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letsdothis2 ago

Further to my previous comment on the Route 91 Harvest and the Las Vegas shooting (Mandalay Hotel)

The top floors of Mandalay are owned by Alwaleed bin Talil, the same billionaire that was arrested. It is alleged that he is part of a human trafficking operation run out of these top floors and that he might have had a hand in supplying guns to Stephen Paddock.

The Road to Mandalay - Robbie Williams ...laden with messages and metaphors


Did a search on opencorporates on both of the names listed, Michael McCue and Jennifer Van Kirk. Links to education, summer camps, a foundation and a youth theater group.

Boris Johnson recites lines from the Kipling poem "The Road to MANDALAY" 2 days ago !

The Road to Mandalay and Back

On the road between Tagaung and Meiktila, we saw "butterflies of the night" visiting truck drivers resting by the roadside. Burma does not have the reputation for prostitution that Thailand has. But several Burmese friends told me that the sex "industry" was becoming a major problem because there were so few other opportunities for poor women to find decent employment. The sexual habits of cross - country truck drivers are especially important since, if they acquire the AIDS virus, they can transmit it to sexual partners in widely disbursed areas of the country, to say nothing of infecting their wives or girlfriends at home. The promiscuity of Indian long distance truck drivers has given that country one of Asia's worst and fastest-growing AIDS epidemics.

Along Mandalay's back streets, little boys ran back and forth flying simple kites made out of paper, Their skill in keeping them up in the air was matched by their courage in dodging the heavy traffic. On the way to Mandalay Hill we saw the large and lavish Mandalay Novotel Hotel, all ready for the hordes of tourists who will doubtlessly flock here for Visit Myanmar Year 1996!


Novotel is an upscale hotel brand within the AccorHotels group, typically slotting between the Grand Mercure and Pullman brands. Novotel has close to 400 hotels and resorts in 60 countries.

Related voat posts:

The Royal honeymoon and a Saudi hotel chain that takes us from the City of London back to the Podestas and the Acorn Group

AccorHotels today [December 2015] announces the signing of an agreement with the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), Kingdom Holding Company (KHC) of Saudi Arabia and Oxford Properties, an Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) company for the acquisition of FRHI Holdings Ltd (FRHI), parent of Fairmont, Raffles, and Swissôtel.

This transaction is subject to the regulatory approvals of the antitrust authorities. Rothschild and Zaoui & Co are acting as financial advisors and Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier and Proskauer Rose LLP are acting as legal advisors to AccorHotels on this transaction. Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. and Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC are acting as financial advisors and McCarthy Tetrault LLP and White & Case LLP are acting as legal advisors to FRHI on this transaction.

Kingdom Holding Company is owned by the recently arrested Alwaleed Talal. He says he plans to give away his vast fortune to charity and is close to the Gates Foundation. Exclusive: Inside Alwaleed Philanthropies' new global strategy

Prince Alwaleed in June last year pledged his wealth to the foundation, $32 billion according to Princess Lamia, after signing the “Giving Pledge,” an initiative launched in 2010 by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett that urges wealthy individuals to give the majority of their wealth to charity during their lifetimes. Since its founding in 1980, Alwaleed Philanthropies has spent almost $4 billion.

More on Princess Lamia:

Laura Biancolini began traveling on Khashoggi’s yacht, along with what is known in some circles as a bevy of lovelies, at the age of seventeen. She converted to Islam, changed her name to Lamia, and became Khashoggi’s second wife before giving birth to her only child and Adnan’s fifth son, Ali, now nine, in West Palm Beach, Florida. Marriage to a man like Adnan Khashoggi cannot have been easy for either of his wives. Women for hire were part and parcel of his everyday life, and he often sent girls as gifts to men with whom he was attempting to do business.

letsdothis2 ago

At the time I thought this story was staged - I'm even more sure now: Robbie Williams describes escape from fire at luxury hotel in London

Robbie Williams flips the finger amid lively World Cup performance

I wonder who that finger was really for. #spooks_R_us