patriot_saints ago

The more we talk about this, the more it looks like were imploding in the eyes of leftists and normies

HamstaRapper ago

The fact is some 15 year olds do not look like they are 15. Without googling could you tell me which of those pictures of Angelina Jolie in my original post was of her at 15 and which were of her at 19? I seriously doubt Joe Rogan could. Some guy from the cast of Lost married a 16 year old and she looked closer to 23. I also know of men who have had to register as a sex offender because their current wife was 15 or 16 when they were 18 or 19.

Whatever your opinion on any of that none of it is pedophilia. It's a completely different debate.

justanotherpizza ago

There is no such thing as "good" pedos and "bad" pedos. Milo may have been abused, most pedos have been, it's how they get that way. defending Milo is extremely fucked up. who needs him? pizzagate is independant.

Melitica ago

Once again, I am crossposting my own comment on purpose

As a victim of sexual abuse, I can say that many things become disorganized in the mind. Most people can't and don't fully explain, but TL;DR is clear that ANY abuse victim can have conflicting love/hate relationship with abuser.

With a young, gay person, who may have experienced rejection from other older male who pays attention to him would be attractive.

Milo was very inarticulate but he was really talking about his own experience.

He has also pretty well clarified in apology that had mistakenly believed his experience as a victim, combined with his platform would allow him to say outrageous things on that subject.

I have had hundreds of hours of therapy, partly on sexual abuse. Each victim is encouraged to talk about their abuse...if the public were to hear many of those things from a normal victim, they would both cry and applaud.

If you have not experienced sexual abuse, you cannot possibly understand. If you have been a victim and fail to understand, you have not admitted the full truth about WHY sexual abuse is so damaging. How it changes your brain and damages your soul.

This is why sexual conditioning is part of mind control.

There is actually an opportunity here for every victim if we can find the right angle. The left, full of SJW psychologists, queers, and other damaged people, has not even considered the 13 year old boy who was a victim. That is normally called victim blaming but in child sexual abuse, they have a long history of protecting predators.

21yearsofdigging ago

Man does no one here think straight(no pun intended) in the morning?? Milo, at this point needs us. We don't need Milo, we are doing what we have from the beginning. Our OWN investigation. We have the leverage and the last thing Milo wants is to have us down his pants(again, no pun intended). It would be great if Milo supported pizzagate but I am not holding my breathe. I like Milo, yeah, they misconstrued a bit of what he said but what the fuc did he think was gonna happen. It can't be his first rodeo and he has to be more fucking careful. I like that he kinda apologized for being reckless. Again, he needs our support but we will keep doing what we do. We aren't chopped liver, time someone out there throws us a bone and sorry but fuc Alex.He should have stood his ground

21yearsofdigging ago

Replying to myself but I want to add that I didn't know this sound bite was from something like 2 years ago. Maybe he wasn't on his toes yet

HolyMoly0 ago

Everyone here needs to stop defending what Milo said. It was weird, period. We don't condone adults having sex with minors. He can talk now about how he was 17 years old. But his actual words (by his own admission) described something worse. Admit it, and move on.

cky_stew ago

Why the fuck are we talking about this?

Piscina ago

This is a good opportunity to attack David Brock, Share Blue, CTR and Media Matters.

PawnsInTheGame ago

Guys Milo is a total distraction!! posts a thread about milo

HamstaRapper ago

It's an active distraction, a coordinated attack. It's a distraction the same way a bomb threat is a distraction.

eyeVoated ago

Lol, you've being trolled dude. But I got your message, and the reminder is well appreciated. Don't even respond to the douchebag trolls.

derram ago :

The Reagan Battalion on Twitter: "Here is a longer cut where Milo Yiannopoulos says that he "is advocating" for legal sex between 13 year olds! & older men. #CPAC2017" :

Twitter / ?

This has been an automated message.

badastrid ago

Agreed. This is purely distraction.

nomorepepperoni ago

We could use it to our advantage, though, by pointing out the instances and people they haven't brought up.

neurofluxation ago

Yes. People need to dig deeper in what we already have. We are close... You can tell because of the ramp up of slander, hate and finger pointing - this isn't about one person. This is MUCH MUCH bigger...