IsThisThingSafe ago

I have been so disturbed by the Milo character assassination - I don't know if he meant that he has been abusing young teens, or if he is only referencing his own abuse, but I am sad that we are losing a valuable asset in our fight. I know the press conference is at 3:00, but I think there is only one way he can further the movement and redeem himself: he must "turn himself in." If he offers himself up to a full investigation, and demands an investigation of anyone else accused of pedophilia, he can dramatically shed a lot of light on our cause. If he has nothing to hide, AND knows the names of those who do, then he could become our number 1 martyr. His gig at Breitbart has to end, his book deal is squashed; he has nothing to lose. This is the Hail Mary we've been looking for.

Melitica ago

As a victim of sexual abuse, I can say that many things become disorganized in the mind. Most people can't and don't fully explain, but TL;DR is clear that ANY abuse victim can have conflicting love/hate relationship with abuser.

With a young, gay person, who may have experienced rejection from other older male who pays attention to him would be attractive.

Milo was very inarticulate but he was really talking about his own experience.

He has also pretty well clarified in apology that had mistakenly believed his experience as a victim, combined with his platform would allow him to say outrageous things on that subject.

I have had hundreds of hours of therapy, partly on sexual abuse. Each victim is encouraged to talk about their abuse...if the public were to hear many of those things from a normal victim, they would both cry and applaud.

If you have not experienced sexual abuse, you cannot possibly understand. If you have been a victim and fail to understand, you have not admitted the full truth about WHY sexual abuse is so damaging. How it changes your brain and damages your soul.

This is why sexual conditioning is part of mind control.

There is actually an opportunity here for every victim if we can find the right angle. The left, full of SJW psychologists, queers, and other damaged people, has not even considered the 13 year old boy who was a victim. That is normally called victim blaming but in child sexual abuse, they have a long history of protecting predators.

kekistocrat ago

It's called grooming and normalization and it isn't new --

sunshine702 ago

Add Howard Dean to the list. New World Order media tactic.

redditsuckz ago

The story of the Prime Minister was pretty big but got lost in the shuffle of milo milo milo...

Prime Minister Edward Heath Accusers Claim Parents Ran a Satanic Sex Cult, Ritually Slaughtered Babies

And Milo gets "activated" and he is british so his job would be to deflect from the british Tavistock fuckers. I wouldnt doubt if Milo came from a test tube at a Tavistock institute.

dookiehowzer ago

Congratulations on offending me asshole i hope you sleep well at night

BackAgain ago

Catherine Agnew, crazy lady with cryptic tweets, kept repeating "McMullin" in her tweets. Just throwing it out there..........

redditsuckz ago

Good question...there must be something we missed in the news today.

Freemasonsrus ago

Thought you guys would enjoy this. Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse has his finger on the pulse of the faux conservatives and their methods. Here's his take on Milo in humorous fashion:

srayzie ago

I agree. We are hypocrites if we look over what Milo said. If that were someone else, people would be all over it. Nobody deserves a free pass.

Aphoticamy ago

Milo's Facebook post corrected their record for me, gallows humor is a common way to cope for survivors. If you joke about it, you make it your bitch. I know from personal experience. My sense of humor is fucking dark. Now, imagine you were molested by a pedophile as a child, and then CALLED one as an adult. Investigate him, by all means, but as far as I know he's helped put away 3 pedos, and been accused 0 times.

derram ago :

Anon claims that this attack on Milo has been pre-planned for months to deflect from "pie fence" and explains why "CIA" WaPo was pushing hard after the election for Trump to select him as press sec : The_Donald

This has been an automated message.

IlluminatiKing ago

Nothing we can do really, but continue the research and don't focus on one person. MSM doesn't care about pedos or sex trafficking unless it fits their agenda. We took notice on all the traffick busts meanwhile the media was silent. Trump signed an EO fighting against the cartels and that included sex trafficking. Media was silent on the order mostly. This current witchhunt will backfire on them if we double down on outing these pedophile elite and calling them out for trying to normalize it. We have evidence of them doing it via Salon article and others.

VieBleu ago

Who the hell is McMuffun?

