Commonwombat ago


MeatballPizza ago

Brock is the REAL Top 50 power player. Jimmy Comet was his boy toy and together they were a top 10 'power couple in DC' (look it up). He's behind Correct the Record (the shill group that has 10,000 members that created fake "bernie bros" to take down that campaign) and Media Matters (Soros funded leftwing group that sends out 'fact sheets' to journalists to tell them what to write).

Podesta and Brock are the power players here. Brock likely coordinated the MSM backlash we've seen and plotted their course.

heyKingGeorge ago

Is the reason that /v/pizzagate was created by David Brock (CTR) was to have James Alefantis murdered by the ALT-RIGHT?

MeatballPizza ago

Huh? No. He's in here with his shills trying to derail the investigation. He didn't 'create Pizzagate'; he's in danger of being consumed by it. So to speak....

VictorSteinerDavos ago

David Brock is CTR, Brock wants Alefantis dead. This is his habit.

Note that Mod KingKong created this sub 30 days ago, and he doesn't allow us to mention brock, kline, or saudi

Even U MBP agree that Saudi is relevant to pizzagate, kingkong&MF kill any mention of Kline being DOJ, and besta-pizza having INTL pizza delivery

We only can talk about podesta and alefantis

I agree the shills are trying to derail, but the mod's are backing up the robo-shills 100% of the time.

MeatballPizza ago

His habit? His other bf sued and got $850,000. Who died?

safetythrowaway1234 ago

safetythrowaway1234 ago

ignore this post

AreWeSure ago

10,000 members really? Didn't someone publish the FEC records and it was a couple of dozen?

MeatballPizza ago

Those were the paid guys at the top. They had teams of volunteers under them.

They even infiltrated sports boards, regional, local, you name it.

The Wikileaks reveal how they stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders. Sanders was actually the legit nominee for the 'Democratic' party.

AreWeSure ago

Wikileaks revealed nothing of the sort

MeatballPizza ago

Revealed what? Not sure what you're saying here.

AreWeSure ago

That the nomination was stolen from Bernie. The biggest "stealing" was a bunch of staffers bitching about Bernie after it was clear that Bernie was not going to be the nominee which was apparent by super Tuesday and quite obvious after the NY primary. Some of the worst stuff came after it was revealed the Sanders campaign took advantage of a computer glitch to download the Clinton campaign's voter data.

There was a lot of bitching and moaning, but nothing that actually impacted the race.

MeatballPizza ago

WRONG. The nomination was stolen from Bernie. The DNC coordinated with Hillary to steal it. They closed down voting sites in states without notifying the public - but posted the info on the HRC website. They stacked the entire fucking thing before it started with Super Delegates -- all of which Hillary had in her back pocket bought and paid for.

What crack are you smoking? Bernie got robbed of the nomination.

AreWeSure ago

Superdelegates are in absolutely no way stacking the deck. They are not new, they were not implemented to thwart Bernie and they have never gone against the popular vote. And Bernie knows all this because, ironically, his senior advisor was one of the people who created the superdelegate system and Bernie himself was a Democratic superdelegate in 2016. They are part the rules of the Democratic primaries and Bernie knew this when he filed to run for President. Obama used them to beat Clinton in 2008. He would not have gotten over the top without superdelegates. Bernie supported this at the time.

Bernie greatly benefitted from the way the Democratic party holds its primaries because they allow for proportional pledged delegate splits. If the primaries were run like the Republican Party runs their primaries, Sanders would have been even farther behind and probably would not have lasted the entire race. This is because the Republican primaries are almost all winner take all. At one point Trump had 40% of the vote and 50% of the delegates.

In late April after the NY and PA primaries Clinton was leading by 289 regular delegates. If Republican rules were followed that would have been a lead of 977-delegates. Because of proportional delegate allocation, it's much, much harder to put away a strong second place candidate in the Democratic Party that it is in the Republican party. Conversely in the Republican party, you can win over 50% of the delegates while winning less than 50% of the vote.

No crack is involved, my friend. Bernie was basically toast after Super Tuesday. And this was known to anyone who knows how Democratic primaries play out. There was no way he was going to make up his deficit. Conversely, since California's 455 delegates were not awarded until June, you had to play out the string. Move California up in the schedule and it's a whole different primary.

MeatballPizza ago

I worked for Bernie's campaign for 14 months. We absolutely would have won BUT FOR the steal by motherfuckers HRC/Podesta/DWS. Did you not even read the Wikileaks from the DNC? She stole the nomination and she lost the race because the Bernie supporters stayed the fuck at home because HRC is an evil bitch. And now we see what they were up to in addition to stealing nominations...

heyKingGeorge ago

Is the reason that /v/pizzagate was created by David Brock was to have James Alefantis murdered by the ALT-RIGHT?

We know that King-Kong(MOD) & MF, ... et-al are CTR.

They focus only on Alefantis, who Brock had to pay off $800k,

Pizzagate is real ( 8 million missing children ), but but it appears that the hit on Alefantis is 1st degree murder.