Jem about George’s tweet.JPEG
We had a long conversation, full of her exaggerating things as usual, on the Dec 20th. But then on December 22nd, I had more questions about why George would say that James Alefantis was a Finder and make light of it saying he’s a good CIA man.
The Dec 22nd conversation was her trying to make me feel sympathy for poor George. Her describing a different story about what happened. The whole story regarding the bathroom changed. She sent me the video the day she took it. How come the new story contradicts what she had said the first time?
George said he showed up within the hour because he was being accused of knowing James Alefantis. Why does Jem say she brought George to keep him them distracted while she looked around? If she found nothing to be wrong, why were the pictures that she sent me ones that made it look like she felt threatened? Plus the secret room off the bathroom. Why did that story change?
Why did everything she said suddenly change after George made that tweet? It ended with her acting irritated and telling me to withhold judgement. Then why did she willingly give me all the “fake” information a week before? Why did she start getting defensive when asked? She didn’t know he was going to make that tweet.
Here is that conversation...
I’m just sharing this because it’s related to James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong. It’s just an example to show you that she was a limited hangout. She mixed some truth with some disinfo. Others have had experiences as well, but they can share if they choose to.
I would like to say before I’m killed off, that what I have on Jem isn’t anything incriminating. It’s just her usual exaggerated stories and experiences. The only reason I’m not sharing all of it is because it doesn’t apply to pizzagate and I don’t feel right about it.
Since I have been attacked repeatedly, I shared in the comments yesterday how Jem was connected to “Sarah”. A total stalker. It’s probably a guy or a group. @Jem777 and @Gothamgirl were both connected to Sarah.
That’s why GothamGirl got so angry and tried accusing me yesterday or miraculously planting child porn on her phone when I’ve never met her in my life. She said that once I joined pizzagate, people started disappearing. Oh and I threatened to kidnap her child supposedly too. That was just SOME of what she tried to pull yesterday. http://imgbox.com/hw7mLGwR
Anyway, here is me showing how Jem was connected to Sarah and how I was being stalked...
view the rest of the comments →
gamepwn ago
I'm glad you came out with this Srayzie. I've been feeling very similar lately. At first I was outraged and felt upset but the more I see of her and George Webb the more suspicious I felt. Geroge Webb full on admitted he was Mossad. That secret room at Comet is also a major red flag I hate to say. How did she know about that? I mean it proves Comet Ping Pong has secret rooms but it's a little suspicious with not only knowing that, but Alefantis himself stalking her? Or playing along? Not to mention her being tagged in the bot army. Not a bot herself but wherever she went she had an army of upvotes or comments. Then I thought, including myself, are we making her a martyr? Just so many things don't add up. I felt just as upset about her death and created a topic for her and WIC, but things are not adding up and seem strange looking bad. I really hope we all haven't fallen for a psyop.
srayzie ago
Thank you. I appreciate that.
RIPJem ago
Why are the mods so frantic to downvote The Truth in order to hide comments from those who know Jenny Moore personally?
The mods are working together to avoid being exposed as PURE EVIL.
The Truth is Here.
Shizy ago
Can't this person be banned for spamming this board? At least warned?
@vindicator @think-
RIPJem ago
The Truth is not spam and The Truth should never be Banned.
We are the reason for this entire thread. Why are you all such cowards who cannot face The Truth?
Why were you so quick to call for support in order to slide and downvote The Truth in order to hide The Truth?
Srayzie created this submission to directly attack Jenny Moore and The Truth, and to spread lies to manipulate the community. Srayzie does not know ANYTHING. Srayzie spends all day posting and tweeting, and tells others "God Bless" while missing and attacking The Truth right in front of her eyes and mocking Jesus Christ. Srayzie does not comprehend anything that she reads. Her ego gets in the way and she is too enraged by her own shortcomings to comprehend the basics. To her, it's all about her. Srazyie will never be the person that Jenny Moore will always be remembered as. It's not about any one person, it's really about Humanity and The Truth.
Srayzie and others are raging with anger and hate from being exposed, and are swinging wildly in all directions claiming the Jenny Moore was a disinformation CIA agent, claiming Jenny Moore is not dead, claiming Jenny Moore was not murdered, claiming Jenny Moore never helped any victims or children, claiming Jenny Moore was never attacked and beat up in real life, claiming Jenny Moore was not a real victim and whistleblower of corruption, accusing anyone who defends Jenny Moore of being a stalker named Sarah, accusing anyone who defends Jenny Moore of working with Are We Sure who everyone knows is Evil and one of the worst people here, accusing others of being an advanced bot targeting the mods, and claiming that Jenny Moore contributed zero value and calling her names that should never be said about anyone under any circumstances.
Instead of Srayzie and others involved admitting to their mistakes and sins, Srayzie and their army have been working overtime to trick, downvote, attack, coddle and play games with certain users like @carmencita @jangles @Cc1914 @Dressage2 @The_Savant and @gothamgirl to manipulate them into believing lies. Why? Why are they so afraid of anyone agreeing with The Truth?
Srazyie is either a completely ignorant and malicious fool, or she and her cohorts are involved in Pure Evil. Based on her outright Betrayal of Jenny Moore, the murder victim involved, and her continued slander and attacks of the victim and those who defend her and know her personally, The Truth is clear.
Srayzie Betrayed Jenny Moore exactly like Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, and you are all being Deceived by Srayzie and her army of Liars.
We knew Jenny Moore personally. We are a direct witness to many Events involved. Jenny may not be perfect, but Jenny was Trustworthy, and will always be a Good Person. Jenny put her Trust in Jesus Christ and The Truth.
We are not an advanced bot. We have been here since THE BEGINNING. We are putting many lives in extreme danger to share The Truth.
Jenny Moore gave her life for The Truth, and you and your cohorts have been Exposed.
That is why you are so desperate to Hide and Ban The Truth.
Anyone who reads All of the comments, including the ones you cowardly downvoted and hid will see The Truth.
You have tried every shady and unethical tactic possible to hide The Truth.
You called your entire army to downvote The Truth and spread lies because NONE of you can dispute The Truth.
You have slandered and attacked a Good Person who was murdered for knowing The Truth.
You have continued slandering and attacking anyone who stands up for Jenny Moore and The Truth.
You may not realize how many lives have been lost, and how many more lives are at stake.
Or you don't care. Or you are an ignorant fool. Or you are Pure Evil.
We know more than you ever will about everyone and everything involved.
Many of you are making ignorant guesses about things you do not know, or you are purposely lying to everyone.
If you are NOT EVIL, this is your opportunity to stop believing lies, and get to know The Truth.
It is not to late to become a Good Person and denounce the EVIL AGENDA.
Who do you Trust?
**We stand with Jenny Moore.
We stand with Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.
We stand with Jesus Christ.**
The Truth is Here.
Shizy ago
Truth should never be banned, put cut and paste spamming that is just a repetitive jumbled mess should be!