darkknight111 ago

Another sick fuck goes down in the organ harvesting rings. Hoozah.

Don't care who you are, don't care what you are. If you're a sick fuck, you need to be taken down. End of story.

DomKeyhote ago

LOL! what a self-righteous faggot thing to say. You know some medium-sized cities would have ZERO homicides per year without minorities? What's your take on that, should cops profile them or nah

septimasexta ago

"An Israeli citizen accused of involvement in a human organ trafficking scandal in Kosovo a decade ago has been arrested in Cyprus and the authorities in Pristina have requested his extradition to face trial, police said on Friday."

"Recipients, mainly Israelis, paid between 80,000 and 100,000 euros for the organs." http://www.newsincyprus.com/news/107424/suspect-in-kosovo-organ-trafficking-case-arrested-in-cyprus


garbagename ago

im trying to submit a link to the pizzagate sub but i need 10 ccp with a new account. im not a shill.

dundundunnnnn ago

I'll post it for you if you'd like. I'm around for another hour. Upvoat.

onefishtwofish ago

Kouchner = Kushner.

Could be relevant? No idea how common of a name that is among Jews.

worldofmadness ago

"If a Jew needs a kidney, is it allowed, in order to save his life, to take the kidney from a Goy (non-Jew), passing by, even if he is not guilty of anything? In my opinion, Torah allows it. The life of a Jew is priceless"-- Lubavitcher rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

topletbomb ago

The politician Bernard Kouchner is an another big fish of this network of traffic of organs in Kosovo



And " Kouchner's scandal in Kosovo, on organ harvesting" (Kouchner laugh when one speak to him about sales of organs)


Factfinder2 ago


"His experience as a physician for the Red Cross led him to co-found Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in 1971, and then, due to a conflict of opinion with MSF chairman Claude Malhuret, he established Doctors of the World ('Médecins du Monde') in 1980."

"In 2010, the Jerusalem Post considered Bernard Kouchner the 15th most influential Jew in the world."

think- ago

His experience as a physician for the Red Cross led him to co-found Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in 1971

Now that's interesting....(((Doctors Without Borders))) operating in Haiti after the earthquake, and currently accused of possibly doing human trafficking in the Mediterranean...

Usereman ago


think- ago

The allegations first appeared in the media in The Hunt: Me and the War Criminals, written in 2008 by Carla Del Ponte, a former chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

In her book, Del Ponte states that Kosovo Albanians harvested organs of kidnapped ethnic Serbs after the armed conflict ended in 1999. These accusations were backed by her own visit to the site; several witnesses both in and out of the ICTY, one of whom "personally made an organ delivery" to an Albanian airport for transport abroad; and "confirmed information directly gathered by the tribunal."

Del Ponte concluded that if the case had been opened before Kosovo's declaration of independence, world governments might not have had the same stance on the Kosovo question. The Swiss government ordered Del Ponte not to discuss the case.

She was accused of spreading unfounded rumors and her former press secretary distanced herself from Del Ponte. Bernard Kouchner, former top UN representative in Kosovo, stated in April 2011: "We were aware of the extortions, but we never heard of organ trafficking," rejecting the accusations made by Del Ponte.


Carla del Ponte is awesome, she really is. And totally believable imo. She recently said that what has been going on during the war in Syria was even worse than the situation in Ruanda or in former Yugoslavia at the time, respectively.

She was asked why and said that she saw evidence that kids were being tortured by all parties, just for the pleasure of doing it and that these were the worst things she had ever seen.

GreenDell144 ago

Good job. This obviously needs more attention. Thanks for sharing.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

First they said it was a wild conspiracy theory. Then they admited that China might be doing it. Yeah, China does bad things. Not the USA. Not the Euro Union countries. Same mind control about the west being a white tower on a hill, when the opposite is reality.

carmencita ago

But but but .......... organ harvesting is a figment of our imagination.......Right? Prepare for delete. Upvoat while I still can.

GreenDell144 ago

For sher

EricKaliberhall ago

Interpol and Russia had issued international arrest warrants for Harel. His extradition is now being requested by the authorities in Kosovo – a province of Serbia that declared independence in 2008, but remains unrecognized by the UN and a number of countries, including Cyprus.

An EU-commissioned inquiry led by an American prosecutor concluded in 2014 that “this practice did occur on a very limited scale and that a small number of individuals were killed for the purpose of extracting and trafficking their organs.”>

Very limited scale, that means it was on an industrial level. Kosovo was a Clinton operation.

GreenDell144 ago

Wow. With just a little digging, you have exposed real boogie men, and overturned the denials with an admission. This post escalated quickly in the comments. By the time I get to the bottom, there will be evidences, arrests, rescues, convictions and sentences! This satire was meant as a compliment to your find. Sorry. This organ harvesting is so horrid and it gets me very bitter. In a lot of ways, it is a tougher battle to red pill the masses about this issue, than the SRA stuff. Frustrating.

Factfinder2 ago

The American prosecutor was Clint Williamson, who now teaches at Arizona State University. He also serves as Senior Director for Global Rule of Law, Governance and Security at the university's McCain Institute for International Leadership, based in Washington, DC:



EricKaliberhall ago

Thank you @Factfinder2

Interesting timing, with the arrest of Mr Harel. It's almost as if he lost some protection...

“Based on an international arrest warrant the suspect M.H. was arrested a few days ago in Cyprus. He has been a wanted person since 2010,” >

think- ago

Very limited scale, that means it was on an industrial level

Lol, so true! Kosovo is an absolute mess right now. Different secret services, mob organizations and gangs operating under 'surveillance' of UN peacekeepers. And nobody cares about it.

dooob ago

Gangs own towns in Kosovo, nobody can touch them.

carmencita ago

Sounds almost like here..... and we are suppose to think that this does not exist. Amazing.

think- ago

In Kosovo, it's much worse, Carmencita. Due to the war (many people are still traumatized), the lack of reliable state structures and the widespread poverty.

(Not saying that the situation in the US isn't something we shouldn't be deeply worried about.)

carmencita ago

Thank you for reminding me that this is a War Torn Country. Like the Ukraine there are children suffering. The plane crash a year ago last Christmas was devastating when a whole band perished and also I believe an Ambassador and much loved Russian doctor that was being sent to administer to the Children of Syria in hospitals. She took much care in the hospitals in the Ukraine and saved many of them. They are making children suffer all over and people are turning their heads to look away. They refuse to see the heinous things being done in Kosovo with this horrid organ harvesting (I call it stealing). Organ Stealing. Harvesting sounds too tame. This stuff must hit the TV News.

think- ago

Harvesting sounds too tame.

Yes, you're right, the term 'organ stealing' is much better.

carmencita ago

Some states are automatically opting people in when they apply for or renew their driver's license. You must go there and opt out to be out of the program. More Organ Stealing. When they find out our DNA then they will Cross Reference it and since we already are on the program Oh Well.