cantsleepawink ago

Manderley is the fictional estate of the character Maxim de Winter, and it plays a central part in Daphne du Maurier's 1938 novel, Rebecca

Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca may be a superior example of deeply encoded female pornography but, nearly 70 years after it was written, the code seems to have worn so thin that the unsuspecting reader is slightly revolted. In Rebecca, Maxim de Winter is the Daddy (obviously), the mother has three faces, being the appalling Mrs Van Hopper, the ever-present Mrs Danvers and, of course, the absent Rebecca. The nameless narrator is the seducing child. If, as her sister-in-law says, she is an "absolute child", it follows that Rebecca is the classic novel of paedophilia.

manderley is a house in Stephen King's Bag of Bones

The book re-uses many basic plot elements of Daphne du Maurier's "Rebecca",

The novel ends with an epilogue, revealing that Mike has retired from writing and is attempting to adopt Kyra. His status as a single, unrelated male complicates things, and the adoption has taken longer than anticipated.

cantsleepawink ago

Drawings by Rohingya children reveal the horrific experiences

A quarter of a million Rohingya children have fled Myanmar since the latest outbreak of violence began a month ago.

Over half of Rohingya girls who fled violence became child brides - U.N. survey

Thailand has long served as a centre for human trafficking groups operating in Southeast Asia. Groups of people from neighboring countries come to Thailand to find work in factories, construction or the booming sex industry. But many also come to escape violence and persecution in their homeland. Human trafficking in the region has increased in recent years due to ethnic conflicts between Buddhists and the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. Thousands of ethnic Rohingya Muslim’s have left Myanmar to escape violence and persecution.

cantsleepawink ago


Mandala is the second-largest city and the last royal capital of Myanmar (Burma).

cantsleepawink ago

The Kipling everyone knows, the pampered guardian of British Imperialism, presiding over the last glory days of empire, is here replaced by the Kipling who perhaps no one except the author really wants to know: Kipling as a closeted, sadomasochistic homosexual and pedophile.

School of hard knocks: the dark underside to boarding school books

cantsleepawink ago

Mandalay Bay in English Germataria = 666

carmencita ago

There was a movie too The Road to Mandalay 1926 TWO with the Name of ANGUS Margie and Mary ANGUS The rest of the Cast is Listed. @argosciv

derram ago :

Watch moment appalled ambassador stops Boris Johnson reciting colonial poem in Burma's holiest site | The Independent

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