PrideOfOshtekk ago

Well yeah. IIRC abuse victims have come out and said this. If you are pretty or intelligent, you are spared, tortured and mind controlled. Otherwise you are killed.

Pretty disgusting.

LaDonnaRae ago

Someone last night suggested Alefantis is a "fixer", which would explain his two late-night visits to the WH on Sept. 26 and 27th.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

They are Useful Idiots on another scale. Alefantis is one of them. However, even if he was a victim of child abuse and torture, his sins outweigh his good. He needs to be tried for his crimes, like everyone else.

IIRC Robert Fish (the serial killer) was beaten and molested as a child. Doesn't mean the fact that he killed and ate children was suddenly okay. He was made into a psychopath, not born as one, but that doesn't excuse his shit.

BethesdaDC ago

Comet Ping Pong = CIA operation

LaDonnaRae ago

No, it is not. This is all Clinton Foundation.

LaDonnaRae ago

WRONG, but thank you for playing. Next time someone hacks into John Podesta's emails and releases them, TRY READING.

catslovejustice ago

Great link!

Petri_Krohn ago

Being influential without any formal position and without being known for anything means that James Alefantis was most likely a fixer. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines fixer as

a person who makes arrangements for other people, especially of an illicit or devious kind.

I do not know what Alefantis was fixing. Exhibition opportunities for artist, gay sex, ping pong balls? I do not think it was pizza for Hillary's campaign staff.

LaDonnaRae ago

"Fixer". Damn it, I am tired! Please forgive me; sometimes I have delayed reactions but rest assured I am always thinking. A "fixer". Gee, might that explain his post-Benghazi visits to the White House? Thank you for your post. It gives me a new angle to pursue.

LaDonnaRae ago

LOL! No? Maybe he has the REAL secret to perfect dough! (OOPS, I guess that was a pun.) I would say more like children. That is the angle I am looking at, anyway. We will see what I find in Washington.

LaDonnaRae ago

I do not have time to catch people up on the last four years of Benghazi. If you do not follow the connection I do not know what else to say. I have a trip to prepare for. I cannot write a book at this time.

LaDonnaRae ago


LaDonnaRae ago

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes. #Benghazi.

LaDonnaRae ago

Many, which is why I am asking about him. His link to the Clinton Foundation is more than the occasional "dinner party". I am just running a lead. That is what investigators do. Ask questions, get the answers (which lead to more questions), ask more questions, repeat.

OrwellKnew ago

My take: GQ is ran and staffed by a buncha phags / dandies

LaDonnaRae ago

LMAO! Entirely possible.

LaDonnaRae ago

FFS. you are a complete waste of my time. If you DID know who I am you would STOP WASTING MY TIME WITH BULLSHIT I ALREADY KNOW!!! Bye now.

LaDonnaRae ago

Amazing how the trolls are out attacking me and I have barely been on Voat for a little over a week! Been following me on other forums, by any chance? Worried about my upcoming trip? Now run along and play.

LaDonnaRae ago

Um, because you obviously have no idea what I have been doing, what I am doing, what I have said, nor anything else...speaking of SHILLS. Bye now.


"I believe the vast majority of agents are clean and just doing their job."

The only reason you'd believe something like that is because you accept at face value the Hollywood depiction of the CIA. Most people mistake Hollywood for reality.

Kikimc22 ago

Exactly what I was thinking

SIMONBARROW ago research has established that Alefantis has a vast business empire - he has so many fingers in so many pies, the only logical explanation is that his career as a restauranteur is only a very small part of the picture and may just be a cover.

Millennial_Falcon ago

What does he own other than restaurants?

LaDonnaRae ago

Precisely. I agree completely.

LaDonnaRae ago

There we go. Good points.

srayzie ago

I've been thinking the same thing

LaDonnaRae ago

Another sane comment. SIGH I wish I were getting more of those. LOL

Nana66 ago

I feel like he was an abducted child that someone powerful like my guess would be daddy Bush, and he was special enough to keep and treat him like a Queen.

LaDonnaRae ago

We cannot go on conjecture.

cdglow ago

I don't want to discourage any potential talking point or any line of investigation. Certainly, I think these people who are involved think they're untouchable and have left a lot of clues hidden in plain sight. This could be one of them, but I think some people might be reading too much into the GQ ranking thing.

It's definitely intriguing at first glance, but my thinking is that a simpler explanation is that the writers who were compiling this list probably wanted to include a few non-politicians so the list isn't too boring and is moderately entertaining to check out.

LaDonnaRae ago

Possibly, but given his new profile one would think there would be a BIOGRAPHY on this guy somewhere!

whatonearth ago

I hope they do... I know it will be more or less what I wrote at ... but it will be good to have it on the record since their website seems to leave out a lot of the explanatory info that is in the print magazine.

LaDonnaRae ago

I think you are missing my point. CIA gets lumped into one category by conspiracy theorists. "EVERYONE IN CIA IS INVOLVED IN DEEP, DARK, MURKY, SATANIC CRAP." See what I mean? I am simply making the distinction. Now I really need to get back to the focus of my threads.

crystalclearme ago

Is a hypothesis I am def working from

LaDonnaRae ago

You can search it online. Interesting changes over the years. LOL

MeatballPizza ago

He and Brock were a 'power couple.' Brock controls the MSM media in DC through the pink mafia network.

LaDonnaRae ago

He still has way too much money for a pizza shop owner.

