FoxMcCloud11 ago

The enemies of free speech: Who funds them? (Furman Foundation Included)

dogeminho ago

So many damned foundations

ghost_marauder ago

Gail Furman also heads her own foundation that donates not just to Media Matters but to Soros funded J Street, the Tides Foundation and the hair raising Center for American Progress. Gail also serves on the board of Soros’ Democracy Alliance.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Thanks, I added the link to my post. Have you seen Furman brought up yet in PizzaGate? I think we could be on to something here... smells fishy for sure.

ghost_marauder ago

not to my knowledge. I was getting the group that George Orwell was part of involving Oligarchy Collectivism (good lord I wish I wrote things down. My brain is made of soup lately.) confused with the furman foundation. Or maybe that's them. I'm currently trying to sort out where I heard this stuff.

Edit: Fabian Society. George was part of the Fabian Society. Will be looking into furmans.