HarveyKlinger ago

HA HA HA. OK, you tell me how cops or investigators LEGALLY take the PC and use it in court without a warrant. If you don't have an answer you are obviously the shill, and a pretty fucking dumb one at that.

HarveyKlinger ago

A lot more than you think you know and a LOT more than you pretend to.

HarveyKlinger ago

Then you should know that that PC was completely off limits as it had NOTHING to do with a gunman and there was no suspicion of guilt on the part of James or Comet.

HarveyKlinger ago

They couldn't take or search the PC without a warrant specifically listing the PC as what they were searching for and why. Period. Had they showed up and saw something suspicious with the PC they'd have had to get an emergency search warrant, which they did not do.

Look up Fruit of the poisonous tree. Most important legal term ever when dealing with evidence.

HarveyKlinger ago

Cops couldn't touch that PC even if they wanted to. They weren't there to investigate Comet, therefor had no warrant to take the PC. But even if they took the PC AND found a ton of porn it would have been thrown out of court.


heks_ ago

Two observations:

1) Has anyone noticed how the story of this guy going into Comet Ping Pong seems to keep sounding more and more aggressive and terrifying? When the story first broke I seem to recall reading that this guy 'entered' the restaurant with 'a gun'. Now he 'stormed' the restaurant with 'a rifle'. I also seem to recall that at first it wasn't clear that any shots had been fired at all, then there was supposedly one shot, which a guy who was interviewed on Info Wars said he didn't hear even though he was in the restaurant at the time, and the guy never pointed the gun at anybody. Lately they seem to be claiming that he fired multiple shots in the restaurant. They seem to be trying to amp up the scariness quotient to get people emotionally invested in this narrative of "fake news has real consequences".

2) They talk about the guy who went in with a gun, and they talk about the nut jobs who are harassing these people and sending them death threats, and they try to connect all these actions to the "insane crowd sourcing" of the investigation, but they universally fail to mention that those people who are actively involved in the investigation (and, again, I don't even include myself in that group) and those who are following the investigation at places like this with interest (I'm in this group) have vocally condemned any such harassing actions, and they ignore that places like this are specifically geared around simply figuring out the truth, whether this stuff is really happening or not, and that this crowd-sourced investigation is happening because all the people connected to this scandal, the MSM, and the authorities are utterly unwilling to address the issues and concerns that have been raised in any kind of competent and transparent manner.

oldskeptic ago

One of the first police statements was that the incident had no relation to pizzagate, or words to that effect.

CandyPanda ago

It's crazy, right? Especially since they accidentally filmed these two guys on the same day and thought we'd forget about it. Sounds like a completely different vibe.


oldskeptic ago

In addition to the Clark/Wade video, there was also a Sharif video conducted in the same format as your link. It was the first witness video I saw that day. It has since vanished.

CandyPanda ago

Yep. It's all about as phony of an event as we can imagine.

doubletake ago

well said. if you could somehow bottle the reason you used in these paragraphs and somehow infuse it into congress, we might actually get somewhere.

flyingcuttlefish ago

wait - so Brock and John Podesta are a couple?

HarveyKlinger ago

They don't need a reason to destroy their computer. They could have destroyed it at anytime, especially since they aren't under investigation. The ONLY reason destroying the computer by the hands of an outsider would have been beneficial would be for tax evasion.

im_at_a_desk ago

"IM A REAL BOY" brock you fucking puppet, we see though your act.

Blacksmith21 ago

All I can say is these fuckers better pray I never come down with a terminal disease.

stickittotheman ago

He will really cry like a little bitch then. The boys are waiting for him!

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

He might like it

bopper ago


stickittotheman ago

bwahahahaha! I bet that little bitch will cry like a girl when they get a hold of his ass in prison! Payback is going to be a bitch for all the kids he helped rape and murder. My only regret is they wont have 24/7 live coverage . How does it feel to be the most hated freak alive? Sure everyone hates "James" but one look at that weasel c-sucker face and i can safely say this guy wins hands down.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nothing beats J. Podesta for resting bitch pedo face. I hope he and his shitbag brother are reacquainted with their buddy Dahmer soon.

And for you CTR shills protecting this group of pedos, you are fucking next. We know who you are too - you pointy toe wearing, skinny jean sporting, manicured hand little pansy ass fairies who defend these monsters. Real mean can smell your weakness and fear. When we are done purging this planet of the real evil, we will move to the next target - you pussymouthed cocksucking cuck pawns. We shall ensure your history is wiped out and is nothing more than an asterisk on Wikipedia.

stickittotheman ago

Hehe,... cant argue with that. I know all gays arent pedos but its pretty hard to find a pedo that isnt gay. Have you noticed there are never any gays speaking out against this whole scandal? They have been conspicuously quiet indeed.... strange isnt it! While they bitched and moaned of trans bathrooms, anti gay pizza joints, gay rights, homophobic this or that etc to no end for the last 5 years, never a day went by without them in the news, and now... CRICKETS! Not a peep from these people.... hmmm

Blacksmith21 ago

They also conveniently forgot that 50 of there fellow homosexuals were murdered at Pulse nightclub. I think in the MK ULTRA research, "they" found some deficiency within the psyche which allows one to be exploited and/or brainwashed (hypnotized) and while not necessarily controlled, but controllable as a useful drone.

stickittotheman ago

Makes sense to me although i dont know if i believe that 50 gays got killed,...looked like another sandy hoax operation to me.

