Cc1914 ago

Thank you for this very well put together heart wrenching information. How many hearts did David Rockefeller get ? We know this is how they prolong their lives . Our children are their supply ! If they can’t use them for an organ they will use them in some other sick way . We are all just cattle to them , to be used as they wish ..

carmencita ago

YW. I plan on doing more posts connected with this subject. We have forgotten about posting the horrid crimes perpetrated on those most vulnerable, Our Children. It is nasty business writing and reading and posting this stuff, but it is necessary if we are determined to stop it. We can't wait for others to do it for us, for as we have seen, that is why it has continued. Yes, we are just cattle to them. But really, we think much less of them. For we are animal lovers and they are not. And most important of all, we have souls, and they do not.

Cc1914 ago

It is nasty business, but who will do it , if we don’t? Your right ! Now when I talk to people , I speak of PG as common knowledge . If they don’t know about it , they most definitely will google it after I’m done talking about it . I direct everyone to voat pg for more info . I’ve shown people proof of being banned for life on twitter for tweeting about Laura silsby and Haiti . ( this opened alot of eyes )The people who scare me are the ones that just look at you and say nothing . ( it’s like they are pedos) . On another note.. I came across a “ Lions Club “ sponsored parade a few weeks ago when I drove into town . It was a freak show of degenerates . There was drunk perverts everywhere with young children running around. There was a live local band playing some degenerate music ( about sex, drugs , etc ) To me it was disgraceful behavior, but to all of them it was normal . I felt like I was in the twighlight zone . I felt deep sorrow and pity for those people that let themselves succumb to that type of life . The Freemasons sure know who to target IMO. They have their own club and I’m glad I’m not in it . It was like Walmart ( employees and customers) all got together and had a parade ! Just thought I’d share , I wish I had been prepared to investigate that day . 😐 next time , I’m taking video ..

carmencita ago

OOH I would have loved to see that! Yes, people are so stupid, I just can't believe it anymore. I was at breakfast with a couple this weekend and happened to strongly call out the pope as a pedo supporter and the woman said, Did you hear that, she called pope francis a pedo. I immediately said, I called him a supporter, please do not change my statement. She immediately said that we should not discuss politics or religion. She then asked if we are going to Church. I was flabbergasted. She continues to do what she just said we should not. They then continued to talk about so many things I could have commented on, but I could see my husbands eyes getting Really Big. It takes all I have to shut up nowadays. URGGHH!

Cc1914 ago

Hahaha ! Don’t you love when misinformed people say that you shouldn’t talk about politics or religion ? It’s sucha sore subject for many . And my husband gives me those same eyes 👀 lol

carmencita ago

I think they get nervous that they may lose the argument. Believe me, she would have.

Cc1914 ago

Haha oh I know she would have 🙂

carmencita ago


GreenDell144 ago

Another tentacle of the cabal linked to the Clinton Foundation. Serbia and Albania was in the news a lot for human trafficking over the years.

Anybody remember the fallout from that war in the 90s?

Radovan Kradzi, General Ratko, Slobodan Milosevic... the news left out a lot of details that have fueled rumors for years. Who know what kind of monsters have filled the local governments in the intervening decades.

carmencita ago

We have caused such horror in the world. I feel responsible being part of this country, but they did it without our knowledge. They are such masters of evil and deceit. I knew a Serbian woman in the 90's that told me that a lot of horrible crimes were being committed there. I know our posts are hard to take. It is the only way, to tell the truth. I will read your link. Thank you.

fogdryer ago

e destruction of Yugoslavia was a CIA-Globalist operation to further break Europe into smaller states that can be easily controlled by the EU and NATO. They were becoming a major economic power and were not playing from “global” rules.

think- ago

Thanks for linking this post, Eric! A worthwhile read - as well as the comments ;-).

carmencita ago

Thanks So Much! Moishe Harel is and was a Big Name in the Organ Harvesting/Trafficking Biz. I am pinging @GreenDell144 since I know would want to know about your mentioning the link and recap of this horrid op. We need to keep bringing this up and not let it lapse such a long time.

GreenDell144 ago

Thanks for hooking me in. Good work, too!

carmencita ago

Thanks for looking. It's hard stuff.

