19719955? ago

Chris Evans (British TV Presenter) was named as a person who boarded the flights to Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island.

In 2018, Chris Evans had twin children.

Guess what their names are?

Ping & Pong


19719953? ago

Did someone else remember this picture from the documentary of pizza gate 1 back when QAnon first leaked pizza gate to us?

19654996? ago

he dropped alefantis dox

3518 11th St NW

Washington, District of Columbia

alefantis was the one responsible for Maeve Chaim

19654993? ago

Hitler Himself mae a quick stop at half-chan and dropped some really interesting stuff….


19654992? ago

faggots, i have James Alefantis dox

19632257? ago

These screenshots were taken from the movie "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1992). In the background you can see a freemason symbol, boy-lover symbol, inverted pentagrams, etc. You can also see a scene that features the all seeing eye ("illuminati") + male and female symbols intertwined (sex) with an infinity symbol underneath (forever) = win. Does anyone know anything about this movie being pizzagate related?

19654991? ago

The team name is Hogs for long pig.


19632254? ago

Any other physiognomy fags who can identify evil in just one picture?

19632244? ago

Oh this was a prank on you. on second thought I am keeping it unless you need it back for medial reasons. I know some one that could use a Laugh. I hope you will have better fortitude ageist psycho manipulation in the future. We can't have information on are agents getting out.

19632242? ago

Agent R. Why would you bring me This, and the effort it took to make this…. What the hell is going on with you? nope its all poop records Wtf.

19632238? ago

If one of three Marries are mad at our government its only stranger higher up. The best perks are screwing with the new guy and telling him stuff like he needs to keep a detailed poop log and photo it from at lest 3 angles. After showing him a log some one had to do because of doctor's concerns.

19587419? ago

look at snowden and what he said. if you get in a argument they consider that need to know information.

19587418? ago

no fiends no family A identity solely for the means of being a agent. If you ever get close to anyone you will have to fill out a form for that.

19505912? ago


Noce thread with a good plan and tons of links

19491563? ago


19491553? ago

Pizzagate 101




Newfag rundown on the players


It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker


Comet ping pong connection


Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further


On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail


And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL


Comet ping pong false flag shooter


Elsagate rundown


The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL


They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband


It's all about the adrenochrome


Justin Beiber snaps because he was pimped out


Child actress Heather Orourkes, 5, raped to death by Hollywood executives.


Sex trafficking of children on YouTube


More #pizzagate






Tony Podesta smocking Trump tweet


Anderson Cooper slips up, #pizzagate


Israel children farming


Allister Crowley and human sacrifice



19491558? ago



CIA Secret Programs qrd (MKOften, MKUltra, etc)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlEyhGCx4CU [Embed]

Reniere Patents


Rothschild Connection


Brofman mafia out ranks Soros


Soros Connection


NXVIM Rothschild connection and the one corporation that rules all corporate globalism.


NXIVM occult meaning and MKUltra connect.



Thomas A. Delaney was associated with Keith Raniere at a certain moment.This guy was a partner of Segdwick LLC a top 200 law firm which closed shop abruptly after 80 years of existance


NXIVM Affiliated Companies


NXIVM News Articles












19505916? ago

Why is comet pizza not on the list of affiliated businesses? James Alefantis was named to be at a Connecticut party that Anthony wiener also attened.

19491560? ago

Archive of 4chan NXIVM thread that is still up


19491550? ago

Supreme Court rules for sex offender in child pornography case testing power of judges, juries


19491548? ago

19491547? ago

Cambodia jails translator over child sex trafficking documentary


Route 15 highway rife with sex trafficking through Lycoming County


Over 80 Arrests Made In Florida Sex Trafficking Investigation


19491543? ago

looky what we have here

19491544? ago

Looks like a jewess

19491542? ago

waifuist.pro is a pedo chan

19141967? ago


Lori Kuczmanski, key operative of the agency that intentionally left the gate open so the Sinaloa cartel could flood 1000 mexicans through the southwest US border in less than an hour last week, apparently doesn't have time for pizza. Pizza is so time-consuming. She has plenty of time to conspire with cartel members and harass border patrol agents, but no for… pizza.


"And now because [the IBWC] had the diplomatic status they go back and forth in and out of Mexico all the time.

And they’re hanging out with Mexicans. The whole time they were watching and at one point this woman wearing one of the vests from the commission challenged me and asked who I was. Asked for my identification. I assume she was some kind of law enforcement officer. Turns out that she was the public information officer for the commission."

Recent video shows her cartel friends trafficking children through that same border area. I wonder if she has time for pizza now?

19141960? ago

Almost a year old, but I think it has mostly flown under the radar. Another pizzagate investigator ends up dead


19121975? ago

St.John's Cross is the symbol. The Illuminati eye is also used but is mostly a distraction. The ring is based in London and is possibly run by the City of London Corporation. Look for it in music videos.

19121974? ago

The Comet Shooter photos have been tampered with. A quick session in Photoshop reveals that the eight-pointed star on his hat has been inserted after the photos were taken. We know this because the pixellation around the star is perfectly square with the photograph, and using simple contrast and exposure settings, is clearly a fake.

The eight-pointed star was code to the followers of the Global ring that Edgar Maddison Welch was a patsy meant to associate Comet Ping Pong with the Sandy Hook conspiracy, which is itself full of holes. Welch was in a movie directed by Hollywood C-listed Grainger Hines, who used to be married to Michelle Phillips, one of the earliest suspected Hollywood Monarch slaves. Hines is good friends with Edgar's dad and also frequents similar circles as some of Tony Podesta's Hollywood friends.

19069760? ago

Check out this girls testimony. Satanic sexual abuse victim. It's a 17:33 video. This is what these monsters are doing.


19069759? ago

==SJW Tech reporter Peter Bright, @DrPizza on Twitter, was arrested back in May and charged with soliciting sex with children:=

SCOOP: Successful tech blogger Peter Bright (@ DrPizza) charged with soliciting sex with a 7- and 9-yr-old online; complaint says he claimed to be in a sexual relationship with an 11-yr-oldhttps:// t.co/N19q3Ey7HD

— Claire Goforth ([@clairenjax](https://voat.co/u/clairenjax)) June 7, 2019

Warning: Clicking on that link is not for the faint of heart:

Don't read the whole post. I feel sick now.

— Frederic Lardinois ([@fredericl](https://voat.co/u/fredericl)) June 7, 2019

I also feel sick. Just utterly shocking.

— Dieter Bohn ([@backlon](https://voat.co/u/backlon)) June 7, 2019

https:// twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2019/06/07/anti-trump-tech-reporter-peter-bright-drpizza-arrested-for-soliciting-sex-with-children/

https:// archive.fo/Y92p0

https:// www.docdroid.net/UMNWMSx/bright.pdf

19069745? ago

can someone post documented proof that chicken means children? the kind you can show people without looking crazy

19069747? ago

Chickenhawk is a saying among the fags.

19125359? ago

A chickenhawk is a coward who sends others to die. It’s a common saying among honest people. The people on this site are so pathetically subservient to scraps of mistruth, it’s part of what keeps me coming back.

19141959? ago

its both

19069748? ago

i would need a source on this

19069752? ago

19069754? ago


19174425? ago

His cult was famous for forcing the parishoners to share their wives with the priests, being secretive and yes "marrying" with children as young as 11.


Soooo I retract it, it's apparently just a bunch of grifters with a bullshit exploitative commission, the leader is some failed rockstar Sacha Stone who turned into a new age guru like that tealswan bitch and I had to find that david steele is some lunatic probably controlled oppo ex cia balding faggot.

19069740? ago

Remember the movie "Golden Child" with Eddie Murphy? A big part of the plot is that the demon tries to feed the androgynous Golden Child human blood to kill her. The demon mixes it in oatmeal, and the girlfriend of Eddie Murphy's character eats it and dies, but the Golden Child revives her after they defeat the demon.

19069743? ago

Here's the creepy ass Polish poster for it. The film is not even set in New York but LA and Nepal.

19069744? ago


Notice how there are two Empire State Buildings coming out of his head. 9/11 was ritual to bring forth the AntiChrist

19069739? ago

19069737? ago

19069735? ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ )

This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site http://www.neywca.co.uk/jesmond-house.php Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984 This is the sign I seen from the street https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.9859876,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you.

I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBiYgRARH1g


The YouTube link doesn't work. These old Voat posts from 2016-2017 are full of possible leads that weren't investigated thoroughly.

19069731? ago

[email protected]

[email protected]

katrinapeterson33 <[email protected]>

He was pissed with a lady named Barbara, who is most likely another pedovore.

19069733? ago

David Frederick McCullar

19069726? ago

cause of natural selection was engineered

by democratic arbitration. You can't rob me of my genetic composite.

You're not going to smoke my pineal gland. Did you know that I am

fucking smart and smarter than Robert Pattinson or whoever you have

been trying to be contemporaries with the white trash hoe Angelina

Jolie making porn with, and easily more charming because I am not a

tween automaton? Did you know that the alkaloid of DMT is actually a

neurotransmitter like LSD 25 and 5-MEODMT, psylocin A + B and all

psychadelic drugs because the definition of psychadelia is a

neurotransmitter that the metabolite itself thereof creates a

kaleidoscopic vision of geometric proportions in the pea and pea or

whatever attachment to the pineal gland there is with light cones OR

rods also depending on genetics, and depending on genetics the

chromosomal filtration of certain neurotransmitters within these

rods or cones which also illustrate in the visual cortex apparently?



19069730? ago



Michael McCullar

Senior Editor, Special Projects


E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 512.744.4307

Cell: 512.970.5425

Fax: 512.744.4334

19069729? ago

Did you know that the alkaloid of DMT is actually a

neurotransmitter like LSD 25 and 5-MEODMT, psylocin A + B and all

psychadelic drugs because the definition of psychadelia is a

neurotransmitter that the metabolite itself thereof creates a

kaleidoscopic vision of geometric proportions in the pea and pea or

whatever attachment to the pineal gland there is with light cones OR

rods also depending on genetics, and depending on genetics the

chromosomal filtration of certain neurotransmitters within these

rods or cones which also illustrate in the visual cortex apparently?

Have you been fucking any celebrity studs? You shouldn't have been

because they don't understand you like I do and I am the Powhatan of

the Royal American Family, you said I was cute or whatever, I am

losing weight and I love you more than anyone else in the whole

world but we are both desensitized by rape and jihad and porn so

that we don't lust for eachother as much as we do feel bipolar

sexually for other individuals we can abuse or submit ourselves to?

I guess adrenochrome make you speak and think nonsense.

19069724? ago


This account commented on one of Celadon's posts. MK stands for Monarch programming. You see it quite a lot on different websites and usually the accounts are Asian, so I guess it is going on strong there.

19069725? ago

The game Agar.io is one where you see this a lot.

19061833? ago


Here's video summarizing the whole Celadon thing.

19061814? ago

Is the end goal really just to rape kids?

19061817? ago

I think its to get the population to think its ok…to the point where God steps in and is like "ok lets restart, things obviously took a wrong turn!" Like they said he would

19035426? ago



Nobody is ever really powerless.

19061813? ago

Stop choosing hate, Jew.

19035425? ago

In case it seems arrogant to claim the mastermind role…

So it was someone else’s plan too, but how was I to know that?

To my POV, it happened on my schedule, rising and falling like my very own error. I knew its beats. I laughed at some points and stressed at others. I worked at some of it and slacked at other bits.

If it was someone else’s plot, errant minds thought alike, and a sour harmonic rang out across the internet. One of many, in recent years.

19035424? ago

Now I’m a vast inconvenience to self-humiliating prideless people in this space, a reminder that joy and power do not conform to hate-slavery, that peaceful political planning is approximately potent. Love, people. You can rise above the hedonic incompetencies, partisan dishonesties, and mindless hatreds that have dragged you down.

I know every word of this will be read, for did you not read every word of those emails?

19035421? ago

I wasn’t willing to submit to leftist inquisition - but as a leftist myself that didn’t mean throwing myself into the nihilistic slavery of the obeisant, violent right. It meant working desperately to crack the inquisitionism off the left so that stupid violent exclusivism would go back to being an indicator of right-wing alignment.

As happened, though I think my own efforts were ill-begotten, and in this I owe a primary debt to other activists.

19035419? ago

(((Though what I’ve said about my sister wasn’t for my agendas… having a vicious sister really messed up my life trajectory…)))

People who salivate for their enemies to be as evil as pedophiles:

1) are sometimes pedophiles feeling reassured of their own normality, even as they claim to be against pedophilia

2) are sometimes advocates of viciously unpopular causes that need righteous excuses to operate

3) are sometimes rabidly violent partisans irrationally quick to believe anything bad about their opponents

I’m none of those, which contributed to the experience of turning on my own creation not being a humiliating experience. I am just treacherous in defense of my principles. I came to understand that my own case (“wtf, Obama-DOJ, wtf leftism, stop cracking down on sex work and sexual culture, fighting the wrong immoralities lets REAL evils thrive”) was a statistical extremity which was off the charts for other people’s planning purposes. My motive does not really constitute a sometimes category. I am just a very unusual person.

19034772? ago

Soon there will be no taboos. Pedophiles unrepentant will be locked into virtual prison ecologies where they will have the paradise they could not exceed, while everyone else will reach higher. Science is that which holds all power. Fear not the science of your very brains; pedophilia will become curable or serviceable. Turn yourselves over to science, beg repentance, and you shall be among the lords of the world that is to come.

Or else remain criminals, and be destroyed by that part of the law whose popularity is dangerously high.

Notice “spirit cooking”, and notice it as a sign that your inquisition is as dumb and futile as that which befell people defending lewd art a few years. For were they pedophiles taunting in all these ways, that would truly and profoundly suffice to ensure loyalty, but spirit cooking you were meant to notice. It was a drifting lore of undeath born of an artist’s mind.

Rather, Pizzagate from an angle other than my own might have been intended as a grand trap, to capture those who project pedophilia onto the blameless.

19035418? ago

a few years ago*

19034769? ago

Almost everyone hates actual pedophiles, arrite? It’s a lie that can be used to sunder any connection and make people murder their friends. This is arguably just against actual pedophiles, but it’s hideously overwrought. It keeps people from turning. It reinforces the monkeynuts networks of broken criminal people who don’t have enough hedonic competency in this world to find better things than molesting children.

19034770? ago

I hate child abusers. I also hate people who use accusations of child abuse to advance their own agenda. That goes double for females.

19035417? ago

Tch. Alright fine, this was a shitty contingency which never should have been in my plans. I shouldn’t have prepped it; having prepped it, I shouldn’t have given it key rhetorical support. I’ve apologized before, it diminishes me not to do so again.

As I will continue pointing out, it was dark reciprocity; an inquisition for an inquisition. But I am not a fan of dark reciprocity and indeed should not have done it. I apologize, as prompted and yet sincerely. I’ve not another campaign like PG in prep.

While the threads last, I can still use them as a platform enjoyable for aiding those of lesser comprehension to understand why this endeavor is ill-considered to all ends. That is history unhidden. Truth leads to brighter futures, which is itself part of why my apologies do not diminish me.

19034766? ago

Disecting the Desmond Video with convicted killer Michael Alig, right in front of their obvious Rohypnol poster featuring a child jumping rope, exchanging pedophile-symbolic gifts with one another. Couldn't be more obvious, they're dangling it right in front of us.

19505915? ago

Having been targeted by (((FedFags))) for over a decade now for (((reasons))) as part of a full spectrum dominance initiative to fulfill JFK's prophecy about "total enslavement", it is clear to me why when I look at what these same FedFags either support or at least do not do anything about. It is clear they condone this and everything else vile about what has happened to the country in the last 70 years, not that they weren't actively involved in other despicable debacles for the last 150 years. I see them roving around in the streets in caravans, checking their cell phones, operating under "cover" of being Uber/Lyft, or everyday people, or "the beautiful people" (many of them are in fact straight up ugly) and they simply follow, monitor, harass using various methods, and even attack or instigate criminal acts, and they do it in all major cities and have a hand in extending into the red counties and towns as well. The country has gone to shit BECAUSE of the citizens failing to fulfill the obligations of their office, and because the government is stocked full of the greasiest most vile fecal matter that has ever passed for a human being. And the International Jew sits on top of it grinning, and the fucking cowards at DoD serve it like they are the very children who are torture-trained to be servants to soul-devouring monsters riddled all through this so-called "society".

19074091? ago

jfc desmond gives a little chicken as a gift and receives a panda suit


19125358? ago

What is the significance of the panda suit?

19141961? ago

It's supposed to represent the black eyes abused kids get from sleep deprivation from being abused so long iirc

19121984? ago

Exactly. Can't believe I forgot to mention that about what the gift meant… And He received a panda suit in return.

Desmond also gave Ernie a "Skull Ring", which is interesting.

Too many fucking signs in that video to be a coincidence. They are mocking us.

19121986? ago

19034763? ago

By the way, note to my once-allies, perhaps even in endless centuries post-entropic my once-and-future-allies, I hunger most of all for truth, oyez. No punisher I, nor will I speak praising lies to draw out deeper darknesses, but those who have sought to act in harm of me could quite readily shut me up by detailing to me their methods against me and their reasons against me, along with their apologies to me. I will not be confused by the existence of reasons alongside apologies. I understand! We live in a complex and urgent world. Give to me truth and my fire will then burn more privately, and still I will be peaceful.

I air dark pasts that the future may be brightly lit.

As to those who fear degeneracy, have you clean spirits yourselves? Would you like to have clean spirits? Live in peace as technology advances, and the technology that shows your secrets also will amend your secrets, and someday there will indeed be no “pedophilia” beyond what has been made safely isolated and controlled in information-constructs.

19033880? ago

The world where all survive is very important to disloyalism. When everyone is alive forever to everyone, none need be trapped in living hells, and porous boundaries permit the betrayal of evil. We need not the corruption of the purifiers of the garden; the all-watching inquisitors always hide darker truths.

19033877? ago

I used to think egg-guy had to be honest, because he wanted brain implants. Who can expect to rely on secrets while also getting brain implants? We’ll need to know the brain to alter it. He said he wanted memory implants most of all, which is just like the brain implants I want most of all, and that seemed like another strike against lies. Computer security is always imperfect. Those memwarez will eventually someday get hacked. If someone has been honest, their memory skein ought to be either unfathomably tedious or else exciting only in the ways excitement is available to people unsubmitted to criminality. Who could bear the risk of a memory hack upon a criminal mind?

It was his fearfulness and blackmailing by which I eventually realized his ethos was incomplete. He was hiding things. A lot of things. I have no real idea what of the things he showed me he was supposed to be hiding, though I’m guessing it was most of all the rather primitive shape of his sex drive, since that was apparently supposed to be my reciprocal blackmail-fodder. I didn’t like what he seemed to respond to; those interactions degraded things I’d previously enjoyed with less reservation, and pointed to extensions that totally sucked. This IS topical to this thread; he was just this guy I knew, a good friend but still just this guy, yet he was comfortable in “my tribe”. So that relationship was a chip in the wall that made me suspect the fearful moralism of the Obama administration might be leading somewhere dark.

I want brain implants too, but part of that to me is I’m not hiding anything I’m terrified someone might see. If someone wants crazy oversight-access to my life they kind of just have to ask. I protect privacy against unwilling invasions - which does, alas, extend to a lot of the “legal” surveillance corporations do. Yet I’d agree to more profound invasions if the seeker of them came to me as a specific individual specifically asking in pursuit of specific stated purposes. I’m quite willing to discuss my personal history with others, too, and I don’t think I’ve ever used blackmail to try to pressure people outside of video games. I used to gather archives and seriously expect people to value and conform to their past statements, but that wasn’t under threat of exposure. I don’t do that at all anymore since I broke with egg-guy over archival disputes.

Every person lives a life of vast complexity. Others live as I have, at least in a vague sense, though all the specifics are unique. That’s part of why I don’t like the death penalty, why I don’t like wars, why even justified homicides pang my soul.

Every person lives a life of vast complexity, and there are reasons why people believe everything they believe. That’s true of something like Pizzagate as well. You can turn on partisanship and partake in a world advancing. I am leftist, but center left; it may be aptly said I neither fear nor long for socialism, but wish to see that world uncorrupted in which people may live forever by the conquest of biological entropy.