Blacksmith21 ago

Desperate people make mistakes.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

I would really like to know what secret he is hiding that was worth a $800k payoff.

Blacksmith21 ago

Why? Because we believe Brock is guilty as sin? Because Elefantitis snagged him with his cock in a little boy. FUCK YOU. We will not stop. We will not relent until that piece of shit is in the electric chair, if he is found guilty in a court of law.

Why would you not want that?

I made no threats. Construe what you want. My post did nothing remotely close to a "disastrous comment." I put no one at risk. Brock deserves what he gets in the end.

pizzainvestigator ago

Safety in the spotlight... we think the same thing in regard to Kanye and others. Kind of interesting that that thought is so human, yet their doings are so inhumane. Save the water works, what about this kids raped, tortured and killed? What about their cries? Who cares, they're lost children anyways nobody will miss them. These people fucking make me so sick i can't believe these type of people exist.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I hear Hillary sobbed for hours election night....that is why she couldnt come out. Rumor is she didnt even call Trumps team herself. They all fear the noose.

Blacksmith21 ago

Take note @davidbrockdc - unlike @Anonymous who "never forgives and ... never forgets", we will never STOP. We are coming for you. You will reap what you sow. And justice will be swift and tantalizingly painful. Don't forget to look over your shoulder. We know where you live. Sleep with one eye open. That is a promise.

doubletake ago

it just sounds to me like you want to be a star. that's my takeaway.

Forgetmenot ago

The children deserve to be avenged

oresd ago

Cries like a millennial snowflake.

stickittotheman ago

The prison population is drooling to get a hold of those puckered lips!

VieBleu ago

People that feed on victimhood are essentially weak themselves.

HarveyKlinger ago

Wait, did I read this correctly: James had a relationship with John Podesta? Like boyfriend/girlfriend relationship? Is that what he's implying here?

Brock told Thrush that James Alefantis — Brock’s ex-boyfriend and owner of Comet Ping Pong — “had his own relationship with John Podesta.”

beyondthecacti ago

i overlooked that entirely, is that what he is implying?

HarveyKlinger ago

That's how I'm reading it. Hell, maybe that's part of the reason James and David broke up. I'm not sure of anything but it's certainly a possibility and takes on a whole new angle to James and John's emails. Don't forget that one of James' emails to John's was signed "XOXO."


"Tell me you are arriving. Xoxo, James"

LostandFound ago

Well look at that, it does say that. Whatever the meaning I understood Alefantis knew Podesta through Brock. If they knew each other before why do they know each other. A lobbiest and a pizza guy.

umpteenth ago

I think he meant the have a friendship that has nothing to do with Brock...distancing language...like "I'm not into kids, but THEY ARE". That's how I took it anyway.

HarveyKlinger ago

I dunno. VERY deliberate word choice I think. If I were to say that my friend Bill and I had a relationship before I met my wife, the first question everybody would ask is "So are you bi or gay?" (disclaimer, I'm neither - it's just an example). What I WOULD/should say is, Bill and I were friends or had a friendship before I met my wife. Agreed it could go either way but I see it as the gay/bi thing. James is out and proud and John certainly isn't the most masculine guy I've ever seen or heard. It certainly isn't the most difficult thing to believe.

lostinthevalley ago

Not hard to believe-- here's John's wife Mary next to him in a family pic. She's a few years older than he is. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CoJGjwnWcAA4B8l.jpg

HarveyKlinger ago

I believe that would make her a fag hag. She could be a lesbian and it's a marriage of convenience or socially fitting in. I know of a gay couple where the guy and his wife are both VERY gay and they whore around constantly. It's merely a marriage to throw people off about their actual lifestyle.

bopper ago

Hahahahahaha. "At least no one got hurt." "This fake news."

Samhexenhyde666 ago

-cries about how bad/scary fake news is, then turns around and makes "Breitbart of the Left".


Which is it David? Are we banning Fake News? Or just banning things you don't agree with and radicalizing your views?

umpteenth ago

Crying!? There's no CRYING in beltway punditry!

grlldcheese ago

I hate baseball and i hate feminism.

