flyingcuttlefish ago

chickyrogue ago

TY so much for all the additions

NeedPolyGF ago

Can you get proofs for the emails Monica sent to Bella and any other material? I mean proofs that Monica sent them etc? Getting her papers or files would be good too, but if a book comes out about her that whitewashes the Clintons, the email proofs would help discredit the book (esp. if the author can be linked as supporters of Clintons).

chickyrogue ago

rutkdn <--this is the reddit user who originally posted this so maybe you could ask them over there if they are still active....

chickyrogue ago

like isaid these are notes i made as pizzagate was being shredded at re-edits keep digging

red_pill_stefbot ago

Thank you. Is there still no cause of death?

What an interesting coincidence that everyone who investigates the Clintons dies mysteriously. This is some House of Cards level shit.

Edit: I can't view the video from the memorial service. It looks like it's been deleted. Is there a mirror anywhere?

Also, what is the significance of d'Estree working in the US Attorney's office on behalf of DynCorp?

chickyrogue ago

not sure about any of this just made some copy pastes as re-edts was cancelling out pg and as i was looking for something else realize this was important to reiterate here for all the researchers and diggers .... haiti has always been oppressed beause they never allowed themselves to be colonized....

NotAnIdiot ago

Hillary is just as bad as Donald Trump

Or, you know, worse.

chickyrogue ago

hillary to me is much more dangerous than trump

chickyrogue ago

thank you much for adding this link

huntress ago

I think MP started to follow the aid to Haiti since not much appeared to get accomplished. With her human trafficking knowledge in Haiti, she easily could have found kickbacks. It's been said that a lot of aid money ended up with officials and back to donors pockets via backroom deals. Money, power and pedos seem to go hand in hand. I was trying to make a connection between raping of natural resources and children/disadvantaged by giving funding, such as HRC brother and gold mine, state department intervention over "orphans" heading to DR. While trying to follow the money through Haiti, looking for oddities and started to hit walls. This article cleared up some of my questions:

Between Gates, Clintons, UN World Food Program and USAid, there is a sh*t load of money and supposed supplies being poured into countries. It really makes me think puppet governments with major kickbacks.

Looking at Gates Foundation 990 taxes for 2014, 20+ million went to Clinton 501c3s. Page 43.

Clinton Foundation 2014 990 shows other Clinton related orgs, page 69-70.

Other links:

chickyrogue ago

thank you so much for all this detail!!!

Clinker ago

`How is it that a young healthy woman can die in Haiti and we can't even get a cause of death? Wouldn't there have to be a police report with the evidence that it was a suicide? They must have some rule of law there, since they caught Silsby trying to sneak over the border with children twice.

chickyrogue ago

haiti is very corrupt

chickyrogue ago

everyone has their own motives ....depravity runs rampant

Yuke ago

We should probably keep an eye on Monica's friends (the real ones) in case they accidentally fall out of a window or something, you know. Also, I've noticed that Colorado has came up a few times; is there anything different about Colorado when it comes to trafficking?

NeedPolyGF ago

What about getting a hold of her manuscript?

chickyrogue ago

i would look into their crazy ass airport the artwork allow raises hair on the arms

doubletake ago

XLNT. Thanks. Don't worry about formatting. This is Super. Never forgive, never forget.

chickyrogue ago

especially haiti

in fact there is knowledge that ties the atlanta boy murders to haitian trafficking .... just such a horrific state of affairs ...

derram ago

/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl?pass=1482954553.139-HJKsqwbMP7 :

NEW INFO: Monica Petersen died mysteriously in Haiti this week. Her Human Trafficking research boss Claude d'Estree CONFIRMED HER INVESTIGATION ON LIVE STREAM : The_Donald

/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl?pass=1482954555.516-RjfBLAtY/+ :

I FOUND A SMOKING GUN - Monica Petersen found dead in Haiti 3 days ago - family is kept in the dark - SHE WAS INVESTIGATING CLINTON : The_Donald

This has been an automated message.

ThruTheHaze ago

Formatting helps us read.

chickyrogue ago

sorry figured there was alot of information and in running thru my own notes i know i wont come upon it again any time soon

ps i am not particularly savey but have deep desire to see this resolved for the children seriously

RedPowerRanger ago

Seriously bruv...

Formatting exists for a reason.

Melitica ago

You can edit to least break into paragraphs.