Astrodreamer ago

Why is the Daily Mail giving so much attention to a NY suicide?

carmencita ago

Does anyone remember someone commenting that Eric Holder had a tie to Kevin Bell. The connection was either the company Bell worked for which was Arrowgrass Capital or Anthorp. I checked and come up with nothing.

Truewarrior ago

Sorry. Apthorp. Did someone make a connection on here?

carmencita ago

Yes. They said that Eric Holder and Kevin Bell were connected by Anthorp but I am trying to find out in what way. Although if they worked at the same place then that is enough to create some suspicion considering Holder's connection to BO and HRC.

Truewarrior ago

He worked at Anthorp.

carmencita ago

I thought so, but I don't know how they are connected otherwise. Am trying to find what they had in common. Thanks.

DarkMath ago

Truewarrior there is no mention of Jeff Sessions so a possible meeting is speculation. And given this story originally broke in Russia I'd say this is fake news until proven otherwise.

Do you know of any other reference of Bell meeting with Sessions?

Truewarrior ago

Sorcha Faal article:

Not credible source I guess.

derram ago | :

Hedge fund executive commits suicide by jumping out of apt | Daily Mail Online

'A father-of-two hedge fund executive committed suicide Wednesday morning by jumping out of his luxury Manhattan apartment building. '

'Kevin Bell jumped out of a ninth-floor window at the historic Anthorp Building on the Upper West Side around 7.20am, landing on some scaffolding set up in front of the building. ', "Sources told the New York Post that Bell left behind a note saying that he was depressed. 'The family is hysterical.", "The hedge fund issued a statement on Wednesday, reading: 'We are deeply saddened that our friend and colleague Kevin Bell has passed away today."

'He is survived by a wife Claudia and two daughters who were at home at the time of the incident. '

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9 storey splat? Must have been depressed that he was going to have to break his code of never telling the truth.

Crunch43 ago

Where does it say he was going to meet with Sessions?

listentoreason2017 ago

I'll save you the time. It doesn't.