But that was a fucking fantastic movie.

quantokitty ago

Fake news? Brock starts off with a false narrative. He's blaming ALL this attention on JA emailing Podesta about a pizza fundraiser? Oh, no, Brockie boy!!! There's heated pool time with underage children, and Evie's crib where you can have raw, uncensored video time with a CHILD(?), spirit cooking where you ingest breast milk, urine, blood, sperm and engage in ritualistic cutting your middle finger, black and white handkerchiefs that carry evidence of pizza-related mapping, hot dog stands in Hawaii, communication with a woman (Laura Silsby) that tried to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti, an instagram account where JA continually posts pics of underage children and captions them with such perverted messages as #chickenlovers, and video where the MC Sasha Lord and the audience joke about preferring children? WTF?!!! And all this came out of nowhere, huh? Truly you are a POS and a scum bag liar.

blind_sypher ago

He's only choking up because he knows he's caught at this point, and the entire extent of what theyve been engaging in is about to be made public.

quantokitty ago

No doubt those crocodile tears are self-pity and not for the countless lives they've ruined.


Do you think that the 33 children out of Haiti thing is a epic troll move? They control everything put in the media.


The masonic owners of this planet have an obsession with numerology and the number 33. It's fucking retarded.

quantokitty ago

Don't understand. You're claiming Silsby was set up?


No. That when the media reported this, they changed the number of children to 33 for lol's.

quantokitty ago

Still not getting you. You're saying the media changed the number of children Silsby was illegally abducting to 33 for an inside joke? Since it was reported before HRC got her shrewlike claws involved I would say it didn't happen and the number was 33. I think that number would be more significant to Silsby.


My comment was more of a quip meant to get you to watch the video showing that the Bortherhood of Amon Ra rules the world.

quantokitty ago

Ah! Understood. Thanks.

Millenial_fuckboy ago


Think about this, ALEFANTIS is in a relationship with John Podesta,

We just did an OP and the fuckheads MODS deleted it

Phobos_Mothership removed 32 minutes ago on 12/14/2016 4:52:17 AM

"rule 3"


FLASH: Brock Say's he 'Broke Up' with Alefantis 5 years ago, and NOW Alefantis has a "Relationship with Podesta" - Get that Folks Alefantis is NOW Podesta's FUCK BOY (v/pizzagate)

submitted 38 minutes ago by [deleted] to pizzagate

quantokitty ago

I'm sure they're in some sort of relationship. But being married, molesting children, AND screwing JA on the side and mopping up the mess with a pizza-related mapped handkerchief hardly consttutes a relationship. They'd bugger a cockroach if they could.

pmichel ago

Well said!!

goat_cheese_pizza ago

people dont forget

trite ago

As much as I wish this was true...

nnfx ago

Well I'm stupid so I allow scripts for all of the site till I can watch the video or do what ever I need to do instead of only allowing the certain scripts I really need.

nnfx ago

At least this guy can convincingly cry on command. Not like Ricky Dearman who tries so fucking hard to cry but can't force a single tear out of his fucking psychopath face in that one interview. :D

im_at_a_desk ago

lol he can cry on demand or he is genuinely scared shitless, i hope for the latter

logjam ago

I listened, and thought it was legit. Not defending the guy either. He was in a relationship with JA and i'm sure he cares about him yadda yadda - but he is a piece of shit for misrepresentation.

nnfx ago


bopper ago

Like Robbie Parker? Sorry excuse me.

nnfx ago

I didn't see this one before. Yeah like him...

Even though I wouldn't bet my life on the claim that he is lying. Yes, it's very strange, that he laughs just seconds before he starts acting sad and yes, there are no tears which seems odd as well, but then again I can tell he really is in strong emotions and trying not to cry out while talking. Look at his mouth. This is how a persons mouth looks like when trying NOT to cry. His mouth looks cramped as if he hasn't controll over it and this speaks for true emotions. So he either is a really good actor or is telling the truth.

Compare this to Ricky Dearman This is a prime example of a psychopath trying to mimic emotions, no doubt.

bopper ago

Thanks, I'l check it when I can. Actors used to use an onion.

totesgoats908234 ago

Audio link not working for anyone else?

"The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported."

Baconmon ago

I downloaded it using youtube-dl

beyondthecacti ago

worked right away for me

totesgoats908234 ago

Ya I have noscript, not gonna let a bunch of scripts run to play an html5 video on this site. I'll wait for a good youtube source.

nnfx ago

Had to allow a bazillion jscripts with noscript, but then it worked.

0xFFF ago

worked for me

MeatballPizza ago

Brock and Podesta are the power players. The Clinton Foundation is the money spout for the entire system.


They are all Freemasons with lineage dating back to Egypt. Watch the FUCKING VIDEO. TRUST ME BROTHER.


brbomglolwtfbbq ago

im sharpening my pitchfork

doubletake ago

they were afraid you would say that. George H W Bush: If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched. [this can be applied to so many many things, in this case, iran-contra]