10432004? ago

he wants to know why the programming failed.

while it's sad two have died recently; do we know what they were transporting? for which company(s)?

where their other vehicles in the area?

i've seen a truck jack-knife and swerve off. but the driver just looked like he slumped over and turned the wheel with his body weight, making it knife and flip. but dude just fell out...like he was shut down.

obviously lack of sleep is the first reasonable and logical suspect, but is it becoming a cliche? is there a push for autonomous-driving distribution? and wouldn't that change the face of almost every market?

PeaceDogg ago

Certainly a suspicious coincidence that makes one wonder if the cop "drawing blood" might actually have been Seth Riching the driver. Why stick a needle in somebody who is not at fault in an accident and clinging to life?

carmencita ago

Yes. This is a very real possibility. That truck driver could be involved in something and they may want to shut him up. Why did his boss seem so emphatic about him getting that blood, which meant he would prick him with that needle. Also I think he was the one that had training with the FBI in Quantico. Or at least one of the characters in this case did. Highly suspicious. @argosciv

argosciv ago

The tremendous content of your comment aside...

Interesting, sure seems like some sort of fuckery is going on.

Glad to see this catching on :)

argosciv ago

WHEW that was a fuckin rough one.

Okay what've we got here?

birthdaysuit11 ago

Awesome post!! I'll research this also.

srayzie ago

Here's a video with extra footage. I can't believe how the nurse was treated! It also shows the crash. I'm Good video about this. Lieutenant Tracy is the one giving the orders. He's corrupt!


darkknight111 ago

The CIA have a weapon nick named a "heart attack gun". It fires a dart like projectile that rapidly degrades. The projectile contains a toxin that kills its victims in a way resembling a heart attack. This toxin will most likely be missed by a doctor unless they suspect the heart attack was suspicious and do a blood test (such as chromatography based ones).


Some sample compounds that can induce heart attacks.




Gothamgirl ago

I did a random google search -Utah, Pizzagate, Voat together and Utah comes up with couple of hits here. Sorry preparing for storm otherwise I would grab them. Might be worth taking a 2nd look. Alefantis has visited there to:


Vindicator ago

@Commoner, isn't the original burned truck driver from Rigby, Idaho? He just happened to be in an accident in this town. I don't see the link between the two incidents.

Nice profile of the cop who ordered the blood draw, though, and roundup of Utah child trafficking info.

Commoner ago

Rigby, Idaho is 2 1/2 hours away from Wellsville, Utah. He was working his full-time job at time of accident. He had a load of sand. I can't find out who he worked for, but, I am guessing he worked for a sand/gravel company near Wellsville. There are a few http://www.yellowbook.com/s/sand-and-gravel/wellsville-utah/.

PeaceDogg ago

Wouldn't a sand/gravel company be an excellent way to dispose of excavated material. So you dig out this big underground facility. What happens to all the dirt?

argosciv ago

crash was in utah, weak from me i know, i'm fucked though, got a few mins in me given recent uh... communications... please consider strongly

argosciv ago





I'm so fucking glad you're back - watch out for horsefucker

argosciv ago

@Gothamgirl @darkknight111

I can't remember who else to ping...

Gothamgirl ago

Wow, thanks for keeping me updated.

argosciv ago

Thank @Commoner

carmencita ago

What is your take on this so far? I have gone through everything and it took about 2 hrs. going back looking at the other threads too. There is def something connecting this all. The one guy in Nebraska has a one man trucking co. (I assume he is the employee) One driver and he takes in $87K annually? Who does he drive for and what does he transport? Very lucrative money for such a small op. Also there is a huge HT biz in Neb as well since all of the men were drawn there to work for the oil companies. But I heard that the oil biz kind of died down there now and possibly the guys need money so they are trafficking kids now. Also someone mentioned that one of the LEOs trained with the FBI down in Quantico Va. and there was info about the FBI being caught up with the Mafia. The Det. was trying to get the blood but what for? What do they do with it? Are thy collecting this blood? It seems that the guy that made him arrest that nurse really wanted him to get that blood. Also, he had been to that hospital before I am sure. So why did he not know there protocal on the blood. Very odd imo. This is getting really Hairy.

argosciv ago

about to go over everyone's stuff now, or, after a proper sleep

carmencita ago

I have to go to sleep too. Had a lot of tooth pain today....zapped my strength. Night.

carmencita ago

I'm here. Was out. Just looking it over. My friend follows Jimmy Dore and she said he covered the first case. I told her there was a video of the crash and she was amazed. She has not seen it. So we are really do good people. Will let you know when I am done so far I am confused. Thanks for the ping.