Outcome5 ago

Hey there, Im the original author of this article, Outcome5 on Reddit. I just made an account here as a friend who posted my article to 8chan told me he noticed it was reposted here so I thought Id come see. Original posting of this article on reddit If yanyone has questions let me know, I have more similar Thanks

lamplight ago

Awesome! Thanks for coming here to verify your work. It makes a lot of sense to me.

Outcome5 ago

I told a couple of people on reddit, I have a new idea for an article thats related, when Im done with it Ill post it here as well.

lamplight ago

Great! Thanks again for the research you have done to stop the insanity going on.

Outcome5 ago

I wrote a follow up, if you look at the bottom of the original reddit post, I later added a link to part 2. In that one I covered the border crossing near el paso texas.

lamplight ago

You should make a separate post as the author. If you aren't able to, let me know and I will revise this post as part 1 and post part 2 for you. Thanks.

fogdryer ago

I tried to upvote you but clicked on the wrong triangle. So sorry. Wonderful write up. Voat needs critical thinkers as I am definitely not ! I will send you a private message as I hope you will respond

lamplight ago

If you click it again, it removes your vote. Then click on the one you want. Thanks.

new4now ago

Great Post and Great comments

lamplight ago

Vindicator ago

Hi there lamplight. Can you un-break the links so users don't have to copypaste every single one? Also, can you add some links to the actual source material, not just screenshots of those pages? Thank you. Researchers will appreciate it.

lamplight ago

Vindicator, I was able to put the original link into the body of the post. I also added it as a separate post. I'm learning!

pby1000 ago

A reddit user asked me to post that to 8chan yesterday. They made it a notable. It is a really good post. He has another one that will be posted soon. I will get him to post his stuff here in the future.

Gothamgirl ago

AnonDK just put up a video on this last night.


letsdothis2 ago

Re: Route 91 Harvest shooting

Route 91 and I-15:


U.S. Route 91 (US 91) is a north–south United States highway. The highway currently serves as a connection between the Cache Valley area of Utah and Idaho to the Salt Lake City and Idaho Falls population centers. Prior to the mid-1970s, US 91 was an international commerce route from Long Beach, California to the Canada–US border north of Sweetgrass, Montana. US 91 was routed on the main streets of most of the communities it served, including Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas and State Street in Salt Lake City. From Los Angeles to Salt Lake, the route was built along the corridor of the Arrowhead Trail. US 91 has been largely replaced by Interstate 15.[3] A portion of the highway's former route in California is currently State Route 91.

letsdothis2 ago

Further to my previous comment on the Route 91 Harvest and the Las Vegas shooting (Mandalay Hotel)

The top floors of Mandalay are owned by Alwaleed bin Talil, the same billionaire that was arrested. It is alleged that he is part of a human trafficking operation run out of these top floors and that he might have had a hand in supplying guns to Stephen Paddock.

The Road to Mandalay - Robbie Williams ...laden with messages and metaphors



Did a search on opencorporates on both of the names listed, Michael McCue and Jennifer Van Kirk. Links to education, summer camps, a foundation and a youth theater group.

Boris Johnson recites lines from the Kipling poem "The Road to MANDALAY" 2 days ago !

The Road to Mandalay and Back

On the road between Tagaung and Meiktila, we saw "butterflies of the night" visiting truck drivers resting by the roadside. Burma does not have the reputation for prostitution that Thailand has. But several Burmese friends told me that the sex "industry" was becoming a major problem because there were so few other opportunities for poor women to find decent employment. The sexual habits of cross - country truck drivers are especially important since, if they acquire the AIDS virus, they can transmit it to sexual partners in widely disbursed areas of the country, to say nothing of infecting their wives or girlfriends at home. The promiscuity of Indian long distance truck drivers has given that country one of Asia's worst and fastest-growing AIDS epidemics.

Along Mandalay's back streets, little boys ran back and forth flying simple kites made out of paper, Their skill in keeping them up in the air was matched by their courage in dodging the heavy traffic. On the way to Mandalay Hill we saw the large and lavish Mandalay Novotel Hotel, all ready for the hordes of tourists who will doubtlessly flock here for Visit Myanmar Year 1996!

Novotel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novotel

Novotel is an upscale hotel brand within the AccorHotels group, typically slotting between the Grand Mercure and Pullman brands. Novotel has close to 400 hotels and resorts in 60 countries.

Related voat posts:

The Royal honeymoon and a Saudi hotel chain that takes us from the City of London back to the Podestas and the Acorn Group

AccorHotels today [December 2015] announces the signing of an agreement with the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), Kingdom Holding Company (KHC) of Saudi Arabia and Oxford Properties, an Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) company for the acquisition of FRHI Holdings Ltd (FRHI), parent of Fairmont, Raffles, and Swissôtel.