Freemasonsrus ago

Hahaha good try fucktard!

paulf ago

I'm going to be downvoted for this, but Milo was on video quite literally defending pedophiles and claiming boy-love is okay. You can bury your head in the sand and claim the video is fake or edited or out of context but it's not.

Milo is on Facebook quite literally condemning pedophiles and pointing out he's exposed at least three of them in print. Something's wrong with your interpretation methinks.

billybigrigger ago

Watch the video and judge for yourself. This one is on Milo. He fucked up, and gave them the rope to hang him with at least. And his comments are creepy as hell. His whole "I loved being molested by my priest" is very sick, even that is probably across the line, but to claim man-boy love is a way for boys to having loving and caring coming of age experiences??!?!?!

jv209 ago

milo's word were disgusting, but the fact these fucks want to run with it so badly while the UK police chief confirmed what we all knew about this shit when he dropped the bomb that he's 120% sure their prime minister in 70's murdered 16 children in a satanic pedophilia ring. Why isn't Jake Tapper tweeting about that and the whole UK gov't covering it all up? Fuck Jake Tapper and all these CIA fakes.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I think Milo should start publically going over the Franklin cover up, a person with his audience, peoples minds wud be blown, Franklin was absolutely shocking, and undeniable even to skeptics and will involve at least by association the corrupt shill GOP'ers who are hypocritically politically assassinating Milo. Myself Im not a huge fan of Milo, and what he said was ridiculous and shameful. However I think he was 1. speaking from experience, I think he was abused and 2. Don't think he is, or advocates for pedophilia. IMO, I think he's just a loudmouth degenerate fuck, but not a pedo.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

Milo's book deal was cancelled, he posted it

grlldcheese ago

Lol. That fucking tard bleeped himself.

That should be a bannable offense.

Freemasonsrus ago

Ive watched the interview. Also totally aware of the lack of humor here. Also aware Rogan is lying. 15yr old girls do not look 15 anymore and lots of men are looking at them in ways they shouldn't without even knowing their age.

dookiehowzer ago

you know damn well you wouldnt say ****** in public so why say it online trolly tuff guy huh

nitro169 ago

This isn't about Milo, if you feel he is/has/will hurt children and he is connected to the upper levels of our government then investigate and post your findings. MSM have singled him out as a pizzagate spokesman and are going to pedo smear him. Thats awesome! The MSM is actually going after a suspected pedo!

Greenmonster71 ago

this is 4d, they're getting the pedo stuff out in the lime light, to get people to get on milo for this controversial stuff, then BAM, they will unleash the beast and arrest all the real pedos in high levels of government, right up against the back drop of this public outcry over this controversial borderline pedophile topic.

PresudentMcCheese ago

You managed not to use a slur. That's a start.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Just the best people here at Pizzagate. They hate blacks and Jews so you know they want to protect kids! I hope Milo gets ahold of your kid, Jethro. Then you'll see how fucked you've become.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Milo said he didn't actually want Trump in the white house. Milo is an advocate for himself and nothing more.

crystalclearme ago

Disagree. Milo is wrong. Is OUR chance to keep narrative on pedofiles and those in power. Even if people disagree about Milo our work continues. This won't tear us apart. No way no how

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Hwy, we can't let all this outside noise distract us from our goal! We're here risking quite a lot, to help the poor kids being used, abused, and killed by the elite pedos, and their followers. Milo's just a distraction!! We can deal with the is he, or isn't he later! Get Back To Work!!

diamonddust ago

I'm not suggesting anyone defend Milo, pleae treat him like any other suspect, he has said enough to warrant that, and I happen to have my own suspicions of his motives in the larger culture war. I'm only saying keep your eyes on the prize! The Cabal is bigger than Milo, and I'm sure they'd love it to become all about just him, or just Alefantis, easy fall guys. That's the only reason I think the Milo thing is a distraction, not because I think he's innocent but because his sudden exposure reeks of a deliberate act. When the MSM are suddenly on it, that looks suspicious as fuck.

I ask you to consider again - thousands of arrests and almost zero MSM coverage. Milo is now a PG suspect and suddenly the Guardian covers it. They don't get to have their cake and eat it.

