Queen_Puabi ago

If the point of Reddit is to allow people to talk about whatever they want, then why was PizzaGate deleted?

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

User for two years here, suspended for downvoting the same post.

EndThePizza ago

Wow you're brilliant.

We're in guerrilla warfare. We've gotta use their strategies against them. We need more ideas like this.

(I don't want innocent users to have their accounts permanently banned or deleted though, that's too much collateral damage. But having them temporarily suspended, if it got them angry at reddit and not us, could really do some damage to reddit. We just need to make sure our backfire against them won't backfire against us)

EndThePizza ago

I kinda worry I'll wake up one morning to find every mention of it on the internet completely deleted, and I won't know if I've gone crazy.

memegod420 ago

Can confirm Just got my two day auto ban: https://i.sli.mg/u9kwt0.png

jealoushe ago

What a stupid thing for them to do. Same with Twitter and YouTube. They are basically destroying themselves for the PTB, at the same time eliminating and insulting their biggest users.

Maybe they only want sheeple using their services in the future.

halfstep ago

I'm the person who posted the original link to /r/self article on here for everyone to see. My account was banned as well.

I see a lot of comments on here saying "Fuck Reddit" or "Never Going There". I understand not wanting to send them traffic or be involved with them anymore. But we can't just put our heads in the sand. We need to see what's going on and what the opposition is doing/saying. Not everyone on the platform is a shill and if we can stay classy and provide compelling evidence on obvious hit pieces, then we can convince more people of the truth or at least that there is a legitimate investigation warranted into our concerns. They want us to hide in the shadows so they can control the narrative. It then becomes exponentially more difficult for anyone to believe us and take action if we do find real hard evidence.

Orangutan ago

At some point we gotta go where the people are as well to get the message out.

WellSetTable ago

You know, I don't understand with all that Reddit has done, why anyone who knows better, still uses that site. Just like FaceBook or Twitter.

These sites wouldn't get away with their stunts, much less continue them if all of the people who are pissed off at them and for good reason ,deleted their accounts .

Americans have the power of not buying , using, watching , or listening to things that support bad causes, and we don't utilize that enough.

It would work and send them all packing if enough people had the will power to just not use these things.

Just like with HollyWood. That's why they think the general public is stupid, in their mind, because the public shows them we will still see their films, use their social media, or any product because Americans are too needy and stupid to pull off a real boycott.

If you're not American Orangutan, this same logic can apply.

People need to up and dump all of these Marxist sites and products . Like yesterday.

Orangutan ago

There's precedence for that with Digg.com being abandoned. But many people interested in politics, investigative journalists, whistleblowers, etc want to go where the people are. And that's still currently mainstream media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.

WellSetTable ago

I know but if people would just stop. That's a movement right there . At least the NFL boycott is still going strong lol

fetuspizza ago

I had two Suspensions given to me.

I think anyone who downvoted on that post got one. I think anyone who followed the link from The_Donald got one.

There are a few other users here who got two suspensions as well.

There is also a user who got suspended, just got following the link, even without downvoting.

I believe there is some serious honey-potting going on in The_Donald that nobody is aware about.

kneo24 ago

Hey all, i started another discussion about it on another sub this morning.


The top comment there is pretty helpful.

I'm on mobile at the moment otherwise i would share it.

Orangutan ago

9 years of activity here with over 1,300,000 karma points. Moderator of 14 subreddits.

gonegoogling1 ago

9 year redditor here, same thing. Never even had a warning and am active daily. Especially at work.

fetuspizza ago

Suspended here as well. It is a honeypot.

l23r ago

What is concerning is a lot of people - especially younger people - use Reddit as their main news source.

I posted a Pizzagate thing on Tumblr (another main source of news for lots of younger people) Nothing really shocking. Just contradictiory evidence of them having a basement, directly from the mans mouth where he was first was like "we store our special hipster artisan ingredents in our basement" and then "Pizzagate? What? We don't have a basement". The response I got was "You really believe in Pizzagate, lol?"

EndThePizza ago

Whenever I share info I purposefully stay from the stuff around Comet now. I mention Laura Silsby, or the NYT CEO having covered up Savile, or the missing kids in VA being 7x higher than it should be per capita. And I don't present them as "Pizzagate is real, guys!!!" I say, "hey, here's some of the stuff people found, and it's legitimately concerning, and they're trying to figure out if there's other related things happening. It's worth listening to what they have to say"

People are automatically turned off by anything about comet or Alefantis now. This is a very psychological battle we're fighting, and you have to think about how to work around their tactics.

pontagon ago

same, 6 year old account suspended for the first time, lmao

l23r ago

That is a beautiful idea!

Maybe use a short URL link from the Voat post on sites like Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook. People will click from there to Voat and then hopefully just click the link on there to Reddit.

UncookedSpirit ago

Same here :P

goatboy ago

There are repercussions. He can turn his business into the next MySpace, fuck his investors, and lose everything he has worked for over the last decade.

