RebelSkum ago

Great find @wearesven! Keep it up!

anonOpenPress ago

My interpretation supports "new evidence" flair, thanks for the ping @Vindicator. However there's a reliability issue. Someone might ask which one of the parents was the abuser, or is the accusation used as defense. This is problematic due to Cicciolinas own history, especially the ways she's used to gain popularity.

By reading what and how she replies in the OP link, I'm getting a feeling that Cicciolina herself was an abused child, maybe even a trained elite slave lifted up to the spotlights for her "capabilities" in believe she'd be fully cooperative. Now she throws in this accusation towards her husband Jeff Koons either as a fact, an effort to get to keep her child, or a defense - I simply couldn't tell. But her way of talking is not normal, suggesting there is something important and relevant in this.

Let's say we believe her...

Direct claim towards Jeff Koons, which should have been reported to the police either by Cicciolina or her psychiatrist, not to the media first

Let's say she's using the accusation to her own benefit...

False claim towards Jeff Koons done in the media, in purpose to affect public opinion to support her getting her child

Let's say she's abused herself...

Probably claiming a fact, but being all too confused what is right or wrong, still loving her husband. The other comments seem to support this interpretation, bun one can't be sure.

What we need here is more on Jeff Koons - His connections to foundations involving children, his connections to other possible pedos, his reactions to Cicciolina's claim. Definitely worth investigating more. New evidence, as flaired, just needing more to support its reliability.

Vindicator ago

@weareseven, I just happened to see this thread and realized it needs a "New Evidence" flair, which I just did. Heads up @AnonOpenPress.

@RebelSkum do you have this statement from Koons' wife that he had their baby playing with his junk in the

RebelSkum ago

As a matter of fact the interview was on the Wiki for reference, but hadn't been thoroughly written up yet. Here's the page for Jeff Koons, however, which has various bits of helpful info:

Honestly going to have to do something about that statement, however. That's f***ing disgusting and definitely illegal.

Vindicator ago

Yesss. Make it raaaain...

fire and brimstone, with lots of that SOB's pictures.

RebelSkum ago

Pwnage #1:

Pwnage #2 (EXTREME AWESOMENESS WARNING! Managed to tag both the real Jeff Koons AND ICMEC in the Tweet!

Get wreck'd

newworldahead ago

Hey this is an awesome find, OP!

zzvoat ago

She served in Italian Parliament for 4 years...

"Ilona Staller, better-known under her stage name Cicciolina, is surely the most colorful political figure from any country. An actress who found her fame in porn films, she was elected to the Italian Parliament for a four-year term, delivered her campaign speeches topless, and after taking office she continued to make hardcore films while serving as an MP."

wearesven ago

Initially she was recruited by government to sleep with Arab and US men. I see no reason to believe she ever stopped being outside the influence of others, used up her whole life.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I came across an old reddit thread with lots of info:

zlomsocz ago

Koons is a major Hillary PAC donor, and I'm beginning to speculate all this art coorolations is just a front to hide pedo financial activities. Jeff koons has one of the highest auction prices for a living artist selling pieces upwards of 50 million$. Along with the majestic ape videos, transformer gallery, podesta art fetishes, and alefantis Pegasus art, and WikiLeaks emails that seem to coorolations with the worldcorp video where John podesta is speaking in code about directing a film. . . It's all seemingly a financial cover, this koons lead must be followed further! ICMEC board member!??

UncookedSpirit ago

Don't forget that David Brock gave $50,000 of his $1 million Soros bucks for Correct the Record to Jeff Koons for... wait why the fuck would 1/20th of the CTR budget go to an artist who owns the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children who let his son fondle his junk?

sore_ass_losers ago

'Jeff and Justine Koons will receive ICMEC’s Champion for Children Award. In the wake of the abduction of his first son, Jeff and his wife, Justine, worked with ICMEC and inspired the creation of The Koons Family Institute on International Law & Policy at ICMEC. By combating child abduction and child sexual exploitation on multiple fronts – creating replicable legal tools, building international coalitions, and bringing together opinion leaders – The Koons Family Institute is building a global movement to protect the world’s children.'

"In the wake of the abduction of his first son" - in other words he painted himself as the victim of Ilona Staller taking the child away from him to Italy. (Also, he has other children.)

Tanngrisnir ago

Koons said the marriage failed because he wanted to be monogamous while his wife didn't. He is a lying prick.

catsoup ago

But, she did not go to the police to report the abuse, but instead speaks to the media about it? Of course she must be believed...I mean, what woman would make up a story about abuse in order to gain leverage over her estranged husband? She said herself she's eating like a bird, poor thing.

ConcernedParent2 ago

She also said she was scared shitless of him because he is powerful (which he obviously is). When you're in a situation like that, it is definitely in your best interest to let everyone know.

sore_ass_losers ago

Claims she told a psychiatrist in NY.

catsoup ago

A psychiatrist is a mandated reporter of any abuse of children. Laws in all 50 states require a mental health worker to contact authorities if a patient is a danger to him/herself, to others, and/or if the mandated reporter suspects that a known child is being abused.

sore_ass_losers ago

This would be around 1992-1994, not sure what the laws were back then.

sore_ass_losers ago

Perhaps so.I found that in my research also. It seems like early on they were more concerned with violence towards kids; it's too bad 'abuse' covers so many areas.

Tanngrisnir ago

She ran off and took the kid. Of course, that was a big mistake because it let Koons look like a poor martyred father which he played off of to set up ICMEC.

I don't believe women all the time in cases like this. But I am receptive to evidence. Considering that Jeff Koons hangs out with people like Podesta and a bunch of absolute degenerates in the art world makes it much more credible to my eyes.

wearesven ago

Literal testimony regarding Koons, close friend of Alefantis, from Koons' own wife -- "But I told the psychologist in New York that I suspected my husband was a psychopath. I walked in on him nude on the bed while our child was playing with his genitals, and I told him, “It’s not nice to do that with a child.” I certainly saw other horrible things, but I can’t tell you about them. In other words, my husband is mad as a hatter.”"

micha_ ago

I would have done anything. But I told the psychologist in New York that I suspected my husband was a psychopath. I walked in on him nude on the bed while our child was playing with his genitals, and I told him, “It’s not nice to do that with a child.” I certainly saw other horrible things, but I can’t tell you about them. In other words, my husband is mad as a hatter.

Clinker ago

Note that this statement is from 1994. 23 years ago. I wonder where the wife and now adult child are now?

brokencookie ago

If I walked in and saw my husband doing that with my child, these would NOT be my words-- “It’s not nice to do that with a child.”

madhatter67 ago

You do have to consider she was a teen porn star....And kinda appeared in animal porn before they hooked up!.....Not sure what she's up to these days....Politician last I heard!

zlomsocz ago

Seems like English is her second language but I do agree

sore_ass_losers ago

I had the exact same quote copied ready to paste here.

Wow, I think you just proved Koons is a pedophile. The child mentioned was a baby.

SalOfTheEarth ago

You're telling me this man is accused of sexual misconduct with his young child... and serves on the board of ICMEC... Who would have thought.

brokencookie ago

Seems like sexual misconduct is a prerequisite to work with them and many other orgs in the business of "protecting" children.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I'm going to be sick. How did we miss this? I feel like we haven't given enough attention Jeff Koons.

Vindicator ago


wearesven ago

How do I archive this interview STAT? Man, this is only getting weirder. Edit: Saved -