The changes seem to have been made because Alefantis does not appear to be Brock's partner any longer. A significant omission from this page is that Media Matters was Podesta's baby. That information was revealed by Breitbart in those tweets against Podesta that are currently getting some attention among Pizzagate researchers.

Purge101 ago

I hope your all happy most likely this fake guy 'I like children' will suicide himself and MSM will blame citizen journalism pass a law requiring anybody to post a libel bond in order to post.

Leave this poor guy alone, he's been setup since day done to be the fall guy. Sure BROCK is dumping him brock doesn't want to have links to #Pizzagate,

Why in the hell are there not 100's of people on voat digging up dirt on Brock?


So far nothing has emerged that seems to connect Brock to child trafficking or abuse. I assume that if something of this nature turned up, he would be getting a lot more attention.