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Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Make no mistake, everyone on the Forbes list from Wisconsin is deeply involved in the system of global corruption. The Johnsons control all of them through their chain of command with the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, and it leads to the top of the national list with Bill Gates, Warrwn Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Carlos Slim and others.

In Wisconsin you have key players Herbert Kohler, John Menard Jr., Diane Hendricks, James Cargill, the Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin), and Judy Faulkner of Epic Systems Corporation. Judy was called "the most powerful woman in healthcare" by Forbes magazine.

Epic is also partners with known corrupt healthcare groups Wheaton Franciscan, UnitedHealth, Aurora, Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic in addition to partnerships with the VA, Dept. of Defense, IBM, Walgreens and CVS. Judith Faulkner joing the Giving Pledge with Gates, Buffett and others involved (this is another deception tied to Sustainability), and was recognized by such groups as the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters.

They have been accused of massive corruption , and they are all part of the same networks that are involved in the rea agenda that leads to Global Enslavement.

Racine is the "root" of the entire network.

fogdryer ago

something about Gates I just hate the guy. Would love to see all his precious "information" pulled from him.......