LaDonnaRae ago

Another Clinton Foundation connection.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Based on ....maybe a one night stand. A dead fly on the computer screen. A hangover.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

ANBRFTS.Y. Ain't nobody ready for that shit. Yet.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

GQ's crew is a bunch of little boys who sit around gaming and joking about doing each other all day. No longer any serious journalists there, afaik

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Is he/his father Greek?

LaDonnaRae ago

The genealogy someone posted says Italian, but he has German on his Instagram. Very curious.

Owlhunter ago

It's odd that Alefantis is listed as "Bon Vivant" in addition to "Restaurateur". Is that an inside joke? How did he earn his reputation as a notable Bon Vivant?

Definition of bon vivant plural bons vivants play \ˌbän-vē-ˈvän(t)s, ˌbōⁿ-vē-ˈväⁿ(z)\ or bon vivants play \same\

:  a person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes especially with respect to food and drink

LaDonnaRae ago

I wonder if that was his own self-description. He is definitely in love with himself.

Julian55 ago

its a great question. I think that you guys are missing something. I am trying to tell you, but I sound crazy trying to tell you this. in order to truly understand pizzagate, you must understand the pizza, you must understand the rose. Alefantis is obviously in the ruling rosicrucean elite. I left something big already on VOAT, its kind of being buried. The videos are not the best quality, but if you follow, you will not look at pizzagate, nor art the same ever again. Picasso can only be seen in light of pizzagate, through the rose. Remember American Beauty ? Remember Mena Survari standing in front of the wall that Lester Burnam "lustre burning" the burn't offering of Leopold Bloom of Ulysses (American Beauty is Ulysses as Ulysses was the Oddyssey) got his brains splattered all about. It was actually Mena Survari whose brains were blown out. There was a transfer in meaning through the rose. Our movies are about pizzagate, our poems are about pizzagate, our greatest artists have painted pizzagate though secret symbolism. the pizza is the rose. it is made of flour "flower", the pepperonis are little red roses. the round like pie. 3.14 the evil mirror of 13/14, the mirror cross. a black mass. DiVinci's Last Supper, the two marks on the floor, draw them up and you will see that there is an invisible cross on Christs back because he was the meal. That is why Judas is pictured with the knife making the kill gesture with his other hand. Christ being sacrificed is the religion of the rosicruceans. All the pieces fit. Here is an article I put out there: You can do all the hard research, but if you don't even know who you are up against... well isn't the the first rule in the art of war, to know who you enemy is ?

LaDonnaRae ago

OK, but we do not want to get too far afield. The focus is the Clinton Foundation. We cannot bust up the rosicruceans, the illuminati (no longer their name), and every pedophile/human trafficking ring in the world. We have to focus on D.C. right now if we want to break this up. The information is good as background, but we have to stay on course.

Julian55 ago

He who rules the symbols rules the world. "The Rose upon the Rood of Time". The pizza is the rose. If you don't know what you are looking for, how are you ever going to find it? florentine, fleur, fleur de mal, Baudelaire. the rose. Picassos entire rose period, african period and cubist period can only be understood through pizzagate, and pizzagate only through the rose.

LaDonnaRae ago

The focus is the Clinton Foundation.

yabbadoody ago

anyone found a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for a James Alefantis yet? I'm waiting.

yabbadoody ago

yes, done that search. WE ARE TAKING FOR GRANTED EVERYTHNG that is being "handed to us" by the web, regarding this so called "Alefantis"...

and no, I'm not going to ask anyone to "excuse my caps key". bite me if you don't like it. Guy is either Alefantis or not, but he APPEARS to use "Achilles" just as much if not more than his supposed last name. Very interesting references in any case. He's not who he is claimed to be. May be a former victim himself, for all we know (which doesn't excuse a thing, frankly, since now he's "joined the team") - and what with the multiple personality traits he exhibits, plus his trained ACTING (on camera, etc) I'd say he's a ringer.

Truthseeker3000 ago

On IG he was actually messaging back and forth to one of the first people who called him out. He said he is Greek and that Achilles is his middle name.

LaDonnaRae ago

Someone also says he uses the middle name "Strand" rather than "Achilles", as in the name of his art gallery. I agree with you that it is not his real name, although someone has traced what she believes to be his genealogy. The interesting part of that is there is nothing on the mother's side other than the mother.

Blacksmith21 ago

Which again, runs with a theory I've been floating for a while. Alefantis may or may not be adopted by his "mother" of the same name. If I were a betting man, I'd bet the name was changed one or two generations before him. Probably because of its phonetic association with "Jaime Les Enfants". Pedo tends to run in families. WHo knows - they may have been run out of another country for being pedo and changed the last name when they arrived on our shores.

LaDonnaRae ago

Certainly a possibility.