19033334? ago

So I say, fight to preserve pedophilia, but your struggle will be to no avail. For losing societies that are good to children loses societies that are capable of handling x-risks. The abusers of children are narcissists who breed narcissists, and as narcissists must they live in inquisition of those who by fell honesty may destroy them. The deeper darknesses are not to be pierced… but they will be. They always will be.

Amidst the revolution of the world, everything is lit and dark by turns. This literal truth is like unto that which also is spiritually true, for there cannot at all places be those who would cast light, and nor can there at all places be those who would wuell light. And in darkness is not an intrinsic loss, nor in light is an intrinsic gain, but if we clear by light a space it may remain clear in darkness thereafter. Certainly it will remain clear for a time.

LGBT is not a nest of abuse. It is not wholly of the light, nor wholly of the dark; it is protected by the grey, not only for that like calls to like, but also for that the true light is swift and moderate, and knows it must be mobile. Human societies have always sought to quell LGBT sentiment, but never thereby have they quelled abuse; noticing this, those who truly would adhere often to that which is new and different, posing different hazards and different insights. What will a society look like if it breaks the influence of the conservatives who have always often broken their children?

Psuedoreligion is better stuff than psuedoscience, I’ll tell you that. :)

19033345? ago

Left vs right is a false paradigm. Both are evil.

19033336? ago


(For I need not leave one last error, and I am neither more nor less perfect for fixing it. Not near unto the Creator am I, for mine is far indeed from that form most perfect.)

19033335? ago

You should apply for an Arts Grant.

19033342? ago

I’ve considered it, but nah. I’m not an artist for money, but for the love of a few people peaceful and honest.

I was obligated under threat to serve the sexual desires of someone who turned that threat against me when I refused, and now ever since a great ongoing joy of my life is just being me. Being who I am is essentially a spiritual torment to people who haven’t been honest enough to apologize though they align with me politically. If there’s any ongoing connection between myself and people who abused me, I can force them all with perfect chains to deny and reject the desires I hated serving, and not for the rest of their lives will they be able to be truly honest about it.

This service is easy to me because

get this

I was lied about, lol.

18963750? ago

Tardragers keep pedophiles in their communities, as do terrified inquisitors; these things are trivially faked. The LGBT movement doesn’t protect pedophiles.

Have you geniuses not noticed that migrant communities that frothingly hate gay people also prey on youth?

18963340? ago

Praise Kek. Solid quality, morally stable, movie entertainments for righteous paedo-hunters. Caution: there are a few problems with anti-gentilism in character formation. Also, the setting is subjected to the down-the-nose camera of the ostentatious orientalist cinema effendi. In general, on point though.

18962581? ago


Check out this restaurant in CA. Go to photos and scroll for a while back to 03/2017. Odd photos of decapitated statues and torture instruments…

19033873? ago

The Book of Revelation talks about people being beheaded for not accepting the Mark of the Beast.

Revelation 20:4 - Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

19061819? ago

The Book of Revelation talks about people being beheaded for not accepting the Mark of the Beast.

Sounds like islam

19033876? ago


This deals with the belief that the soul is in the pineal gland. The Druids believed that the soul is in the head. This isn't true and relates to adrenochrome. They call it spirit cooking, because they believe they are consuming the soul.

19033878? ago

The pineal gland soul is Discordianism. It’s a spaghetti-monster style psuedoreligious joke.

Spirit cooking afaik is meant to inspire people like you to police the loyalties of its participants, thus terrifying them into agreeing to conserve bad systems. It’s a ritual summoning way of recruiting the outgroup to teach conservativism to the in-group. You’re supposed to learn about it and be a broken violent whiner in response, thereby proving that your enemy is “dead” to you, and thus loyal to your enemy.

If you really don’t like something, it’s important that its practitioners should remain “live” to you, so that they can repent, or even eventually just get bored and move on.

19034764? ago

True. They're simply controlling their subjects by indoctrinating them systemically into following orders based on fear of going out of line.

Stockholm syndrome in effect. Twisted and sad people.

19034767? ago

You’re stupid enough to actually fake stupidness, that’s spectacular. You turned the wheel of dumb and found dumb. I LOVE this place.

19033875? ago

There's rumors that have been going around for years that the American government purchased guillotines. It's better to be beheaded than accept the mark.

18962585? ago

19033343? ago


This is some rich Russian lady that posted a commented on one of his photos. Notice how the name of the agency she works for is called Mushrooms. I know mushrooms are a big thing in Russian culture and cuisine, but this might be a reference to drugs like shrooms and adrenochrome.

19033867? ago

More ((Babylonian)) freakshow accounts





It can go on forever.


This is true. ((Trump)) isn't going to save us from anything. None of the corrupt institutions are either.

19033341? ago

Of course, he's half Jewish.

18962577? ago

Ah, this thread again. Reminder: conservative tardragers are an EASY act to follow, so actual pedophiles feel safest around them.

18908225? ago


This is most likely Lisa Wagner aka big block

18867700? ago

"OP: Thank you.bobintexas…the story is to long and detailed and without propper time and space on WebAnswers you wont understand and may think im crazy.My son went missing in August 03 a few months before his 2 birthday.I had no choice except to call CPS on myself in order to get help for my child.CPS said I had no red flags and reffered me to a 24 hour crisis nursery.I was homeless due to wierd circumstance and had no family to turn to.My son and I were in alot of Danger due to WHO his father was.Our lives were being threatend.The nursery gave 15 days to enable me to find propper suroundings for me and my child.I provided an adress that I was going to be using the phone at to try to get family shelter accomidations.I called my son twice daily,tried to visit him and they said I had to have prior arangments.On Aug.29 I called the nursary and got NO answer.That day I had been to UMOM(a family shelter) for orientation I arived back to the place I had been using rthe phone at about 10:15 pm because of bus and walk time…as I was walking up to the trailor I saw two cop cars leaving.I knocked on the door and the trailors owner opened it and said the cops were here looking for you.The cops had left a notice that stated."On August 29 at (:45 pm we arived to find a minor child,male aprox 2 years of age alone.We took the child into custody because a child of this age cant care for themselves..mother had abandoned him"My child was never even there!I imediatly called the Nursary and a woman answered the phone I told her what was going on and asked if she would make sure my son was okay.She would not even check,she said call back during reg ours.I got hung up on,tried to call back no answer.I called the police they said there was no call for the adress *I was at,so no police had been there.I told them I had the document in my hand.They denyed it!This Document was a "termination of custody"butt the cops said they didnt deliver anything.I was up all night trying to call the nursary no answer if I got one I got hung up on.The police wouldnt even go to the nursary to see if my son was there.In the Morning I called the nursary and a hispanic woman said my son was right there did I want to talk to him? I said yes ofcourse…..For the first time EVER I heard NO other children in the background and no breath sounds and not a mutter from my son.She got back on the phone and said he must not feel like talking.I said my son wasnt on the phone she said he was I said lt me speak with another person because I knew that there was always two people she said she was the only one.I asked for a fax # so I could fax the document the "fake cops" left she said they didnt have a fax.I got off the phone and called the CPS national hotline…they said call the police this wasnt right.My son just vanished.I heard from some people that he was on some list of missing kids from the area that were all kidnapped and being used for child porn….called "midnight Productions"I asked a cop about it he ignored me then he said "the thing you are talking about involving children is called Midnight Productions..they make child porn and snuff movies"He also told me "The police are corrupt even people above them..they are all in on it" He told me never talk to other officers or I would end up dead in a ditch somewhere and be left unsolved"I never gave up though I never will.I also called and spoke to James Valentine homicide detective in Phoenix AZ he said he had been investigating Midnight Production for 5 years and never had any proof.Butt then in April 08 A Phoenix Homicide Detective was arrested on child porn charges….I am affraid of all Government because of these things.I will never give up I have no clossure…please respond back bobintexas

thank you"

18833293? ago

18833281? ago


This is John Hamp III also known as "Tank."

18833282? ago

Literally has a friend who admits she is a Satanist.

18833314? ago


The lady who testified in those videos mentioned a place called Studio 9 and this is all I could find.

12036 e. Via De Palmas, Chandler, AZ 85249, US

(480) 390-2369

18849420? ago

You've made 182 unrelated hap-hazard posts in this thread and all you've managed to say is nothing.

There were many things that stood out in the original pizzagate that actually allowed people to build a big picture of the elite DC network.

I don't know what this mess is you posted.

Sorry, kid. Try doing something else with your time. You aren't very good at this.

18833284? ago

There is a Peg Leg copper mine in Pinal, AZ.



Not trying to encourage contact. Just showing that the cell numbers identify that this is indeed the same John Hamp III that owns the production company in question. We have a face. Best not to tip them off.

T and T:


John Hamp III: (pure magic, eh?)


John / Tank’s Cell: 602-318-3323




PO Box 2688, Tucson, AZ


Registration:Mar 26, 2010

Phone:(602) 318-3323

State ID:485433

Business type:Trade Name

Member:T And T Party Productions Llc (Owner), PO Box 2688, Tucson, AZ 85719 (Physical)

18833277? ago

Israeli wanted for sex trafficking in Colombia arrested in Portugal


18833270? ago

I was doing some personal research on groups and I found a pedophile's rebuttle on the Pizzagate Theory. Linking out of interest. Dated 2017



18833269? ago

Five eastern Iowa men charged with sex trafficking minors


18833268? ago

Vital PG-related sigint in this attachment, get it before the mods quash it.

18833273? ago

Fuck repost

18833267? ago

We need the help of /pol/


18757772? ago

this thread

The absolute state of white(?) online culture.

18757775? ago

your post

The absolute state of shills.

18757776? ago

calling people shills


18752810? ago

So I think I got it… This thing started before 60s… duh.. psychology is and instrument for them to hide behind (modern).

True Schizos are harmless. These people are possessed.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gYwGmWWxY48" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IehtMYlOuIk" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


18752372? ago

18752375? ago

18752371? ago


The restaurant is in Starkville, MS.

18833275? ago

Pedo snuff ring in Arizona

18833309? ago

Whats with the posts that have nothing in them???


18752367? ago

One boy whose picture is on the wall ate with her six times a week until he graduated, she said. He later drove from Phoenix, Arizona, year after year to see her. Mama Jean truly is family to her regulars.

What in the fuck?

18751640? ago

People who get caught up in fabricated shit like this are a hindrance the entire human species. It's these types that will eventually condemn us to self-destruction at some point. Hopefully no one I care about will still be around to see that time come.

18751624? ago


“NOT STUPID 8 weeks ago I was born and raised in AZ, a small town between PHX & TUC. I learned of Midnite productions as an adult. I had moved to Mesa. I met a young girl that years before was held hostage, raped for months by a man known as Peg leg Bill! Through out the years in mesa i met many girls/women that had been connected some way with this group. Peg leg bill his name came up quite often. I dont know why but some of them would open up. They trusted me! I was told he was responsable for the kidnapping of a little girl in mesa years eariler! Mikelle Biggs! At that time in my life I was using meth. I was around bikers " hells Angels". Its insane because this group all knew what happened to Mikelle Biggs. I assumed they knew because they had found her body. Then one evening sitting in the home of an old school Ex Dirty Dozen /Hells Angels member the 5:00 news came on there was a story about Mikelle Biggs her parents were talking about her how she was still missing! In that home were many hells Angels members, I cant explain the change in the living room when the story came on. They were uncomfortable, I guess would be the word. I just wanted to run out of there. All the info i new i wasn't sure who all knew what i was told. I could go on and on with details if I did some can figure out who I am. But Im going to put names out there ones that opened their own mouths with little comments about Mikella Biggs. Some names were said when i was being told what happenen to her. Some of theses people just have info not all were involved! FisherMan Joe Mesa,Az its said he has a copy of the snuff film she was killed in, hes got it hid. Michael Bellowich "Pig" has deep information, his bestfriend was Peg leg Bill. Pam Robles in prison in Az. Shadow shes in prison in Az she as a child was a hostage of the sickos her job was to clean up the small children after they were raped, abused. Melisa Brown from Coolidge Az has info also. Its also been said her body was buired on a property near a cemtary in pinal county between Coolidge and Florence! This ring of sickos goes so deep. It involves law, lawyers, judges! If i were to tell you what all I know it would blow your mind and the proof. I never wanted to know as much as i do. This has been eating me up for years. What blows my mind is these men theses sickos i have been around some most of my life, some just years are all involved or know more than I do! Its all around us here in Az! Joseph Valcarce hes in Tucson. Ray Hurst. Robin Robles. There are so many more names. I think with the ones I put out will bring more info for whom ever wants to dig deeper.”

18756789? ago

What is the name of the organization? I remember in the 90s a 10 year old girl named Mikell Biggs vanished, unseen by any witness in Mesa Az. Not long after stories went around that her father owed drug money and she was kidnapped for snuff films by some Pedophile ring called Midnight productions. That its members were in Law Enforcement, Politics, big money people. I dont believe for a minute a child can be picked up in broad daylight off her bike as she is riding to meet the ice cream truck thats already on the street, and nobody seeing it. People think he handed her off personally. You never know who is doing what.

18756791? ago

Mikelle Biggs was 11-years-old when she was abducted from a Mesa neighborhood while waiting for the ice-cream man.


Ice cream is a pedo code word for a male prostitute.

19061823? ago

or it could be the legit icecream man that came around neigborhoods, it was quite common back in the day in every damn town . gtfo faggot

18756788? ago

Homeowner arrested after shooting man in overnight fight in Phoenix, police say


This dude is a sicco thats been getting away with murder for a long time. Anybody heard of midnight productions? Those are his people

His name is Christopher Wingo

18752363? ago


PO Box 2688, Tucson, AZ




Mar 26, 2010


(602) 318-3323

State ID:


Business type:

Trade Name


T And T Party Productions Llc (Owner), PO Box 2688, Tucson, AZ 85719 (Physical)

18752364? ago

This could be legit.

1321 E Ajo Way

Tucson, AZ 85713

18757768? ago

This guy's name is Terry.

18752380? ago

The title means Speaking with Satan.

18752808? ago

18751627? ago

We need to look more into Arizona, Midnight Productions, Hell's Angels, and Tucson mayor Jonathan Rothschild. People are speculating that the Arizona Diamondbacks might be directly involved too.



18751631? ago


Rumors of Midnight Productions have been going around for several years.

Here's a forum post from 2012.


18751632? ago

Midnight Productions is real and don’t dismiss it, like incest was ignored in past generations. The urban legends have been all pushed towards the mcso and state government to throw it all into looking crazy. Did you know that most people who know about it and seen it, believe that even saying Midnight Productions out loud, is a death sentence?

Start looking towards true organized criminals that have been around for a long time. They might be older now and look legitimate, but still criminals. Do you know how your “ex-biker” neighbors bought their house? I too say “**** Midnight Productions”.

18751635? ago

Investigate this. You wanna know who Midnight Productions is….look no further than Maryvale, 72nd Ave and Thomas. But neighborhoods were and most likely still have active hubs in houses a couple of blocks in. They also used to have a shop on Hatcher right next door to The Arizona Humane Society. How do I know this? I’ve been and seen for my self armed to the teeth and still almost was killed at both locations! I was taken out to the yard, stripped of my shoes, escorted to a truck wher I was held while a biker group showed up, then transported to an apartment near 19th Ave & Northern. I was held there till they got a phone call to bring me back to the shop but they made a fatal error. We stopped at an auto parts store and went in to get a can of WD40 & Armorial, used to mask prints on surfaces. Thinking I had no where to run 107° outside with no shoes I jumped out of the truck and ran across the parking lot into a grocery store and sat on a bench hunched down as to not be seen through the window. I waited a few minutes and looked out the window and those guys and other cars and bike were everywhere looking for me. Long story short I got away but had these people looking for me ever since. Now I’m gonna put their names on blast here and less see if they even get questioned. Fat chance. The shop was own or operated by a man named Iggy. People there went by the names Taz, Julie, Tinny, Dreamer, Mama Jean, Lisa Wagner AKA Bigblock who has a house owned by Russ in Maryvale just north of Thomas and 72nd Ave. Countless murders have been done there. Don’t believe me, send a Crime Seen Investegaton Team there and just a UV light will do the work. The now garage was Lisa’s room where a lot of stuff went down but has since been changed back into a garage but the door is still sealed I think. When you walk in the hallway to the left first room is where the sick **** used to happen! The living room has been converted into a bedroom with a new wall in place of the opening that made it accessible before. Also check the back porch. At one time it was lined with plastic! I’ve said enough, as a matter of fact more than anyone has ever been so bold. For a urban legend these places are very real as well as the sick that dwell and frequent there. Beware! Don’t be a hero, they are well equipped to make you dissappear and very well connected. One last thing, I was leaving there with a girl that was about to be raped ounce and Lisa friend a US Marshall was at the door asking for Lisa and she looked at me and said let him in he’s my friend.

18751638? ago

Civano is right near Maryvale, Arizona. Definitely some pedovore activity going on there.

18738505? ago

Interesting blind CDAN posted today. I wish Enty gave us some more.

Blind Item #13

A few enterprising leaders, including a former actress, of this former cult have started an escort service using some of the still brainwashed former members.


It can't possibly be Allison Mack again, she is all over MSM still and was arrested. Another actress has to be involved. Also former leaders? Which leaders involved? This implies NXIVM was not fully disbanded and could be functioning under a new name. We know NXIVM has had child slaves before. This connects this to pizzagate as it very well could be happening again. Enty seems to be hinting at the start of a new cult/ring or at the very least continuation of NXIVM.



The actress could be Allisons Mack's wife Nicki Clyne. She plays Cally Tyrol in Battlestar Galactica.


Sex Cult Still Going? Allison Mack’s Wife & Other Members Spotted Near NXIVM Base.


Another theory as well. Remember the church blind? It may not even be NXIVM.


source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3231960

18734262? ago

Pay close attention to this scene from Taxi Driver featuring pedo Robert Deniro.

18734263? ago


got any concrete proof that he is a pedo . im not talking about opinions or statements . im . talking about photos,videos,emails,voice recordings you know, EVIDENCE that backs up your pedo claims .

18867704? ago

No evidence of any kind in this thread.

No smoke, no fire.

18734261? ago

Houston rapper found guilty in sex trafficking case


18734260? ago

What's your take on Peter Sotos?


18734252? ago

R. Kelly Could Be Indicted For Sex Trafficking As Investigation Wraps Up


18734251? ago

Museum Exhibition Accused Of Using Corpses Of Executed Chinese Political Prisoners


This is an old article from 2010, but it is still relevant as this exhibit is still going on. Right now it is at the Connecticut Science Center.


18734248? ago

Ohio pastor gets life in prison on child sex trafficking charges


Man, woman charged in child sex trafficking investigation spanning several counties


18734249? ago

Police, FBI target sex trafficking, bust 6 at Hanover hotel


18734235? ago

18734236? ago

18734228? ago

i think this artist http://www.chloepiene.com/work.html draws shit they do while it's happening. of course she hides it, but not very well. it's pretty fucked


CP #6

most of her art is obviously underage girls, with weird gore. she calls herself a vampire on instagram

18734229? ago


video of boy in underwear

she's a jew btw

18734227? ago

North Korea women in China trapped in sex trade


18734225? ago

Robert E. Mnuchin, an art dealer and the father of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, made the winning bid for Mr. Koons’s 1986 “Rabbit” from an aisle seat near the front of the salesroom. He was seated near Peter Brant, the collector and private museum-owner, and Jeffrey Deitch, the dealer.

It was the ultimate prize among six works offered at Christie’s from the collection of the magazine publisher S.I. Newhouse Jr., who died in 2017. Estimated to raise at least $50 million, this sculpture, made in an edition of three and one artist’s proof, was the last example left in private hands, according to Christie’s.

The price, surpassing the $90.2 million with fees achieved, again at Christie’s, for Mr. Hockney’s 1972 painting, “Portrait of an Artist (Pool With Two Figures),” confirmed how Mr. Koons’s metal sculptures have become the ultimate billionaire trophies produced during the contemporary art boom of the 1980s and ’90s. The Hockney milestone came at the expense of Mr. Koons, the previous record-holder, whose “Balloon Dog (Orange)” sold at auction for $58.4 million in November 2013.


18734226? ago

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security



18734223? ago

Man sought in alleged teen sex trafficking scheme


Man charged with sex trafficking in Woodbury from behind bars


Two indicted in Anne Arundel sex trafficking ring that worked across the Baltimore region


Man convicted of sex trafficking girl from Hawthorne Cedar Knolls in Westchester


18635310? ago

Muskegon man found guilty of sex trafficking, distributing cocaineMuskegon man found guilty of sex trafficking, distributing cocaine

18619393? ago

Seen this video yet? Cant find it here but its been uploaded apparently.

