JeremiahSinclair ago

Hey all -- I posted earlier that I know this guy from high school. I reached out to him and according to him, he gave himself that job title on Facebook as a gag. Looks like he's doing his usual trolling comedian thing. I'm attaching a link to screengrabs of our Facebook exchange, with a few redactions for my privacy. (Sorry using imgur because I can't access sli.img right now for some reason). Also, Edited to say the album won't view within this comment for some reason, I had to go to the link to view).

OrwellKnew ago

St. Germaine? ok, lol

These clowns just LOVE to flaunt their occultism. Here's a take on the pedo symbols I had not seen before. It's the swirl inside an upside down heart

Z11Mama ago

I have worked in both pizza and in marketing/advertising for restaurants. Nothing about CPP ever rings true. It's not just you. Your observations seem very normal imo.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I actually went to high school with Dan St. Germain. He's always been troubled and with a sick sense of humor, but always seemed to have a good heart, and I haven't seen anything indicating he's a pedo. He's basically just always been a massive troll/class clown type. That being said, I wouldn't necessarily have ever known him well enough to be "in the know" about something that one would assume would be kept a secret.

zoltan907 ago

Mall goths might dig it.

Freemasonsrus ago

No direct links. Archive those before posting.

IShallNotFear ago

Thanks. I went back and archived all of his pictures. I also put the links next to each or the original links but because there is only one space in between, it may look as if it is one long link.

Z11Mama ago

One of the comments about the Tinder profile photo is 'Your beard looks pretty in a dress'. Beard is a term for am opposite sex escort taken to an event in an effort to give a homosexual person the appearance of being out on a date with a person of the opposite sex. Very odd. Add to that the fact beard also appears in the childrens book 'Secret Pizza Party' and the photo is a creepy man with a little girl in the woods, possibly out on a date? Where? Why? It says so much.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Not odd at all for somebody employed by JA

zoltan907 ago

The man is Slender Man, an Internet meme that originated on the Something Awful forum in 2009. The character stalks and abducts people, especially children.

Putting that on a Tinder profile is creepier than his jokes. A few years ago, two girls in Wisconsin stabbed one of their classmates because they were trying to impress Slender Man so he would take them away to his castle in the woods.

Z11Mama ago

I remember all of that. Saw the media coverage. Now combine that with calling the little girl his beard. Slenderman...connected? Could be.

zoltan907 ago

I interpreted the "Your beard looks good in a dress" comment as someone teasing him that he was the little girl in the picture. Still, it's bad optics, if nothing else, that this guy used a picture of a child snatcher as his Tinder profile phto, and now works at Comet Ping Pong. This whole group "jokes" about pedophilia a hell of a lot.

iamthepizzanow ago

Someone is trying to troll us I thinks.

ArthurEdens ago

What pizza place needs a creative director? Sounds like money laundering to me

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Exactly. JA's buddy David Brock (Media Matters for America) is also heavily involved in money laundering, or so it seems:

ConcernedParent2 ago

For real. It's not like they're a big pizza chain like Pizzahut.

RedditISCompromised ago

Pizzahut should probably be investigated too. I saw a video somewhere pointing out a lot of satanic/occult symbolism in a pre 2000's commercial. Although, a pizza slice is naturally a triangle. They probably just subtly poisonous us with their food.

ArthurEdens ago

I think there's something put in the food too

Z11Mama ago

I'm having a hard time finding it but I saw somewhere that Corey Woolman lists this same/very similar title with CPP on her resume.

concernedaboutitall ago

Seems like he is trolling us. Like working at Comet is another of his jokes.

He also has a Gacy pic. That one of the man and girl looks to me a Slenderman image.

Freemasonsrus ago

Oh you mean "slender man" the nonexistent thing that inspired two 12 yr old girls to stab another friend, until they thought she was dead, as a "sacrifice" to him? Ya. He's a really fantastic profile pic.

concernedaboutitall ago

Well the girl was crazy to begin with, but yeah. Slender man is an internet meme, a horror icon seen in YouTube videos and various games. Not sure if there is a "pedophile" connection, but who knows. I was just pointing out the image appears to be a representation of slender man.

Freemasonsrus ago

Admittedly I don't know much about the thing except the current court case for attempted murder. I haven't seen any connection to pedophilia. Like the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out.

RedditISCompromised ago

Sounds very occultish, can you link me to something for further investigation?

zoltan907 ago

Just to play devil's advocate, "family" doesn't necessarily mean "kids." He could've been referring to his parents or adult siblings.

IShallNotFear ago

I know what your saying. However, making a joke about incest is still highly inappropriate and disturbing.

zoltan907 ago

Well, I have a somewhat twisted sense of humor myself. I don't find rape jokes funny, but the incest joke is at least semi-amusing because of the "I knew it was a dream, because we were getting along too well"* part.

*Trying to pull up from memory so I don't have to log into FB.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I actually admit I chuckled at that as well.

ConcernedParent2 ago

That still isn't "kid friendly".

zoltan907 ago

That's true, but he also posted the photo two years before he started working for Comet.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I can look past that... but then I also wonder why the hell would he leave it up? Especially after the whole PG scandal broke, you'd think everyone would be pruning their social media accounts.

zoltan907 ago

I'm surprised he hasn't made his whole account private.

quantokitty ago

Business as usual. They think they're untouchable and they have been for a long time. Maybe not anymore, though.

derram ago :

Dan St. Germain | Facebook :

Dan St. Germain - What do you guys feel about my Tinder... | Facebook :

Dan St. Germain - Dan St. Germain added a new photo. | Facebook

This has been an automated message.

Rightfight ago

Having that guy in ,helps them to be honest, because the guy can easily be pulled up and most people will say ? Ohh it's only dark/black humour that goes on there, allowing the public to dismiss the whole case,There is a world of difference between that guy and The Majestic Ape , Sex Stains scum .. I know these guy's are gonna be busted though , even with all there clever tricks and all the media and positions of Power . The Sword of Damacles his hanging . And they will not escape , With or without Trumps support . I rate the researchers that have dug this stuff out , right from the start . . Far too many people have become aware of what has gone on . And they are people from all walks of life , in all different fields and they're all doing their bit. They're doing it quietly not to raise awareness ,Knowledge Reigns Supreme . The world knows..... the world is watching .