SheSaidDestroy ago

Here are all 50 (so that lurkers can quickly/effortlessly see how bizarre his inclusion in the list was):

  1. Eric Cantor - House Majority Leader

  2. Mitch McConnell - Senate Minority Leader

  3. David Plouffe - Senior Advisor to the President

  4. Leon Panetta - Secretary of Defense

  5. Hillary Clinton - Secretary of State

  6. Ben Bernanke - Chairman, Federal Reserve

  7. David Petraeus - Director, CIA

  8. Kevin McCarthy - House Majority Whip

  9. Peter Rouse - Counselor to the President, the White House

  10. Tom Donohue - President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

  11. Tim Geithner - Treasury Secretary

  12. John Boehner - Speaker of the House

  13. Karl Rove, Steven Law, Ed Gillespie - American Crossroads Crossroads GPS

  14. Tommy Boggs - Chairman, Patton Boggs

  15. Dan Pfeiffer - White House Communications Director

  16. Gene Sperling and Jack Lew - Director, White House National Economic Council New White House Chief of Staff

  17. Chuck Schumer - New York Senator

  18. Grover Norquist - President, Americans for Tax Reform

  19. Chuck Todd - Chief White House Correspondent, NBC News

  20. David Rhodes Ben Rhodes - President, CBS News; Deputy National Security Advisor and speechwriter

  21. Paul Ryan - Wisconsin Representative

  22. Denis McDonough - Deputy National Security Adviser

  23. Heather and Tony Podesta - Heather Podesta + Partners; Podesta Group

  24. Chris Van Hollen - Maryland Representative

  25. Paul D. Clement - Partner, Bancroft

  26. Jim DeMint - South Carolina Senator

  27. Kathy Ruemmler - White House Counsel

  28. Joe Pounder - Research Director, Republican National Committee

  29. Tim Scott - South Carolina Representative

  30. Nancy Hogan - Director, Presidential Personnel

  31. Brian Deese - Deputy Director, White House National Economic Council

  32. Arne Duncan - Secretary of Education

  33. Jake Sullivan - Director of Policy Planning, State Department

  34. Ezra Klein - Blogger, The Washington Post

  35. Rob Nabors - White House Director of Legislative Affairs

  36. Bill Daley - (Former) Chief of Staff, White House

  37. Patty Murray - Washington Senator

  38. Capital Weather Gang - Bloggers, The Washington Post

  39. Liz Cheney - Co-Founder, Keep America Safe

  40. Mike Allen - Reporter, Politico

  41. José Andrés - Restaurateur

  42. Svetlana Legetic, Jayne Sandman, Barbara Martin - Party planners

  43. Marco Rubio - Florida Senator

  44. Jeremy Bernard - White House Social Secretary

  45. Charles Krauthammer - Syndicated Columnist

  46. Chris Dodd - Chairman, Motion Picture Association of America

  47. Stephen Strasburg - Pitcher, Washington Nationals

  48. Jack Quinn - Chairman, Quinn Gillespie Associates

  49. James Alefantis - Restaurateur and Bon Vivant

  50. Bradley Graham Lissa Muscatine - Owners, Politics Prose

José Andrés makes sense for the list as he has accomplished a lot more than owning restaurants:

Andrés is chair of the advisory board for LA Kitchen,[3] a social enterprise in Los Angeles, California that works to reduce food waste, provide job training, and increase access to nutritious food.

Svetlana Legetic :

Jayne Sandman / Barbara Martin :

James Alefantis : ????

His pizza place is chosen for big fundraisers, but why?

The only time he ever seemed to come up was as the lover of David Brock back when they were an item, but David Brock is not on the list of "most powerful" people in D.C. despite crating and owning Media Matters for America and super PACS like Correct the Record.

Yet his ex-boyfriend James Alefantis is considered more powerful.

Ghoulwithnojob ago

I came across some accusations that Alefantis owns a contracting company and owns a property which he's turning into an art museum. Supposedly he is a co owner of another restaurant in Berlin with the guy who owns Dr. Pong. Alefantis is also the President of an art gallery exhibit held for very important people, including many ambassadors.

catslovejustice ago

"His pizza place is chosen for big fundraisers, but why? "

I have organized a number of events that involve feeding a bunch of people. The only time I organize an event that involves feeding people pizza is because I have no real budget to work with/those funding the event are cheapskates. DNC has a lot of money and they are trying to draw in more money via deep pockets. Doesn't make sense to have their fundraiser at a Chuck E Cheese kinda place with kids running around. Very fishy indeed.

AreWeSure ago

Correct the Record didn't even exist when they created that list.

Nobody "owns" Media Matters. It's a non profit.

The nonprofit organization is not “owned” by the person or persons that started it. It is a public organization that belongs to the public at-large. The parties responsible to operate the organization for the stakeholders are the members of the board of directors.

Also, a nonprofit corporation cannot be sold. It is simply not possible. If a nonprofit corporation were to “close down”, or dissolve, the board of directors of the nonprofit must distribute all of the nonprofit’s assets to another nonprofit corporation after all debts have been settled.

Also it's a magazine article. Big Whoop. Are Channing Tatum and Chris Helmsworth less sexy than when they were Sexiest Man Alive! Does People magazine do scientific tests to measure their Sexyness! What's the unit of Sexiest? Is it the Jewel? The Swayze?

LaDonnaRae ago

And of course no one gets around that. Ever. Never. Which is why the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation. Because it is impossible for them to be engaging in illegal activities. Because they are a non-profit. Because non-profits always follow the law. They never work around it. Nope. Never. (GET REAL!)

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

He probably WAS like a pop up politician you see, like George Clooney; it LOOKS LIKE he's being groomed, but maybe, maybe not. Even Trump just got lucky. But nah. Too geh anyway.

concernedaboutitall ago

And funny how Tony and Heather Podesta are listed together... John Podesta isn't on the list.

LaDonnaRae ago

Right? And I would STILL like to know why he owns so many properties around the George Bush Intelligence Center.

B3nder ago

Slowly but surely I get the feeling that Alefantis and friends are imposing to be pedos to lure real pedos in, but on the other hand this is impossible because of the investigations from the web. Reading everyday about this stuff really makes me sad...