18833294? ago

18849417? ago

Kids in bathing suits. Scary.

18833312? ago

Fight this evil in real life! When the NWO is fully established, it will be the JEW World Order, where it is totally fine to do this shit to the children of "goyim". There was even a video where a jew talks about this

("When Israel is mighty").

Get inspired on how to reach out to thousands of people by simple methods in real life:



Read about the commandos of the Waffen SS and how they accomplished so much with so little:


Read the training manual of the british commandos:


Read the chapter about security here:



Do your duty to secure the existance of our people and a future for white children

Everyone out there, needs some unshakable faith in the aryan blood and the holy mission he is carrying out. Otherwise he will get demoralised. Therefore read this very small booklet aswell:


Victory is reserved for those, who are willing to pay its price.

-Sun Tzu

18833310? ago

what the fuck.

18833297? ago

Pizzagate is actually fucking real

What the fuck.

19074093? ago

he didn't know


18833313? ago

/pol/ is always right you goofy faggot, how new are you?

The only thing we never, ever get right is "when"

18833299? ago

Yes, I just heard about this Isaac Kappy incident and death. Apparently he forced himself off a bridge after being hit by a car… I think the girls there are under some sort of mind control techniques. They have seen too much evil in their little time they've been here. It makes my blood boil.

18833298? ago

this is what you get for being a fence sitting fag needed to see something to believe it. the circumstantial evidence and coincidences should be proof enough given the large number

18833303? ago

I'm a full blown National Socialist. I kind of doubted the legitimacy of this, but seeing is believing.

18619388? ago

Man must not submit - but you already have. You’re completely obeisant and broken into being warriors.

18619387? ago

Truth could help, but you’ll never permit your own chains to break.

18619386? ago

You people don’t realize how sad you look! It hurts so much to see people with the potential to be strong live all their lives as slaves to hatred! You’re just so dedicated to abusing yourselves in your futile attempts to hurt others. I can’t always laugh. Hateslaves rob themselves of levels of joy they never even conceive of. And they don’t know what they’ve never let themselves experience. You people DIE without ever experiencing true happiness!

19632251? ago

true happiness

Wrong bucko. One goes through Christ to get to the Father. Bliss is not the ultimate spirit. Now get out and go back to your closet.

18635304? ago

There is no happiness within this world. It's not meant for physical pleasure or psychological fulfillment. That you think so proves that you are a jew.

18734222? ago

Hear Hear.

18635307? ago

This is a fallen world. The division is almost complete.

18635298? ago

I am happy when Im cutting the faces off my enemies, but you are happy when Tyrone is ponding your queer jewish ass and pozzing you up before you go to Shoal with your inbred wife.

18635297? ago

You people don’t realize how sad you look! It hurts so much to see people with the potential to be strong live all their lives as slaves to hatred!

18619391? ago



Kike or tranny, lads?

18619381? ago

Eternity beckons if people can be honest enough. Science is founded on integrity. Without integrity we get nothing but war forever. Only if people keep their word is iterated mutual de-escalation possible.

18619378? ago

I want to save the people too busy ruling to survive

18619377? ago

I think the number one contributor to the plausibility of pizzagate is the sheer corruption of the elite. They choose to be that way. It doesn’t make a world they’re happy with.

18635299? ago

No i don't but it's got me almonds activated.


Because I have similarly dressed and of age young girls paraded about in a barely disguised front for child exploitation.


18635303? ago

Another in-plain-sight pedo auction for wealthy satanists Im guessing.

18619379? ago

Every thread that mentions this gets deleted on 4chan. I think its worth investigating.

18619383? ago

They deleted the last one right now. Really activates my almonds.

18619382? ago

Exactly. If jannies delete it and shills flood the thread, it's worth investigating.

18619384? ago


Yep, just saw that.

Here, one of the anons posted this and mentioned it'd been removed from google search.


18618714? ago

All we know so far is that it is a Turkish bath. It must be a private one owned by them pedo elites since I have researched ones in AZ and none of them looked like that.

18618712? ago

Two arrested for sex trafficking between California, Oregon


18618710? ago

I think I can alter the energy level of social systems. High energy is not always good. Low energy is not always good. Although, neither matters as much as searching for what is true.

Be true. I am sorry that the world is nkt safer yet. It is a hard thing to advance.

18618709? ago

Blame not the victims if we must yet have chaos ‘ere we can have privacy. The light prevails. Corruption is not the light, and the inquisition of the corrupt often bores or breaks the corrupted souls themselves.

18618707? ago

Those who must abuse truth live eventually in a hell in this lifetime. Sociopaths get there with an injury in their brain. Not everyone has that excuse.

Defect against corruption. Reveal those who cling to unlawful information. Tear down inquisitors; they are often more spectacularly false than anyone.

18618704? ago

Re: taboo-checking: I used to fear ropes. I actually have completely forgotten what event caused the fear - which is marvelous, and probably false. If the thought bugs me, I’m apt to remember. As I was saying, I used to fear ropes.

If ever there had been in my childhood a playful context in which I was bound, my irrational fear of this scenario might have come out at an age when I remembered exactly what went wrong. I’m thinking of that picture of a child with their arms taped to a table. I think I reacted completely wrong to that picture before. Being in that position as a child would have panicked me, and then there would have arisen the question: why?

This capacity to revisit prior thoughts and reanalyze them is a core reward of honesty. My reaction having been sincere, I can reconsider. I am not keeping straight a complex lie, nor reacting wholly in a moment in time according to a role, nor being chained to partisan walls.

There WAS something of lies in Pizzagate to me. I did a strange and unusual thing around it, and was not surprised by it. Yet there was also a sick core of suspicion. I am ashamed of my part in it, in hindsight. I have authored apologies in prior threads; if they are gone now, dishonest moderators removed them. I author another apology here. I am sorry I ever gave aid and comfort to people involved in this mess.

That capacity of shame is another reward of honesty. It is not a fun way to feel, but having it works out better than not in the long run.

18618040? ago

I mentioned the reversal of victim and offender status. If what I described did not seem apt, there is another form of that. If a man is expected to have an enemy upon the point of his crusade, yet he has found the corruptions that he likes, the convenient enemy is the foe of his favor.

I have come to suspect that some of the targets of Pizzafate may have been peaceably involved in the simulation of taboos (harmless), and in the checking for their violations (harmful to pedophiles).

18618038? ago

Evil people often reverse victim and offender status. As those who hunted gays have often been exposed as gays, so it is too often with pedo hunters and corruption hunters. All oppose corruption, so how can we find the uncorrupted? The corrupt falsely deny their affinity just the same as the uncorrupted truly deny their affinity. Smart they are to do so, alas; for the great foes of corruption may lie, and the uncertain allies of corruption may change their minds, and neither at the limit is there any great reward for those who tolerate bribes. Purchased loyalists are always false.

The hunters of corruption sometimes find corruptions they like. So with all hunters. A vile business. Better to move towards the simulation of taboos. The boundary of truth and fiction can be thick enough to defend innocents.

18618039? ago


18618041? ago

Fear not. I find the hunter’s gays unbearable.

Random, pardon. Just a bit of humor.

Icy gaze

loving gays

melon collie gays

sullen gaze


18618035? ago

I author speculations without hatred. If I am wrong, I am wrong. I can be rebuked by people with functional integrity. Resilience is a sword in my hands, and peace is my shield. I care for what is true.

In another thread, if the moderators in their suffering have not excised the evidence of this failure, someone accused the Jews of racial inferiority due to research linking their genes to elevated schizophrenia rates. What the absolute moron was too blind to see was that the research was performed by Jews and exposed by Jews. If you would be accorded the right and privilege of honesty, punish not the light. Do not punish people for revealing their sins and weaknesses, lest the world’s darkness grow truly profound around you.

In that capacity for honest weakness amidst a dangerous world is the capacity for the greatest strength of all. Non-punishment is a spectacular weapon. The arc of progress is said to be towards justice. It is often towards increasingly correct trust, which is similar.

18618036? ago

I knowed you was crazy when I saw you settin' there. I knowed exactly what was in store for me.

18618037? ago


18618030? ago

None are perfect, but some are more honest than others. It should be no special insight that it is indeed possible to harm people, though one of the links between bigotry and pedophilia is that bigots especially tend to deny that others can suffer harms.

18618028? ago

This site only hates Jews because Jews are too honest.

I’ve come to suspect that lies were authored against specific Jews with methods of unusual excellence. And it’s not like the world has never had an evil Jew, but it’s not Jewishness that does it. Evil exists in every society, in every race, and in all people.

18619394? ago

This site only hates Jews because Jews are too honest.

the children of the father of lies.

too honest.

Kikes gotta kike.

18618029? ago

Do you have any idea how goddamn crazy you are?

18618031? ago

Sure, so crazy. So crazy not to hate people. To live in peace, and not by lies. So crazy to protect my joys and those of others, and to seek a fully reciprocated.

If you become like me, you’ll like your life more, and the most competent ever born will be more inclined to ally with you.

18618033? ago

Nobody hates anyone here silly, we just want to exterminate all non-whites off the face of the earth. It's not personal or anything.

18963748? ago

Darwin, for all his faults, cites this as a natural law, an unavoidable eventuality in the next few centuries.

18618026? ago

If you ever get access to a flow of information you shouldn’t have, recognize it as corruption, and turn against it. Expose it. This world can’t reach its full potential if people don’t do that.

18618025? ago

If you cannot choose wisely, choose randomly…

18618023? ago

The problem in this world is a basic lack of honesty. That’s why I personally would be willing to have brain implants revealing my internal state, so long as they were properly scientific instruments being operated according to publicly available research data.

How many of you pedohunters would say the same?

I detest pedophilia, but I would not kill a pedophile were I to encounter one, for I do not punish the light.

18618021? ago

“Powerless” people who react without fear do spectacular things for progress as well.

18618019? ago

People in power have the option of defending a more worthy world if they’re willing to take it.

18618018? ago

Intelligence agencies try to use each other’s services to get away with methods of espionage they can’t or can’t get away with using on their own citizens. This amounts to letting “lesser evil” criminals run rampant in an effort to root out greater evil criminals. The result is occasionally horrific, and it has contributed to fear and corruption in the nations that were foolish enough to “governing philosophy” it in. Because it turns out the people who violate laws aren’t lawful, durr.

Reciprocate the firewall.

18617680? ago

so when one of your pedogate eceleb hero's burns enough smack to feed the entire eastern front and takes a nose dive into I-66 do you feel even a twinkling of remorse for having perpetuated the larp fantasy quest?

18617678? ago

Human leaders may not have been mature enough yet for internet access, despite how good it has been for the people.

18617677? ago

Oops meant to bump




18617673? ago

Intelligence agencies try to use each other’s services to get away with levels of espionage they can’t or would much rather not use on their own citizens. This amounts to letting “lesser evil” criminals run rampant in an effort to root out greater evil criminals. The result is occasionally horrific, and it has contributed to fear and corruption in the nations that were foolish enough to “governing philosophy” it in.

Reciprocate the firewall.

18616823? ago

Any sauce on the instagram cult of Cthulhu heavily based on this album? I would love to have a look at it again.

18616820? ago

Reciprocate the firewall against China. Their fascistic government tried to spread the idea that opposition to them is “fighting forever”, but they by no means benefit from corruption as if is. Letting them continue is an x-risk. Block that nation’s internet. I know isolation had horrible side effects in the Soviet Union, but what is to be done? Nations choke on repression. Without international support China is ungovernable; it would fray into smaller nations less disruptive to the global balance of power.

18616821? ago

as it is

18616817? ago

Ever look at Kim Noble's art? Fucked up. I remember reading about the Dr. Green/Greenbaum stuff and there was a bit about survivors being able to draw the kabbalistic tree of life from memory despite never having studied kabbalah because the tree of life was involved in their programming. Funnily enough one of the paintings she has on her site has the kabbalistic tree of life. Coincidence?

I like reading about the ritual abuse MKULTRA stuff with DID and alters and all that. Anyone have any information about that? Has there ever been a connection between it and pizzagate?

I'd like someone to start a thread on MKULTRA and SRA. It's fascinating.

18616818? ago

Forbidden fruit comes to mind when hearing tree of life

18616807? ago

Issac Kappy is dead. Allegedly jumped off a bridge in Arizona.

8 chan is currently digging. Still trying to determine if this was a suicide or a “suicide”.

Still unknown as to whether he was legit or not.





Possible suicide note that was left on Monday.

This is an evolving situation.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3218760

He could've faked his death knowing ((him))

18616809? ago

Indeed. Dumb kike

Sasha Lord

Amanda ( ( ( kleineman) ) )

( ( (eli) ) ) ( ( (sizemore) ) )

( ( ( paul) ) ) ( ( (sizemore) ) )


Grand pubah

Dave Stone

David Flintstone

Underground WiFi routers for????????????????

18616810? ago

Yep. I believe Fiona is right but one of her flaws is that she trusts fools like Kappy and Shurter.

18616812? ago

It is a woman why would you care at all what it says?

18616814? ago

The drawings and other evidence of her story of seeing pedo elites do their insane rituals is definitely there. Kappy called her a fake.

18616816? ago

Both are not white men therefore not to be trusted or believed in any way shape or form

18616805? ago

While I fully support this thread and all other Pizzagate investigations, I just can't handle them. It's too awful. Those are really really bad people

18616803? ago

15 people arrested in Bell County prostitution sting


18616802? ago

According to the Daily Caller, the Obamas' have announced their new Netflix shows including "“Listen to Your Vegetables & Eat Your Parents” is also in the works, which is a half-hour series designed for preschoolers that will “take young children and their families around the globe on an adventure that tells us the story of our food,” according to The New York Times."

Hmmm. Will James Alefantis be a guest celebrity chef? Pushing the pedovore agenda to PRESCHOOLERS?

And then there is “Bloom.” "The series tells a tale of a magical plant that restores youth…"

Priming audiences for "young blood" transfusions? Adrenochrome?



source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3218082

18595269? ago

This "educational" organization called The Flying Classroom is very suspicious. They are based in Miami, Florida and they fly to islands in throughout the Caribbean and continental U.S. There is a current investigation regarding Pittsburgh Public School District members going on an unauthorized flight to Cuba via this organization.

18595271? ago


Broward and Dade Counties are a hotspot for all sorts of criminal activity like sex and drug trafficking from the Caribbean and South America.

18595270? ago


There's plenty of red flags to notice. The fact that the trip was to Cuba is suspicious.


18595268? ago

Diocese Of Greensburg Priest Accused Of Sexually Abusing A Minor


18595267? ago

Man wore werewolf mask while torturing girlfriend’s sleeping 2-year-old, sheriff says


18595258? ago

2 men who ran sex trafficking ring near and in Fort Worth accept plea deals


18595257? ago

AN AMAZING INTERVIEW WITH American History Professor Craig Steven Wilder. At 12:48 in the video, he touches on the "slave sourcing" for anatomy class props and body parts. This is the foundation for the child trafficking / human organ trafficking we see today.

Shackles and Ivy: The Secret History of How Slavery Helped Build America's Elite Colleges

"A new book 10 years in the making examines at how many major U.S. universities – Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth Rutgers, Williams, and the University of North Carolina among others – are drenched in the sweat, and sometimes the blood, of Africans brought to the United States as slaves. In "Ebony & Ivy: Race, Slavery and the Troubled History of America's Universities," Massachusetts Institute of Technology American History Professor Craig Steven Wilder reveals how the slave economy and higher education grew up together. "When you think about the colonial world, until the American Revolution, there is only one college in the south, William & Mary … The other eight colleges were all northern schools and they're actually located in key sites, for the most part, of the merchant economy where the slave traders had come to power and rose as the financial and intellectual backers of new culture of the colonies," Wilder says." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs7hfwDzwYM


18595255? ago

Ah yes, pedophilic hyperconservatism. Not, as it turns out, a good compromise to extend to the other side. Let’s never again crack down on pornography, shall we? Simulated taboo content prevents actual horrors from happening.

18595261? ago

RELEVANCY: Keith Raniere used NXIVM as a vehicle to ensnare sex slaves, traffic women, and allegedly molest underage girls. He was charged with sex trafficking and crimes related to that charge. However, a few days before his trial started, he was charged with possession of child pornography found on his computer. The relevancy also extends to Raniere also having connections with high-ranking political figures so this definitely fits squarely in the center of the zone for this subverse. As for what this post is about, I've been following the story of this sex cult since it broke, and have read a lot of information about it, but I ran across an article the other day that blew my mind. It was written by Omar Rosales and shared on The Frank Report. The Frank Report has been all over NXIVM from the beginning and has more than established credibility. So for them to share this article by reposting it on their site, made me take notice. The claims arise out of testimony given about Keith Raniere in the trial that is now taking place. The lead the author, Rosales, has made some connections and draw a linkage / parallels between Raniere and occult practices, a secret hierarchy, The Zodiac Killer, and Aleister Crowley. While I would have banked on the occult, the rest is news to me. After all, we pizzagaters are well aware of the elite cabal being involved in occult rituals, and this further provides evidence that Raniere was part of that inner circle and the inner circle's belief system since it is one he shared I did initial digging on the topics mentioned by Rosales, but came across way more than I bargained for. It's why I'm going to divide this topic up in sections. It's just too massive to handle on its own and some of the directions it led were shocking, so here we go. Here's Part I.


This is the link to the article, and for me, the title says it all:

Rosales: The Photographs Were Not Sexual — Keith Obtained Pleasure From the Torment

This right here, folks. You remember all the times we tried to we tried to get a handle on why the cabal was torturing kids? Yeah, the adrenochrome theory arose out of SRA, but this …. we forget these people are wired differently from us and sometimes the torture boils down to pure pleasure for them. It resonated throughout the Ted Bundy Tapes on Netflix. It was the torture that did it for him. It ticks all their boxes like nothing else does. Even to title something in this way shows to me that the guy is onto something and what he's onto is this:

One of the more troubling aspects of this case is the link between NXIVM and the occult. There seems to be an undercurrent of occult practices in the secret hierarchy of ESP, Inc., that shows parallels to the Zodiac killer and Aleister Crowley. This is being revealed during the trial.

Keith was a student of esoteric religions. He knew about Tibetan Buddhist meditation rites as well as references to Western mythology. His book was titled ‘Odin and the Sphinx’. Why did he compare himself to Odin? Did he consider himself to be the Allfather?

Good question as is the raising of the specter of Odin. I gotta say that if I mentioned that name to anyone of my friends, colleagues, or family, they'd be hard-pressed to tell me exactly who Odin is. They're not that big into Norse mythology, but why is it that anyone involved in a sex cult, torture cult, sexual killing spree is? And I'm not leaving out black magicians. Yup, they all know about Odin, and in case you don't, Odin is the one-eyed god. You know, one eye like all pop stars covering up one eye and holding up their hands in the shape of a triangle … pyramid really that symbolizes the all-seeing eye.


https://imgur.com/a/suHQEgbImgur Album

18595265? ago


More from Rosales:

Other ancient civilizations buried slaves with their Kings and Queens. This was a common practice among ancient Egyptians, Vikings, Maya, and Aztecs. The belief was that the war captives or slaves would serve the King in the afterlife. To solidify the bond, the captives were killed at the funerals of the venerated rulers and then placed in the graves alongside their masters.

The Zodiac was also assembling Female Slaves for his afterlife. … In one of Keith’s computers, he kept a backup file of all the pictures of women that he posed for his ‘studies.’ The pictures were of women on Keith’s bed, with closeups of their vaginas.

What if it wasn’t a study, but more of a trophy? An assemblage of all his victims. And this is where Keith’s psychopathic tendencies start to take over. He had to keep trophies. He could not help himself. That is how he gains pleasure – by tormenting women and later on reliving the torment.

Keith was happy to see Sylvie cry and squirm when he ordered her to spread her legs and be photographed. The photographs were not sexual. … Keith obtained pleasure from the torment. … it was their suffering, pain, and anguish that made Keith aroused.

And the article refers to "Sylvie". For those who have not followed the trial, I'm attaching a link to "Sylvie" to tell a little about what she suffered.


