123_456 ago

Subbing to /r/the_donald gets you banned from a bunch of subs too.

User890020 ago

CTR itself blatantly violates reddit rules on a daily basis, including within the post which had us all banned

KarateCowboy ago

It's not because you went to reddit from vote, but that you voted on a topic after following an "NP" link.

kneo24 ago

I didn't follow an NP link.

KarateCowboy ago

So they just made that up?

kneo24 ago

Yes. The album didn't save the image where I shared my response, so I posted the link to it here in this topic.


I literally followed the link that was in that topic and it was not an np.reddit link.

KarateCowboy ago

Oh OK. Now I understand. Carry on, and thank you for your patience.

creep ago

It was to a "np" link, too, which can't be brigaded.

creep ago

Why suspend someone for voting on a "np" link? Those links are designed not to count votes, so they were suspended for nothing but pettiness.


I honestly forget Reddit even exists.

Even when I am bored beyond belief.

EugeneNicks ago

Reddit is a fucking train wreck.

Where was this during SRS's reign?

Oh. Right t.

kneo24 ago

I browse with ublock on so ads don't load for me. If ads don't load, it devalues their worth to advertisers.

Al_Rubyx ago

Honestly you should still download that because other sites track that info too.

ExLibris ago

I do find it slightly ironic that this is being complained about right after yesterday's top post was one complaining about shills coming here to manipulate the voat totals here. It's pretty clear that this is what Reddit is attempting to control. (Through their usual, overly heavy-handed methods admittedly.)

Also, the title's a little bit of an exaggeration. Clicking on the link didn't get you banned, voting on the topic it led to did. A small, but important distinction.

Broc_Lia ago

How would they know?

EugeneNicks ago

Referer agent in browser.

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks. it bugs me that such a thing exists.

EugeneNicks ago

Its from the old days when the net was less corporate.

Broc_Lia ago

Even then it's creepy as hell.

DrBunsen ago

So, post links all over reddit that refer to voat that link back to reddit, get all reddit guys get suspended?

How did they miss this?

Ywis ago

lol reddit gonna reddit. Stop fucking going there idiots.

BlackLabel ago

I don't do it for reddit, I do it for the web in general.
Privacy is always good.

sofakingtodd ago

Kadynce ago

so what does that mean if you're suspended from reddit? no voting/commenting?

MGTOW_Xui ago

It means you just get TOR and make a new account and enjoy being unbannable (they can ban accounts but not you as a person from making new ones and continuing to shitpoast).

sofakingtodd ago

Yeah, the super Lurker!

Kadynce ago

lol i think i'd live

sofakingtodd ago

got 2 at the same time, I think its automated

sofakingtodd ago

Reddit got too big, they have Corp Cult mindset now. Most mods/admins are of cult now.

BlackLabel ago

1) Check your preferred browser's extension/add-on store.
2) Search for 'Referer' or 'Referrer', download a Referer Control extension (on Firefox and derivates I recommend this).
3) Adjust your settings so your target doesn't know where you are coming from (a good idea would make it refer to the target itself).
4) Enjoy never being blocked again and more privacy on your internet browsing.

MGTOW_Xui ago

Alternatively just use TOR.

Baconmon ago

I think umatrix also has referer option in its options, for people that are already using that extension..

sofakingtodd ago

Nice, thanks

kneo24 ago

Because I apparently can't use the interwebz well, here's the second picture that was supposed to show up in the album.


Which is my response to them.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

your title is incongruous with the link

the link shows a user being banned for linking from a reddit link not a voat link. NOWHERE in that pic is voat mentioned.

ok got it. reddit's saying they came from a reddit link to a reddit link, but they didn't they came from voat. i hate it when admins give you the bullshit end of the stick! AHEM puttko.

sofakingtodd ago

Did the same to me from VOat > reddit and got banned for making 2-3 upvotes, no comments. They are tracking where their posts are getting traffic from offsite refs and banning saying due to brigading from one subreddit to another.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so still... no proof of it having to do with the voat ref....

just the votes...

sofakingtodd ago

SO I click a link on Voat that goes to a single post on reddit, I upvote 2-3 comments and leave no comments of my own. I never came from another subreddit. As far as Reddit should know a user came out of the cloud and made 2-3 votes. Then I get banned saying I came from one subreddit to another subreddit. I think Reddit is overreaching and tracking users on a deeper level.

kneo24 ago

It's actually not, as the second picture in the set is my response.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

maybe sli.mg is broken for me.

i see no second picture. :\

kneo24 ago

No, it's broken for me too. I uploaded a second picture with my response to the album and it's not showing.