CheeseboogersGhost ago

Yeah its never the jews, is it

con77 ago

Where they will be filmed having sex with then killing a child. On order of the Rothschild s

AgainstPedos ago

Verification of this fact? MM's half-sister and half-brother both separately said MM should not ever be around children, that she was a danger to them.

Kregan ago

Fuck those niggas

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks. Just think basic journo stuff - who, what, where, when and why do I care? Bottom line up front (BLUF), then back it up with the findings. You'll get a lot more response that way.

neptunium1 ago

I sometimes like to do more indepth stuff that may seem to be meandering but sometimes I work instinctively and just write about things that may not be immediately relateable to someone else, but which I feel will come in useful later. I like to use voat as a search engine at times.

I'll do the basic easy-to-digest stuff too, no worries :)

Blacksmith21 ago

@neptunium1 - You do some great research. Unfortunately some of us (me) can't always read everything in full. Would you mind doing a real simple BLUF with bullet points showing the very high-level stuff at the beginning of your posts? I think it may make for a more compelling read. My .02.

neptunium1 ago

Sure. Makes sense. Sometimes I'm doing the research as I'm putting a post together and trying to save time , so makes it difficult for others. :)

neptunium1 ago

The British pizzagate 'Hampstead case' : shell companies and the porn industry connections

Another company linked with Hackremo is Northern & Shell Properties Ltd A media company which owns OK magazine, a number of tabloids, the Health Lottery and they are in the soft porn business too with Portland TV

The media tycoon [Richard Desmond] has provided a much-needed, brand new Sunshine Coach for children’s charity Variety to transport its members at Grangewood School to and from events.

Jimmy Savile: Variety launches investigation into claims Savile molested children on Sunshine Coaches

He said: “Savile was involved in the Variety Club in Leeds and used to go to all these presentations of the coaches in the area.

Richard Desmond, the billionaire owner of the Daily and Sunday Express newspapers, is planning to bid for the rights to run the National Lottery.

Desmond, who already runs the rival Health Lottery, is said to be preparing to tender for the UK lottery franchise when it comes up for renewal in 2019. Camelot, which is owned by Canadian pension fund the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, holds the rights to run the National Lottery until 2023.

neptunium1 ago

The wife of Richard Desmond has introduced a self-styled New Age guru, who also is a board member of the Variety charity, to the Grenfell Tower victims:

Hollywood psychotherapist offers hope to survivors of the Grenfell Tower tragedy

Derek O’Neill encouraged local residents to “anchor” positive emotions against the horrors of the tragedy during a meeting. The workshop was the brainchild of Joy Desmond, wife of Daily Express owner Richard Desmond, and TV and radio presenter Lizzie Cundy. 

His foundation SQ

His Creacon Wellness Retreat team:

a mixture of NLP specialists and New Age therapies... are you thinking what I'm thing? Cult education – a thread about Derek O'Neill, 2016 :,134053

I'm sure very few know\ derek o'neill is being sued for what he has done and continues to do. here is a link you should read--you should also know this person was there at the very beginning and helped get derek started.

I feel it is necessary to speak out at this time about the shift that has occurred recently. Three years ago, when the first of us were asked to be initiated into the Rising Star Healing work, the cost was $10,000 and the initiation, which we were told was a "source to source" initiation and we could only receive it from Derek O'Neill in Ireland, who was the vehicle for source to come thru) however, we were told that we would be helping to heal the planet and people would be so drawn to this healing work we would within a short period of time recoup our investment. In the last few months Derek has changed his policy, which originally we were told "you cannot copy write God's work, it is here for all of us to take forward to the planet" to "As of June 1st, 2008 if you wish to practice the Rising Star Healing Modality or the Prema Birthing Healing Modality you must "join" a membership in Derek's new organization at $600 a year and pay 30% of each healing to this organization or they will take legal action against us for "copy write infringement" as Derek has now copywrited these healing modalities. ...

Here he is with his friend Simon Cowell

Here's a Daily Express Sept. 2017 article on him (that's the paper of Richard Desmond)

Dublin 'council kid' psychotherapist Derek O'Neill to help MILLIONS with VR counselling

PSYCHOTHERAPIST Derek O'Neill is one of the most humble men on the planet. Despite having addressed the United Nations, set up a charity that's helped over 35,000 children across the globe and being honoured with four highly prestigious humanitarian awards, he's busy setting up the #MindYourselfBritain campaign in the hope of helping people with VR technology.

His website:


Forty-eight-year-old Derek is not what you would expect in a man who was raised by an alcoholic widow and has braved poverty, sexual abuse and the perils of kung fu fighting. He is gentle, eloquent and has surprisingly small hands for a warrior. They look more suited to arts and crafts than the craft of martial arts. His neatly cropped hair is a reminder of his time in the army.

"We lived close to the Iveagh Lodgings and there would often be 'dirty old men', destitutes, hanging around. When I was six, I went to the toilet in Patrick's Park and was sexually assaulted by one of them."

His experience of sexual abuse didn't confine itself to St Patrick's Park. Derek's brother Brian was raped and beaten in the notorious Letterfrack Industrial School.

It seems Derek is about to hit the big time. Namaste

Kippering ago

very strange, a lot of coincidence, think not? or what mainstream media would label a conspiracy?

derram ago :

See Meghan Markle on ‘90s Nickelodeon Show After Protesting Sexist Commercial - YouTube :

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'to honeymoon at lodge in Canada' | Daily Mail Online

None : :

FULL Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle - BBC News - YouTube :

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