GreenDell144 ago

This is a big deal. Sarajevo and Kosovo’s gov’t seems infested from the top down.

carmencita ago

Bill C started setting this up during his reign. Perfect Scenario and Storm setting for their dirty crimes on Children. The ones that have no defense. And also the dirt poor that have no where to turn to. These are the worst people on this earth. The Bottom of the Barrel. The Scum-Bags. And he and HRC are pictured with Thaci. Plain as day.

GreenDell144 ago

I was just thinking the same thing. Wow, we were so innocent and oblivious in the nineties!

carmencita ago

I know. But who in the world would have thought that humans were capable of such horror against their fellow humans, let alone Children. I wonder what would happen if all of a sudden people started waking up to this. I shudderto think. There would be mayhem. I am wondering if people would take time from binge watching to even riot.

GreenDell144 ago

I am not sure WHAT is appropriate. I am angry enough to riot... but I think that is a foolish response. I FOR SURE don’t want to put my kids at risk, so that’s priority 1. 2: we all need to keep exposing and redpilling, which keeps us busy and gives some structure and hope to this. 3 I find it critical to encourage others, because I often need that.

But what’s next? Where’s the action? How are we gonna fix this? I sometimes wonder... but then I consider that this is God’s battle first. In a way, He is was the first one here, truthing and waiting for us to catch up. When this thing reaches critical numbers, I think we will see a door open. Something will happen and we will know what to do.

I just keep praying about it and try to be cautiously optimistic.

Do you remember the post awhile back from someone whose mom was getting extradited back to Albania after trying to escape a pedo cabal? (Maybe it was Azerbaijan...?) I could be reaching, but maybe there’s a connection.

carmencita ago

I vaguely remember the post. I was shocked to find that so many countries are SO deeply involved. I mean I knew this was horrible, but really. Yes, I agree I don't want horrid rioting because yes, people will stop at nothing, when they are that rabid. Children are always the ones to suffer the most. You know, praying has helped me immensely especially while doing the posts. I too think something will happen, but WHEN? All I keep thinking of is those poor children.

GreenDell144 ago

Rioting has become almost like a fad, and people are getting numb to it. Nowadays people accomplish more by speaking out online or with their purchases and votes, etc. When there is a large enough number, then the number of informed people will start doubling.

People are out in the street with signs complaining about Star Wars, trans pronouns, vegan rights and voting rights for illegal immigrants. Not that those are trivial (I was mad that they killed Han Solo, but I don’t see any signs for that), but the act of protesting g in this climate trivializes things. We live in a time of the ignorant woke and paid protesters. I don’t see value in being counted in that group.

carmencita ago

No I do not join in in protests either. They seem so organized by the wrong people. The Antifas and BLM. They are so fake. Yes, so far I think most of this has spread through soc. media. That is why they are after our internet rights. They know we are Waking People Up.

GreenDell144 ago

When MLK walked on DC with a million, that was worthy. Maybe one day, that will happen. Anons got my respect when the brought the internet to the revolution in Egypt, or when they took on Scientology.

That’s a far cry from the squatters in the parks and the left-right dialectic clashes that are happening these days.

carmencita ago

There were only a few that were meaningful. As you well know, they were starting to promote the fake riots and protests decades ago and we had no clue then either. I don't think there are that many real protesters now, there are many paid for. I just read that right now there is 39 % for Dems and 39% for Rep. A toss up. That is for White Millennials. Dems have lost 14% of that group. They are going to brush up on their Election Fraud or change their message and tactics. There has to be a wake up call for them. But their Greed will continue.

EricKaliberhall ago

"We need to keep bringing this up and not let it lapse such a long time."

Spot on @carmencita... Excellent post!

carmencita ago

Thank You. Keep up the Good Works too EK. The more we spread this the more it will get legs. Idk if you noticed but in one article it mentioned when people and kids started disappearing, parents and others started protecting their kids and spreading warnings on soc. media. Yes. They are wising up while we are Asleep at the Wheel. This is our chance to cut down on this in a big way. Cut into their profits. And it really costs us next to nothing. Time.

letsdothis2 ago

Not just Kosovo.

Saudi brothers held in Egypt 'over illegal organ trade'

These illegal organs are often obtained from migrants who are trafficked into the country and are desperate to pay their way onto their next destination.

Further to this comment:

National Underground Railroad Network

Following upon legislation passed in 1990, in 1997, Congress passed H.R. 1635, which President Bill Clinton signed into law, and which authorized the United States National Park Service to establish the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom program to identify associated sites, as well as preserve them and popularize the Underground Railroad and stories of people involved in it.