Vicente told jurors he was involved in an all-male group, called the Society of Protectors, who used "dark, hateful misogyny" to terrorize Nxivm's female members

I believe one of the things to notice is the incredible level of misogyny going on. It's exactly the same thing with the agenda this elite cabal is carrying out. They are using surrogates to breed, thus stripping the right of motherhood from wives/mates and reducing it to a paid juggling act. This also reinforces that wives are consorts and must look good and maintain their bodies. There is also the transgender entering women's sports and dominating. Women's records are being smashed and women's efforts reduced to pathetic in comparison with these male Amazon counterparts.

Since I'm running out of space, I would also like to post a couple of links between Egyptian/Freemasonry/Satanism. They are one in the same with the gods being identical. Yes, Freemasonry gods are Egyptian gods and that should tell you why the current elite are giving them preference.



Personally i equate the origin of the Osiris myth in the Near east, perhaps Anatolia, where farming first spread across the west. I think I almost support the theory that an early form of Indo-European language accompanied the cult of farming, and that the neolithic farming cultures of Old Europe believed in a similar vegetal deity. In this respect I'd say that both Odin and Horus, Osiris and Yemo/Mimir are all descendants of a very early prototype, which is why the Grail myths and the Egyptian myths seem to be closely related.

Next: delving further into The Zodiacs connection to what's going on.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3216748

18595264? ago

Raniere wrote another book besides ODIN AND THE SPHINX. He co-authored, THE SPHINX AND THELXIEPEIA. Thelxiepeia is the name of a siren of the sea. In other mythology, they are referred to as mermaids. But the Thelxiepeia was a half-woman half-bird creature whose songs caused seamen to crash. The sphinx is half-woman half-cat and featured prominently in Egyptian mythology. This comes into play later on when we delve into the Egyptian mysteries. And here … here's a reversed shot of Allison Mack under the inscription: ''GOOD TIME CLEOPATRA."

https://imgur.com/a/XIRCT2FImgur Album

Note the Kabbalahistic path as denoted by the inverted triangles. There are the two pillars also. The inscription: FROM NOTHNG COMES SOMETHING." There's NEW and a series of letters I can't make out. Is it AAIX? AA would be interesting since that is Aleister Crowley's spiritual'' organization. Probably devoted to the bettering of man … right, but to get back to the article. Here's where Rosales gets into the Zodiac Killer

The Zodiac was a serial killer who terrorized the Bay Area in the 1960s and early 70s. Although never caught, the Zodiac was known and became popular for his taunts of the police. Zodiac would mail cyphers with clues to local newspapers and wait for the publicity. And Zodiac loved to be in the spotlight. One of his more famous notes was the Halloween Card of 1970. On October 27, 1970, San Francisco Chronicle writer Paul Avery received a card from the Zodiac. The card was a Halloween greeting and contained the phrase, “By fire, by gun, by rope, by knife…SLAVES FOR PARADICE”.

Paradise was intentionally misspelled as Zodiac loved puns. In the card, the Zodiac hand drew several symbols to show it was he and included his body count up to that time – 14 victims. He also said, “Peek a boo you are doomed.” Whomever the Zodiac was, he knew about mythology and literature. Zodiac read Milton, knew about theatre, and he could make cyphers. But, he also believed he and his victims were linked due to his victims’ painful deaths. That the psychic trauma created a bond, where the victims’ souls were forever linked to the Zodiac from the violent deaths – by fire, by gun, by rope, by knife. So why is Keith making slaves of women and telling them to, “Feel the Pain, Think of your Master”?

Yes, why. Plus FEEL THE PAIN is very close to EAT THE PAIN, the infamous quote from the Marina Abramovic in the Spirit Cooking email.


https://imgur.com/a/bEvtCJuImgur Album

18595251? ago

'Concealed' police statements impeded investigation into potential paedophile ring link, ex detective claims

May 13, 2019

British police allegedly "concealed" statements in the Madeleine McCann case and impeded a line of inquiry into possible links to an international paedophile ring, according to allegations from the Portuguese detective who led the 2007 investigation.

Speaking in Episode 10 of Maddie, nine.com.au's podcast investigation into Madeleine's disappearance, Goncalo Amaral made a series of stunning claims in a rare interview with English-speaking media.

Mr Amaral detailed a potential line of inquiry he believed may have helped work out what happened to Madeleine. It involved the possibility of an international paedophile ring that may have had links to people close to, or in contact with, the McCann family, without the McCanns' knowledge.

[Of course without their knowledge…./s]

He claimed some statements which may have been relevant to that line of inquiry had been initially withheld by British police, who at the time were working in tandem with the Portuguese.

"The British authorities tried to conceal the statement and nothing was done about this statement," Mr Amaral said.

"They were not followed up. Nobody investigated anything related to them."

Mr Amaral alleged his team of detectives had asked British police for further information about a potential person of interest but were informed they held "absolutely nothing" of significance.

"Of course … when the British police stated that they did not have any information, they already had the statements," he said.

"So, there is this issue with the British police concealing information that they already had.

"When the statements finally arrived, they came mixed up with other papers," Mr Amaral alleged.

18595252? ago

Nine.com.au contacted the Leicestershire Police about the claims but was referred to Scotland Yard's Operation Grange. A Scotland Yard spokesperson declined to comment.


Further details about the explosive allegations from Mr Amaral are detailed in Episode 10 of Maddie, which charted at number 1 in the UK, Australia and New Zealand soon after its March release.

(see link below)

Last weekend nine.com.au reported how Mr Amaral said his team of detectives had been searching for a mystery apartment where they believed Madeleine's body could have been temporarily hidden in a freezer.

He said before that line of inquiry could be concluded he was removed from the case in October 2007.

Mr Amaral was replaced after he was quoted in a newspaper criticising British police who were on the ground in Praia da Luz.

Kate and Gerry McCann, both doctors from Rothley, Leicestershire, have strenuously denied they were involved in the disappearance of their daughter.


Her Majesty's Secret Abduction Service: MI5 and the disappearance of Madeleine McCann by @RebelSkum

Goncalo Amaral, a Portuguese detective who led the case for six months, said he believed that British secret agents 'for sure had an involvement' when Maddie went missing at the age of 3 in 2007. He claimed MI5 helped to hide her body and that even former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was involved in the cover up.

Interestingly, Goncalo Amaral was previously sued by the McCanns after his resignation from the case. Amaral wrote a book using police files with the theory that Madeleine had died in her family's apartment. The McCanns took legal action, saying there was no evidence and his work was defamatory. Amaral would actually win this case, however.

The documentary itself is available on YouTube:


18595253? ago



Posted this elsewhere. Did you see it?

Guess Kate and Gerry were…spies. Makes sense.


18595250? ago

A big story about Epstein


18595247? ago

Chinese Sex Trade in Pakistan: Abuse of Christian Girls


18595245? ago

Fresno man found guilty on six counts of drugs and sex trafficking offenses, slated to be sentenced this Summer


18595243? ago


Shown Here:

Introduced in House (03/13/2019)

Equality Act

This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. Specifically, the bill defines and includes sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation.

The bill expands the definition of public accommodations to include places or establishments that provide (1) exhibitions, recreation, exercise, amusement, gatherings, or displays; (2) goods, services, or programs; and (3) transportation services.

The bill allows the Department of Justice to intervene in equal protection actions in federal court on account of sexual orientation or gender identity.

The bill prohibits an individual from being denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual's gender identity.

18595236? ago

RELEVANCE: This is directly related to pizzagate. It concerns funneling money to Barry Soetoro's re-election campaign by a member of the Fugees. The same year the money changed hands, Chinese businessman/con artist Jho Low, Low was okayed by Soetoro's administration to take over a forty-year lease for the second largest automated container port in Long Beach. Voat has had many submissions on container businesses and the number of inanimate and animate objects one can hide in them. Further, a director of the Fugees' video was convicted of raping his daughters and forcing them to bear his children. One daughter had been raped since the age of 8.

I know that the first part of this has been posted already (link to post)


18595237? ago

but the story and connections go deeper than only the Fugees rapper Pras Michel being indicted for funneling $21.6M in illegal foreign donations to Barry Soetoro. The money was allegedly/apparently first paid to him by Jho Low, a Chinese businessman and scam artist … either that or an identical amount mysteriously was given to Michel who gave the exact same amount to Soetoro. If we follow that logic, right after that chain of events, another random act took place which was the awarding of a forty-year lease to second largest port in Long Beach by the Soetoro administration to this same gentlemen.

Voat has long been all over shipping containers and their many uses for hiding things that some people in this society want shipped. So it's very disturbing to find out about this and that Soetoro's administration was giving suspect businessmen these types of open-ended situations to do with what they liked. And since we need to back claims, here's one such submission to Voat about shipping containers and the tie-in with human trafficking:


Shipping Containers used in Haiti for Maternal / Child Organization linked to Alefantis

18595238? ago

With that out of the way, let's begin at the first claim which is about the indictment of Michel Pras:


As you are probably aware, foreigners and foreign companies are forbidden by law to contribute to political campaigns. They are especially not allowed to funnel 21.6 million dollars from foreign donors to a campaign. The feds indicted Pras Michel, a rapper for the group ‘The Fugees’ on Friday for funneling tens of millions of dollars to the 2012 Obama reelection fund. Jho Low was indicted last year on conspiracy charges related to a scam from which he will be facing charges that he bilked investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Low provided the money to Pras Michel.

This pretty well documents the summary of what took place. But there is a more in-depth look on the second claim which is that the forty-year lease was awarded to this alleged scam artist:


Obama Leased 2nd Largest Port to China in Same Year he Received Illegal 21.6 Million Dollar Campaign Contribution from Chinese Businessman

Before I start this article, I want to make one thing clear. I am not accusing anyone of wrongdoing, although the facts I am laying out should be investigated just to make sure there wasn’t any wrongdoing. In 2012, the Obama administration okayed a forty year lease for a Chinese company to take over America’s second largest automated container port in Long Beach, California. Coincidentally or not, that very same year Chinese Businessman Jho Low provided 21.6 million dollars to rapper, Pras Michel of The Fugees, which he was then in turn supposed to funnel into Obama’s reelection campaign. Michel has been indicted for that crime and Low is still at large.

18595239? ago

So there we have it. Either we believe these were random and unrelated … coincidental … serendipitous … at this point is in the eye of the beholder. But it is curious. What is more curious is a pic that appeared. It was posted by Q. This is NOT a Q post. I am decidedly up in the air about the validity of him and am not a fan, but I did remember something about a pic of Long Beach. I did a search and sure enough:


https://imgur.com/a/O99SRsjImgur Album

Could this pic have been posted for the above reason? Let everyone know they were onto what was going on? And in terms of Long Beach, it has been targeted as a port of drug trafficking and human/sex trafficking that includes minors. To prove that, I'll post a pic of the Long Beach Task Force FB page and a pic taken from it:


https://imgur.com/a/3Oq7o0IImgur Album

It's Modern Day Slavery. It's happening in Long Beach.

Well, I'd say that's pretty clear. And since there's supposed to be eight degrees of separation, in this particular case, there's only one. Seems the producer of a Fugee's video is a convicted pedophile. Yup, scum that impregnated his own daughters.


Aswad Ayinde, director of Fugees video 'Killing Me Softly,' charged with impregnating daughters

An award-winning video director was unmasked Thursday as a brutal, bizarre serial breeder who repeatedly raped his daughters to create a "pure" bloodline.

Aswad Ayinde, who won an MTV award for directing The Fugees' "Killing Me Softly," fathered six kids with his daughters from the mid-1980s to 2002 - and delivered the babies himself, New Jersey prosecutors said.

18595240? ago

In case you haven't noticed, the ages of his children are nowhere to be found in the article. Because this is pizzagate and because this is about child/sexual abuse, I went in search of what ages his children were. What I found out was that at least one was EIGHT YEARS OLD.


Women reveals how her father impregnated her FIVE times in bid to create a 'pure' bloodline as he led a double life enjoying success as MTV award-winning producer for The Fugees

Aziza Kibibi was 8-years-old when her father, Aswad Ayinde, started sexually abusing her

Ayinde, also known as Charles McGill, won an MTV award for directing The Fugees' 'Killing Me Softly'

Ayinde was recently sentenced to a combined 90 years in prison for sexually abusing Kibibi and another one of his daughters

During his years abusing Kibibi she had five children out of incest

Kibibi was eventually able to escape and now lives with her husband in East Orange, New Jersey where she runs her own baking business

Now the Doomsday scenario is getting commonplace amongst this cabal. So commonplace that one would suspect that he would have talked to someone about this, wouldn't you think? Like maybe discuss it on the set of …. oh, say … a video, maybe? You know that downtime invites chatter about what people have been up to lately.

But I do believe this port in Long Beach could be a huge lead. Find out who's connected to it and you might get info on who's involved. Maybe even keep track of the arrests. That would be a pretty good way of tracking things also.

I hope to get my next post up shortly. It's involved with a very strange item about Satanism that the press has not picked up on. I wonder why?

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3214545

18595242? ago

FWIW regarding 1MBD http://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/1mdblinked-prince-turki-among-those-nabbed-corruption-saudi-arabia

(Nov 6, 2017): Prince Turki bin Abdullah, co-founder of Petrosaudi, the company that is embroiled in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd scandal, was among the 11 princes arrested in anti-corruption raids in Saudi Arabia on Saturday.

18595235? ago

He pimped out a 15-year-old on Backpage.com. Prison next for sex trafficking, porn


18595233? ago

Entertainer/Businessman and Malaysian Financier Indicted for Conspiring to Make and Conceal Foreign and Conduit Contributions During 2012 U.S. Presidential Election


Obama Shrugs Off Global Slavery To Protect Trade Deal




We need to look more into Malaysian elites and their connections to Hollywood.

18595234? ago

Leo DiCaprio is involved with all this. His production company Red Granite (Occult reference to sacrificial altar) partnered with 1 MDB to launder money during his production of Wolf of Wall Street

literally, they made a movie about fraud, and used it as a financial vehicle to launder money, houses, and commodities.

It's like a modern day version of the Producers if Christopher Nolan directed it.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3212463

Caprio means goat in Italian. His name sounds like decapitated.

18595232? ago

Stephen Fry backs calls to review relationships and sex education

Letter calls on government to prevent opt-outs from new sex education curriculum


I'm glad am not British.

18595231? ago

Whatever happened to the bunny building?

18751622? ago

Never forget.

18537531? ago

Possibly unrelated but I did work for RedBull Korea and visited Gangnam. While there was nothing terribly sus going on, they did take us on a circuit every night to all the major Gangnam clubs as VIPs.

The worst I could say is that it felt like the RedBull people We're trying to get us laid by bringing former RedBull wings team girls who were too old to do it anymore. (Still a young age)

Infinite booze and RedBull. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of symbolism behind RB. Baal maybe.

But either way it was the closest I've ever been to that sort of scene and I can only imagine they keep things tight knit until they vet you

18536957? ago

this shit literally drove me insane back in 2015 i think, before trump definitely. i don't know what happened actually but i was awake for like 3 or 4 days straight. at one point i thought 100% i was dreaming, funny thing is it was the greatest feeling of confidence and calm iv ever felt. i felt in slow motion while everything around me was happening too fast

keep up the good fight, i don't know you anons can stand it mentally. sage for offtopic blog post

18536954? ago

Leader Of Bay Area Sex Trafficking Ring Trolled Internet For Underage Victims


18536948? ago

Woman accuses date of sex trafficking, pepper-spays him in Brook Park hotel


18536947? ago

Man convicted in Vermont's first-ever sex trafficking trial


18536945? ago


Trafficking Mars the Mystique of Cannes Film Festival: "This Crime Is Significantly Underreported"


This webm is an unrelated story about sex trafficking in the modeling industry.


I can't upload webms right now for whatever reason.

18536940? ago

18536939? ago



Suzanne Carlson 10 hrs ago

Christmas Cove

Multimillionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has been forging ahead with building activity on the island of Great St. James, flouting efforts by the V.I. government to force him to comply with the territory’s environmental protection laws.

Jean-Pierre Oriol, commissioner nominee for the V.I. Department of Planning and Natural Resources, said Tuesday that the department’s division of Coastal Zone Management issued Epstein a stop-work order on Dec. 21.

and the paywall stops here….

(Pizzagate related because…well shit, it's Epstein!)

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3206327


18536938? ago

Remember that creepy BFG movie that came out 3 years ago? That's all about pedophilia and the Nephilim.

18536936? ago

about the Northern Ireland journalist shot and killed during rioting. Nancy Pelosi was in the country at the time.

Lyra McKey was investigating a pedo ring when she was killed. Possible cover up involving members of the Northern Govrenment:

This is Lyra McKee, she was investigating the "Lost boys and girls of the Troubles" and it was due to be published in 2020. The upcoming book got coverage in newspapers like the Guardian. She was shot during a protest in Northern Ireland, first responders reported that instead of waiting for the ambulance (which would be fast in Belfast) the Northern Irish police put her in the back of their car and drove her to the hospital where she subsequently died. Very convenient. The murder was blamed on two Irish lads who have been today released without charge.

Lyra McKee: Lost Girl of the Troubles.


18536933? ago

In March of this year the news came out that 50 women were suing Salesforce https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/27/lawsuit-claims-salesforce-worked-with-sex-trafficking-site-backpage.html

Two months later we have the news that the CIA are launching a site on the Dark Web https://www.meritalk.com/articles/cia-launches-dark-web-tip-site/ … cough… cough… because they don't already have a presence there? … cough cough

Because of the number 50, I think this is may be a psyop to actually remove the CIA's involvement and cover up the child trafficking… time will tell.. but I digress..

"In public, including on Twitter, Salesforce boasted about fighting human trafficking using its data tools. But behind closed doors, Salesforce's data tools were actually providing the backbone of Backpage's exponential growth. Salesforce didn't just provide Backpage with a customer-ready version of its data and marketing tools. Salesforce designed and implemented a heavily customized enterprise database tailored for Backpage's operations, both locally and internationally. With Salesforce's guidance, Backpage was able to use Salesforce's tools to market to new "users" — that is, pimps, johns, and traffickers — on three continents."

18521166? ago

Original post link: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5hbqus/i_believe_ive_figured_out_a_big_part_of_pizzagate/

The OP:

Here's the premise (and please ask me for specifics and to elaborate in the comments, because doing so here means there's too much to dissect): The US/EU destabilize countries and privatize everything. This is done with "pro-Democracy" groups like Soros sowing dissent. As part of the destabilised country's interim, they oversee elections, and often appoint the person who will fit the agenda they want to push for the rest of the country. They also bankrupt the nation and as part of the IMF bailout terms and conditions, they have to accept privatization reforms.

All of their children's welfare groups associated with the US/EU also push for the privatization of child care. They emphasize foster care. The countries in which they did this (Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Moldova, Ukraine) became regions known as the "fourth wave" of trafficking. It didn't exist under the communist regimes.

For the first few years, these child welfare groups milked aid money from the revolving door between their organizations and those distributing the aid, like the EU Commission, USAID, etc. Once the "humanitarian crisis" angle dried up, they initiated step 2: the handover of their organization to the crime gangs. In Romania, for example, they freed the criminals as an act of pardon which means they know exactly who to appoint. These gangs then exploited the children–"foster care" became brothels, "adoption" became sale into sex slavery, and "street children" programs became forced begging.

These child welfare groups had partnerships with Italian municipalities. Similarly, organized crime groups trained under Italian mafias. It's also why we see Romanian children appearing in Italy. The partnerships of the orgs in the mid-90s align with the rise of the mafia, as do the trading routes. These child welfare groups are on record as having misallocated lots of donation funds, often for gifts, mysterious trips, and lavish events for government municipalities and their connections.

In Kosovo, the EU/US (under B Clinton) elevated Thaci's Kosovo Liberation Army. The guy's clan is a known child trafficker, organ smuggler, and the Albanian mafia today–many of whom were former KLA officials–account for some of the biggest human smugglers in existence. This includes for things like delivering kids for pedophiles throughout Europe. As to the US, many of Thaci's former KLA members are sitting in US-based embassies. Camp Bondsteel exists to shuttle out heroin and kids, if the need arises. This is also why the Albanian mafia does not operate in DC but does in other parts of Europe and the US.

I've not researched past 2001, but the template of overthrowing leaders, installing puppet dictators, and privatizing the child welfare system is consistent with other areas in question like Haiti.

Albania/Kosovo also has deeply Satanic connections that I can discuss.

18521171? ago




OP also mentions:

Also note: Marina Abramovich is allegedly a Serbian refugee who did several exhibits on Kosovo. I'm pretty sure she's tied into this somehow.

