concernedaboutitall ago

Classic Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals. Accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of...

Votescam ago

Trump continues to be a Wild Card and seems to be no friend of democracy. I'd like to see him prove otherwise. Nor is there much recommendation in his affiliation with GOP which has long represented sexist, homophobic, racist values while calling themselves "Christians.".

o0shad0o ago

Taking a contrarian view, we've seen it time and again some of the politicians who rail the loudest against sins are the ones who sin the most. We've seen drug abusers, drunk drivers, whore frequenters... Just because Trump advocates the death penalty for pedophiles isn't a strong indicator he can't be one.

Aniabub ago

So, for the first time yesterday someone told me trump was himself a pedophile. Shocked and afraid that i missed something, i asked what they meant. 'He was 40 and melenia was only 18' get the fuck away from me you idiot.

concernedaboutitall ago

Technically, they met in 1998. She was 28 and he was 52.

Aniabub ago

So wtf was that woman on about? I didnt even bother looking up if she was right

concernedaboutitall ago

Not sure? I bet she heard i t from someone and never checked herself. The Trump wedding, as an aside, took place seven years after they first met, in 2005. Interesting guest list!

Aniabub ago

I shall look the list up. Ive been recently made aware of ivanka (daughter) marrying into and converted to the jewish faith and he is extremely proud to be having jewish grandchildren. Hubs told me this not sure if it was satire or not.

concernedaboutitall ago

Looks like Marla Maples is roughly ten years younger than Trump and Ivana Trump is two years younger. His first marriage (to Ivana) in 1977 when he was 31 and she was 29. So, while he may tend to like younger women, not one was in their teens. He married Marla in 1993, I think, and he was about 50 and she was about 40 (I didn't figure the math there).

Aniabub ago

Thank you. I didnt believe that he was a pedophile, even if melania was 18, thats not pedophilia, but thanks for the facts so i can refute next time. I think i need to carry a note book there are alot of stupid people here...

concernedaboutitall ago

Definitely a lot of misinformation going around! Good luck.

Aniabub ago

Thanks, with these illogical twats, ill need it

concernedaboutitall ago

Yes, Jared Kushner her husband is Jewish and she converted to marry him.

nm98966n ago

Dems and republicans also voted unanimously for Amber Alert, which also had provisions tied to the bill that consequentially would have given tougher sentences to sexual abusers

Also,Trump was sued (charges were dropped) by a woman who said Epstein and Trump raped her at a party when she was 13.

All allegations aside, it is not unreasonable to think that Epstein and Trump were at least friends for a good amount of time. Trump was a Dem (most likely for business convienence) for a decent amount of time. I personally think Bill Clinton is guilty by association with Epstein... I have a hard time believeing Bill went down to his private island to have a bonfire and eat smores. If we have that mindset with Bill, we can't just dismiss Trump's alleged ties with Epstein

What is also telling is how much the MSM did not cover the Trump rape allegations. They made every attempt in the book to discredit him during the election, yet they gave him a pass when it came to this? Most likely, the MSM didn't want to touch this topic because they know many elites are involved in pedophillia... this is not a subject they want to discuss unless they are willing to open pandora's box.

I'm in no way saying Trump is a pedo. But as I said this before, i think it is wrong for many of you to assume Trump will take the lead on PG on his own.

redditsuckz ago

Dennis Hastert(serial child molester) - Freinds of VP Mike Pence;

In the wake of the sexual abuse allegations, journalists noted that Hastert was a supporter of measures which sought to enhance punishments for child sexual abuse, such as the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act and the Child Abuse Prevention and Enforcement Act of 2000.[146][147] In 2003, Hastert publicly called for legislation to "put repeat child molesters into jail for the rest of their lives."[147]

NakatomiBaby ago

Clinton was on Lolita Express at least 24 times (20 w/o Secret Service). And Trump kicked Epstein out of Maradelago for supposidly propostitioning a young daughter of another friend of Trump's. Can't remember where I read this, but it was while researching PG.

p0ssum ago

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

  • Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein.

TomDrew87 ago

He also said he throws great parties

Semore ago

Trump loves beautiful Eastern European WOMEN!

silverstar23 ago

Here's the actual tweet from Trump:

David Brock and his fellow pedophile scum definitely do deserve the death penalty.

Fateswebb ago

At least link the actual tweet...

IlluminatiKing ago

To be fair, that link was posted over 100 times here. Saw it all over the place.

BackAgain ago

I quoted the actual tweet. What the hell is the difference. I only linked something or else the mods would take the thread down

Ocelot ago

Just put the extra work in so readers do not have to. It's only polite.

Ioxvm ago

CNN Quotes things all the time. You will excuse us for wanting to see the sources.. I am sure.

Bolux ago

You know he's clean after saying this.You know they have been digging for years and nothing..OR its just business as usual, presidents aren't elected they are picked,I think Roosevelt said that,could be wrong anyway if so it's destination fucked.(ozzy man)

iamthepizzanow ago

Turning against Trump is EXACTLY what they want you to do.

If only everyone would seriously consider this.

IlluminatiKing ago

Yup, Trump is everyone's last chance. If you turn on him you might as well move on. Especially, this early in the game.