[Sometimes I don't know where 'dot connecting' will take me, so please excuse the indulgence of the rest of this comment. But it needs documenting I think.]

Evaluating the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program of the National Park Service by Lauren Elizabeth Burton, University of Pennsylvania



Arrowhead Trail (auto trail)

The Arrowhead Trail or Arrowhead Highway was the first all-weather road in the Western United States that connected Los Angeles, California to Salt Lake City, Utah by way of Las Vegas, Nevada. Built primarily during the auto trails period of the 1910s, prior to the establishment of the U.S. numbered highway system, the road was replaced in 1926 by U.S. Route 91 (US 91)and subsequently Interstate 15 (I‑15).[3][4] Small portions of the route in California and Las Vegas, Las Vegas Boulevard, are sometimes still referred to by the name, or as Arrow Highway.

Logo :

All this talk of underground railways and the Clintons made me think of steel and mining companies which the Clinton Foundation also has interests in. So I google "underground railroad" with Arrowhead trail. Niagara Falls kept coming up. That's on the US/Canada border, of course.


NEW DAVID FLINTSTONE Hawaii, and KAISER connection. KAiSER Connection to CLINTON FOUNDATION. MASSIVE BETHLEHEM steel FIRE, day after election and its connection to Clinton foundation and kaiser

Great lakes Industrial Owns the building that caught fire hours after the election... It is owned by David Franjoine


It should also be noted that These are not the only companies linked to david FRANJOINE. Many of this companies have subsidaries, Ranging from, STEEL PRODUCTION, MINING, DEMOLISHING, CONSTRUCTION, and REAL ESTATE... I Have yet to research the Environmental companies he's linked to.

The address for Great Lakes Industrial, 1330 Niagara Falls Boulevard Suite 207 Tonawanda, NY 14150 United States, Is the same Address listed as Several Other companies Belonging to David Franjoine.

So, Great Lakes Industrial and Niagara Falls Undeground Railroad:

Underground Railroad Memorial in Hart Plaza in Detroit. Ed Dwight sculpted this moving Memorial to the Cities of Detroit and Windsor, as well as to the State of Michigan and the Province of Ontario’s’ links in the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a network through which slaves in America sought their freedom in Canada and elsewhere. The Memorial shows a railroad “conductor” and nine slaves preparing to take a boat across the Detroit River into Canada, where the slaves would be free. A complementary sculpture on the Canadian side of the river shows a Canadian Underground Railroad representative welcoming a male slave giving thanks and a female slave holding a baby. It also shows a small slave girl looking back toward the American side.

I always found this speech by Michelle Obama abhorrent but now I'm wondering if it was a double entendre, considering the White House has underground tunnels: Michelle Obama: 'I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves'

And in the same speech it suddenly occurs to me that one can think of Baphomet: Michelle Obama: 'When they go low, we go high'

Baphomet (As above, so below):

Anyhoo, back to Great Lakes industrial

Climate Smart Planning for the 21st Century

The County of Erie, once a Great Lakes industrial hub has undergone an economic transformation and is emerging as a center for education, health care and tourism. Destination Erie

New York State Announces Additional Steps Taken to Protect Impacted Residents in Response to Lackawanna Fire - State Secures Commitment from Great Lakes Industrial Development to Quickly Respond to Homeowner Requests for Smoke Damage Cleanups

The State Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Health (DOH) announced today that New York State has secured a commitment from Great Lakes Industrial Development to begin quickly responding to impacted residents to have their homes cleaned up, following the November 9 fire at the former Bethlehem Steel Plant in Lackawanna.

Bethlehem Steel

During its early years, the company produced rails for the rapidly expanding railroads and armor plating for the US Navy.

In 1883, Secretary of the Navy William E. Chandler and Secretary of the Army Robert Todd Lincoln appointed Lt. William Jaques to the Gun Foundry Board. Jaques was sent on several fact-finding tours of European armament makers and on one of these trips he formed business ties with the firm of Joseph Whitworth of Manchester, England. He returned to America as Whitworth's agent and, in 1885, was granted an extended furlough to pursue this personal interest.

Jaques was aware that the U.S. Navy would soon solicit bids for the production of heavy guns and other products such as armor that would be needed to further expand the fleet.

