concernedaboutitall ago

Pretty sure CTR should lose all non-profit status, at the very least. At one point during the election the group mass-trolled Bernie Facebook groups and posted pornography including that of children to those groups which got groups shut down. Disgusting. Link to one article about that

RebelSkum ago

Now there's more memes about Brock posting porn than Bernie, so that little maneuver backfired a little (albeit is still way wrong).

DeathToMasons ago

Nice job. We knew what Brock is, but nice to document it.

RebelSkum ago

Thanks! Thought it was about time to start bringing everyone's notes together. It makes the corruption way more obvious and transparent.

Nana66 ago

Trolls a fake media are pushing Mike Pence for president this morning on for some reason that's what I want /s.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle James Alefantis removed from David Brock's wikipedia page Has Anyone Looked into David Brock? He Might be Interesting? David Brock on NPR this morning David Brock starts to cry when discussing pizzagate haha! The Artisan Connection: A hypothetical discussion about 'art' being more important than 'food' at the CONNEB Hillaryland; Eplore with me. So much for wanting to distance themselves from pedophilia! The new Comet Ping Pong Comedian jokes about having sex with kids Furman Foundation - Connections to Soros, Brock, Obama, Podesta and More. Has this been researched? ISGP project: a wealth of information on VIP child abuse networks. Pizzagate: A Window Into A Darker World James Alefantis ACCURACY MATTER! List of items that need to remain accurate (don't spread misinfo!) for constructive Pizzagate research Wonder why pizzagate was censored on Reddit and attacked in the press this week? It's because James Alefantis and Laura Silsby both have ties to the same anti trafficking group Regarding Jeff Koons and Pedophilia -- Too Taboo for a Pornstar Reddit Admin suspended 100's if not 1000's of users because they voted on a thread PizzaGate-related, was it Spez? found in my notes looking for something else but.... The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen's mysterious death in Haiti building a list of killed investigators at this link over on r/the-donald and here- please add what you have PizzaGate propaganda on Reddit, and how I got suspended for doing nothing but voting on a thread As a victim of todays reddit ban, I am worried that this is to quell as many as they can because there is something big about to break. redditor daily for nine years. Reddit Suspended me ...bizarre Reddit Admin suspended 100's if not 1000's of users because they voted on a thread PizzaGate-related, was it Spez? PizzaGate propaganda on Reddit, and how I got suspended for doing nothing but voting on a thread I just had my main account of 7 years suspended for downvoting a pizzagate article on /r/self. /u/spez can edit users comments with no repercussion. Wow. As a victim of todays reddit ban, I am worried that this is to quell as many as they can because there is something big about to break. redditor daily for nine years. I'll make it easier for you - if fucking Shareblue & CNN & Mcmuffin are happy about the smear against Milo and using it, you should be more aware!! Stay focused - this isn't about high school sexuality #IStandWithMilo #MediaIsTheEnemy Covington & Burling related For People Accusing Trump Of Pedophilia: Dont Forget Trump Advocated For The Death Penalty For Convicted Pedophiles David Brock's Shareblue: A Clusterfuck of Interconnected Special Interests David Brock's Shareblue: A Clusterfuck of Interconnected Special Interests

zzvoat ago

Title rocks : Trolls for Trillionaires -- haha. Should be a meme

RebelSkum ago

That's a line I got from /pol/. The Brock hate is strong over there.

madhatter67 ago

If he's the best they got its no wonder they are doing so badly winning hearts and minds....I'm not sure he has either

kestrel9 ago

Peter Daou, chief executive of Share Blue, shares office with David Brock

Found this thread:

One of several items of interest: LATEST "SUICIDAL BANKER" FIRM LINKED TO DAVID BROCK, SHAREBLUE AND GLOBALIST THINK TANK, "THIRD WAY" Kevin Bell (mentioned in passing on voat here: the Arrowgrass risk manager who fell to his death from a Manhattan highrise, is the latest, tragic "suicidal banker" (Bell previously worked at Saba Capital Management, Citadel Investment group, Citigroup and Deutsche Bank). (Side note, some months prior, EDIT:the following link is from 2015, there was a suicide from the building a few months before Kevin Bell's and I thought this was it, so still need to find that one.; and within 24 hours of Kevin Bell's death, another suicide Kenneth Freeling, 59).

..." - This tragedy (Kevin Bell) has reverberations in the powerful political circle of David Brock and ShareBlue...Arrowgrass Capital Partners LLP is intrinsically linked through Partner Michael Edward, whose is a board member for "Third Way", a Globalist Think Tank.

