fogdryer ago

Don’t forget the syndicates that go around (Manila and the provinces ) who get women and children by force to sell their organs to other countries at a price ranging from P100,000-P500,000, depending on the kind of organ transplant needed.

carmencita ago

Its disgusting and immoral. No one should have to sell any part of their body to feed themselves or their family. This is global and if someone things it is not where they live, they are sadly mistaken. Yes the Phil. is one of the worst. Dutarte acts like a holy roller but he is part of it too. This is how they stay in power, for greed and election fraud. They pay people to show up and cheer in crowds for their support. Then some of them are possibly slaughtered. This stuff can make you sick. I have had to slow down today a little.

ArtificalDuality ago

And to help selecting the 'right' children for the right size, these logistics complicit members create national inventories of body part sizes, guised as healthcare provision software. I've worked at such company and discovered the software recorded body part sizes down to the centimeter. From this information, organ size can be calculated. The software also allows for mapping a client's network to a large extent. The body part sizes are totally unnecessary for the legitimate service provided or the clients. 0% added value for legitimate purpose. They provide 100% enablement for illicit, malevolent purpose.

This helps the trafficker logistics to select victims from a national database based on the desired body part size, and an as small possible victim network so that disappearance of a victim is easier to mask.

The employers at this company I worked for likely won't query the databases they host for county regions here in Holland, but they will 'teach' logistics complicit members on how to query county/town databases for suitable clients. When found, this information is then passed on within their network to an abduction unit which will take care of the abduction.

See here: Reallife Zionist-Satanist Encounter Part II Click the first link in the O.P.

The satanic members employ women as seductive coercion units to get the software accepted by counties and cities, even if said county / city already has software from a competitor. The network behind the software of the company I worked for is intended to be a "nation wide rollout". It's sick. I advice to read the entire topic I posted, in the right order. It's so large that I had to split it up into multiple posts. I may actually turn it into a downloadable Word-document.

carmencita ago

This is frightening. I gather you no longer work there. I don't know how you can deal with all of this. The posts we submitted were terribly upsetting for me to deal with, so your realizing what you were working with must have been earth shattering. Has there been any response at all from Law Enforcement? We know many are complicit and also involved so you are really putting yourself in danger by reporting them. I have sent your info and links to a couple others. Keep in touch please. Peace.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thanks.. No I don't work there any more, however it's not much better where I work now. In fact, it's worse. Although that company doesn't create healthcare software; a lot of people that work there are members of the same cult. They speak of a guy named 'Rebbe' too, and call me a 'Merino'.

I'll keep posted upon new development. I do know these Luciferians are attempting to conduct a 'confiscation mission' on me. They want food. Merino food.

carmencita ago

Yes, Please keep us posted. And keep safe. Are there no other jobs in your area? It sounds pretty controlled, as if there may not be anything else.

Pizzalawyer ago

Per an article by Gene Emery for Scientific American ( if my recollecting is accurate) , it is no longer necessary to have a complete match between kidney donor and kidney recipient. Recipients can live as long as 8 years with a mismatched kidney while waiting for a better match. If this holds true for kidneys and any other organs the implications for organ trafficking are staggering. Virtually any healthy human without AIDS of course can be exploited or murdered for kidneys and maybe other organs. I think its important for the crimes we research re: organ trafficking to have bioligical viabilility. After harvesting where , and how, do these organs become transplanted given the challenges inherent in preserving and matching and maintaining a transplanted organ.

We need to educate ourselves on this aspect because it is too hard for the unawakened person to believe this is really happening. It is such a horrible crime that no sane person wants to believe it. Its worse than SRA in my book where there is at least the chance to survive. My day is already ruined reading these several posts. Thanks to the posters for having the stomach to make these posts.

new4now ago

I think research with the thymus gland of children may have something to do with this

the gland peaks at age 14

it has to do with immunity

Pizzalawyer ago

thanks for tbe link. i still haven't figured out how to do links to pizxagate posts with my Samsung Android cellphone. An instruction would be greatly.appreciated . PZ

new4now ago

at the top right of article, you will see 3 vertical dots, click, you will see copy link

I usually use goggle, pull up voat

if you use the close all, all tabs will come up

that way you can put link in voat

to copy and paste, hold finger on text, when copy comes up, with finger on phone slide, lift, hit copy , come to voat and paste

thats as far as I have gotten

had to practice lol

I'd rather work on laptop, but that isnt an option at times

other stuff that doesnt have that option, I tend to share in a message, lol she has been warned lol and then copy link from there

I still trying to learn my phone :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't know how to use a smartphone. Me BIG Tech-tard, that's why I've been forced to have an assistant my whole working career.

