crazy_eyes ago

Obtuse - annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.

pizzathrowaway7 ago

2 day suspension for me also.

crazy_eyes ago

You been on reddit till now and you think this is creepy? You must be really dense, This shit been going on there for years, its not new, are you that obtuse?

pmichel ago

it is!

betadynamique ago

All of the Reddit userbase is trying to groom that little Reddit icon with their uppers and downers. Meanwhile, all of the Voat userbase is trying to sort fact from fiction about Pizzagate.

derram ago :

Fuck everyone who wants to take my pizza place away from me. FUCK YOU. Get out of my fucking neighborhood you sacks of SHIT. : self

This has been an automated message.

2impendingdoom ago

Stop posting this. It makes me laugh and wakes up my dog and then she makes me take her out.

RainingPiss ago

Doesnt surprise me, reddit is upping censorship and PIZZZAGATE is a huge threat to tptb but this post is very off topic

2impendingdoom ago

Its really not bizzare. There are a whole bunch of former reddit people here saying the same thing.

pmichel ago

I see that now