Dressage2 ago

You are witnessing a soft coup.

sunshine702 ago

Yep CIA is PISSED! Cia is Bush cartel.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Milo contributed to the hit piece by saying dumb shit about positive man boy sexual relationships. You can't blame the other side for his own words.

PawnsInTheGame ago

This investigation is going to go on no matter what that blowhard does. He is pure garbage and needs to disappear because Pizzagate is not about HIM. He is just an opportunistic fuck and he is just making things worse.

Dressage2 ago


PresudentMcCheese ago

God, even the people willing to call out Milo's pedo pushing are racist fuckers. This whole place is a god damn joke.

Eli3k ago

You mean like calling him a degenerate Kike? Go back to Reddit faggot

PresudentMcCheese ago

That's a great plan! People love Nazis so we should pay you to be PR against pedos! Great job, fuckstick.

grlldcheese ago

The people who matter here aren't trying to be any kind of pr and aren't getting paid and aren't trying to shill.

You're so deep in your JOB and agenda that you can't fathom that this is just where assholes who are smarter than you choose to hang out.

You can't fathom that organic conversation is more productive and uncontrollable than anything you idiots can devise.

You think you're winning an optics battle. You're just breeding more and more assholes who are tired of your weak shit and want to fuck with you.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Milo was on video quite literally defending pedophiles and claiming boy-love is okay

This is not even the first time he has done this too. All pedos should be outed, even Milo. Anyo e who paid attention to GG should already know that Milo was controlled opposition. He popped up to distract when /pol/ found out that following the rabbit hole lead to the DoD. People need to stop this Eceleb worship, no pedophile should be safe.

vacvape ago

His 'defense' is logically absurd full of special pleading and double standards.

Basharalassad ago

What may I ask is GG?

EllenPaosEgo ago


redditsuckz ago

He popped up to distract when /pol/ found out that following the rabbit hole lead to the DoD.

What?...the Department of Defense? there a link to that?

EllenPaosEgo ago

Here is a screencap of the thread After this thread and a migration to fullchan, only /pol/ really kept digging into the connections due to what happened next. Right after this dozens of Ecelebs, Milo included, came out of nowhere to say that GG was only about ethics in video game journalism. Then GamerGate became split in half, with neither side really mentioning how deep this rabbit hole went. After that it was mostly just drama between the GG factions while also poking fun at SJWs.

redditsuckz ago

Thanks for the info.

It looks like the gaming industry as a whole is controlled by ABC agencies and is just meant to socially engineer us and keep us "entertained" and asleep. From Gamer Gate every single gaming website was in on this deception and coverup.

VictorSteinerDavion ago


Right on, that's what makes this all so amusing.

PawnsInTheGame ago

Just because this asshole is for Trump doesn't mean we should be defending him. He deserves the criticism that he is receiving after what he said on the Joe Rogan podcast and he has no one to blame but himself. Saying that an attack on Milo is an attack on all pedogate investigations is retarded and screams of hive-mind thinking.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Milo said on that same Joe Rogan podcast he didn't actually want Trump in the white house. Milo just wants fame, and will ride the coattails of any group he can to get it. He even rode the coattails of pizzagate before. He claimed he was going to talk about pizzagate then decided not to at the last minute.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This crap makes me laugh alot.

One of the techniques used to dismantle a movement is to make it about specific individuals.
Calls for leaders to be selected, or finding prominent media figures and using them to cause division etc.

Milo is a distraction, a puppet for whomever will fund his need for attention.
It doesn't matter what he says or does, he will be used as a means to undermine the foundations of the silent majority.

Focusing, discussing, attacking or defending a singular individual means less effort to 'the cause' and this thread (and the ones like it) are exactly what 'the enemy' wants.

The best solution to all this is to simply not put energy into the system.
Don't vote or comment when this tactic is in play, just focus on the digging, puzzle matching and sharing of sourced information this community has as it's main strength.

