redditsuckz ago

Sir Edward Heath WAS a paedophile, says police chief: Astonishing claim is made that the former PM is guilty of vile crimes 'covered up by the Establishment'

sunajAeon ago

Appalling how the writer slanted this piece from the get-go, this isn't journalism, this is PROPAGANDA, as if the BBC didn't cover up for Jimmy Sevile, or the so-called "Royal Family"-cesspool of violent sexual predators-is as clean as Gomer Pyle

LincolnsMullet ago

The full report is coming out in June. They're definitely laying the groundwork. I'd expect the US will be priming for a Summer Blockbuster as well. I expect we'll see more accusations on this side of the pond soon.

Amino69 ago

I have a sinking feeling that this might be a limited hangout by an increasingly desperate MSM. I categorically do not trust any front belonging to the MSM and this should be a rule of thumb for anyone in the truth community, they are all directed by the same virus.

As the saying goes, 'If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.'

Pizzagate has developed into something that genuinely represents a threat to the Status Quo and I think they're entering damage limitation mode. What I mean by this is, there are only so many ways you can counter and parry an opponent before you start to repeat moves and thus reveal your next which could be your last. It's worth remembering that 'we' are investigating and attacking 'them' and not the other way around. By virtue of this, they're defining their actions and responses in a defensive mode and so they are on the back foot, not us. To use another analogy and one that's in keeping with the dark nature of this subject, if a woman is attacked, has no way of escape and fears that she may die if she doesn't submit to the carnal urges of her attacker, she is best off doing just this and employing a desperate but last ditch strategy of damage limitation to stay alive.

This I believe is what TPTB and the MSM are doing and have chosen most conveniently a dead patsy who just so happens to be an ex PM of the UK to take the brunt of the inevitable fallout when Pizzagate goes mainstream. They have even thrown in the Satanic Ritual Abuse and homicide of babies elements and I think this is an attempt of controlling the narrative or even hijacking it, as set by the tenacious citizen investigators. By partly conceding to us, they're shrewdly playing the game of Russian roulette but they're trying to rig the game.

It's also worth considering that although Pizzagate is currently a predominantly American scandal, we are all well aware that Pedogate is global and multi layered in scale. My suspicion is that Tavistock may have been or are just now taking control of the MSM narrative and this is the reason for the shift in focus to the UK. The Deep State in the UK has enormous experience and nous in largely covering up this type of crime as it did so with the Saville case. I have no doubt in my mind that there are many living, current politicians, celebrities, Royals etc in the UK who were networked with Saville and are still abusing children in the most abhorrent ways but are getting away with it because they own the justice system.

This isn't to say that I don't think there won't be any high profile arrests in America as I think there inevitably has to be and the likes of Podesta, Clinton, Barry etc may be on the list but they won't take them all down. They will placate the pitchforked crowd with a significant offering and will then once again change the direction and emphasis of the investigation.

I'm aware that this is pure conjecture at this stage but something that we don't need to predict is the hubristic and megalomaniacal nature of those who we hunt and it will be this that eventually prove to be their Achilles heal. I for one will not waiver my support until this crime of human history is resolved.

B_dog ago

David Icke proven right yet again? Sigh.

Now we'll see an orchestrated 'false memory' gaslighting operation by the press, mind control spooks and pedo sympathizers. I can't really blame the blue-pilled for not wanting to live in the real world.

teefymcteephteeth ago

This has been going on fro ages, The Queen eats human babies. Look it up, there is a lot of information on this if you can be bothered to find it.

B_dog ago

Mainstream UK media recently ran a story on the royals being cannibals a few hundred years ago. Of course the story said it was no longer true. But I've reached the point I assume nearly the entire top level elite power structure is satanic and psychopathic unless proven otherwise.

It makes sense the most brutal and immoral have the skills to gain power. We know it was true in history. It's wishful thinking that it's not true today as well.

When Soros was interviewed he said if he didn't do evil, someone else would. That 'logic' rationalizes any evil, however despicable. If one allows oneself to select from the menu of human evil, that is the complete absence of good or morality.

ashes_anon ago

Something strange is happening. When this stuff comes out, it's never a reasonable trickle of witnesses who build up from ordinary child rape to isolated incidents of murder and torture to ceremonial killings. It's always straight to ridiculousness. Remember, Paul Bonacci's wild testimony got him convicted of perjury and discredited the investigation into the Franklin Conspiracy.

M0l0nLabe ago

Why is the great grandson so quick to point the finger? Whats he involved? Just saying, due to the research we've all done, it stays in the family mostly. It ensures wealth, and power, through silence, and shame. Sure, it could tarnish your name.... yea right. Nobody is demonizing you. They are merely stating new information, that is old information. Apologize for the ignorance, and move along. Dont assume guilt. We should look into this guy.

Clinker ago

Several things are important here:

  1. This is the established news, not far-out sources
  2. This establishes that it isn't just about sex with children, it is about horrific satanic torture and murder of children
  3. There is nobody more high profile than a prime minister.
  4. There is a group of accusers who all say the same thing, not a single voice. This is why the story has legs.

I am guessing that authorities in Britain and elsewhere in the world are coordinating with our good guys. The timing is designed to get people used to the idea that there are satanic psychopaths in very high places in government. They start out with this guy because he is:

  • Conservative - thus won't send the intolerant left into freakout mode
  • Dead - so people will not get as upset.

madhatter67 ago

Problem with sorting that stuff out in the UK....Is there is always a herd of royal elephants in the room

listentoreason2017 ago

The Daily Mail is definitely established but also a tabloid newspaper. It's not the Times or the Telegraph.

It'll be easy for folks to dismiss this because of that.

listentoreason2017 ago

Sweet! Hard to deny that.

B_dog ago

US media is still in deep denial it seems. I think I broke the upvoat button on your post. Instead of a 1 it says NaN. Uh...

delivery1 ago

Exactly, the US main street media would never cover this, because it would give an enormous boost to the allegations of their own pedophilia scandal, the pizzagate/pedogate.

This is the reason why we, the citizens, must spread the word, and use these cases as an example that crimes of the establishment are happening all over the world, even in the UK, the closest ally of the US.

delivery1 ago

Now that the former UK prime minister has been exposed, it is a lot of easier to convince others that most awful crimes do happen at the highest level of our society. This case is an excellent way to convince others that there are real merits to the pizzagate scandal (don't call it that when first telling about it to friends or other people).

fatjohn1408 ago

I believe it the uk has so much smoke...

Jimmy savile fucking kids and corpses, david cameron fucking a dead pig, a bunch of lords having multiple allegations, now this...