fogdryer ago

old news

he wife was divorcing him

anonOpenPress ago

I so much agree, forgiveness is the key, especially for personal recovering. Must have been hard to reach that, so glad you did!

anonOpenPress ago

All the best for you! Have you seen /v/pizzagatesurvivors

sponiatowski ago

Olympics Gymnastics Doctor

And don't forget the U.S. Olympics doctor who abused the women on the Gymnastics team. He was caught and hasn't committed suicide, but he was a doctor and worked globally as well:

peacebringer ago

all worth speculative attending


Bankers and financial investment type people have been 'suicided' a lot over the last few years. I haven't heard much about doctor suicides, though.

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Dr. Jennifer Ashton, the estranged wife of the now dead doctor in question.. not only was an OB/ GYN, ABC News medical correspondent, but had also visited HAITI numerous times after the big earthquake.

BarryOSeven ago

It's a good sign if they start to jump. At that point themselves see it as unavoidable.

Mellowmountain ago

i recently posted these suicides here:

we should get a running tally going

Progressivelymean ago

Especially thoracic (heart) surgeons in the case of heart transplants.

Mrs_Kravitz ago


zzvoat ago

Lol I needed a little levity.

Witsend ago

If you search her name and "earthquake" a bunch of links come up that show she took a medical team to Haiti to treat earthquake victims. Perhaps there is a connection to her husband's suicide?

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Haiti connection. Good find

zzvoat ago

Great find!

fogdryer ago

You are saying he killed himself because he was guilty. Careful now. What I know is she asked for a divorce. They grew apart they worked too much. She was no longer in love with him. He bought the house next door so he could see his family daily.
No resources

Mrs_Kravitz ago

No not saying he is guilty. Just noted because of sudden suicides and his wifes MSM connection and she is an OB/ GYM. thought it could be looked into to see if there was a conection

Jordan-Ross ago

There was also the suicide of Tommy Page recently, age 46.. a former 80s one-hit wonder singer that traveled + performed with New Kids on the Block. Just a day or two ago. He was gay (coupled with another male) and had three children. Maybe something here as well??

Also I just want to say that just because someone is gay does not make them immoral and pedos by default. I'm gay (well I say asexual now because I don't support the gay community's idea of "PRIDE" [being vulgar in public at those god awful parades; they bring the phobia on themselves by behaving in such a manner]) and I am not a pedo or supportive of anything dark/evil. Please don't assume that just because someone is gay means that they're all corrupt and pedos. I don't know about the rest of the gay population, but I do not CHOOSE to be attracted to the people I'm attracted to.

I use this analogy in defense all the time: when you were just a baby, there was some baby food you'd gobble down while kicking your legs happily.. and some baby food that you'd reject, cry over, & refuse to eat. This was WAY before you even knew how to speak, let alone have a concept of "choosing what you like".. Attraction is a natural action that is instinctive and does not require a pick or choose mentality. I don't CHOOSE to be this way. And I'm sure there's others out there as well that can't fit in either way. It's very lonely and I've suffered a lot from it. I'm still a virgin actually but I hold on to that because it makes me feel closer to Jesus. I came from a virgin (my mother) and I remain a virgin at 29.

Hopefully my post doesn't get deleted like everything else I've posted so far.. here's my 5th. Let's see if they make it 4/5..

Mrs_Kravitz ago

I believe that God is merciful and I ha e many gay friends who have suffered at the hands of family, friends and religious groups. God is love. Read Psalm 6:16-19...six things he hates and no mention of being gay. Instead it lists every characteristic of the evil we are fighting on this site.

HillBoulder ago

Hopefully a bunch of them see this happening and get scared enough to ask for protection in exchange for damning intel on their high level sickos

zzvoat ago

Indeed. Yet some may be offing themselves because they can't deal with the shame and fallout. Someone may come and tell them they have to or else... their kid/s or wife or parent will be killed.

HillBoulder ago

It's possible.. But if they keep jumping off buildings I'm calling murder for most of them lol what a world

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Thank you all for the welcome. I remembered another strange death/ suicide. The step-daughter of the owner of famed Magic Castle fell to her death in November. That makes TWO unusual deaths at the Magic Castle in three months. Maybe a connection? Note her step-father's name..Jonathan Pendragon. She was an acrobat so weird that she would be careless while star-gazing on the roof of the venue.

MolochHunter ago

misspelled that ol hyppocratic oath thingy

zzvoat ago

We love you no matter what, MH.

MolochHunter ago

even when i use sensationalisin caps in thread headers? You are forgiving ;)

carmencita ago

Can't remember the guys name but there was a post about a Magician that supposedly hung himself in some secret society mansion in LA. Think it was last weekend. They are dropping like flies. Yes, we should keep track with a list.

Proii_Pariah ago

Hahahaha! Thanks for the chuckle! Not only because the way you wrote it was funny but also because I did the same damn thing!

path ago

Even after reading your comment, I struggled. what did I miss??

Bolux ago

Thank you, welcome to the good fight

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

I though thought the same thing about the first doctor 3 weeks ago. Suspicious to me.

For review:

Commoner ago

There was a suicide by jumping across from CPAC over a week ago , and I still can't find the identity of the person: There was also a suicide by jumping just 24 hours after Kevin Bell "jumped" . Says it was a lawyer but I cannot find identity on that one either: Seriously, three suicides by jumping.

educate_yourself ago

maybe they all felt they had something to prove in their final act on earth,,,,,,,,luljk obvssss

carmencita ago

It was in the article. Kenneth Freeling, 59, who lived on the ninth floor, leaped around 7 a.m. and landed on a second-floor terrace, cops said.

Commoner ago


carmencita ago

:) That's OK. I have had many oops! moments.

2b1ask1 ago

Remember, suicide does not mean someone died.

Let me introduce you to the much alive Joan Alexandra Molinsky:

Pokes ago

Those don't appear to be the same person. Same eyebrows, different nose, lips, chin and cheekbones.

2b1ask1 ago

What about the voice?

Pokes ago

I'm guessing you don't know many old Jewish ladies from New York?

TimesUp ago

And another suicide story just came in...

palmitespo910 ago

Do we happen to have a thread somewhere that is keeping a catalogue on strange suicides per chance?

Jem777 ago

Thank you for sharing your story. Knowing your heart is healing because of the work being done here. These doctors are part of this story. Bell was allegedly scheduled to give a statement under oath soon

The_Roman_Numeral ago

I am sorry, but you are not being clear here. A statement under oath for what exactly?

MysticMa ago

I heard about it on 3/3 Grand Jury Underway! Pedophiles Panic! It's covered in the beginning. However the whole discussion is enlightening.