There's a term in spook circles for whats happening; distraction of the week
And this whole subverse has fallen for it

Amino69 ago

Forget Milo for now, he isn't under the spotlight as a Pizzagate suspect and this should remain the focus. I'm convinced he's part of COINTELPRO and his role is to distract, obfuscate and redirect and this is exactly what's happening. He is a very bright and articulate and what he espouses appeals to the sensibilities of most of the people on this board and that is why he's being directed to get his hands dirty, so to speak.

Monitor, counter and exploit his involvement to the benefit of the investigation which is to collate enough incriminating evidence to bring the criminals to justice but do not stare into the lights for too long, this is part of their sorcery.

Doobeyhoser ago

If Milo divides us, we lose.

Freemasonsrus ago

Milo isn't dividing anyone. This entire thing doesn't change a thing for investigating PG. what is does do is tell us who their target is, which should make us all question why. Is it just bc he has a powerful following or something else? Trust me. They don't attack like this without reason.

Dressage2 ago

I agree. Either you're with or you are not! We all need to band together, meaning The Donald, Us and 4/8chan. Let's rise up together and make it happen.

redditsuckz ago

I will make it even easier for everyone here...

Trump and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein together;

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

  • Donald Trump

15 contact numbers for Donald Trump in Jeffrey Epstiens little black book;,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg

eyeVoated ago

Do you have a proposal for the way out? It amazes me how much people expect and worship a possible savior (present or future).

redditsuckz ago

I think we just have to roll with it or ignore it or expose it for now...they will soon run out of "saviors".

Here is our recent Savior Ashton Kutcher "joking" about eating babies;

crazimal ago

Trump's a fascist!

He just used Milo to manipulate liberals and young people cause he's gay and young!

Thank goodness CPAC is safe for Newt and McCain and our country club buddies and lobbyists!!!


pbvrocks ago

This is all just like the Russia narrative..but agree with the above as would not be on David Brock's website unless pushed by the NWO/pedo/whatever crowd...which he is right in the middle off...

pakitochocolatero ago

This has been an extremely significant movement from the Cabal in this civil war of information, they just fully moved the Overton Window to pedophilia. Same strategy as with the fake news stuff, they first launched that narrative but in that case it partially backfired. Will see what happens here. The Cabal just provoked Trump to really launch the pedogate high level detentions and after Milo's movement the media can now the play victim card and Trump is Hitler narratives when Trump starts the real drain. Shit is getting real folks.

dmthirdeye ago

Ya really interesting too to flip the story of a fucking person who was molested by his priest and say thats him somehow condoning pedophilia, he was freaking molested....

redditsuckz ago

Care to defend this video of Milo defending pedophilia?

uncut 5 minute video of Milo Yiannopoulos advocating for Pederasty involving '13 Year old' and 'olde

Many, after viewing the video, are suggesting that Yiannopoulos is defending pedophilia. In the video, he says:

In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men — the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationship — those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can’t speak to their parents.

An off-screen voice (possibly that of an interviewer) is heard commenting, “It sounds like molestation to me. It sounds like Catholic priest molestation to me.” Yiannopoulos is quick to reply, “But you know what? I’m grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn’t give nearly such good head if it wasn’t for him.”

There is a reason (((MILO))) supported trump and there is a reason the (((Media))) pretends to be against him...I will make it easy for you...

TRUMP IS THE SWAMP: Trump's Jewish Elite MAFIA and The 5 Dancing Israelis (2017)

Who Controls Donald Trump? - Who Controls America?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

They are sporting the pizza symbology pretty clear here, analogous to how celebrities sport their Illuminati ownership the same way. I don't trust Milo not one bit anymore. Whose who and sides don't matter anymore. Just truth and justice is the only thing that matters now.

dmthirdeye ago

Some clarity on the statements from Milo. They did the same thing with Pew Die Pie where they cut his videos up and played context from different topics as if they were one. -

PresudentMcCheese ago

I suppose you defend man boy love out of context all the time? Come on man.

dmthirdeye ago

Just trying to look at it objectively. I'm neutral on Milo I didn't even know who he was a couple months ago but this has the same characteristics as all the other false flag smear campaigns being run on online figures, who have independent thinking audiences who draw their own conclusions from facts and evidence after doing their own research.

