Candide ago

Reddit must be feeling pretty confident about their market position to suspend so many people over something so small. I got banned because I followed the voat link, didn't vote but made three comments.

They really need to just get some balls and programmatically stop participation in threads they decide to hide. It's complete bullshit offering a website with discussion forums, tracking referrer tags but allowing the behavior and banning after the fact.

They want to be a heavy handed censor, do it in the open and watch people leave.

User890020 ago

Same here.

Doesn't CTR constitute a vote brigade, on a daily basis??


tookittothelimit ago

Same here. Told me it was because of "a vote brigade that was illegal"

We_The_People ago

Fuck reddit. I'm done.

What site is a good alternative?

bobke ago

Reading that thread was my REAL eye-opener. I've been ignoring pizzagate for a long time for compicated reasons but when Comet Pizza appeared on national television in Belgium (under the banner of "vals nieuws" (false nieuws)) I took a closer look.

My stomach turned, there are WAY too many coincidences and they are too damn explicit.
Without realising I was on an "np" thread I voted away and got this message later on.

Usually I notice I'm on np but for some reason I didn't. They might claim I was and I wasn't really.

Azagthoth ago

I was banned for bringing up the David Duke and Alex Jones video. Got a moderator message asking me if I disavow the KKK. I said of course I do. But what does that have to do with this one person? Sweet fuck all. Nothing but silence. Done with Reddit.

abortionburger ago

Me too. "Vote manipulation?" And yet the CTR actual bots are still out in full force.

Lunari ago

You should realize that the reason people were suspended is because Reddit has things implemented to detect "downvote / upvote manipulation" - meaning: if a large amount of people access a post by following a link posted elsewhere, and then that post suddenly has a huge influx of upvotes / downvotes - it flags the system of that. basically to prevent voting abuse.

the people suspended went to the post via the link posted here, and proceeded to downvote which flagged the system.

I'm not saying that there hasn't been a shit ton of censoring going on - there certainly is.

but this specific instance has a legitimate explanation.

WellSetTable ago




Riva ago

I go back for /r/gonewild. Cuz...that's a narrative i can get behind? lol.. sigh.

WellSetTable ago

Oh well. Naked chicks . Guys will be guys but going back to Reddit for T&A when that's all over the net ...meh. Surely dudes can get that else where.

1202017 ago

Wow. This is unprecedented. Peggit administrators using their platform to push an agenda and silence dissenters. This is a tragedy. Well, gosh, only yesterday peggit was a bastion of freedom and speech. How could this have happened? Historians will study this situation and conclude that earth was mostly populated by complete morons from 1910 onward.

Riva ago

We REALLY are just monkeys with cars and computers and internet. Really. too short sighted to plan meaningfully down the road (collectively), reactive and emotional. We are collectively behaving like the animals we tell ourselves we aren't.

And we're shitting all over our own house.

Azagthoth ago

Very apt analogy. Concise as fuck.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Wasn't the CEO of Reddit caught vamping on the cannibal sub. And he allows a pedo sub to post freely. Who knows how many kids are tourtured because of him.

ThePuppetShow ago

He's the mod of r/cannibals and yes r/pedofriends is still open.

Echo_of_Savages ago

r/pedo101 is still open too

VictorDaniels777 ago

The Czar of reddit.

Azagthoth ago

Hes made sly comments about eating people. Fuckin weirdo. I am so convinced this whole ring deal is mutually assured destruction for people in power positions. Either these types are sought out, or these megalomanical types seek out power positions (both likely in combination imo)

LostandFound ago

Sounds spaz enough to be spez related

sixgorillion ago

It's like this motherfucker grew up without the internet, and is now faced with autists that were born here. His computer science-class only taught him so much.

betadynamique ago

You can't have threads about Pizzagate discussing this: in the presence of the Reddit logo while Spez is around, it'll cause too much paranoia.

SoManyQuestions ago

What the fuck is up with that? Reads like a how to.

derram ago :

Account suspensions: A transparent alternative to shadowbans : announcements :

Here's a list of all the admins and former admins so everyone can easily tag them : Enhancement

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