Pizzalawyer ago

me, too and now I cant afford a secretary with my Social Security income, whoops Im giving away my age!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yeah but you're retired and I'm sooo jealous.

carmencita ago

I along with you have log felt that we and our humans have been AWOL on the Organ Harvesting/Trafficking Market. We have been Blind far too long. YES! People are totally sickened by this and so they refuse to believe it. We must make sure to keep posting this and also to bring it up to friends and family, no matter how nuts they think we are. YES! They will think we are CTs. So What. I have been spreading the news slowly and will be sending these posts to a few people today. Keep your info as private as possible. Never opt in to Organ Donor Programs in your state. They are automatically opting you in in some states, so YOU have to personally opt out or you are in it for life. WAKE UP and WAKE UP OTHERS.

Podge512 ago

As J. Edgar Hoover once observed, "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists." But we must; the alternative is too dreadful to contemplate! Thank you for doing your part and may God bless and keep you.

carmencita ago

Yes! That is a great quote and oh so true. That is what the evil ones are counting on. Non Belief. We must continue, yes. Thank you for your Kind Words. I wish you Peace.

letsdothis2 ago

Great post @carmencita. The Cleveland Clinic came onto my radar when they quietly bought this London property which is practically opposite Buckingham Palace GROTESQUE DEMONS AT 33 GROSVENOR PLACE


BT, the Red Cross, the Clinton Foundation and Will Draper. Yup, it's another US/UK connection for the Hampstead case.. the UK pizzagate

Operation Underground Railroad, the Cleveland Clinic and the UK Pizzagate

Operation Underground Railroad. Want to hear something spooky? When I woke up today, I thought of the 70s film/book Logan's Run in connection with yesterday's thread by @lamplight : Possible Corridor Through the Western US for Human Trafficking Sanctioned by Government

[from one of my comments] : Detective Payne said he was getting the blood sample at the request of the police department of Logan, Utah, which is near the site of the accident, which reportedly was Wellsville, Utah.

Logan's Run

In the world of 2116, a person's maximum age is strictly legislated: twenty-one years, to the day. When people reach this Lastday they report to a Sleepshop in which they are willingly executed via a pleasure-inducing toxic gas. A person's age is revealed by their palm flower crystal embedded in the palm of their right hand that changes color every seven years, yellow (age 0–6), then blue (age 7–13), then red (age 14–20), then blinks red and black on Lastday, and finally turns black at 21.

Runners are those who refuse to report to a Sleepshop and attempt to avoid their fate by escaping to Sanctuary. Logan 3 is a Deep Sleep Operative (also called Sandman) whose job is to terminate Runners using a special weapon called simply, the 'gun', a handgun with selectable ordnance keyed to self-destruct if touched by an individual who is not the proper owner.

Sandmen practice Omnite, a hybrid type of martial arts. On his own Lastday, Logan becomes a Runner himself, in an attempt to infiltrate an apparent underground railroad for runners seeking Sanctuary

Some research on EPIC SYSTEMS, INC, a health records software company, based in Wisconsin....maybe it is a money laundering front?? :

carmencita ago

GOOD GOD!!! I knew it! EPIC has connection to Racine. and I vaguely remember WIC mentioning them as your link provides. I will def ping @fogdryer on this. Amen. I can't believe it. And your info on Logan Utah is in the Twilight Zone.

carmencita ago

Well that last link thread mentions that Cleveland Clinic is connected to Organ Harvesting. Not surprised. A report on the Clinic and how they may be responsible for killing people under their care to use their organs. When I read that Berlusconi is a member and had a heart transplant it was a HUGE Wake Up. Hello! These elites are having their ops done in high caliber hospitals, not in some back roads ambulance. Leslie Wexner and his wife are deeply involved with Cleveland Clinic. Wexner has a huge Estate in UK. This all connects somehow yes, with Organ Trafficking and Transplants. Btw, I cannot get out of my head the number on that Grosvener Place. 33 Number 33. I am also going to look at that EPIC Systems Inc. in Wisconsin.

InnocentAngels ago

I saw this post on Voat politics re: human trafficking.

derram ago :

Child's organs stolen in Spain | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago

Thanks so much!