dmthirdeye ago

There is also a pattern, if they talk about pizzagate, theyre getting smeared lol.... the world wide mafia is showing their hand every time they act like this

pbvrocks ago

GOOD point here and VERY similar! Maybe PewDiePie was a test run?

dmthirdeye ago

Its obviously the SAME exact group of people. Their tactics are a joke, honestly seems like the same group behind the false flags.... they are building false flag strawmen for people who have millions of listeners and strong followings of independent thinkers (whether or not whatever they are saying is right or wrong is irrelevant its the independent thinking that threatens their regime). I don't even like David Seaman but they did it to him too, Alex jones, pewdiepie, now Milo, heck they did it with the Trump audio tapes too, Most likely the reason Ben Swann went dark so he didn't fall under these attacks too. There were a couple others I can't remember right now too

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Good if they smear Milo they are only bringing the general truth about this issue into the general light. They can only destroy themselves speaking about it. I think Milo is guilty and I no longer trust him. But watch, he's gonna get a bunch of attention from this and do his talk anyways. People are going to start waking up. Obviously, we cannot tolerate satanic pedophile kid torturers being the bearers of law and justice in our society.

Nana66 ago

I hate that I have a theory but can't say it because we have spies and I don't want to tip them off if I'm right......

V____Z ago

Shut up about Milo.

Nana66 ago

They have to know this just shows us once again what the truth is whether we can prove it or not.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

It is the Access Hollywood tape all over again. They are telling you what you should think and how you should feel. If you try to defend him, you'll be shot down as a pedophile sympathizer too. We've come full circle & they are running out of tricks.

sunshine702 ago

It's a New World Order media tactic. Howard Dean was politician who was using internet meetup groups to rally support for the Dem party nomination in 1999. Until he spoke about the massive media mergers going on being bad. The next campaign stop they edited out the extremely loud croud noise and isolated his horse voice to make him sound nuts. It worked. After New Hampshire it was NWO Gore.

redditsuckz ago

Then lets play by the unfair rules that are set against us...

This thread should not have been deleted about milo;

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah this is a Evil Eye Jew hitpiece.....from the main enemy Soros......attempting to destroy anyone who can wake people up when Pedogate goes wide any day now.

smokratez ago

You are advocating someone who is ok with teen boys being fucked with old men.

quantokitty ago

Just ask them why the give a pass to rapist/pedophile Bill Clinton. No protests when he speaks. No riots. No demands for him to go to jail.

Freemasonsrus ago

Exactly. Having listened to Milo in many different settings, I'd say what he said on the Joe Rogan show was his poor attempt at being outrageous for laughs while also covering up for his own abuse through laughter. I do not think he is a pedo, but def stuck his foot in his mouth with how this came across. However, it is completely clear what the tactics are here and they are to destroy and isolate someone with a powerful voice. Rumors are now saying he'll be out with Breitbart and that his book is in danger of getting pulled or something. Seeing how a lot of people are now familiar with the smear tactics and obvious double standards (Bill Clinton), I'd be willing to guess that if he's forced to go it on his own he'll be just fine and in fact, have a bigger following. Seems like now would be a great time for him to say what he knows about PG too.

quantokitty ago

I hope that does not happen. Meanwhile the two brothers whose pictures appeared in a police sketch an with pizza-related mapping handkerchiefs in their pockets have had what sanctions against them? Then there's JA and his happy group of apes .. what's happened to him? Oh, that's right ... nothing! Nothing except the community coming out an supporting his use of creepy terminology coupled with pictures and then there's that magazine.

witch_doctor1 ago

This is obviously a planned hit, and I accept Milo's explanation of the situation. Re-listening to the Rogan podcast in it's entirety for accuracy..

billybigrigger ago

It's not the comments from the Rogan podcast that are the most concerning...

Fatsack ago

got a link for the explanation?

rodeo13 ago

Milo's official statement on Facebook. He also did a live video that is worth watching.

Fatsack ago


Atatarkus ago

I remember this coming up a couple of times already be doesn't defend paedophilia at all he just says he wasn't traumatized by what he did with a priest when he was 14, believe it or not it's okay not to be fucked in the head for life from 'statutory rape'. There were two teachers in my high school that were amazing I'd have donated a kidney for 10 minutes in the sack with either of them and I very much doubt I would have been traumatized by it.