This transaction is subject to the regulatory approvals of the antitrust authorities. Rothschild and Zaoui & Co are acting as financial advisors and Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier and Proskauer Rose LLP are acting as legal advisors to AccorHotels on this transaction. Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. and Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC are acting as financial advisors and McCarthy Tetrault LLP and White & Case LLP are acting as legal advisors to FRHI on this transaction.

Kingdom Holding Company is owned by the recently arrested Alwaleed Talal. He says he plans to give away his vast fortune to charity and is close to the Gates Foundation. Exclusive: Inside Alwaleed Philanthropies' new global strategy

Prince Alwaleed in June last year pledged his wealth to the foundation, $32 billion according to Princess Lamia, after signing the “Giving Pledge,” an initiative launched in 2010 by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett that urges wealthy individuals to give the majority of their wealth to charity during their lifetimes. Since its founding in 1980, Alwaleed Philanthropies has spent almost $4 billion.

More on Princess Lamia: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1945612/9575680

Laura Biancolini began traveling on Khashoggi’s yacht, along with what is known in some circles as a bevy of lovelies, at the age of seventeen. She converted to Islam, changed her name to Lamia, and became Khashoggi’s second wife before giving birth to her only child and Adnan’s fifth son, Ali, now nine, in West Palm Beach, Florida. Marriage to a man like Adnan Khashoggi cannot have been easy for either of his wives. Women for hire were part and parcel of his everyday life, and he often sent girls as gifts to men with whom he was attempting to do business.

lamplight ago

Wow! There are definite connections here to LV, SA, human trafficking, and banking. Thanks!

letsdothis2 ago

At the time I thought this story was staged - I'm even more sure now: Robbie Williams describes escape from fire at luxury hotel in London

Robbie Williams flips the finger amid lively World Cup performance

I wonder who that finger was really for. #spooks_R_us

letsdothis2 ago

UPLOAD FOR YOU @lamplight !!!!!!!! I love these connecting the dots post.. I have something for you to look at...

LV - Utah - ratline will connect with Route 91: Remember the Route 91 harvest?

There were a number of posts a few months ago in pizzagatewhatever about a number of truckers dying in accidents around the Route 91, Utah area. The Route 91 is a Canada - US ratline:


Detective Payne said he was getting the blood sample at the request of the police department of Logan, Utah, which is near the site of the accident, which reportedly was Wellsville, Utah. I assume the Logan Police have jurisdiction there, because I believe they have jurisdiction over the county of Cache, Utah. The Logan Police Chief had FBI training and graduated from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia, session 244 in March of 2011. That 'elite' training is by invitation only.


The LDS Church has provided nearly a quarter of a million dollars to support Children's Justice Centers in Utah in the past three years. Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill said Children's Justice Centers are a safe harbor that give vulnerable, abused children a place where their voices can be heard and where they know they are believed and safe. He said the first priority is a child's and a family's healing, safety and growth. HERE is more info on a donation made by the LDS Church, namely this time by Sister Joy D. Jones. There has been mention of the connection to Child Trafficking in this case. I noticed the Butterfly on the Upper left hand corner for the Children's Justice Center and decided to look it up. EDIT: Forgot to add the link to the article. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865678248/Mormon-women-leaders-give-120000-to-Childrens-Justice-Center-in-Salt-Lake-Valley.html

Looking further into Accident in which an IDAHO policeman who was nearly killed in a crash in UTAH and who was protected by a nurse from an unauthorized blood sample

COINCIDENCE?...Another TRUCK DRIVER, from SAME CITY in UTAH where Idaho TRUCK DRIVER/POLICEMAN worked and had ACCIDENT, DIED IN CRASH last week in NEBRASKALikely heart attack while driving

Lots of stuff going on in that area : from allegations of child trafficking, military camps, etc. I believe connections to the Las Vegas shooting at the Route 91 Harvest.

@Commoner @ESTOERICshade @carmencita

niggerknocker ago

Why so many Obama monuments wtf

carmencita ago

Your links can't work. Article is Wonderful! Just fix the links.

lamplight ago

I tried to include the links but it wouldn't work. The original source may be blocked. I couldn't even download them into my computer so sorry. It's on the following link if you want to read through to get to the map on post No.2051787.

carmencita ago

That sounds strange. Thanks for letting me know.

letsdothis2 ago

Just take the space out of the url address.

carmencita ago

Who down voated you for that? Silly nonsense.