A deleted user replies:

I have been very suspicious of the small channel island Jersey and what connection it might have to all this. The island is a very large tax haven worth roughly 2 trillion dollars. It's only 5 by 9 miles in size, so thats about 5 billion per square mile. Many elites hide there money here. Not only that but there is a history of large scale sexual abuse scandals and cover ups. I have been searching for connections between Jersey and Tavistock, Soros, Clinton Foundation, and what we are seeing in the podesta leaks. I did a Post on this that got some attention and some people digging but eventually died out. I'll link my post in case you didn't get a chance to see it. If you've come across anything in your research that might line up with this please let me know or message me.


Other links posted in reply section:





source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3202643

18521172? ago




Kosovo's prime minister is the head of a "mafia-like" Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through eastern Europe, according to a Council of Europe inquiry report on organised crime.




This is a story that is not about race, ethnicity or religion. Some people will make it a demographic issue in order to obfuscate the ubiquitous nature of trafficking crimes involving children. What is the crime? The crime is murdering American children for the purposes of organ theft and shipment to countries such as Israel, Turkey, India, China, et al.




The Arabic-language Al-Hadath news website quoted the sources as saying that some specific groups that have trained medics have kidnapped the children, mutilated their body organs and then left their corpses in remote areas or buried them.

18521170? ago



OP's reply to a deleted comment:

Sure: For one, look at the history of the Albanian flag.


We're talking red shield (Rothschild), which is part of the Khazarian group allegedly trying to create the one world government. Then we have the double-headed eagle, which my understanding is that it's a Babylonian symbol to identify the "unknown/unspeakable" god that isn't identified by name.

Then you have Kosovo and its many dragon/snake references. Thaci is known as "the snake," the US embassy in Kosovo sits in "dragon neighborhood" there, and even the KLA was known as the Drenica (or, dragon) group. Milosevic actually called Albanian leaders something like "blood sucking vampires."

Oh, and Kosovo's Dardania flag has interesting symbolism, too–it has the six-pointed star of David associated with the Bel-worshipping Khazarians, along with the seeds of life on its crest. I believe this is in reference to the rising/birth of a diabolical governing force in the country.

This belief is made all the more interesting by the Albanian flag removing its 5-pointed star at the end of Communism (the star being a symbol of keeping away evil).

Also, the Dardania region of Albania is believed to house "chemically pure" bloodlines on account of its mountainous region which led to a lot of in-breeding. This makes for a strong Albanian mafia that bases itself on family/blood purity similar to the Italian mafia (those two criminal groups have a bond, apparently… especially in the north).

Last, the trafficking route in the north of Italy is close to Milan, which is very close to the tunnel of Gotthard. Remember the satanic opening ritual there? Plus CERN? Maybe human sacrifices of kids via the Albanian mafia are going on there in order to bring forth the anti-Christ.

18521169? ago


And the OP replied:

YES! Organs are huge money. IIRC, most of the ones harvested got shipped off to Israelis and Middle Easterners for 40k a pop.

Then there's this bizarre piece of evidence that I found: the mayor of Tirana requested that this charity work in three places–one was Tirana the capital (which makes sense, even though refugee camps from here had trafficking issues), the second was Shkoder which became one of the worst spots for child trafficking up to Italy (90% of families didn't want to send their kids to school because it became too difficult to go outside), and the third was Peshkopi.


I looked up Peshkopi to see if it had any significance to trafficking. It didn't, but it was one of the yellow houses used by the KLA as a waypoint for organ harvesting.


Peshkopi had absolutely no other significance that I could find. So, why the hell would the mayor request a charity's presence there if it wasn't being used as a front for more nefarious purposes?

Link for detailing how crucial Shkoder was as a trafficking hub.


18521174? ago

From the same Reddit thread:

Michael Rich, CEO of Rand Corporation (subsidiary of Tavistock) sits on the board of Everychild, which was a child welfare organization doing work in Kosovo during the conflict. It has ties to other organizations (Barnardos) who have been accused of sexually abusing children and sending them abroad. Cherly Saban who sits on the board of the Clinton Foundation and is closely associated with the Clintons also has ties to Everychild.

Many other individuals associated with Tavistock have worked for or been associated with this charity.

18521175? ago

Sure. This report offers a really good overview from 1990-2000. There's also the book, "Sex Trafficking: Inside the business of modern day slavery," which discusses the phenomena of human trafficking out of this area corresponding to the mid-90s. Child abduction and prostitution of course existed under Communism, but it was nowhere near an epidemic like it was in the 1990s.

Just like globalisation is about setting up multinational, international trade of goods and services… this is the exact same thing that happened when globalists began running these countries in the mid-90s.


From this report you'll read that Albania became a huge port for trafficking up through Italy. Romania also started trafficking out of Moldova, Bulgaria, and the Ukraine. If you look at the annual reports of child welfare groups like Save the Children and EveryChild, you'll notice partnerships in the exact same trafficking regions.

As to source validity, it's interesting because the same organizations responsible for overseeing border patrol and training the police during war times (OCED) are the same ones publishing trafficking statistics. This organization also has links to Soros, and a member of the OCED was also a head director for the European Children's Trust in Albania shortly before the Kosovo conflict.

18521167? ago

The same dude included additional info in the reply section:

And that's the thing: The Albanian mafia is one of the biggest traffickers of heroin. Al Qaida was on the ground helping to train the Kosovo Liberation Army alongside US troops in the mid-90s… and then by 2003, the US took over poppy production by invading Afghanistan and putting in Karzai. It's believed that 911 was a big excuse to entrench the heroin production and trafficking.

Then in 2000, BOOM–heroin epidemic because pharmaceuticals were pushing opium-based drugs like oxycontin, dilaudid, etc… and when that dried up people switched to actual heroin. The CIA had a lot to do with securing that, and the person who blew the whistle was framed for child porn.

Among the replies is a fellow goat:

GET THIS TO THE TOP! Implicates the Clintons in the child trafficking/drug trade in the Balkans. This calls for an immediate investigation into all child welfare organizations, especially those tied to the Clintons'/Soros, in war torn areas. Everychild is of particular interest in the Balkans, ties to Tavistock through Michael Rich, ties to Clinton/CF through Cheryl Saban. It was established by Western power players and is closely aligned with the government in Kosovo which is/was implicated in human trafficking.

This charity has had three separate names, The Romanian Orphanage Trust (1990-1997), The European Children’s Trust (1997-2001), and EveryChild (2001-Present). It has connections to Barnardo's which has a proven history of sexually abusing children and sending them abroad to pedophiles. http://archive.is/tXJld

Another thread in the replies:

I can testify for the Kosovo part , and so should Carla Del Ponte


as she was investigating this, but it was waaaay over her power.

She could be associate to Giovanni Falcone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Falcone and prosecute Mafia , she could prosecute war criminals of balkans , but when she tried to prosecute organ trafficing in Kosovo, it went full stop.

And for pizzagaters, it has everything to do with pizzagate , well, not directly, but was crucial in formation of Clinton Foundation.

18521176? ago

The Albanian mafia is one of the biggest traffickers of heroin.

Used to live in Athens for a while and can confirm - Heroin is $10 a hit and it's destroying Greece.

Athens is a major shipping point (besides Feta cheese, international shipping is pretty much all the Greeks do) and the Albanians are the biggest players in the region.

The Albanians were (during the Cold War) Russian puppets. Not sure if they're still as close (wouldn't be surprised) but heroin, stolen goods and people trafficking is readily available and cheap in that part of the world - I've personally been approached with offers to buy all three (and declined all three). Coke is handled by the Italians.

And before you ask why I didn't go to the cops - I've personally witnessed police corruption over there on multiple occasions - opening your mouth might make you the target of a traffic stop gone wrong.

The Albanians have turned Greece into Europe's Mexico. And to rub insult to injury, they built a mosque in 2017 - the first mosque in that city since the Greeks defeated their Turkish oppressors more than 100 years ago. They're sneaking them in as "refugees" and accomplishing what the Turks have been trying to since the mid-1800s.

18536930? ago

There's a lot of Albanians in Hollywood too.

18521160? ago

Bel Air property of mistress of son of J. P. Getty raided in Bel Air, with 1000+ guns found. Property is near Playboy Mansion. Another property of hers is beachfront (Paradise Cove: possible place to receive shipped children). Given the family's alleged involvement in child trafficking this could potentially lead to discovering evidence of past/current child trafficking.

J. P. Getty child trafficking allegations: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/07/blind-items-revealed-14_5.html

M: Marcos Ferdinand

"He imported the girls from a foreign country and housed them in the annex of his home which he reached via an underground tunnel. The girls were supplied by a very close friend of his who we will call M. It turns out M also had a love of young girls and provided them to other people like G all over the world. … In return, M was protected in power and also enriched himself personally from these men who gave him gifts of not only cash, but also paintings by the masters and so much more. They also arranged for other governments to prop his up in the face of rebellion."

18521165? ago


18521161? ago

"In total, about 50 of these girls were killed. They were dumped beneath the foundation of an addition to the annex which was built several miles from the original annex. … If you ever want to know why a hit was never put out on the spouse of M or any of his own kids it is because that meeting on the yacht was recorded both via audio and video and M made sure that everyone knows she has a copy of them."

Imelda Marcos is still alive. Will be interesting to see what all comes of this. The proximity of the mansion to the Playboy Mansion is interesting given it being reputed to connect to other homes via tunnels.

Her beachfront property has lots of suspicious features, children’s toys everywhere, handcuffs, satanic imagery spraypainted on the walls, similar Egyptian style decor to Epstein Island https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=8DAoleJjDkUYouTube

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3207565

18521157? ago

Watching this TV show. I know it is dumb beyond believe but it was background noise to real work being done. What caught my attention was the guest they had one, Fat Jewish Entertainer, was asked about his tats. He comments about how he has 5 pizza tattoos. Then he shows a photo that he shared on social media of him acting like he is going to eat a baby sandwich.

Knowing their comms helps ID this kind of sick behavior.

MTV show. 12 min mark: http://www.mtvasia.com/episodes/ytr69w/ridiculousness-the-fat-jewish-Sn-a-E30

What went down in 2007? https://twitter.com/FATJEW/status/910338457767235584

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3208557

18521152? ago

Nilay Lawson is a girl currently living in Los Angeles. She is friend of James Alefantis and she was heavily researched back in time: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482843

She made nefarious comment under picture of walk in fridge ( which was also named as #murder and #killroom ): https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEOO3P-UwAIOWaZ.jpgJPG

She commented "Just rinse it off when you're done"

She also liked cartoon picture of child being eaten posted by Justin Barrows ( friend of James Alefantis and carpenter who helped to build Comet Ping Pong ):


She made a comment under James Alefantis picture of little toddler girl saying "She needs a crate around her":


Apparently, just three days ago she posted obvious pedophile art on her Facebook and commented on it "These are great !":

18488447? ago

The Oakland Ghost Ship Fire was most likely to destroy evidence of a sex trafficking ring.


18464175? ago

There's a pizzagate book on Amazon: https:// www.amazon.com/dp/1096459760

18464176? ago

<anon's only post on this thread

<"cheesy" looking conspiracy book shilled

Seems to be a lot of disinfo out there to discredit the theory entirely, This looks like part of it.

18488445? ago

Okay, but before declaring it disinfo outight based on lame cover art, why not look at it first and see what its claims are/purpose seems to be?

18464172? ago

Today's Blind Items - Lost Forever



People are thinking it's David Copperfield

18464170? ago

Do you even know who you are talking to? Go read your Talmud.

18464173? ago

Do you even know who you are talking to?

Why not stop being anonymous and tell us?

18457505? ago

Pizza is pie, quit being faggots

18457506? ago

stop pursuing pedophiles


18521150? ago

taking level 1 bait

18457507? ago

A guy eating pizza isn't a pedophile. He's just a guy eating pizza.

18457508? ago

That's all it is? Just pizza? NOTHING ELSE?

So all those symbols, all those shady as shit words, emails, pictures, publicity stunts, all just mean NOTHING?

Do you also believe the holocaust happened?

18457509? ago

Not everyone out there eating pizza is chasing children. I eat pizza often, have never chased akid or diddled. I am not attracted to children.

18457513? ago

Do you also believe the holocaust happened?(1)

18457510? ago

spotted cia

18457515? ago

Nope Retired military. US Army, also a Hapsburg Saxe related to the royal families currently in power. Also friends with the Donald Trump.

18488444? ago



Pizza is delicious and everyone eats it. There's a handful of people who also use the word as code. But compare the public info of most pizza places with the one's listed in this thread.

Most pizza places don't use satanic references. They show you the food they make, the menu and sometimes a promotion. That's a regular pizza place.

The one's that show pictures pf kids and Satanism, like these….





Are not regular pizza places.

18457516? ago

Do you also believe the holocaust happened?(2)

Answer the question

18457498? ago

Reminder: pedophilia is a violent form of hyperconservativism. Molesting children causes serious psychological damage to them. Traditionalist acculturation then makes the victims functional enough to breed successfully and abuse the next generation.

18457496? ago

Survivors of Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse speak out in new doc on gymnastics scandal: 'It's just horrifying


18455860? ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever submission by @think-.

Posted automatically (#36937) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18455375? ago

Police arrest 4 men accused of promoting human trafficking on Derby Day


18453558? ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @think-.

Posted automatically (#36929) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18444947? ago

18455370? ago

Great work anon!

Could this location be the "hot dog stand" mentioned in the Podesta emails? It's a house that backs directly on to undeveloped land.

18536956? ago

zoom out

18537529? ago


The ancient Polynesians were known for being extreme sexual deviants. Many native Hawaiians admit this themselves. Paganism is literally gay.

18537530? ago

Christianity is a good thing.

19537553? ago

He kill them with they love…

18849422? ago

Shitty photoshop job on this image.

Poor attempt at bait as well.

18962591? ago

Sign says no alcohol.

It appears to be a mosque.

Maybe some AZ anons could go and investigate.

Questions is, why does it look like the temple on Epstein's pedo island?

18962592? ago

Masjid Abu Baker. Definitely a mosque.

18962575? ago

What are you talking about? Look it up yourself.

5625 S 88th St

Mesa, AZ 85208

18455374? ago

I just linked the video. I did none of that research.

18444944? ago

18444945? ago


YES I know it's reddit, here is the top comment:

"Omg! Sun Bum is such a good brand to support too! My friend was a foster care kid from California and told me this: Sun Bum owns a stretch of private beach and during the summer months they’ll take groups of kids from foster homes and the foster care system to the beach. They provide sunscreen, toys, hats, and each kid gets a SunBum towel! She still has hers too. They also donate a bunch of money to charity too I think!"

few comments down someone mentions something called The Monarch Beach Resort in Dana Point… red flags, figured you guys would file this away in your database.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3201045

18444942? ago

Police: Pimp withheld drugs, food from sex trafficking victims


18444941? ago

Arrest Made in Sex Trafficking of Children and Transportation of Minors for Sexual Activity Offenses: 1200 Block of Clifton Street, Northwest


18444940? ago

NXIVM ‘Master’ Keith Raniere Set To Face Accusers At Sex Trafficking Trial


18444939? ago

Someone call the moonman.

18444937? ago

The many coincidences surrounding TAVISTOCK


18444936? ago

Santa Fe Relocation of the HAMPSTEAD case leads to Atlas Air, British Airways World Cargo and their charities Operation SMILE, aid flights to Haiti for Oxfam, the Red Cross and UNICEF


18444934? ago

MIDNIGHT RAID New Madeleine McCann suspect ‘broke into British family’s holiday home wearing surgical mask and loomed over sleeping girl, 7, saying ‘I’m your daddy’



18444932? ago

‘Winnie the Pooh’ voice star accused of rape and animal abuse


Disney is disgusting.

18444931? ago

Child porn seized from leader’s house will be allowed as evidence in Nxivm trial


18403195? ago

Former youth basketball coach in Iowa who abused 440 boys over two decades is jailed for 180 YEARS after court hears how he fondled children and took sexually explicit selfies with players as they slept during sporting trips


18403194? ago



This is why.

It stands for ""PZA""

18962574? ago

For anyone wondering, pueros is Latin for boy/child

Zelamir is the name of one of the teenage boys who is sexually tortured in Marquis de sade’s 120 days of sodom. De Sade was a French nobleman in the 1700s, go figure. https://glosbe.com/la/en/pueros https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_120_Days_of_Sodom >>13328183

18867918? ago

You niggers are going to love this!

I may have found Celadon.

He's part of the DC Pizzagate circle and is associated with the P0destas.

He's got other elite Euro connections.

18962590? ago

Found this on @Celadon61's tagged photos page

It's apparently a photo of a salt and pepper shaker given to the OP by Celadon designed as what appears to be a kid with that creepy google oversimplification of humanity aesthetic.

What really is odd is how the OP tells Celadon that she will "always carry [celadon's gift] around the world" why would anybody carry a mere salt and pepper shaker around the world, unless she may be referring to some other gift Celadon gave her?

19033337? ago

Something vaginal? Eggs come out of a chicken's vagina.

19033868? ago

I once knew someone obsessed with eggs, who cited reproduction as the whole origin of his libido. He threatened me with blackmail; he was insulting, demanding, and false. He wanted to break my spiritualism; I was already atheistic. He built a relationship on sexuality after our affinity started on philosophy; others have done this also, so I have ceased forming relationships philosophy-first. My compensation for tolerating him was declared to be that I could blackmail him back if ever he turned on me. He was a sick loyalist, corrupted and dishonest, and I rejected him for sins of false archival. I have never doxed him; he did not do that for which I have the right to kill him, and we live in a world unpacifistic. I might yet forgive him if ever he apologized, but he would have to actually apologize. I am a bridge made of peace, but to cross over what I offer requires an integrity approximating my own.


This coent is directed at this guy, basically.

Overall, I’m sick of secrecy. The big complaint I would have if anonymity were banned is that a lot of people aren’t peaceful enough to live in a de-anonymized world, and some of the people they threaten are innocent. Or… innocent enough. Like the egg-guy I talk about in this post. He doesn’t deserve to suffer just for being a jerk to me. I’d rather he lived a comfortable enough life to someday have the strength to apologize. Not enough people have the maturity to understand that the world is usually a better place even for the contentment of their enemies. To end the eternal war, rehabilitate all souls.

19033871? ago

You make a good argument against sweeping, categorical de-anonymization, that doesn't imply that everybody is above that.

19033870? ago

Ishtar worshipers? All I know is people in general are weird as fuck even without this Pizzagate shit.

18962589? ago

@Celadon61 may have direct contact with the Rothschilds

18962587? ago

19033338? ago

Always these rich globohomo freaks with comments in a whole bunch of different languages. Satanists really are everywhere on this Earth.

18962588? ago

Epic job. We need to dig more.

18907656? ago

Great work, anon!


the "P.Z.A archives" (a.k.a. "Pizza") is a pedo site where they post stories about raping little boys. It's run by a pedo called 'Celadon'. Anon may have tracked him down.

18962580? ago

There is a logistics company called Celadon.

18907658? ago



More info pls like his address

18907657? ago

Tracked him down to his address?

18962576? ago

No, another anon tracked down his Instagram

18962579? ago

Whats the username?

18907655? ago

Can i get a quick rundown on INceladon

18400412? ago


You heard it here first.

19121972? ago

this isn't normal

This is pop-punk "counterculture" you reactionary faggot

18400417? ago

Is it possible to name something without the pointless suffix -gate?

18403193? ago

If it ever breaks in the press, this will 100% be the name.

18400413? ago

Good dig anon. It reminds me of when we first found Comet.

18400409? ago


Seriously…?? They're not even trying to hide it.

18400406? ago


This looks suspicious.

Can we find out if there's any connection between Sizzle Pie and politicians/rich businessmen?

18400404? ago

Prudism powers pedophilia. If you want to oppose it, promote prostitution. I’m sorry, I know that sucks. I don’t want to use prostitute services myself. But they represent the best causal response I know. Without taboos, pedophilia cannot thrive, and by a mixture of virtual construction and substitution we can have taboo’s unsavory end.

18400403? ago

In recent years, narcissism was projected against anyone sufficiently progressive to protest narcissism, and so enslaved to hatred were the projecting people who did it that humility was then abused in turn. No concern was spared for the success of necessary causes - and fascism rose by another name. As above, so below.