He also says to Rogan 'c'mon have you never been attracted to a 15 year old. No.1 the age of consent in Britain is 16, no.2 there's a big difference between being attracted to a 15 year old and having sex with one. No.3 attraction is instinctive and some 15 year olds look older just as some 20 somethings look really young, finding out a super hot chick is underage makes them immediately unattractive to most people but that doesn't change the initial response. He's not exactly advocating sex with 10 year-olds this is a complete red herring.

srayzie ago

Yeah and how he gives such good head now because of that priest or whatever. I don't get why he was ever looked at in a positive way in the first place. He's rude, attention seeking and certainly not a good influence or role model. He has said the meanest things to people.

Atatarkus ago

Exactly his arguments are deliberately frank to shock, he uses controversy to get his points across which is probably why he has so many fans, people are so cynical these days. Just look at t.v. nowadays it seems like shows now have to be needlessly graphic to get any attention especially since game of thrones and breaking bad etc.

srayzie ago

Yeah that's what I never liked because to me it's just vulgar. I've heard of him being mean and calling people fat and the N words. It seems to me like he's considered one of the positive voices for Trump and I've never seen him as a person to look up to. He's not a role model. Maybe for some college aged kids but I would hope mine wouldn't look up to someone like him.

crystalclearme ago

He mentions attending parties where grown MEN were having sex with "very very very young boys" and does not say he left and he did not NAME names. He needs to make it right.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Maybe he has named them...maybe thats why they are after him now

Atatarkus ago

Oh yeah he did say that I forgot about that bit lol. But then Corey Feldman talked about those same parties that he himself was abused at and didn't name anyone I admit he could have denounced these things a bit more strongly but it seems like it might be suicidal to name these fuckers. Still think this is being blown out of proportion a bit.

PresudentMcCheese ago

You accept adult dick on your middle schoolers? Strong stand.

diamonddust ago

Ok guys, this is important, regardless of which side of the fence you see Milo, do not let that distract you. The way the powerful break up movements is to sow internal dissent. If you believe Milo is a pedo, fine, go ahead, investigate him, treat him like any other suspect, nobody should be discouraged from that. Or don't, that's your prerogative. What isn't productive and is the deliberate aim of the people doing this, is for us to be calling each other out on partisan issues and forming sides. They want to splinter and distract the movement, we can't let them do that.

Remember: if PG were just a bullshit fantasy, you would not be seeing this push back.

Silencio ago

100% agree, Milo is going to be a controversial figure - the reason we all know who he is is because he is skilled in courting controversy, he literally thrives on it (financially and seems to thoroughly enjoy it) & he is unlikely to stop being controversial. Milo should not be central to anything pizza gate related, he's going to pick an angle that is very divisive because I believe that is in his nature & public-persona style to do so. Pizzagate is about collecting evidence & connecting criminals to criminal networks and crimes, not about people's various definitions of a healthy relationship.


he clearly states he was a victim of abuse

Aphoticamy ago

Love this post!

VieBleu ago

Agree with VictorSteinerDavion. moving on.

NotTooLate ago

TIme to Double Down. Andrew Breitbart always took the first swing. He understood how the left works. This should be expected. If you need any inspiration about this great man and his battle for truth, here is a good link. It's long, but it is inspiring and will enrage you as you see why he was killed.

Fatsack ago

I think Milo speaks in a very confused way. From the conference call, he could have been mis-interpreted. But I think that anyone that seeks out people under the age of 16 in Canada, or 18 in the US, is by definition a Statutory rapist. If he wants to argue about the science of puberty, and at what age we should set that, then fine, but we have the age limit where it's at because it ENSURES the child has entered and completed most of puberty by the age of 18. Personally, I can understand how someone could be confused with a 17 on the edge of 18-year old, but anyone looking at 13, 14, 15 year old kids for a sexual relationship, IS A FUCKING PEDO.

