kareninblack ago

This is scary!

Yuke ago

Did a quick search on the name Bruce Travis. Found one such person with a link to the 'Temple of witchcraft'. May or may not be anything in that, I don't know yet.

Jem777 ago

Holy sh*t.....

carmencita ago

OMG. Staring me right in the face.

Yuke ago

Did a search on opencorporates on both of the names listed, Michael McCue and Jennifer Van Kirk. Links to education, summer camps, a foundation and a youth theater group.

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting. I neglected to do that.

cantsleepawink ago

William Cooper, Luxor, the Source of Light https://youtu.be/OUjyLOZiVL0?t=13m14s

cantsleepawink ago

Ground Zero: Las Vegas' Luxor https://archive.fo/tEwoO


Osiris, who runs the Society for Global Transformation and Enlightenment, steals the sacred obelisk in order to manipulate time and build a militarized and policed empire.


In effect, the tourist is interpellated into a choice between two versions of empire, one governed by a tyrant, the other governed by a benevolent and faceless, if glistening and monumental, corporatocracy. Through the virtual Luxor Company, the Luxor's real corporate heads promise to restore the glory of a lost techno-civilization. Its virtual utopia represents a cultural implosion, completely self-referential, the utopian center of its own consumption. Hence, the Luxor signifies a new impulse, a new ground zero in the post-Copernican revolution. It is not a revolution in science, but in the social construction of meaning. The Luxor is a bellwether for a utopian promise, a dystopian effect; it is a sign for America's cultural implosion wrapped in its shroud, a black melanoma, consuming everything, even the desert floor.

cantsleepawink ago

Posted on September 15th 2017: MGM Resorts - Welcome to the Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51yrzw6jWns

DerivaUK ago

"Holy S**t". Indeed.

carmencita ago

deleted? You have been deleted? I can't upvoat.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes. I have been deleted. I'll repost in whatever.

carmencita ago

OMG! What the ever is going on? I am going through that 4chan and I am Flabbergasted. I can't even read it, it is so intense and deep. I am feeling so dumb for not even noticing the Harvest meaning! And to think that people lined up by the hundreds to give BLOOD! OMG! XK! It was staring us all in the face. I am mortified.

cantsleepawink ago

I did make a post about the occult relation to the Harvest moon which happened on the 5th of October. But yes, a lot of this 4chan information brings many things into perspective.

carmencita ago

How did I miss that? Do you have the link for it?

carmencita ago

Harvest. Oh my. How may times I have written organ harvesting in comments and it did not register (slaps forehead). Also the BLOOD. Donations of Blood for the injured. Also they collected money for the cause. Where did that money go. Oh. God.