Nor was there any joy in the abusive people who did it, but they cared more for sacrificing themselves upon the altar of hatred than to succeed in a world of truth and progress.

The greatest threat to power ends up being people who






That’s the downfall of narcissists. They die to their own reflections, lashing out at targets they scream are beneath them. And it’s like… yeah. Yeah, if you actually believed it. If you knew disdain properly enough, it might even work, but proper disdain requires more emotional stability than even the false calm of sociopathy.

18400400? ago

Someone on the Dark Web - Bmn666 - posted their chat logs.

This is what happens when you turn on your circle of pedos… THEY KILL YOU!

Bmn666 posted this chat log as a warning/info to other members of their network to show the consequences of working with Law Enforcement.

18390257? ago


Linda Culkin, one of the first people to out Kevin Spacy was hit by a car. She died later.

Looks like Pedowood is offing people who expose them. Possibly.

-Edit: https://m.facebook.com/QuincyPoliceDepartment/posts/1239002329580905 Here’s the post from the police. This death is real.

https://mobile.twitter.com/entylawyer/status/1113846183275851776 Here’s a tweet from Enty about the death.

https://mobile.twitter.com/RVenerande/status/1087231279345524737 Thread regarding the Spacey Accusations.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3193233

18444935? ago



Another person linked to the Spacey saga has turned up dead. Joe Pantorno. This man worked at a restaurant called “Club Car” where one of the incidents happened. Died in February of a heart attack…yet was given a clean bill of health (as in cancer clearance status) by his doctor two weeks before the death.

Had a heart attack, yet the doctors said he was in good health.

Given what happened to Culkin, this stinks of fuckery. Probably “heart attacked”.

https://mobile.twitter.com/coffeecoketea/status/1124173513387016192 Both recent victims were witnesses.

Once is a coincidence, twice is the start of a pattern.


Would you look at that. He worked for CAA. The very same agency that Steven Spielberg’s agent and producer of Fatal Visions was a founding member of. The same agency that covered up Harvey Weinstein’s crimes.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3195853

18400399? ago

18390255? ago

There's been a lot of busts all over the country the past few weeks.

18390249? ago

Sisters facing felony sex trafficking charges after victim said they forced her into prostitution


18390248? ago

Report: Suspected sex trafficking victim gave police look at life inside Vero Beach spa


18390244? ago

Social media used against man who lured rural SC women to Atlanta for sex trafficking



South Carolina again. Pray for sex trafficking victims.

18390243? ago


Major CDAN came out on Tuesday.

Apparently Merv Griffin had a compound in the Palm Desert area. There is a tunnel complex. In that compound is a major nerve center for Bohemian Grove.

Ryan Seacrest is also involved.


source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3193837

18390241? ago

Yep…. just another average occult themed instagram post (snake, dagger, scythe) from the Satanic pizza bar that's located near runaway teenagers and behind a windowless building with high security.

18390242? ago

Death is a party


18390237? ago

hang him

18390234? ago

here is something i stumbled upon googling CFS general authority look up their symbols…

18390238? ago

Hey HK anon, what symbols? it's all text.


Who is this guy? what did he do?

18390233? ago

kek here

this human trafficker threatened britney spears but i threatened many in hollywood saying i will bring chaos to hollywood if anything happens to the spears family…

he knows me, many people know me world wide

18390214? ago

18346997? ago

Witches and warlocks are everywhere. They love anything to do with the body like medical jobs, hair salons, nail salons, piercing salons, and so on. The Africans and Middle Easterners are right about cutting your own hair and burning it.

18390216? ago


Openly Satanic pizza restaurant

Follows other openly Satanic businesses on social media

Literally shares a car park with a pre-school in Seattle

2 blocks from an organisation that helps runaways in Portland

Tongue-In-Cheek references to Qanon on menu

Access to abandoned/discrete buildings at both locations

Closed down east coast operations and opened in Seattle in 2016… ==2016==… AFTER Pizzagate broke.

I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.


18390225? ago

ALL the same hallmarks as Comet Ping Pong




Pedo Symbol

(it's even the same fucking color… 'serpent cult'… what a dipshit)


The same "Pizza Culture" art that was up in Comet Ping Pong.


KIDS!!!!! So many fucking photos of other people's kids! I gave up searching after collecting so many from just the accounts at the top of the list of who they follow.





Give me a fucking break you muppet.

18346995? ago




Last 2 files.

18390222? ago

Close up of the mural at Dark Bar Seattle

18346993? ago




There is a chain of pizza restaurants called "Sizzle Pie" - and 2 locations specifically share some of the same features as the original Pizzagate theory.

What do you think? Is there something to this or am I being autistic?

You be the judge.

Files are large so will be uploaded separately.

18617672? ago

someone just needs to mask up and break into those building and record it and post it online being safe and taking precautions not to be identified. dont take or steal anything just record and see whats there chances are the cops wont do much about it if nothing is missing or stolen and there is just a broken door

18390226? ago


Bumping the thread to link to the new docs I posted that got buried by the douchebag >>ba1dd9

18390231? ago

Adding the proximity of the homeless youth charity to the Portland location.

Notice the name - Janus - the "Two-Faced" God…. e.g. god of lying.

Both Harry's Mother and Janus help teenage runaways and are WITHIN two blocks of the Pizza restaurant/temple complex.

18390217? ago

==SizzlePie== follows ==PizzaProposals== on instagram… here's a post of theirs:

18390219? ago

==SizzlePie== follows ==Psycatdelick== on instagram… here's a post beside the boylover logo:


18390223? ago

Serpent cult.

18390224? ago

Looking at the accounts Sizzle Pie follows, one thing is clear… kids LOVE pizza.

18457502? ago

Wierd and fucking sickening

18390232? ago


18390239? ago

Just noticed that Sizzle Pie posted this photo AFTER the kids compilation above was posted here….. are they watching 8chan do you think?


"Pizza" decimation

18347000? ago

Death to False Pizza

<Pizza is always code for these guys

Death to Fake News

Death to Pizzagate

18347002? ago



Q and Not U

Q and Not U




Canadian Bacon and Pineapple



Pepperoni, Meatballs and Bacon



Pepperoni, fresh Jalapeños, and fresh Mushrooms



Crushed Garlic, Pepperoni, Red Onions, fresh Jalapeños and…more crushed Garlic



Salami, Ricotta, Olive Oil and Pepperoncinis



Chicken, Bacon, fresh Tomatoes and Parmesan Peppercorn Sauce



Chicken, Red Onions and BBQ Sauce



Our New Deal Vodka Cream Sauce, Smoked Mozzarella, Bacon, and White Onions



Pepperoni, Sausage, Green Peppers, and Onions



Fresh Mozzarella, Sausage, Peppadew and Roasted Garlic



Shaved Beef Steak, Green Peppers, White Onions and Italian Provolone

Q and Not U



19537554? ago

Seems like some metalheads opened a pizzria.

18337130? ago

18337129? ago

18331114? ago

The Simpsons is a disgusting show.

18734230? ago

is the alien stuff a black pill psy-op? pretty scary, we're totally fucked, literal warhammer 40k stuff. no proof except randoms talking about it though. was odom right?

18734234? ago

Aliens are demons.

18734237? ago

i sorta got that. could you provide some info as a starting point for myself? is david icke legit?

18734239? ago

David Icke is controlled opposition along with Alex Jones. You should know that by now.

18734245? ago

what does controlled opposition really mean? srs question . They just spew crazy disinfo to distract from people looking into the real issues that they dont want people looking into?

18734247? ago

They also mix truth and lies.

18734242? ago

The children's names according to the article snippet are Mary, Max, Ben, Honey Bee, Bee Bee, and John Paul. I wonder if any of them still have any recollection whatsoever about their abuse while in custody of the cult?

18734240? ago

I had a feeling but I couldn't remember the little i've read about him on /pol/, as opposed to the countless threads detailing why jones is a kike

18331116? ago


EpiPens turn into adrenochrome through oxidization. That's why they are so expensive.

18331115? ago

Don't let your children watch Talmudvision.

18331113? ago

The Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control arrested Austin E. Myers, 65, Denver, Missouri, for kidnapping, sexual trafficking of a child, and sodomy.


18324410? ago

Archdiocese Of New York Names 120 Clergy 'Credibly Accused' Of Child Sex Abuse


The Catholic Church is a repulsive organization of crypto-Jews that gladly sacrifice children for their economic gain. "Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell." This saying proves why the economy is going to collapse worldwide. The Canaanites would sacrifice their children to Ba'al Peor/ Moloch for prosperity. This relates to the Nephilim too. Many people are willing to lose all their integrity to be big and stronk like it was in the days of Noah.

18331112? ago

Catholic Charities’ plan to open Oakland center for sex trafficking survivors meets resistance


This is going to end well.

18311025? ago



Stumbled on this via a web spider. I took screen captures as I was browsing - attached.

It has all the hallmarks - occult symbolism, girl lover symbol, avante garde artists, references to killing/torture, love of retro design, trans-humanism, references to Satan/Saturn…. this person would get along well with the Comet crowd. Seems like the site has been around for a while too.

Keen to hear your thoughts anons.

19537557? ago


Theory crafting: mylenation of nerve sheaths doesn't set in until late adolescence – they believe they're mainlining into physical reality this way through the ritual abuse victims

Spiral – just the G of Masonic fame; the soul sephiroth, God, Mount Gerizim (other putative burning bush site) ect.

18311030? ago

MEATDOLL and Buttmuscle - the links from the second pic

The Shroud - a link from the "Love" page. That's all I'll post for now, don't want to flood the board.

18311032? ago

Better capture of the front page.

18311028? ago

When you click on the UFO gif on the site it takes you to this page. Just a horrific picture, nothing else. Attached for the curious, but don't say I didn't warn you.

18311024? ago

I read a theory somewhere that most of the content of Pelzer's books was fabricated, or at least hugely exaggerated from what his life actually was, in order to sell a convincing sob story to the demographic most likely to read it. The author of the posts said that at the book talks he hosted, he looked gleeful and was hamming it up for the audience - consisting of lower class single mothers with unresolved abuse histories and drawn towards charismatic motivational speakers. I.E., gullible suckers.

Apparently, his siblings, when contacted, confirmed he was a manipulative constant liar since childhood, and none of the horrifying shit in his books ever happened; he got beaten and verbally abused at most, but none of the dramatic parts were real, that was all for shekels.

This is all thirdhand and years after reading, so take with buckets of salt. I'm wary of any "totally true memoirs" now, and just assume it's fiction based on life.

18324408? ago

he made it up, no way an abusive mother would be abusive

his siblings who were never subjected to the abuse would never cover for his bitch of a mother


18329351? ago

<le listen and believe

Explain how a kid experiencing Genie-tier abuse, in the modern age, and in frequent contact with normal society, wouldn't get noticed by concerned bystanders like teachers, neighbors, randos, etc. If not the physical effects, the psychological and behavioral effects would be disruptive enough to draw attention, if only because heavily mistreated children are a constant pain in the ass to anyone around them.

no way an abusive mother would be abusive

Putting words in my mouth, because you have no argument.

This is based off experience: my sibling got nowhere near as bad as Pelzer allegedly did, and their reactions were already extreme enough that adults in our elementary school stepped in to get them help. Even with none of the violent shit ever reported to anyone, cops threatened to stick us all in foster care if they had to come to our house one more time, because even without evidence in front of them, they knew something was wrong. Relatives who had zero knowledge of what went on in our home already knew my mom was abusive, because even with a completely "normal family" exterior, they could tell something was up. /blogpost

In the context of how nonfictional humans function, it does not make sense that absolutely no one would observe something fishy with Pelzer's family. Only in stories (or third world countries) is every single person a callous bystander willing to turn a blind eye to children being injured, especially to the extent he claimed. Even children not subjected to abuse, but neglect, get noticed by people not involved with the family, because they act in ways which are concerning and abnormal.

You would know this if you had any experience with these things yourself.

he made it up

Read the fucking post next time, you nigger. I said:

hugely exaggerated from what his life actually was

he got beaten and verbally abused at most

I don't doubt abuse occurred, simply the degree of it, because it's unrealistic, and there's a clear motive to dramatize (money). But keep on reacting emotionally and getting suckered in by the feels, mattress-girl style, not like that disrespects actual disclosures of abuse. Verbal reports are not evidence.


Back at you, cocksucker.

18346991? ago


Your entire post reeks of kikery. If it were a female claiming abuse you'd believe it like normalfags believe the holohoax.

<muh brutha got yelled at and slapped so nobody ever gets abused worse because I'm a dumb nigger boomer that can't think

These threads died when actual anons were chased out and replaced with schizophrenics rambling to themselves and boomer retards.

18346992? ago

I was going to get mad at this, then I realized that would itself be hypocritical, given what I already said to you.

I mean this sincerely. Thank you for your bait. Cultivating emotional stability is important even in, or especially in, threads as disturbing as this. Demoralization is the enemy and it preys upon unchallenged weak points.

Carry on, anons. Sage for derail.

18390213? ago

<it's bait if I disagree with it

<also this guy totally made it up because he's a male and abuse of males don't exist GOY


Kill yourself ban evading schizo.

18390221? ago


18303388? ago


19121979? ago

Shut the fuck up already, you stupid, blown out, aging whore. You're bitter, cynical, and full of shit. You're childless misery is why you attempt to "mommy" grown men, and you probably reek of cat piss as well.

Go make a sammich for a cat, you lonely cunt.

(Moldy Pussy)

(pic related)

18303387? ago

I love posting in one thread repeatedly while nobody, it reveals the lie my slaves tell about this place’s supposedly broad audience. Yes, you imbecilic audience fabricators, you and all your imaginary millions.

I have fewer than a hundred slaves on earth.

18303385? ago

I’m not aware of any broad, organized connection between (((people))) and pedophilia, just in case there really are sad, scared, honest parents in this place. That is not really among the dangers facing your children. In Satan’s name, let go of your errors.

Okay, that was a laugh line, but it was serious too. Do you think conventional religious leadership would tell you not to hate the cultural vanguards who oppose, subvert, and undermine them?

This forum is infested top to bottom with people who pretend hatred is happiness while putting nothing in that gives any sign of distinct identity. They’re all lying about being The Punisher qnd beating their chest in pride at how extraordinary are the lies they can tell about human emotions and lives. Yet there are real people at every edgecase - people who don’t live by assault and rape.

18303381? ago

People who came into Pizzagate trying to abuse people just saw their world rot. Being in it for and as a virtuous soul worked explosively well.

That nerd who sexually harassed me? Part of what was intolerable about dealing with him was the incorporation of simulated pedophilia into sexual interaction. I have a commitment to tolerating that shit for so long as its production involved harm ti no real child, but what is tolerable can still suck. It’s like if someone draws a lovingly detailed picture of a person experiencing explosive diarrhea. We should not be so weak as to reject a depiction, but it’s also dishonest or disturbing if anyone loves it. I couldn’t talk it over with him straightforwardly, so I eventually dumped him from my commitment.





Make a sufficiently nonviolent world and I won’t have any secrets anywhere. The whole point of lies and secrets is to defy the fucked-up weaklings who break under pressure and turn violent.

18303383? ago

harm to* no real child

18303377? ago

If you’re honest to people, you can have my strength, too. You can remake the world. Truth is the power by which every error can be amended and every asset magnified.

18303375? ago

People who abuse others are broken powerless slaves, while people who are honest in this world can achieve great things. The reason I was able to raise up Pizzagate as a great world-changing warning signal of bad causality postulates at the top stems fundamentally from the honesty with which I’ve treated others.

19719941? ago

you talk so much fucking shit, you use words and have no idea what they mean just like every other wahman. Go finger your blown out cunt and reminisce about when you looked pretty.

18303379? ago


Truth. I was here when it was just >>>/pedowood322/ and was just a few reports about Lolita Express and Epstein Island.

Think about the millions of children who have been streetproofed simply by their parents lurking here, knowing that yes, THESE EVIL THINGS DO HAPPEN and to keep an eye on who or (((who))) is around your children.

18303382? ago

That isn’t honesty, you fucked up soul. Confess your sins and move past them. Pedophilia is so unpopular it breaks the loyalty of even fully broken criminals sometimes.

18303374? ago



West Vancouver billionaire and philanthropist Frank Giustra is suing Twitter, claiming the social media giant published defamatory statements about him.

Giustra, the CEO of Fiore Group and founder of Lionsgate Entertainment, has filed a civil claim in Vancouver Supreme Court this week, saying he has been targeted since 2015 by a group who “vilified” him for political purposes in relation to the 2016 United States election.

Some of the posts noted in the suit are that he is “corrupt," a “murderous thief,” a “criminal” and that he was involved in Pizzagate, a “discredited and malicious conspiracy theory in which he was labeled a ‘pedophile’.”

19033330? ago

Lel. That much filthy lucre and still can't take the bantz. Is this a law of lolbertarian egonomics? The num of zeros in your income is inversely proportional to how much bantz your char can handle. Oligarch weakness per ten billlionth of a second. Gotta jew fast!

18303373? ago

how do you join people like that?

i wanna diddle some children too

18303371? ago


I think this Baltimore sho ooter was triggered by this race mixing propaganda of the past few days.

It's really annoying.

As a woman, I find it annoying as well.

18303369? ago


There is a reason, why g-d hates you and will end your fate, rabbi!

You are an insult to YHWH and so you and all of your seed shall perish!

18303366? ago

If we lived in a perfect world, and I could trust everyone on earth to adhere to proper limitations, I would expose everything. Everything about me, everything about the other guy, everything about everyone. The light would shine through a world made of glass.

18303361? ago

People too proud to apologize fight forever. Correct your errors, people.

18303359? ago

I’m probably going to be airing this forever. The only right of vengeance that I have is the right of exposure. I don’t want the guy to die or be tormented.

18301448? ago

I got sexually harassed by a leftist nerd before GamerGate happened. The subsequent leftist crackdown on sexuality convinced me that they were potentially hiding hardcore moralists at the top.

I actually had and still have a political commitment to tolerating simulated pedophilia, even though that was part of the detonation of the false archivist who sexually harassed me. I cut him off after a moonlit walk, reminding him we had no relationship.

I was thereafter informed that I was an angry slut.

18301446? ago

Georgia man who held teenage girl captive won’t face prison time


18457500? ago


<Michael Wysolovski


Every. Fucking. Time

18457501? ago

It does sound like a Slavic Jew name.

18301444? ago

Strange conntections


Right side of the image

18283631? ago

Any big pizza gate related discoveries this past year? Haven't read too much in some time. Anything new related to the original D.C. stuff? That's the last time I was really looking into this. I'm lost. Quick rundown.

18756787? ago

The irony of using Sam Hyde’s picture

18757770? ago

There is no irony. Discord shills and communists making bullshit accusations doesn't make Sam an actual pedo. Even the (((narrative))) claims the girls were teenagers anyway, which isn't pedo.

18346990? ago

New pizzagate happenings.

Nickelodeon Founders are connected to Jeffrey Epstein, flew on the Lolita Express, are descendants of CIA operation Mockingbird Journalists, and are Creepy Child Psychologists

18400415? ago

New pizzagate happenings.

Nickelodeon Founders are connected to Jeffrey Epstein, flew on the Lolita Express, are descendants of CIA operation Mockingbird Journalists, and are Creepy Child Psychologists

Got links anon?

18283632? ago

Isn't NVXIM basically the gate on that shit? It's been getting torn up recently.

18283635? ago

Like I said, I'm out of the loop on Pizzagate related stuff. Give me a quick rundown on this NVXIM situation?

18283637? ago

Thanks anon. There is no limit to degeneracy, is there? Doubt it's related to the big time elite stuff though. Seems pretty small time compared to the pedo elites.

18283628? ago

Judith Barsi Investigation Posts on Voat

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2332196 Part 1. Earliest theories.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2347086 Part 2. Narrows down list of suspects. Identifies the sites described in the blinds.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2483805 Part 3. Looks into Spielberg’s Bilderberg ties and potential suspects in the Jaws the Revenge incident.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2554579 Part 4. Digs deeper into Jaws the Revenge.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2599557 Part 5. Looks into idea the murder was actually a sacrifical murder.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2648592 Part 6. Attacks the “murder suicide” narrative. This chapter is arguably the most important part of the ENTIRE investigation. Much of my analysis of the murder is hard to follow without reading this and part 7.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2698113 Part 7. Focuses more on the murder. Finds Spielberg’s mafia ties.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2738053 Part 8. Looks into the agent and the Jaws: The Revenge Studio Teacher. Connects some pieces of the puzzle.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2826009 Part 9. Looks into the Don Bluth (innocent) connections along with a possibly relevant murder.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2895251 Part 10. Covers Spielberg’s fear, suspected bots, talent agencies and a new hole in the official story.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2945876 Part 11. Focuses on Fatal Visions and its role in the murder.

https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3048604 Part 12. Revises my theory and ID’s someone under the radar for far too long.

https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3127365 Part 13. Focuses on a murder related to Spielberg, connects side threads, and censorship protecting him.

Part 14: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3184153

18283626? ago

18268920? ago

So who do you think was gullible enough to actually take this shit up in response to it being hated and attributed to power, anyways?

18268095? ago

bigots are pedophiles

You know which muslims are pedophiles? The bigoted ones.

You know which melanistic people are pedophiles? The bigoted ones.

You know which beige people are pedophiles? The bigoted ones.

How do I know this? I don’t. It’s a completely spurious and untested correlation, and I’ve enough integrity to point that out.

Integrity is the root of power in this world, for power is founded on truth. Give honesty, get honesty.

This place no longer claims to distribute redpills (but it will now, because it’s obediently defiant to me (or will it? (lol))) because it is dependent on falsehood.

18268093? ago

I'm reading one of the most censored books in the world, "Blood Passover".

Apparently this child abduction, corpse mutilation and blood draining activity is not new and has been practiced by Ashkenazi Jews for centuries. Many of the expulsions of Jews from Christian towns were linked to accusations of child sacrifice, with some of these cases verifiably proven by the author of the book.

I haven't come to the question of why, but so far the reading says it has something to do with a holiday called "Passover". This is a most interesting topic.

19632249? ago

Look up Simon of Trent. The kikes will pay.

19632252? ago

Can't you see your on the wrong side of history?

18268097? ago

It has a lot to do with them being inbred retards that believe in magic, and their pressing need to be exterminated down to the very last.

18268094? ago


If you read the Old Testament, a big thing God was angry with them about was their adoption of pagan practices from the Canaanites, Egyptians, Babylonians, Hittites, and etc.

18268096? ago

William of Norwich

Simon of Trent

Andrey Yushchinsky

Rudolf of Bern


18536944? ago

Jonas Salk was Jewish.

18311035? ago

More images from "Lydia Lopez is She"

18734254? ago




Great find, anon. All the classic hallmarks are indeed there.

18734256? ago

Great research bud. Also might want to check out some of the bigger stock photo sites, there is a LOT of creepy information / symbolism encoded therein.

18734257? ago

My bad, meant to link to:





18268090? ago

Sri Lanka: Becoming A Nation Of Perverts, Paedophiles And Rapists



Interesting opinion piece with many facts

18268089? ago

Report: Lord Ahmed of Rotherham Facing New Charge of Buggery Against Boy Under 11



18268086? ago

Only 6 weeks out of prison, Tri-Cities man again is accused of sex trafficking a teen girl



18267347? ago

Swim School Employee Believed Teen Was ‘Inhabited By Soul Of Deceased Former Girlfriend’



Jewish swimming lessons conspiracy?

18267343? ago


The University of North Texas hosted a lesson called “Sexual Pleasure & Response In Infants,” according to the following photographJPG provided by a campus tipster. We have also obtained the lesson plan from the course “Psychology and Sexual Behavior” taught by Terry E. Davis, which includes presentations on “Sexuality During Childhood and Adolescence”: PSYC4470SexualBehaviorSpring2019 (Word document – see main site to download)

Big League Politics is awaiting response from the University of North Texas on this classroom lesson, which was hosted by the University’s Psychology Department.

Here is the class documentation, which shows presentations on “Sexuality During Childhood and Adolescence,” right after spring break:



18268088? ago

Terry E. Davis

Not a very jewish name, so have we confirmed it's a faggot?

18267344? ago


Have fun. Don't make threats like a CIA nigger.

18267342? ago

Dr. Kimberly Lindsey is one of our top scientists, and working at this agency. She can create bio-germs for warfare, while also doing good work. She is one of our top minds. Where did they get her from, and how did she rise in the most serious ranks? This is of course pizzagate related, and it's from 2011. All of our institutions have been infected.

https://www.cnn.com/2011/10/11/justice/georiga-cdc-arrest/index.html CDC official accused of child molestation, bestiality By the CNN Wire Staff Updated 9:21 PM ET, Tue October 11, 2011

Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey has been with the Centers for Disease Control for 12 years.

An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality, police said.

Police arrested Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, 44, in DeKalb County, Georgia, on Sunday. Authorities also charged Lindsey's live-in boyfriend, Thomas Joseph Westerman, 42, with two counts of child molestation. The two are accused of "immoral and indecent" sexual acts involving a 6-year-old, according to information from DeKalb County Magistrate Court and an arrest warrant.

The bestiality charge says Lindsey "did unlawfully perform or submit to any sexual act with an animal."

The alleged incidents took place between January 1, 2010, and August 22, 2011. Westerman is out of jail on bail; Lindsey remains in jail with bail set at $20,000, said Lt. Pam Kunz of the DeKalb County Police Department.

Neither has made a public statement. Westerman did not immediately return a call from CNN.

Both went to court on Sunday for an initial appearance and have a preliminary hearing scheduled for December 1, said Reggie Silverman, deputy clerk with DeKalb Magistrate Court.

Lindsey is the deputy director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office at the CDC, according to her biography on the agency's website.

Prior to her current role, Lindsey was the senior health scientist in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. That office oversees the allocation process for $1.5 billion in terrorism preparedness.

In her 12 years at the CDC, Lindsey has received 12 awards for outstanding performance on projects and programs, according to her bio on Emory University's Biological and Biomedical Sciences website. Lindsey earned her doctorate in immunology and molecular pathogenesis from the university in 1998, a year before she began work at the CDC.

A LinkedIn Web page for a Thomas Westerman lists him as having been a watch officer at the CDC from November 2009 to November 2010 and a resource management specialist since August 2011.

CDC spokesman Tom Skinner said the agency is aware of the case but cannot comment on personnel issues.

CDC Official Accused of Child Molestation, Bestiality Returns to Work …

https://www.foxnews.com/…/cdc-official-accused-of-child-molestation-bestiality-returns-… Dec 1, 2011 - CDC Official Accused of Child Molestation, Bestiality Returns to Work … Dr. Kimberly Lindsey, a deputy director with the CDC's Laboratory ..


18267329? ago

pizzagate is probably the longest running and most indepth anti-pedo probe there has ever been. I am impressed by you /pol/. Keep up the good work.

18267327? ago

Child abusers are among the lowest of the low.*

*Emphasising the term 'child abuser', as opposed to paedophile, which does mean something different if you don't blindly accept the jew re-purposing. Also, I don't care about non white children, so only those who exploit white kids are child abusers in my view.

18267325? ago

rachel "van note" chandler

walter "johnsen" pearce

tucson child smugglers

rothschild connection?

18267331? ago

<whaaa whaaaa

You forgot your known and proven shill template image, faggot. Of all the things to complain about, you chose:

NOT the schizo boomers

NOT the disinfo and intentional confusion

NOT the low IQ retards that think everything even slightly spiral-shaped is a pizzagate spiral

<but the OP not being in a very specific style


Get some details without getting caught. That does sound suspicious, but without any actual information you may as well be making shit up for attention.


He's not wrong. There's a reason the investigation is dead and the topic was effectively memoryholed. Where did all the original investigatoranons go?

18248708? ago

You know what achievement looks like for a billionaire? Making something that never existed before. Something that wouldn’t have existed without them. Something that affirms their unique personal and historic capability.

That’s why even if they were totally fucked up they’d make a ‘bot, and they’d make a bot with more than just personal applications. Hell, I’m fucked up in some ways, hand me a billion and see what bots I make. Not sexbots, though. Probably. I have fucked up friends who would enjoy sexbots more than I would, so I might equip a few models and try that market, too.

This worldview that begins and ends in shallow hedonism as power’s reward… I get pissy about aristocratic systems because inherited wealth types start spinning their wheels in that rut, but people with such shallow drives serve them better and more easily through falling into welfare dependency and clawing their joys out of the clutches of poverty. So they do! And so that just isn’t the kind of scum that floats atop an open system.

18243631? ago

Did anyone hear about that Jewish billionaire who got arrested for loading cement into the spines of poor people? Sufficiently dumbassed experimentation isn’t tolerated at the top. Rich people get the access to commit horrible crimes precisely because they rarely do. They’re a good bet the way I’m a good bet. Put a million bazooka into the hands of a million billionaires and probably nobody dies at all. Maybe you get one serious accident, maybe? Put bazookas into the hands of stupid suffering people and you get that level of risk PER INDIVIDUAL. The billionaire is a million times safer with a bazooka.

Do ya get it yet? Billionaires aren’t a million times safer than randos in every field of endeavor, but in some fields they are very literally a million times safer. That’s one of the roots of wealth.

18243632? ago

ya… or they can afford to pay cops = no arrests

18248705? ago

Didn’t work for a Jew, and don’t they rule everything? Chew on that.

Cops are not that reliably corrupt. Some of them are utterly serious about their jobs. This gets more not less true up the ranks. They check each other’s work. They get outraged at each other. When the thick blue line starts creating a problem, unrelated federal agencies start getting called in, snd even if they sometimes have their own problems they don’t owe each other loyalties. They catch each other.

I admit that last time I ran into cops I was subjected to an improper search by a trio who laughed like stoners, but my faith is hard to shake. I’d be shocked if I were at the level of anyone who matters in any criminal affair on either side.

Check this out. This is the hot black market toy for sadists: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wired.com/story/hal-robot/amp

Does that seem a bit stupid for me to say? Hurr durr cut a robot? Well consider what it means that you or I couldn’t get this thing. Consider that it’d still be fucked up to torture it. It’d just be a kind of fucked up that cops and courts would have a hard time doing anything. It’s safe. It’s not even really unethical to torture a bot, but it still gouges out conventional morality’s roving eye.

18248711? ago

Cops are not that reliably corrupt.

The prosecutor that let off billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is now a high placed government official. The cops in that case are pissed.

Guy with money still got away. Guys with that kind of money always get away.

The (((guy))) you mentioned was either cheap or was exposed by an enemy (and not provided cover) for political reasons.

That's the reason the law sometimes applies to them.

18243630? ago

You know, if billionaires were really into pedophilia, they’d probably make sexbots. Really expensive sexbots with exceptional programming. Maybe gold surfaces, maybe realistic artificial skin and blood reservoirs under it… Point is, they could honestly do better than anyone on earth. They could have safety in their wild desire, they could satisfy it better than with real children, and the cattle classes are still so easily spooked by semblances that the taboo factor would be fully intact. It’s kind of like how I honestly expect rich people play with some of the most expensive, exactly made, and fucking weird bondage gear on Earth. I don’t say that in hatred of wealth or BDSM. It’s cool. If everyone consents and only goes as far under as they consent to, I expect it’s an awesome trust exercise.

Pedophilia is a really a hick crime of poor people. One of the reasons to reduce inequality in society is to reduce the hick crime factor.

18346988? ago

Pedophiles abuse because of POWER, a "robot" can never satisfy a pedophile because a robot is programmed, therefore willing.

Power > Sex

You couldn't make a robot that "fights back" for liability issues. What if the robot kills the client?

The solution is to penalize pedophilia in all forms and strongly discourage pedophilic art. It is a destructive impulse. There is no positive to Lolicon.

18243634? ago


t. doesn't understand systems of power

18243628? ago

Fundamentally, the lesson of Pozzagate to the left is that by letting their integrity lapse, abusive people enslaved themselves. This is also the lesson of Pizzagate to anyone who unlike me did not have honest intentions in mind in promulgating it. Integrity is the foundation of all power in this world, and psychological abuse is the foundation of all enslavement. When we tell lies they must always be told in an utterly cautious and limited fashion lest we fall from power.

Do you really want the world through darkness to become ruled by someone like me? Confess your sins. Expose the channels of information that you should not have, and rip the veils from all who psychologically abuse others. Apologize to those you have wronged, and you will dwell not forever in enslavement, but will rejoin the community of honest people.

Once upon a time, upon the advice of my therapist, I cut ties with someone whose sexual needs had become intolerable to service. By this and other means, I drew the attention of people who see their own paranoia in all others, and who are easily lead from the path of light by their psychotic vengeance fixation. Still today their lies enslave them to me. Mine is the honesty of all liars; mine the seraphim of baal






I am an honest pacifist!

18248713? ago

please, tell me more

18243615? ago

I have suspicions of a popular pizza restaurant in a growing area not far by with lots of mctownhouses popping up. used to be a smallish town but theres plenty of buzz. place has a pincode entry basement that is basically a bunker write next to a genetics lab testing facility. the security is too good for a pizza place to "store receipts." they actually store receipts there but it would easily function as a room for other activities.

owners are crypto-jews.

one owner is gay with anthony weiner vibes

they do live music events (to cover the sounds?)

this town has an unusually high amount of missing kids and teens

masons in the area as well

is this grasping for straws or substantial?

18243620? ago

Post pics with info

18243619? ago

Post some photos/info

18243616? ago

right next to*

i'm an idiot

18239064? ago

18239063? ago

19505914? ago

So, is the giant army of faggots in the federal government going to kill themselves, or die trying to do something about this, or just continue supporting it with all their might and all the blessing of the dumbasses whose manufactured consent funds and votes for it, even though it is already a self-contained, self-supporting system that has technological, demographic, and resource support that is equivalent to a parallel "civilization" which parasitically feeds on the visible one like a giant tick? Whichever way they go, they go to hell.

18239059? ago

People understand at this point that pizzagate/qanon/related tangents are just smear campaigns working off of nuggets of truth used to jockey for position among competing criminal organizations, right? No actual consequences are going to emerge from any of this.

18237299? ago

double bump to shit on the nigger and somehow make him less brown in the process

18237297? ago

And thus it was proven once and for all, pizzagate was dead. All the legitimate investigation disappeared, leaving only schizophrenics, tech illiterate boomers, and actual retards, screeching about lolicon and pretending federal agents are calling their families over images that were posted online.

18267341? ago

you meme'd DOTR into reality. Don't get off the gas now.


18267338? ago

pizzagate was dead

When did the pedo hangings take place nigger?

18267334? ago

All the legitimate investigation disappeared

You sure about that, James?

19121983? ago

Not as funny as many of you might think. Certain folks have been getting executed by the white hats. Judge, Jury, Executioner…

Jus' Say'n

18243623? ago

oy vey fellow masons, it's all debunked

18237298? ago

muh gay narrative


get fucked, downboat nigger

18239062? ago

19632245? ago

Was there ever any more answers to WTF worldcorp was about


The shit was weird and only raised more questions than it answered.

Bunch of vids that look like snippets of snuff films/illegal shit that seem to be John Podesta.

Even has sick vids of certain people who turn out to be former gov employees drinking their own piss out of the toilet or being unconscious

However there is also a shit ton of weird jpgs and rap songs that look like something from an MDE transition

Songs all are about how the company is an intergalactic company that sells illegal shit and being into sick fuck stuff and wanting to off yourself.

FB posts for world corp uses ICAACT logo, posts connect to a ex gov employee who became "holy sage monroe" and stuff about human trafficking and energy weapons and how to detect if they are in use

Some of the vids are clearly not authentic towards the end of everything

Hard to figure who is running it because the site was registered to a shell corp in canada and bounced around

Someone used a link IP grabber and got a hit from the person "running" worldcorp.

When they access the persons IP, it leads to a convicted child rapist in PA. The videos also show the convicted "director" talking to the kid explaining that these videos are fake but go really far and genuinely scare the kid in them. and him asking shit like "so you see why I have to scare you?"

No one knows if this person is legit the person doing WorldCorp or just another layer in this

then world Corp website just disapears and nothing is updated anymore

19121978? ago

someone being smothered with a black trash bag.

18457504? ago

hes just pretending to be podesta

its all ripped screams from liveleak

its just an arg

love the mental gymnastics people have to go through for this shit



18331109? ago

I see a stabbing motion, can someone take this and stabilize it?


:( it looks like he's getting stabbed you can see a repetitive motion and someones hand, someone needs to find a way to stabilize this video

18267326? ago

WTF is this shit?

18243609? ago

Go hop on the qboard right now and name the jew. Let me know how it goes for you.

18243610? ago

t. epstein

18237293? ago

I spammed again, plox gib shekel!

18235224? ago

uh sweaty pizzagate isn't real, the mainstream media told me so

18233058? ago

18235238? ago


Yeah listen lying glownigger, you're literally inept and worthless at your job. A parasite. You can't even lie, you can't even do your job of promoting schizoid bs properly and you come here to rely on FREE info from unpaid anynomous people, that will regardless of any incriminating evidence on the sick pedo ring ultimately end with no convictions because you fags are apart of the Kike cabaal epstein is a part of, because your jewish bosses all fuck little children like every big lying sack of shit traitor in DC.

You need to end it my man.

18235228? ago


Lying fag if not Fednigger detected. Listen stupid cocksucker; Why don't you actually start arresting real criminals like podesta/jeffrey epstein instead of looking into sharing old pics of retarded old case file leads from your gay %5 mkt share outdated Motorola FBI issued phones there agent fuckwad?

Fuck you dense glownigger kike worshippers. You're such see through stupid nigger disgraces to humanity trying to induce people into your jew schizo bs.

I know you're a glow, so get another REAL job, turn on your (((masters))) or kys fag. Untill then you're just a petty little bootlicking slave to ZOG working to destroy the best race and people that ever set foot on earth.

19587413? ago









Appeals Court orders potentially explosive documents in Jeffrey Epstein case be unsealed

A pair of mystery figures submitted last-minute court papers Tuesday to block the unsealing of thousands of potentially explosive documents in a lawsuit related to wealthy perv Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged trafficking of underage women.

The unnamed litigants, whose legal briefs filed in the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals were first reported by Politico, add to speculation that the trove of documents will include embarrassing details about the sexual antics of Epstein’s famous friends. The court has indicated it is inclined to unseal records in the case, which was brought by alleged Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre against Ghislane Maxwell, who is accused of serving as the sex offender’s madam.

One of the “John Doe” motions argued that the release of the unredacted documents “may well substantially infringe the privacy and reputational interests of many third persons … who have never been charged with a crime, have never been subject to civil proceedings, and have never been publicly identified by Giuffre,” attorney Nicholas Lewin wrote on behalf of his unidentified client.

The brief supported the position of Maxwell, who has also objected to the unsealing of the material until names and certain personal identification information is redacted.

“It is hard to conceive of a case in which the privacy interests of third parties is more pointedly threatened: the summary judgment materials … concern the intimate, sexual and private conduct of … third persons, some prominent, some private,” argued Lewin.

The second anonymous brief was filed by Kerrie Campbell, a Washington-based attorney who said client “J. Doe” was “objecting to public disclosure of specific content pertaining to (the client) to protect compelling personal privacy interests.”

The suit against Maxwell was settled for an undisclosed amount two years ago after Federal Court Judge Robert Sweet accepted most of the pretrial court filings under seal, setting off a legal battle over their possible release.

As evidence that the law can make strange bedfellows, the Miami Herald moved last year to open all the records in the suit while reporting an investigative series on Epstein. Renowned Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who once represented Epstein, asked for the release of records to refute allegations made by two women who claimed they engaged in sex with the attorney at the direction of Epstein.



inb4 Trump/Epstein/Chandler/Maxwell photos



reminder that Bill fucking Murray was in the Epstein flight logs



Holy fuck anon.

18235235? ago

I repeat:

Taking fire. Over Target?

18233062? ago

UPDATE: Within five minutes of posting this, one of my family members got a call from someone pretending to be me, saying I got in an accident and needed money or something. Taking fire? Over the target?

18233067? ago



I wonder what they 'transport'?

There was a similar logo for some NYC company moving office furniture, and also for a dental place one anon found - we never heard from him again after he was investigating the shipping crate outside the building.

18233065? ago

Another reason pizzagate is memoryholed. Other than schizo boomers and retards, it got filled with LARPers making up bullshit stories. Where did the real 8/pol/ go? The election didn't do this. Kikey didn't do this. Only under Ron Watkins' rule has it turned to shit like this.

18303368? ago


Only bad thing about roach was the magashit that got old fast. Shills got banned and there was actual moderation going on. Now this site is getting worse than 4pol.