LaDonnaRae ago

No. Alefantis is most definitely a pedophile. Did you watch him carefully during the Megyn Kelly interview. Classic psychopath.

Julian55 ago


AreWeSure ago

Also you are only searching the online site which is just the Gallery. Not the full article from the magazine Every person was given a little blurb of copy. Eater DC pulled out these quotes

Then, coming in at #49, Alefantis makes the list as both a "restaurateur and bon vivant" thanks to the "liberal twentysomethings in khakis" who eat at Comet Ping Pong and the "[m]ore established progressives" who flock to Buck's Fishing & Camping. Also, "If you don't know him, you aren't wearing your scarf right." Well OK then.

His "power" seems to be on the social scene because people eat in his restaurants. You have heard of the idea of a "trendsetter."

whatonearth ago

Yeah... if you actually read the full articles that aren't on the site, you will see that the ranking isn't meant as a serious objective ranking of power in the federal government; it's the results of a survey they do every couple of years of big shots in DC to get an idea of who has "buzz" in the city on the various areas GQ is interested in. They deliberately exclude the president and vice president, and they encourage having some local flavor in the list by including who's hot in the local upper-crust social scene. They even admit straight up that the list is there to get people talking and arguing and buying the magazine so they can argue more -- see

Remember GQ is not primarily a political magazine, it's a men's fashion and culture magazine that has a little bit of politics and sports in it. So it covers things like local socialites (hence the party planners in the list), the foodie scene (which is why there's always one or two local chefs in the list), arts and culture (that's why Politics & Prose is in there), and so on. The writers for GQ would probably laugh their heads off to learn that pizzagate thinks their list is meant to be some objective ranking of political power.

AreWeSure ago

Searching the quotes, I found this showing what appears to be his full GQ article

“Liberal twentysomethings in khakis drink beer and eat pizza at Alefantis-owned Comet Ping Pong. More established progressives wine and dine next door at Alefantis-owned Buck’s Fishing Camping. Alefantis is also the board president of Transformer, the contemporary art gallery that shamed the Smithsonian for removing an installation offensive to right-wingers. When it comes to D.C. radical chic, Alefantis is unsurpassed. If you don’t know him, you aren’t wearing your scarf right.”

LaDonnaRae ago

I cannot wait to visit his "art" gallery in Georgetown.

LaDonnaRae ago

Sure. But OK. So he is such a "trend-setter" that he has 13 other properties in Washington D.C., McLean VA, Falls Church VA, and NY City? He sells THAT MUCH PIZZA? No way. And AGAIN, back to the Clinton Foundation (which is why I even care about the guy; I am not a sex-ring RICO cop) why is George Soros and the CF donating to him? Something else has to be going on. And I am sorry, but such a "trend-setter" would surely garner the interest of some lifestyle magazine editor who would have done at least one piece telling of his rise to fame.

AreWeSure ago

Sure. But OK. So he is such a "trend-setter" that he has 13 other properties Do you know the term non-sequitur? Because this is a non-sequitur. It very well might be. I have no way of knowing.

Is it surprising that a businessman who has two popular restaurants has other businesses? Not really.
If you have a track record and pay your bills on time, you could easily get bank loans. Pizza is probably not what he makes his money on. Booze is probably the biggest profit.

Nobody is "donating" to him, least of all George Soros. This is people misreading FEC reports.

You need articles about JA? Do these suffice?

LaDonnaRae ago

The first is an exact duplicate of another article and it is about Guy Fiero. The second really doesn't say much of anything other than about what's-her-name. I am talking about an actual feature article: Hello, Mr. Alefantis. Could you tell our readers how you got your start? "Well, blah, blah, blah." Where did you grow up? "Blah, blah." What got you into the pizza business? "Blah." How did you come up with the concept of Buck's? ETC.

AreWeSure ago

I guess he must operate a profitable international pedophile ring then.

LaDonnaRae ago

Which would explain his two trips to the White House right after Benghazi. I am convinced that is where this is going.

NotAnIdiot ago

I want to see Comet's books. I would bet large amounts of money that they are laundering money.

LaDonnaRae ago

I will be checking it out while I am there.

whatonearth ago

I assume he must have been pretty well off to begin with, considering the part of town he grew up in. And the Soros thing wasn't a donation, it clearly says it was a payment for catering services. Ask anyone you know who has had to put on a large catered event... maybe you have someone in your family who had to foot the bill for a large wedding reception... they can tell you how quickly the costs pile up.

LaDonnaRae ago

You have to connect the dots and not take things at face value. So, George Soros, the multi-billionaire, who lives in New York City and jets all over the world...the guy who has destroyed four countries and his trying to destroy this one, who "broke the Bank of England", calls James Alefantis for catering services? Why? Isn't he more of a lobster tail kinda guy? Add in all the weird crap going on at CPP, toss in their "art" and "music", and something else is happening here. Not to mention what I said in my article about Benghazi. WHY is he visiting the White House?

AreWeSure ago

How did the Weather Bloggers make 38?
38. Capital Weather Gang Bloggers, The Washington Post

Why did another restaurant owner make #41? 41. José Andrés Restaurateur

How did three party planner make #42? 42. Svetlana Legetic, Jayne Sandman, Barbara Martin Party planners

How did a pitcher make #47 47. Stephen Strasburg

Perhaps it's actually hard to come up with an interesting list of 50 and perhaps genuine power is not exactly the criteria. If you think style and trends and influences day to day life, it makes sense to have a baseball player and a couple of restaurant owners on the list. Also Weather Bloggers, they literally have the power to control the weather. Pitcher, Washington Nationals

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes, but GQ is more of a sideline issue to make the point that THERE IS NO BIOGRAPHY ON THE 49TH MOST POWERFUL PERSON IN WASHINGTON D.C. I can look up Strasburg and find out all about him.

teh_Dude ago

By bographies you mean wikipedia pages? I tried to find other wiki pages from people in that list and I couldn't find some of them too. Honest question, not trying to bash your post, bro.