Third Way is an active partner with David Brock and Shareblue, and was featured prominently in Politico's February 24, 2017 article detailing Brock's January conference meeting: Michael Edwards "Mike Edwards is a Partner at Arrowgrass Capital Partners where he serves as Head of the firm’s US business, member of the Executive Committee, and Head of Global Event Driven Strategies. Prior to joining Arrowgrass as a Partner in 2010, he spent six years at D.E. Shaw & Co as a Portfolio Manager in Global Special Situations. Mike co-managed D. E. Shaw's Risk Arbitrage and Event Driven sub-strategies and oversaw its Pan-Asian Special Situations business. He began his career as an M&A banker in Credit Suisse First Boston's Technology Group in San Francisco, where he advised on a broad array of transactions with a particular focus on cross-border situations."

Another notable Third Way name: Ronald Klain: joined Third Way’s board in 2011, with co-founder and President Jonathan Cowan

Klain was portrayed by Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey in HBO’s 2008 film ‘RECOUNT. Also he became Obama's Ebola Czar, an appointment highly criticized by Sen. John McCain, but supported by Sen. John Casey (D-PA) Klain was on the Third Way board of Trustees but his name was removed from the Third Way Website: "The Free Beacon reported Friday on Klain’s status as a trustee for Third Way, and his past experience lobbying on behalf of a drug company that was accused of denying life-saving drugs to dying cancer patients."
see also:

more digging to do...

Gorillion ago

That's the thing about trolling, the second you take payment for it, you lose your "troll magic" and become a "shill faggot".

RebelSkum ago

weev would not approve

Well, maybe he would take payment long enough to contract Goatse Security to Blueshare, lol

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

The worst disinfo I've seen so far was during the DAPL protests right before Thanksgiving. There were seemingly paid people in the reddit threads on the topic defending the illegal disenfranchisement of land.

kazza64 ago

well done

rooting4redpillers ago

Washington Free Beacon - January 26, 2017 1:31 pm

Read the Confidential David Brock Memo Outlining Plans to Attack Trump - Memo was handed out to big money liberal donors at posh Florida retreat

Excerpt: David Brock, the seasoned liberal operative and Clinton loyalist who founded Media Matters, huddled with more than 100 donors last weekend at the swanky Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, Fla. to map out how Democrats will "kick Donald Trump's ass."

The Washington Free Beacon attended the retreat and obtained David Brock's private and confidential memorandum from the meeting. The memo, ...

Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action

... outlines Brock's four-year agenda to attack Trump and Republicans using Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Shareblue.

Added: From Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action

Excerpt: Omnichannel Communications

Media Matters will not just manage the effects of media fragmentation; we will leverage it to advance our mission.

To this end, Media Matters will enhance our existing digital program by establishing an omnichannel communications command center to communicate with audiences in ways that are optimized for the platform on which they are already most engaged.

Put another way, we won't force information consumers to come to us for a one-size-fits-all piece of content. Instead, we will go to them with content that is tailored to their individualized way of interacting. In practice, this means that the way we present a specific issue on Facebook will be different than the way we present it on Tumblr or Twitter–and some in our audience may not even get information on social, but instead have it delivered directly to their phone via text messages.

Excerpt: Massive Grassroots Truth Squad

We will train hundreds of thousands of individuals on how to identify fake news and alt-right smears in their social media networks and equip them with the tools to fight them on their own.

In December 2016, with fake news at the forefront of public attention, we added 40,000 new participants to our action list. We expect this growth to continue, and will provide trainings, resource materials, and urgent action alerts to keep participants actively engaged.

Added: BuzzFeed News - January 13, 2017

David Brock Wants To Build His Own Koch Donor Network


Participants next week include familiar faces: attorneys general, state and federal officials, representatives from the four major labor unions, Stephanie Schriock of Emily’s List, Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood, and Ilyse Hogue of NARAL Pro-Choice, as well the five candidates running for chair of the Democratic National Committee ...

The Brock retreat will offer donors a lineup of closed-door meetings focused almost entirely on ways for Democrats to claw back political power and oppose the next president: Clinton pollster John Anzalone on “Tactics To Win”; Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and veteran strategist Ron Klain on Donald Trump’s first 100 days; former U.S. attorney general Eric Holder, by videoconference, on redistricting; and three sitting attorneys general on strategic role of Democratic states in the first term. ...

The conference’s more eclectic offerings include a welcome speech from liberal newscaster Keith Olbermann; cameos by two Republicans, Bill Weld and Richard Painter; and a session on “Fake News: What It Is and What To Do About It,” led by Brock’s former boyfriend of 10 years, James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, the D.C. pizza place that became ensnared for weeks in #pizzagate, the campaign to spread viral and vulgar fake news stories involving Clinton at the restaurant.

DarkMath ago

Anyone remember Winston's job from George Orwell's 1984?

That's right, Winston worked for Correct the Record the Ministry of Truth correcting recorded History so it matched the party line.

Remember friends:





Proii_Pariah ago

You had me at "dingus".

RebelSkum ago

Every time I look at the guy's face that's the one word that comes to mind.

druhill007 ago

so many shills online its crazy

SuperJohnWayne ago

"Marsupial" comes to my mind when I see his dumbass

Proii_Pariah ago

Haha! Yeah, he's pretty dorked out!