Melitica ago

....and the statutory laws are only for nonmarital sex. In a lot of states, a 16 year old can get married if they have parental consent...some at as low as 12. Oddly, Mississippi still requires a male to get patent signature until 21.

GrendelKhan ago

Age of consent in Canada is 16. But in the USA, consent laws are state laws. It's 18 in only 11 states:

It's 17 in 8 states, and 16 in the rest - 31 states.

More than half of Europe is 14 or 15:

I haven't watched all of the videos that implicate him, but I watched the video where he responds, and he says he's talking about what happened to him when he was 17. Not that he was dating a 17 year old, he WAS the 17 year old. People are allowed to have opinions about what happened to themselves. Anyways, consent age is 16 in the UK (where he grew up). Again, I haven't watched the vids, so maybe he said some bad stuff, I don't know. Or maybe stuff was edited to make it sound bad, I don't know.

Fatsack ago

Yeah, i've since watched his explanation. Holy fuck, it's disgusting how the media spins shit. And I can't believe it's 14 and 15 in Europe, thats fucking gross.

GrendelKhan ago

It grosses me out too. But on the other hand, I don't think 16 year old having sex with a 14 year old is a criminal. Nor an 18 year old having sex with 16 year old. Maybe there's more to the laws? Romeo/Juliet laws? I really have no idea. But regardless of the LAW, older men should not be having sex with children under 18, just my opinion.

Anyway, I don't know why I bring it up. I just wanted to point out the different state laws, and have managed to gross myself out. And here we are wasting time on this crap, which is just what they wanted... Sorry man.

Everything is so fucking disturbing lately. I really do sometimes envy my friends who are clueless to it all. Tho I admit I will relish it when they are red-pilled...

Fatsack ago

Yeah, you can't go back in the matrix...

PGTAway818949 ago

You should make this into its own post imo.

oneposteach ago

Be aware of the drama but focus on information.

redditsuckz ago

Be aware of the drama

The drama is Milo and Milo is the distraction to the investigation...there are 6 threads about Milo on the front page of v/pizzagate.

Milo pizza

Milo Blood bath

Kristina_Gilliam ago

The blood bath was Milo making a point about how disgusting "progressive" artists like Marina Abramovic are. DON'T take things out of context.

Bring_Down_CF ago

The pig blood bath was a month before anyone knew about Marina and spirit cooking. He was mocking feminist "art".

eyeVoated ago

Here we go again..It doesn't matter. It's drama. Get it? We don't need drama, we certainly don't need heroes (aka, idols).

We need to keep putting pressure on ending these elite pedofiles.

carmencita ago

i agree. We need to get back to posting news and investigating and researching and sharing with others doing the same. I am not for against him I just want to keep doing the work that we have all done to get to where we are now. In Their Face! And They Are Hating It.

thicktail1730947 ago

Milo is getting hit with DARVO. They know he knows too much. Hell, they know he was a victim of an institutional pedophile. Now they're reversing the roles to poison the well against high profile exposure threats.

jv209 ago

ya, isn't this standard victim shaming from the left? they have no proof Milo is actually a pedo and if he's a been a victim of pedophilia he might be a tad bit fucked in the head. we all know Milo is more than a tad bit fucked in the head though. He'll tell you that himself.

billybigrigger ago

Milo is a victim? He claims to have enjoyed, and seems proud of, the fact that "father Michael" taught him to suck dick.

The whole problem was his argument for that in the conference chat video.

vacvape ago

False idols.. what makes Milo your hero?

Fatsack ago

He triggers SJW's and feminists. That's why he's my hero. If he's a pedo though, i'll have to drop my respect for him.

vacvape ago

Right he entertains the troups so to speak. I can't personally view his defaming as a great loss. Low value / useful idiot in the grand scheme of things. Twitter will have to hire another actor to market their safe space. Big fukn deal.


Truewarrior ago

I think Milo is working for Soros or Obama to flip the narrative towards the right. He's on their payroll for sure to insite protests and conflict at these colleges. Now he's being used as a tool to discredit pedogate. We need to dig up more on this guy and expose he's a fraud.

unconceivable ago

It's more likely that u/Truewarrior is working for sorryos

tt7 ago

Maybe. Maybe.