LaDonnaRae ago

I mean anything! Anything at all! No Wiki, no magazine, no newspaper. Nothing. Non-existent.

AreWeSure ago

GQ is not the sideline issue. They made the list. They used their own criteria to make the list.

Of course, you can look up information on Strasburg, he's an All-Star baseball player. You can look up info on any major league baseball player, even the scrubs. That's not surprising at all. Pro sports occupies a giant place in our culture and there's only a small number of pro athletes. Every newspaper has a whole section dedicated to sports.

My point about Strasburg is what is his power? How does he yield this power outside his day job of pitching for the Nationals? What about the weather bloggers? Or the party planners?

Anyone who is taking this list as some absolute accounting of power in America, or even just in DC, is taking things waaaaay too literally.

LaDonnaRae ago

Except that it appears to be true. How else do you account for donations from both the Clinton Foundation and George Soros? Where is he getting hundreds of millions of dollars to buy thirteen high-priced properties? From PIZZA?

AreWeSure ago

He is not getting donations from them. You're completely off track there and don't understand how FEC reports work.

Also hundreds of millions of dollars? Not a real estate person are you? You are off on the value of these properties and the amount of upfront money needed to acquire them.

LaDonnaRae ago

HELLO??? 1) There is a BIG, FAT, HUGE ARTICLE on his purchase in Kalorama! (BTW, Podesta bought one, too.) 2) There is something called a "TAX ASSESSOR'S OFFICE"! 3) Why the FUCK are you defending these people?!

AreWeSure ago

You don't have to lay out the entire value of a property to buy it.


LaDonnaRae ago

Yes. I realize that. But I doubt I can buy thirteen properties in four different counties spanning two states and the District with just "good looks" and a pizza joint for collateral.

AreWeSure ago

What values do you put on the properties to get to $200 million?

bolus ago

you put down 20%. at least, and show that you've got revenue to cover the rest over time.

if your credit says you can afford 200 million dollars worth of house, you have a shit ton of assets, potential or otherwise.

AreWeSure ago

200 million is a ridiculous figure is one of my points.

bolus ago

understand what you're saying now, i misunderstood.

LaDonnaRae ago

I am not a real estate agent. However, I have bought a house (not recently). I know it is not easy jumping through hoops to get ONE. Never mind THIRTEEN, one of which is in NEW YORK CITY, one of the two highest-priced cities in the country!

DustyRadio ago

His "power ranking" on its face is baffling. I have a hard time believing he is CIA because of how... public... he has been with his posts and crazy shit up until people began digging. Wouldn't he be less ostentatious if he was CIA? I could see the elites thinking they could brand anyone who called the shitbag out on his creepy posts as "homophobic" because they have used that label so successfully to brand people in the recent years... but I have a hard time believing the CIA would be directly partnered with someone so sloppy. JMO.

LaDonnaRae ago

Sometimes intelligence agencies will use idiots because it gives them plausible deniability if/when the person gets caught. But, he is far too eager to do the twisted things he is doing for me to believe he is an actual employee. In fact, he is so out there I doubt they would even use him as PD. But someone has to be behind him. Where is he getting all of this money that he has thirteen very high-dollar properties? From selling PIZZA? Did David Brock give him a zillion dollars? And AGAIN, NO BIO TO BE FOUND? There is way more to this guy.

DustyRadio ago

Soros has been shown to be a CPP donor, right? His name tied to it surely gives pause. I could see HIM working with this sicko and hanging him out to dry when he is no longer useful to their cause, whatever it really is. :/

LaDonnaRae ago

You are right.

Marthvedderette ago

Someone did a great piece on his genealogy. It was posted yesterday on v/pizzagate.

LaDonnaRae ago

His genealogy? How in hell did they come up with that when we have no idea who he is? Where is the link? I am still new to Voat and have not figured out how to find things very well yet.

Marthvedderette ago

Someone got an account for one of those genealogical web thingy

LaDonnaRae ago

Um, you mean

Marthvedderette ago

Yeah I guess. It was a really well put together post, and now I can't find it. He found out that Alefontis is his real last name, his father was connected to Boy Scouts of America, go figure, he found a bunch of other odd things, suggesting his family has been doing this sort of thing for generations.

LaDonnaRae ago

Marthvedderette ago

Yeah. I guess those are some large leaps to say this is generational, I don't mean to slander the guy. Until some authorities investigate this case, and he is questioned, this is all just pure speculation. I must say though, the evidence that has been gathered by internet sleuths is not doing him any favors.

LaDonnaRae ago

That is what we are working on.

Lunari ago

I think this is (most likely) the post they were referring to.

LaDonnaRae ago

Great information! Thank you! I will check it out.

LaDonnaRae ago

I can try, but I doubt they will answer me. LOL

LaDonnaRae ago

So because he was David Brock's boyfriend he got to visit the White House five times? And specifically on September 26 & 27, 2012? Why does he own so many properties within a mile of the George Bush Intelligence Center (McLean)? So many questions.

pizzathrowaway ago

Anyone can visit the white house.

