Seiferus ago

God bless you for doing this. There are so many people pictured on the Jimmy Comet Instagram that are not Alefantis. It's so hard to confirm which ones are actually him.

tjarco ago

Really good effort - I would suggest removing all speculation just keep it short and to the points that are backed up with evidence

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Addressing issue number 2.

In the guardian article, it says "Police have issued two efits that they believe are descriptions of the same man". I think that statement alone leaves room for the possibility of it being two different people.

nobstruthseeker ago

Good catch. Let me rephrase it.

trumpisPizza ago

4.) There is CLEAR EVIDENCE that Andrew Kline DOJ owned Besta-Pizza, you just choose to ignore it.

Your other assertions are frankly dear boring, who gives a fuck what Alefantis wore to dinner.

Commonwombat ago

Did you even read through your own link? Nowhere does it say Andrew Kline owns the shop, it clearly says AGENT! A fucking legal representative. Surely you can't be that dumb?!? This is why people are getting frustrated with morons like yourself who have no comprehension on how things work and worse still dont want to learn.

nobstruthseeker ago

Who gives a fuck? Well I do. Every detail is important, especially in this kind of research. Who gives a fuck whether it's boring or not?

For your link, not sure if there is a clear connection. Didn't choose to ignore anything. It just shows Andrew Kline is the registered agent of Besta Pizza through Uptown Pizza, LLC. Doesn't shed light on whether this Andrew Kline is the one from Veritas or DOJ.

Commonwombat ago

We're surrounded by morons.

derram ago :

British detectives release efits of Madeleine McCann suspect | UK news | The Guardian

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