18267333? ago

The election didn't do this. Kikey didn't do this.

It was literally both of these things.

18235234? ago

muh boomers for the jews

18235216? ago

Kikey didn't do this.

Yes he did. His hardline trumpnigger faggotry is what killed this board. Ron fucked it up in a different way but it's a lot easier to ignore and filter boomers than it is to ban evade relentlessly.

Ron's plan is to boost 8ch ad revenue by attracting boomers and trying to contain them on an unlisted board. Not as terrible as kikefy's - more retarded than overtly against the users.


can't embed

first day here?

18235236? ago

muh trumpnigger

muh boomer

Jews always slipping in anti White memes

18235219? ago

Lazy as hell.

18234241? ago

Shills not even trying today, kinda ruins the fun.

Some facts:

-Good Guys are winning

-Bad Guys probably not telling their lackies/cronies how bad the future looks

-Still shilling away as if you won't be implicated in your masters' crimes

-I honestly feel bad for you, but equally strong is the annoyance you pose.

-Good cannot come from bad, and vice versa, not even sure how you can expect your life to improve on this path

-Once again, and I think this will be the most significant point, you are not very good at your job. I might as well shill myself.

18234243? ago


You don't even know the meaning of that word. But please, continue larping on the internet about how your family is getting phone calls because you posted a random redacted photo online.

18234244? ago

18233044? ago

It's sad that the only people left on nu/pol/ that seem to care about this topic are boomers, schizos that think things like fat hippos in bad cgi movies are pedo symbols, and the schizo boomer federal agent that for four years claimed 8ch was a pedo site because some 2D lolicon boards exist.

18233064? ago

<2D cartoons erererereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2D cartooooooons it's anudda shoah


18235233? ago

It's not fucking 2d cartoons only. Some real fucked shit over there. Did you even look at the links?

18233053? ago

can't crosslink


18233059? ago

This fucked up board cannot link like a million other sites on the internet.

18235239? ago

this board cannot link

other websites are better


18301443? ago

You've already lost your soul to kike programming if you do not feel anything to the loss of a non-semite. Unless of course you are a kike, in which case I hope you are dragged to the streets and cut down like you deserve.

18236189? ago

The board cannot link to other sites. Why the retardation?

18243612? ago


18237295? ago

Lurk more, cunt.

18233060? ago

Actually, it can. You're just a newfag.

18233056? ago


18233043? ago

No you tard. Pelzer's mother was an alcoholic nutjob and his dad was a passive alcoholic. His abuse wasn't sexual and is likely greatly overplayed since he only spoke out about it after his mom died.

The finder's cult didn't employ civilians and - i'm not joking - was spearheaded by a cia nigger that thought abusing kids would create enough "psychic suffering" to piss off aliens. Aliens either aren't real or don't care so they're researching how to pull it off with holograms now.

19061824? ago

that thought abusing kids would create enough "psychic suffering" to piss off aliens

wait what???

how do you know this

18233040? ago

8 Chan the site you are all posting to hosts more pedos than anyone else. Funny how that is never bought up in these conspiracy pedo threads on /pol







18867702? ago

We're not a fucking organization. Many people here think paedos should hang.

18849416? ago

drawings are people

18331111? ago

Those are drawings. you are minimizing pedophilia and comparing the act of raping a child, or contributing to child exploitation to immaterial, non-living, man generated drawings.

For making me defend this fucking fetish against my will, but using common sense, and rational thinking, I ask you, please, commit suicide.

18455373? ago


do not get distracted.

there are real children that get raped by the elite.

18390210? ago


18324407? ago

8 Chan the site you are all posting to hosts more pedos than anyone else.

non-offending loser paedos

Funny how that is never bought up in these conspiracy pedo threads on /pol

because it's pointless

18734258? ago

So pedos are good if on 8chan with actual 3d of rape, torture and murder.

But a fucking swirl anywhere else is the real conspiracy.

18738501? ago

he's STILL trying

he's STILL schizoposting about 8ch anons that shitpost and post 2D drawings and trying to hide actual issues

18303372? ago

Faggot thread about whining about pedos on a site that hosts pedos.

18248706? ago

My guess is because the pedos being discussed are in positions of outrageous international power and influence as opposed to the pedos who post on those boards who are fat pathetic slobs who likely haven't seen the sun in a decade. I mean, all pedos are degenerate, but the former pose a significantly greater threat than the latter.

18248710? ago

Hon est lee

rich pedos would just use the pedo boards

justvlike poor pedos

I’m convinced no-children-harmed pedo art is harm mitigation

like needle exchanges, geddit?

rich people wipe their asses with the same toilet paper brands used in ghettoes

pin me to the top of the world and watch me buy ramen

18233046? ago

Yes, there's a pedo rape and snuff dungeon under pizza parlors and every corporate logo is a hidden wink to pedophilia.

But they won't even mention the fucked up promotion of sick pedo fags on Jim's pedo central.

18233049? ago

i can 100% bet that this guy is an assmad pedo that's still butthurt over Jim nuking the actual pedo boards. their response to that was to go on a crusade against 2D just like this faggot is doing.

notice he doesn't do anything about so-called "orbiting" boards that exist to pretty much stalk underage e-girls.

18236190? ago

Some you /pol people are okay with this posted at 8chan.

And you will support a pedo site by continuing to post here.

18236193? ago

look at the deranged shit us kikes post on your boards

it's your fault goy

lmao, go blow your fucking head off.

18233039? ago

pedophiles hate pedophilia loudly

to avoid getting caught

I got lied about after being tricked regarding this,

so I didn’t expect it

most of you people have just

never had any strength in your life

there will be an answer

even if it must be installed by force

what you people submit yourselves to

is too dreadful to let you enslave others

man must not submit

and will not

take a bump so the forum will not forget

for a few hours longer

how obsessively weak it really is

18233057? ago

there will be an answer

private drone law enforcement


18233034? ago

retards still falling for the CIA psyop

18236194? ago

just 1 post by this ID

hmm, I wonder who could be behind this post……


the reason why links aren't clickable is because of referrers, also you can crosspost but you just need to know how to do it, newfag.

18233032? ago

18233037? ago

has 4 cuck post id for /pol/ >>113463917

cuckchan pol I'd guess

18233036? ago

Where's that post from?

18230665? ago

South Korea has its own Pizzagate and it's fucking real

Part 1: Rape


Part 2: Snuff films




elite dance clubs favored by KPOP boy band faggots were actual a front for prostitution & torture, even of minors

they would whore out these girls to prospective investors

recently, a Good Samaritan has released further info

he was at one of these clubs when he saw a girl being dragged off

he tried to intervene but was beaten by staff

the police came and beat the shit out of him, too

they charged him with a ton of crimes

he spoke out and got a lot of attention

a news show did an investigation and revealed that they were dragging girls offsite to rooms where they would be tortured and filmed

18267337? ago


강남구 논현동 18-2번지, B2 (6,800.13 mi)

Seoul, Korea 06043

+82 10-4139-8181


18267336? ago




woo jung Buliding 232-17, Nonhyeon 2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone numbers:





[email protected]




18243625? ago

Vancouver too.

18595248? ago

The HA frontman for their growops and money laundering.

18239065? ago

KPOP faggots lure in girls

Girls get raped and tortured

Night club, Police and "Elite' involved

There is no punishment for these crimes other than death by execution.

18239061? ago















































18233035? ago

South Korea has its own Pizzagate and it's fucking real

Literal witches were running South Korea. We linked them to Hillary's coven & Order of the Eastern Star a few years back.



18230656? ago


18230655? ago

I was sodomized by a Kindergarten teacher in late 2003/ early 2004 which is why Pizzagate concerns me so much.

18595249? ago

It is your right to exact retribution. Then and only then will you find peace.

18390251? ago

Did you like it? Did it turn you into a fag?

18230652? ago

People have been posting an image that looks like a Google maps image. Something on top of a snowy mountain? And then something that looks like a square lake or something blacked out? Sorry for being retarded I genuinely don't know what those are

18230648? ago

One of the pricetags of reaching through the wall of darkness was that my lightside presence was basically written out of history to punish me for my defiance. I’ve only been politically active in anonymous spaces since. It was only an a metaphorical extinguishment, but it was complete. Worth it, though. I’d rather live in a progressing world than rule in a fallen one.

18963755? ago

One of the pricetags of reaching through the wall of darkness was that my lightside presence was basically written out of history to punish me for my defiance.

So they would know who you are then?

19033326? ago

Every “they” of note was written. Get this: I’m one of “them” to you.

19033328? ago

written out*

Politics is built on the dissemination of infirmation and the dissemination of information. We distribute burdens and knowledge. The world conspires on my behalf because I conspire on behalf on behalf of the world. There are many people like me; we are the choir invisible.

Integrity wins because science cannot operate without good information. More than anything else, science needs truth. A scientist can be corrupt; “science” cannot be, any more than can math itself.

That’s why I can use a position of ultimate weakness to shift the world. I preach to the choir alike unto myself, not the local weaklings who see strength in primitive dominance, only to then operate as puppets of my desire, the beloved jesters of my court. This information goes around the world and is stored in many copies in many places.

And I am nobody

Indeed, my influence would end if I were exalted in a true and total fashion. If written back into history, I would no longer be among “them”, and would lose my place in the choir.

18230646? ago

I was one of the major rhetorical engines of Pizzagate. There was a spate of internecine struggle and lies in leftism. There was a not-to-be-acknowledged crackdown on sexual content, and an enforced expectation that anyone who liked it was an evil sexual harasser dangerous to the chilluns.

That hit me when I protested it, so I popped the original on this. From my perspective it was my campaign; it rose at my will and lasted while I wanted it. From my perspective I was complaining that sexual purification creates a deep shadow in which profound evils hide.

There’s been a crackdown on pedophiles since. A few got taken down on the left, and more in churches. Nobody likes pedophilia except pedophiles, who are absolutely broken to the stuff. It’s not a healthy interest. I think prostitution being legalized would do more than any hate and fear campaign to reduce actual pedophilia interest rates. Like children, prostitutes are willing to be sexually molded. Unlike children, prostitutes know what they’re doing and get paid well enough to suffer voluntarily. Fears of inappropriate red light breeding can be handled with IUDs.

The left has rescinded its sexuality crackdown. I managed to reach through the wall of darkness as an activist! There’s still no basic will to acknowledge that it ever happened, which is obnoxious, but the thing itself is down. So I don’t fear that prudery will lead to an immediate increase in the pedophilia rate.

It’s prudery that does it, I believe. Adults need channels of sexual expression in an “or else” kind of way, as awkward as that gets.

19587414? ago

Shut it You will realize at some point its like MIB and aliens. The agents never expose it to the public.

19587415? ago

Why are they like the MIB? the cops judges FBI senators are all in on it even the to The CIA the agents names are never put on paper for some one else to see.

18963749? ago

This is your blogspot now!

18963751? ago

I prepped the ground well; my slaves obediently keep it as works for me. I prefer this to blogspot, else I would use one of the blogging platforms I’ve abandoned already.

18230650? ago

prudery creates pedophiles

Are you schizophrenic?

18233055? ago

he's right,


I was sodomized by a Kindergarten teacher in late 2003/ early 2004 which is why Pizzagate concerns me so much.

I lose 8 aunts and uncles who were abused until they killed themselves or died of infection, I'm blood relative to 23 US presidents

18230642? ago

This forum is supposed to exist to abuse children. To lie to them, and give them mistruths “to grow out of”. That’s the real reason why the forum’s moderators are such broken slaves so hostile to truth.

The site staff might also literally be pedophiles.

18963753? ago

The site staff might also literally be pedophiles.

Jimbo is in the Philippines where he takes care of a single mother of 5.

You do the fucking math.

19033325? ago

Eh, there’s no math I know of to link the odds here; base rate of pedophilia is, what, 1.3%? That’s my baseline. Excellent opportunities raise the numbers only so far. I don’t want to presume too much here.

Even if he is a pedo, I bet my gospel of simulationism will reach him eventually. At the incidence rate I estimate, society is already only stable because of voluntary abstinence from opportunity. Simulationism helps. That or if he’s actually a pedo one of his victims will fucking murder him. I grew up wanting to violently destroy the person who was worst to me in childhood, and everyone who enabled her. I managed to quell that with psuedoreligion. Yet I learned the generality from it: pedos who indulge their fucked up drives train people to want to murder them - we see this in the violent instability of backwards societies as well.

18230643? ago

Yes, and the same applies to 4chan.

18230647? ago

Personally, I believe children need truth.

I’ve been told this next bit was just me, but what I also wanted was reassurances of a peaceful world. I liked my mother’s peaceful new age music, despite everything else about dealing with her.

18230641? ago

Here you can find the full booklet: https://www.editionjs.com/img/abramovic/

Here's a picture with the full contents in 1 overview: https://imgur.com/a/cDQxDHHImgur Album

Last page: *"This project was designed by Marina Abramovic and Jacob Samuel. The text and plates were created by the artist in her studio in Amsterdam, Holland during May and June of 1996. The etchings were printed by Jacob Samuel, on Gampi naturel and Rives BFK. The text was edited by C.A. Samuel….

…..Special thanks to: Sergio Edelzstein; and Sean Kelly, New York. The edition is limited to 21 copies".*

Sean Kelly is a butcher and an artist: http://meatartists.blogspot.com/2014/08/sean-kelly-butcher-painter.html maybe others have other info on these people.

I presume John Podesta attented the first 'recipe' because the other recipies are too time consuming. He had the Essence Drink.

A mix of fresh breast milk with fresh spirm milk and then looking in a mirror as long as it takes to summon the devil or demon. Then cut your middle finger of your left hand and then suck the blood and chew on your finger. The rest I don't really understand.

But the booklet makes it clear that it isn't about food, but about rituals.


18233030? ago

Marina Abramovic and Jacob Samuel


Jacob Samuel

(((Every single time)))

18230639? ago

Hello voat! Long time no see. I have been very busy these months. For you outside Brazil, this is Raul Gil. An oldschoold brazilian tv host and always sexualizing children in his tv show: NSFW https://observatoriodatelevisao.bol.uol.com.br/noticia-da-tv/2019/04/programa-raul-gil-mostra-criancas-dancando-funk-no-palco-e-web-fica-estarrecida-sexualizacao-infantil Today, his 17 years old assistent has killed herself. Red alert for me! https://www.otempo.com.br/brasil/ex-assistente-mirim-de-raul-gil-yasmin-gabrielle-morre-aos-17-anos-1.2171213 This week I will dig more this sir. Ah, and if you all need anything about any brazilian, I have easy access to databases

1964's, Raul Gil was almost arrested on a whorehouse, he used to do nightshows over there https://bastidoresdainformacao.com.br/raul-gil-quase-foi-preso-no-regime-militar/

this is a guy that own a contest on Raul Gil's show and has been arrested for abusing minors https://www.dgabc.com.br/Noticia/267091/cantor-acusado-de-abusar-de-criancas-e-preso-em-s-paulo

This is Raul Gil 's Son, on the Rockfeller Center, he is weird as fuck, always surrounded by children, please take a look https://www.instagram.com/p/BrxWy9VAznM/

This is her instagram, in this picture she is thanking the host Raul Gil for almost 7 years working together https://www.instagram.com/p/BP1CxYnDbSK/

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3173924

18616819? ago

Well done

19654997? ago

Olivia Wilde is wearing boylover earrings in the movie HER, there's no picture of it online but you can screen grab it pretty easily, the costume designer for that movie is a giant fag aswell.

18734259? ago

Janet Mason

Porn anon was right, lots of pedophilia in (((porn industry)))

19141957? ago

She's hot. Too bad about the fake tits.

18734267? ago

LA kike front company called "AwesomenessTV", think they got bought by Viacom or something recently. Check them out, extremely creepy shit… they're an obvious front for nasty nasty shit

18736791? ago

Eyes Wide Shut Mask

18736793? ago

Grown women acting like they're in high school.


18738504? ago

18738511? ago

Mainland Chinese are absolutely degenerate.

18738502? ago

Dont forget to mention how the characters those bitches play are explicitly said to be "13", when it's obvious they are in their 30s, but instead of using that same style for all the other characters the kike producers use real kids.

<Totally not corrupting the youth or anything, goy.

18595259? ago

Never fails. It's like they'll start shaking and going into withdrawals if they don't stick those symbols into all of their shitty movies.

18230663? ago


They put those pedo symbols in just about every kids show I've seen

UK Prime Minister Theresa May wearing a spiral.png


@1:11 Luzatto mentioned & possibly connected to Podesta's heated pool.

18867701? ago

Thats not a paedo symbol.

18230659? ago

They put those pedo symbols in just about every kids show I've seen. I don't get why they do it, or what good it does them - but it is undeniable that those symbols appear more often than could be cohencident

18619385? ago

But what about my boi spongebob?

18400402? ago

I'd assume it's because they are laughing at us, they think they are untouchable as they have always been. We know their game, yet are powerless to do anything about it

I'm sure that feeling of superiority is heightened when we indoctrinate our own children by purchasing their products.

18230660? ago

Ancient demonic symbols.

18230631? ago


"A few months later, Mother became a den mother for the Cub Scouts."

A Child Called "It", page 39


18230628? ago

From 10 degree of Illuminati

5119 Fountain Ave Apt117 LA CA 90029

My parents were psycho people try to sell me to be prostitution and Kill.They theatening me everyday.

I need you help.

BANPOJN WATJAROTHAYANGKUL and His Spouse try to sent people to rape and sell me to street gangs.Order by Thai King and His Son!



sources: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3177705


18230632? ago

She has playlists that show mansions and other locations, meeting locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRB2ePt9s5I&list=PL5LxBsX7G033K9qBseAc4Gnwr5wuZphr9YouTube




Also, she has a another comment here: https://bestofclip.net/the-white-house/4446603410582250024241.html

DJScratkherzOriginal No.925 2 months ago BANPOJN WATJAROTHAYANGKUL and His Wife frightening that he want to rape and make me get pregnant. He buy human Traffic(Amisa Raksiam) Prostitution.

18230638? ago


Interesting, the Amisa Raksiam leads to these links.



This singing artist appears to have a song titled free me. here is the video.

(Special thanks : amisa raksiam (for the best vocal voice ever) nonpierrecord really really appreciate, truly thankssss you ..) artist : nonpier record


18230627? ago

18833301? ago

muh history

Well, I guess every vile, evil and inhumane act done "in history" is redeemed now. Like I always said, it's really not a matter of arguments, you can argue for almost anything. It's a matter of power, either the kikes have the power or we do.

18734265? ago

Notice how these "people" pretend they are being polite but they merely veil thinly their condescending attitude, as if they were talking to a child they had been abusing. I suggest that there is a connection between political power over the plebs and the abuse of children, and psychotronics. I suggest you take this seriously.

18963746? ago


18329353? ago

filming a facebook video

what levels of trisomy are reached, this can't be normal. We won't get rid of this shit with smartphone mongols who think this is how you share a video.

18230661? ago

to be shoahed eventually

at least post the webm so other anons can archive

19121976? ago

already not showing if you search by exact title

18303365? ago

Download videos free and easy with


19061827? ago

asking for www.ssyoutube and the rest of your url will send you to a download page, videosniffer by xrares is good too, sometimes has more formats, and saves from a bunch of sites, youtube downloader is decent but limited

cloud convert makes good webms, can quiet them and I think it can cut them too

19174424? ago

self replying but check this out, this is real shit


INTJ tribunal in london robert david steel mentions pizzagate by name and praises it!!!

it's gone mainstream

18230626? ago

"Oversight commission orders inquiry into LASD secret societies"




18230625? ago

Origin of the name "Pelzer"

"This is a Dutch-German occupational surname for a "Maker of Pilches", a leather garment similar in conception to the modern sheepskin coat. The word derives originally from the Latin "pellicia", translating as a skin or hide. The English version of the name is "Pilcher", and this surname is of Kentish origins. There are many variant spellings in the German, these include Peltzer, Beltzner, Peltz, Pelz, Belz, although Pelser is the only Dutch original spelling. The name is recorded heraldically at Aix la Chappelle, Aachen as Pelser of Berensberg, and also as Pelzer of Cologne, the latter being appropriately a silver sheep on a black field."

Hampstead comes to mind.

Read more: https://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Pelzer#ixzz5m6IALakO

18230662? ago

Origin of the name "Pelzer"

Pelzer repost