LaDonnaRae ago

Not the way he did.

dafacts ago

yeah people don't generally just "visit" the White House 2 days in a row. "oh, you again.. back for another tour?". He had some business there...

AliBambii ago

One time he visited the WH coincided with a visit on the same day by Laura Silsby - the woman caught with trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti.

LaDonnaRae ago

Most definitely.

Scoundrel ago

Did you see the times as well.. all in the late evening?

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes. I sure wish I had subpoena power.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So a S.O. of David Brock is more powerful than 90% of the actual members of the US federal government? Howzat work?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Because politicians do what they're told by the people who control them, the donors, and are vulnerable to public opinion. Brock with his propaganda can sway vast swathes of the public. It's a damning indictment of power and political culture

ZalesMcMuffin ago

But Brock wasn't the 49th guy on the list. Alefantis was.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

True, it is strange, is Brock higher on the list? They're hardly facting in the influence that comes with providing children or drugs? I know back in the day Larry King would have been named one of the most influential in political circles, and I spose the rumours were around that he was into chikldren and drugs, the supply of them... hard to know what it is that GQ is saying, because there surely is no legitimate way he should be this powerful, unless they're factoring in illegal things....

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Hence why we carp on and on about it. ;-)

LaDonnaRae ago


Marthvedderette ago

The honeypot black mail technique. You get a bunch of people to play ping pong, then you roll out the naked little kids, then who ever doesn't bail on the party out of pure disgust, is instantly compromised due to the fact that the entire place you are in is heavily bugged with cameras and microphones. The ones who stay that are photographed with the naked kids are fucked. The ones who actually engage in sex with the kids are ultimate puppets. Also to note the government uses pedos in the military to become puppets. Say you are a suspected pedo fresh faced in the military. They find out you like fucking kids, they come to you saying "we know you like to fuck kids, you have two options. We can report you to the proper authorities, or we can work something out where you do what we say". You can see the power that they wield with having an unlimited supply of children to use in this matter. You can also see that no one is given a position of power, unless they are mailable. It appears that James Alefontis might be the procurer of children for this technique, which would explain his 49th most powerful person in DC title, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. This ultimately keeps good people from obtaining positions of power.

LaDonnaRae ago

Makes sense.

Selnee ago

I'm out of upvotes but yeah very good point!

21yearsofdigging ago

My theory for what it's worth is that he is a C.I.A. asset and he is in the business of finding and pimping out children.

LaDonnaRae ago

Yeah, I keep hearing that theory about CIA, but I am still not quite buying it. There may be some rogue group within CIA doing it, but I cannot believe CIA 1) would endorse such activities and that 2) Congress has never discovered them? I am sorry; I grew up studying CIA and when people beginning spewing dark underworld conspiracy theories about them I balk. Yes, they engage in clandestine activities, but CIA as an institution is not a pedophile ring. I will just have to leave the jury out on that one for now.

stickittotheman ago

you need to watch some Ted Gunderson

LaDonnaRae ago

I have. I am buried. Completely buried. But yes, I have. Again, this is about focus. We can spend the rest of our lives running every single possible scenario in existence. But if we want to take the CF down, we have to narrow it down. Did you go to college? You do not do a dissertation on everything-in-the-fucking-world. You outline a topic, then you narrow it down. Then you zero in. I am in the "zero in" phase.

stickittotheman ago

Sorry, i didnt take the course on how to take down a global pedo ring in college. I have been following this stuff and the occult for over 20 years now though. I know this thread went off the rails but the CIA is a central part of the whole operation imo and definitely should not be overlooked. Peace.

LaDonnaRae ago

You are forgetting the Podesta emails, as well as what FBIAnon told us! Screw college for a second and pay attention! "Private security experts". Remember? That is how the Clinton Foundation has waged this war. Let me tell you something that is not very popular. I have spoken to Kris Paronto repeatedly and we had a huge falling-out. Why? Because I knew he was hiding something and he kept saying "someone will have to come forward". Why not him? Well, now I have a pretty good-fucking-idea. Why was that "CIA annex" there in the first place? Spying on gun-running? HELLO? CIA was DROPPING the fucking guns into Syria so what was to watch? "Private security experts." Hmmmm. Just who signed his paychecks? WHY did Hillary refuse to do what was necessary in order to turn that compound into a consulate? WHY? Maybe because if she made it an official consulate or, God forbid, an embassy, MARINES would have been there! This is NOT CIA!!!!! Yes, Petraeus was running fucking sarin gas into Syria and I hope he fries for war crimes. But this was NOT an official CIA operation! Why don't you CIA haters open your eyes and see what happened? OR, are you paid shills trying to SELL this bullshit story?

LaDonnaRae ago

One last thing. According to Paronto's OWN BOOK, he was in all of the wrong places at all of the wrong times. He did not reach the compound until AFTER the attack. He was on building A when building D was hit. Yet he is somehow a hero. BTW, WHERE IN HELL IS DYLAN DAVIES? HE shot the photos that night. HE was of extreme interest to Paronto. He said "Tell Davies he needs to speak to me directly." REALLY? So he was in charge of Davies? There are so many questions about "13 Hours" I cannot count them all. SO, before you give me any more CIA conspiracy theories, please tell me WHO IN HELL was signing Paronto's paychecks! Because I think he was one of those "private security experts".

LaDonnaRae ago

Let me ask you something else. Paronto says he cannot speak because of his confidentiality agreement. Meanwhile, he writes a book (which, if you read it, was self-aggrandizing and TRASHED Delta Force!), and makes a movie. WHAT confidentiality agreement, and if he is such a fucking patriot (maybe, like David Petraeus, whom we find out committed war crimes), WHY IN HELL HAS HE NOT THROWN CAUTION TO THE WIND AND TALKED ABOUT THE FUCKING HUMAN TRAFFICKING GOING THROUGH BENGHAZI??? He is not CIA. He was on the CF payroll. When you get with the program, call me.

ejd4500 ago

It being a pedophile ring isn't wholly accurate - but compromising and controlling political actors with it is a very common tool. And...some of them "sample"

  1. They tried to sway the elections with 'Russia, Russia, Russia' (anyone bump Trump)

  2. They tried to sway the Electors with 'Russia, Russia, Russia' (anyone but Trump)

  3. They're going to say Russia is pushing fake news (to crack down on us exposing them)

  4. What other options do they have to stop Trump getting into office? Marital Law? Murder? Mass Protest on inauguration day?

I'll call it right now

The Greenbaum speech should answer some of your questions.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Keep in mind Iran-contra, and CIA meddling in DEA affairs relating to Escobar investigation. DEA agents believed CIA were covering disgraceful activities. CIA instrumental in utilising Nazi war criminals after WW2 for MKULTRA experiments and regime change/secret police in Chile, Argentina and others. Finally, there's a book written by a Russian Jew about his career in Mossad. The things they get up to, fucking hell, and heavily involved in escort agencies in America to blackmail elites. He seems to be credible, granted CIA isn't Mossad, but I'd bet the CIA wud be willing to go as far.

LaDonnaRae ago

More conspiracy theory BULLSHIT on a thread about the #ClintonFoundation! WOULD YOU PEOPLE STICK TO THE DAMNED SUBJECT?

speckledcat ago

You realize the CIA brought Coke and Crack in to the urban centers to fund the war in the south americas right? That alone is enough to make someone throw up. Now lets talk about the man Dulles, How many dictators did he prop up? How many democratic elected governments did he overthrow so the american imperialism could continue. That man is reprehensible and a war criminal. Or hell the CIA in Vietnam that started that war? They will do anything to further the goals they want and drugs, guns, and kids are the way to achieve it.

That is just the start of the CIA and know today, imagine what is out there now.

LaDonnaRae ago

Why does everyone focus on CIA? No one ever looks at KGB activity in this country. Kudos to the KGB. They trained you well.

speckledcat ago

actually the mosad are the ones you are after. but hey keep it up. talk about being trained well.

LaDonnaRae ago

More stupidity. I love it, though. The more shills who follow me to other social outlets the MORE I AM CONVINCED I AM ON THE RIGHT TRACK.

speckledcat ago

you got me comrade. we here in russia see the decadent west and want it so bad, the freedoms of being spied on (stasi are blushing), Your giant nuclear missiles (limp), and your weak american beer. Let us not forget your rock n roll (drivel). Now it will be our Red October comrade. we shall take the west. Heil Trump we have won! do you want me to put in a good word comrade?

I am here to catch kiddy diddlers not BS like above.

LaDonnaRae ago

You are not here to do shit but harass real investigators. BLOCKED.

NotAnIdiot ago

It's been proven that they do exactly this kind of stuff.

LaDonnaRae ago

"They", who? I do not have time for conspiracy theories, and there is a specific topic for this thread.

NotAnIdiot ago

The CIA. I thought that was relatively clear.

LaDonnaRae ago

And I have commented on that ad nauseum. I do not have time to discuss who is good and who is bad at CIA.

NotAnIdiot ago

My point is that this:

There may be some rogue group within CIA doing it, but I cannot believe CIA 1) would endorse such activities and that 2) Congress has never discovered them?

Is incredibly wrong.

LaDonnaRae ago

No, you have just been drinking the anti-CIA Koolaid. Now STOP! That is NOT the topic of this thread!

NotAnIdiot ago

It kind of became the topic when you responded with that insanely wrong comment. Don't tell me what I'm allowed to comment on.

LaDonnaRae ago

It is MY thread, and it is limited in scope. If you want to rag on CIA, start a thread "CIA ARE THE BASTARDS OF THE UNIVERSE" and have at it.

NotAnIdiot ago

Just because you made the thread doesn't mean we aren't allowed to respond to what you say unless you want.

Also, why are you so insistent about the CIA? What are you trying to do?

LaDonnaRae ago

If you paid any attention to what I have been writing for the past week or so you would know the answer to that question. And this is the last time I am responding to you. (WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO BLOCK PEOPLE?)

NotAnIdiot ago

I haven't been paying attention to you. You aren't that important.

Sentastixc ago

No not the whole organization, but it is very possible for the top people and people in key positions to be privately involved. The CIA narrative comes from the Bush family. This is a proven criminal family that has been shaping the way the CIA institutionally looks for decades.

If you want to know more about this read Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family by Roger Stone.

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes, of course.

retreaux ago

"I cannot believe"

That's called incredulity.

21yearsofdigging ago

Well there was the Finders, a group within the CIA. Much of this is compartmentalized within alphabet agencies. MKULTRA never ended it simply went more underground and secretive(plus very advanced now with virtual technology to terrorized the children). To properly trauma disassociate a child anal sex in required around the age of 3. One hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing which is why we are seeing leaks springing out. Some inside the agencies are fucking fed up Here's something on the Finders although there is plenty other information out there.

LaDonnaRae ago

Which is what I said. Such activities, if/when/where they exist, would never be endorsed by the agency as an organization. Hence the word "rogue".

Blacksmith21 ago

Does the name TREADSTONE sound familiar?

Julian55 ago

I am not convinced

Blacksmith21 ago

I agree, to a point. You have to realize that the "political" arm of the CIA is joined at the hip with State and it's various entities. State is dirty and rotten to its core, on the political side. My belief is that is where you are going find the real nastiness is inside State and it's infrastructure (planes, ships, warehouses, etc.) who is really doing most of this.

CIA may like the idea of honeypotting foreign agents, but it is the diplomats most likely to be able to get the into the requisite compromising position.

Blacksmith21 ago

Furthermore - want to know about the logistics infrastructure? Check out International Narcotics and Law. Most of your sordid AFG contractor stories roll up under INL.

LaDonnaRae ago

That is a much more sane explanation for some of the conspiracy theories I keep seeing and hearing. IF you get yourself into trouble, and CIA can use it to their advantage they will. But that is YOUR problem, not theirs. Same with the KGB. They were/are notorious for taking people's natural inclinations, finding the opportunity to photograph/videotape it, and then own you for the rest of your life.

militant ago

No offence but it sounds a bit naive to me.

NoBS ago

Circumstantial evidence validates your educated guess. It's not like the Spooks could use the media to hide in plan sight /s

Sentastixc ago

Indeed. This is one of the main pieces of circumstantial evidence that proves that more is going on than meets the eye.

comeonpeople ago

This would only make a lick of sense if you had reason to believe that the GQ writer putting the list together had the inside scoop on the pedophilia ring and decided to, rather than cover it up, mysteriously stick James on the list because of it.

James is on the list because it's a lifestyle magazine and he was a young, hip gay guy with a popular restaurant.

wtf_is_happening ago

JA visited the White House six times, didn't he (recalled from memory of watching one of David Seaman's pizzagate youtube videos)? Also JA was David Brock's boyfriend, so he was very politically connected. The restaurant/chef identity is kind of a smokescreen IMO.

djklbd ago


pizzathrowaway ago

The same article also named the guys running the Washington Post weather blog as in the top 50. And another restauranteur, Jose Andres, and three women who work as party planners. It's GQ, not a serious politics mag, so I think they just might have been trying to throw some people in who don't work in politics so it's not super boring.

cosmicmind ago

I'm not sure about that.... I'm guessing the owner at a florist shop, or a taxi-cab company owner might wonder why they were over-looked, if that were the case. The mag would state that their the most socialite business owner, or some other type of identification, instead of the most influential/powerful.
Something's not right there. What's GQ's overall deal, other than a mag about gentlemen?

pizzathrowaway ago

It's mostly about fashion and style and culture.

LostandFound ago

There's quite a bit that would substantiate the claim, to dismiss it is nearly to admit defeat and stop looking when there's much more to understanding why he was 49th.

JA was socialising with the number 23 on the same list Tony and Heather Podesta from as far back as 2004 in a private party for Anna Gaskel at the Podestas house. JA owns two resteraunts in DC, property associated with the pegasus project on DC. He runs a 501 3c not for profit which is an art dealership and more Transformer DC, which frequently hosts exclusive gatherings. Co owns a resteraunt in Berlin Germany nalu diner.

He was dating David Brock for christ sake. David has been described by Time magazine as “one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party.”

And that's just what we know about, from searching Google at the time it was published. God knows what else he has going on now. He's not badly placed at 49 and that's not the real question. The question you need to really ask is how did this flunky get started. It's not rags to riches here, it's still blank to hanging out with a Saudi funded individual and artists that sexualise children in 04.

redditsuckz ago

Alefantis was probably groomed to be a child trafficker.

Child Traffickers are needed for the elite...there cant be a shortage of them so they need to create them and groom them from birth.

His father Achilles Alefantis AKA Lee Alefantis was supposedly freinds with Donald M. Kohnstamm on Facebook...he MIGHT be the son of Max Kohnstamm who was with the Bilderberg Group;

He was a former member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group. He was the Founding European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission

Son of Max?...Donald M. Kohnstamm;

stickittotheman ago

Im sure he has ties way up the foodchain...and all them donations to Hillary monthly keeps him well protected.

CaroleLandis ago

I just found Donald M. Kohnstamm in the 1940 census. His father was Maro Jacque Kohnstamm (1908-1997), so apparently not. But according to the census Maro Jacque Kohnstamm was originally from Pennsylvania, which is where Susan Shoemaker Alefantis' Shoemaker ancestors were from before coming to the Buffalo, NY area. That might be something to explore.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

I would guess that a significant portion of pedo ring participants, including Alefantis, are former victims.

cosmicmind ago

If you listen to/read the story of children survivors the child of the leaders are usually groomed to be a leader. They're all victims, but the person in a leader position still has more power it appears...... From what I can make of that shitstain of a culture.

Scoundrel ago


jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Rusty Nelson, victim of, and later pornographer for Larry King of the Franklin scandal comes to mind. In that case they seemed to use many victims to recruit other victims

LaDonnaRae ago

Thank you. I will take a look.

cosmicmind ago

Shoemaker is commonly a German name no?
There might be some deeper connections to his German pingpong group?
Just a thought.

LaDonnaRae ago

Possibly. I just walked in the door. I will think about that when I catch my breath. LOL

LaDonnaRae ago