Enemies of freedom always face repercussions.

Bratton912 ago

4-year member. Same 2-day ban.

Ants and grasshoppers, people. I'm going out on a limb and guessing about 99.9% of us have no desire to rape children, or help others get away with raping children.

beepinboopin ago

I did, too! I deactivated my 4-year account. I'm done with them.

Edit: The reason cited on my suspension was that I clicked in from another sub and voted on it. In other words, it was "np" (you know, the "no participation" thing...) I'm pretty sure this is not the case. I directly downvoted that thread from r/all.

weezwag ago

Same thing for me. I can't ever remember being on .np.reddit

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Same. Suspended for two days, twice from my 3 year old account (as a moderator of a few bigger subs too).

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Yup same here.

Your account was suspended for participating in a vote brigade from this link:


You followed the link to another subreddit and voted on it. This is considered vote manipulation and violates the rules of reddit. The suspension will last 2 day(s).

If you believe your account has been suspended in error, you can contact us by replying to this message.

PrivateJoker ago

Mine was suspended for 2 days for posting in that thread LMAO. That place is such a fucking joke

terrordactyl ago

I got the ban also, verified user of 5 years and mod of some popular subs. By the way, the thread in question clearly reveals how the shills operate. The shills ONLY vote the top two comments, and do not go further into the thread to avoid the appearance of brigading, Thats why the top comments are consistently BS while the real conversation starts happening further down the thread. Maybe this merits its own thread. If we can figure out reddit algorithms maybe we should fight back as v/pimpoff suggested.

Bigglesworth45 ago

Cry fuck Reddit and release the autistics

Bigglesworth45 ago

Yeah same boat here. Fuck peddit

smoothassilk ago

same suspended for 2 days.. what the actual fuck is going on. im not part of a "vote brigade" am i not allowed to have a fucking opinion wtf???!

weezwag ago

I got the same messages, for down voting 'passionate comet guy'. The link they said I came from was np.reddit.com so I replied saying I'm within my rights to re-apply the downvotes from the main site, right?! No reply

GumbyTM ago

Where the fuck have you all been?

Do you think you're going to be the one that finally makes libtards see the light?

Are you incapable of learning something is true until it happens to you?

STFU about a website that dumped you and get up to speed.

Water is wet, tardit is an echo chamber, and dogs bites men.

GrubbyGordan ago

My account was suspended for putting a comment on a similar thread. I was talking about how I hoped that PizzaGate wasn't a really thing, but now more than ever I am convinced that shady shit is going down. Lets bring HRC to her knees.

qwerty33 ago

yup same here, this is bigger than we think. we need to team up now when ever one of those shills post a link on reddit we name it here with quotes and take care of it.

LookingGlass ago

Looks like spez is working very, very hard to make Pizzagate go away, even at the expense of destroying the reddit brand by turning it into another corrupt branch of the Clinton Crime Syndicate. This particular little fuckwit has no problems with reddit having a damn PEDO SUB - https://www.reddit.com/r/pedofriends/ - but talking about Pizzagate is off limits?

Something is very wrong with this spez guy. He may have special... preferences himself.

d8_thc ago

Same, thing is I didn't vote on it:


Did they seriously just look at the referral url, see we came from voat, and mass-suspended us?

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

It looks like that is exactly what they fucking did. Such bullshit.

dindonufin ago

Fuck reddit. Use this space for research please.

SoManyQuestions ago

"You followed the link to another subreddit and voted on it. This is considered vote manipulation and violates the rules of reddit. The suspension will last 2 day(s)." My ass, I'm not even aloud to reddit?

Lol. All I did was upvote this comment. ""But, what about the arrests of the dancing Israeli mossad agents"

St. Peter "Ok, fuck it. Hitler was right". "

On my own initiative. How is that vote manipulation?

WeWillWin ago

Same here. I downvoted the thread, and upvoted & downvoted some comments.

abortionburger ago

Same. I commented on your reddit thread with my old account, fuck censorship, fuck reddit. I'm so done with that site.

UpsideDownTiger ago

I only downvoted the link and got banned. This is the last straw for me, fuck Reddit!

IamCuriousGoat ago

Fuck Reddit

Fuck Reddit Whiner's this is VOAT

Frankly we don't give a damn

Anybody that holds an account for more than a few minutes on a CIA/NSA owned trojan horse like Reddit, Twitter, FB, ... is a world-class fool

mysecretidentity ago

1.5 hour old account. ... This site is prob the alphabet honey pot....

pmichel ago

Me too! I have no idea why. It said I followed a link to another site and voted on it. The link they showed is one I have never seen, nor one I would click on. Bizarre.

pizzathrowaway7 ago

Same for me!

derram ago

https://www.ceddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5hcvaz/i_just_had_my_main_account_of_7_years_suspended/ :

I just had my main account of 7 years suspended for downvoting a pizzagate article on /r/self. /u/spez can edit users comments with no repercussion. Wow. : conspiracy

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