Freemasonsrus ago

Bankers deaths are most likely connected to BOLI's or that they knew info they shouldn't have. Here's an older article that outlines some of the theories.

As far as PG goes, it could always be related back to black budget type stuff.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Is it suspicious that he jumped(?) from the 4th floor? Don't people usually go up higher than that, if they're really wanting to off themselves? (I don't know; never thought about this before. Thanks again, Pizzagate... the ugh that keeps on ughing.)

quantokitty ago

Nice detective work. Upvoat for you.

2impendingdoom ago

before gay marriage was legalized men would legally adopt their lovers even if they were adults (for property rights etc)

Xax ago

NY Post from March 1st article: '“Oh my God, another one?” he said in disbelief.'

keepthefaith ago

follow the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Dabarina ago

Nice! Keepin on your p's & q's! These kind of connections are exactly what we're looking for!

The dots may seem insignificant at first but I'm 100% positive the final picture is clear and concise.

naturallyfree ago

Yes it's suspicious I can't link to it. Why is Judge Judy included in the headline? Does the NY Post do this often? Because Judge Judy HATES pedo's with a massive passion. She is such a hero. Is this an intimidation to her? She dindu nuffin. 10 or 15 years ago she went on a rant that she wants them all rounded up and dumped in the desert away from all humanity and they can live together there. It was classic. I'll never forget it.

I suggested to Trump on Twitter a month or two ago to put JJ in charge of a department dealing with this.

Sharipie ago

Seems like they're making sure she keeps quiet.

keepthefaith ago

Judge Judy really should have been first female president.

Gorillion ago

It's possible they name-dropped her to attract clicks. Who cares about some rando suicide otherwise?

Mellowmountain ago

this one is strange, and not far from DC

keepthefaith ago

Have we tugged on the tail of a serpent, here?

AliensInParis ago

I noticed a lot of these suicides are happening in NYC... in fact, I think all of them have been there in the past week.

That's where the CF is headquartered, right?

Mellowmountain ago

I think CF is on 6th ave

Mellowmountain ago

i just checked and you're right, the street is off. this might be a false lead. but I wasn't suggesting these 3 were "suicided", i remember the anon said we'd start seeing legitimate suicides of the wealthy in ny when the shit is about to hit the fan.

keepthefaith ago

How is this connected to Pizzagate, exactly?

Not that this doesn't sound suspicious. When a "wealthy manhattanite" 'commits suicide' (sure) chances are they've stumbled across something they shouldn't have, and are whacked. Cops paid off etc. Usually drugs wars, Hedge Fund secrets blah blah. I doubt, in these cases, pedo related.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

The son/lover piece is unnerving

Mad_As_Hell ago

Reminds me of Liberace and Scott Thorson

keepthefaith ago

That IS very odd, agreed. Can we snoop more?

Mellowmountain ago

I remember the FBIanon saying when the nyc or dc suicides start happening we know it's breaking open

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

ok you do realize that there are like, 8 MILLION people that live in NYC, and another 20 MILLION in the metro area? it's one of the densest and largest metro areas on the planet. if you want to get technical, basically from boston to springfield ma to hartford to albany to nyc to philly to baltimore to DC is basically one HUGE metro area? statistically, random suicides here and there happen in an area that large. this has nothing to do with pizzagate.

Mellowmountain ago

yea, it was just a thought.

keepthefaith ago

Agreed. What are the political affiliations of these suiciders?

Mellowmountain ago

found the one on kevin bell suicide:

for freeling all i can find is a connection to qatar:

all im saying is the last suicide I listed sounds similar to these two, all that happened in the past week. the guy must be mega wealthy if he lived at the sutton house. the point im trying to make is they won't release the name, and all we know is he lived at the sutton house and was 59 years old. and im saying it will be crazy if it's Rackover, because he lives there on the 4th floor and might be 59, and as you can see he has a very questionable past...

sleepingbeautycan ago

Found this... "adopted son"... wonder when the adoption went through ??

Mellowmountain ago

i hope he wasnt really adopted because you have to be under 18 to be adopted

Singleservename ago

No, according to his ex-gf he started going on trips to NYC in 2013 returning loaded with $$$.

She says she's certain he isn't gay but would probably do almost anything for the right amount.

Not murder though. She's convinced he'd never do that.

What I find suspicious here is the speed if not haste with which Jeffrey Rackover has turned on his lover/son, even if the latter is vehemently denying involvement.

Dirty smelly case. Does not seem pizza-related although Rackover is a Hillary fan even going so far as to openly donate proceeds from Ivanka Trump sales to Clinton...

sleepingbeautycan ago

Right??? I am with you hoping that he was over 18 and yet with the sick feeling in my stomach that he wasn;t. Sick sick sick.

Newfind ago

Qatar could be related to the house that burned down in the mansion in McLean VA that was owned by Saudi Arabians(?) and coincidentally in the same town JA has a charity I think.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Very interesting