During the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, a structure that was designed to make the world marvel received its giant axle from Bethlehem Iron. The world's first Ferris wheel needed enough steel to assemble a 140-foot tower to support an all-steel wheel, altogether making a 264-foot (80 m) structure. The iron made in Bethlehem Steel's blast furnaces was responsible for the world's largest single piece of cast iron that had ever been made up to that time.

From 1949 to 1952, Bethlehem Steel had a contract with the federal government of the United States to roll uranium fuel rods for nuclear reactors in Bethlehem Steel's Lackawanna, New York, plant. Workers were not aware of the dangers of the heavy metals they were rolling and were not given protective equipment.

The company manufactured the steel for many of the country's most prominent landmarks:

including: Rockefeller Center, Waldorf Astoria

Interesting coz Waldorf Astoria to take over Mandarin Oriental on Las Vegas Strip... see: Robbie Williams and the Mandarin Oriental

GreenDell144 ago

Great work

carmencita ago

Thank You So Much for your report/write up it is so Very Valuable. Amazing!

carmencita ago

Wow! Bernard Kouchner's connection to Doctor's Without Boarders and this info from @FactFinder2 and his involvement with Organ Trafficking in Kosovo

"In 2010, the Jerusalem Post considered Bernard Kouchner the 15th most influential Jew in the world."

letsdothis2 ago

continuing from above:

In 2007, the Bethlehem property was sold to Sands BethWorks, and plans to build a casino where the plant once stood were drafted. Construction began in fall 2007; the casino was completed in 2009. The casino had difficulty finding structural steel for construction due to a global steel shortage and pressure to build Pennsylvania's tax-generating casinos. 16,000 tons of steel were needed to build the $600 million complex.[27]

The site of the company's original plant in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, is home to SteelStacks, an arts and entertainment district. The plant's five blast furnaces were left standing and serve as a backdrop for the new campus. SteelStacks currently features the ArtsQuest Center, a contemporary performing arts center, the Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem, a gambling emporium

Las Vegas Sands

Las Vegas Sands Corporation is an American casino and resort company based in Paradise, Nevada, United States

Entrepreneur Sheldon Adelson and his partners Dick Katzeff, Irwin Chafetz, Ted Cutler, and Jordan Shapiro bought the famous Sands Hotel in 1989.

voat post : Steven Jacobs and Sheldon Adelson's CIA blackmail operation in Macau (Senate anon)

o start off with, it's well-established that Adelson's casinos are engaged in blackmail. Including 100 prostitutes being arrested. So many prostitutes that regular people complain.

Looks like this potentially ties into previous research about Clinton Donor Ng Lap Seng, which is an ongoing case thanks @dph1978

Major Clinton Foundation Donor & Chinese Billionaire Linked To Trafficking; Brought $4.5 M to NY for Unspecified "Illegal Activities", Court Date This Jan.

Another very interesting piece to this: Ng was attempting to bribe Ashe to allow him to build a "conference center" in Antigua. In order to drive business between Antigua and Macau. Macau is where his shady hotel is. Antigua is a trafficking hot spot. And, of course, Haiti is quite close to antigua (about 700 miles). As we also know, there is speculation the Clinton foundation is involved in trafficking in Haiti -- Monica Peterson, there to research it, recently died under suspicious circumstances.

new4now ago

Hillary was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013


carmencita ago

I can't believe the Guardian printed this. Amazing. I was surprised, but should have known. Everyone with big money is connected to them.

Oh_Well_ian ago

The article is from 2010, before the total destruction of British Media. I wonder if that reporter is still alive.

carmencita ago

I have noticed that all the articles to be found are from a few years ago. For they all were taken over and were given their orders. Would be interesting to see if he is still around, if he is, I bet he's not discussing this subject.

Oh_Well_ian ago

this is the first reporter from the Guardian > He is Deep State.

the second more revealing article has no single author and is from the Adara Press, which puts out some very hard hitting stories on the World Order

carmencita ago

Thank You for highlighting Adara. I noticed their articles while researching and I used one of theirs. Amazing journalism. Wish We Had Reporters like that. Paul Lewis, Wow.

derram ago :

Kosovo PM is head of human organ and arms ring, Council of Europe reports | World news | The Guardian

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carmencita ago

Another Thank You! :)

carmencita ago

Thanks! :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago
