wonderfuldonut ago

Many NGO's have been operating without any oversight, or any accountability, Hopefully with some now being held accountable for corrupt undertakings, there may be a change. If they are guilty of criminal behavior, then jail every single one of them. It will at least send a message in any case

MingMing ago

Good start. Go after them and cut off their money supply. Otherwise it’ll keep happening.

carmencita ago

I'll give you an UpVoat for posting this. Thank God something is happening over in Europe (I refuse to call it anything else) to draw attention to what these groups are really all about and what they have been up to. Unfortunate, because DWB was really a good org. when they started out. So many have been infiltrated. Sad. Come on over to pizzagate sub and check out our posts on Organ Trafficking.

InnocentAngels ago

I linked your post to Voat pizzagate. It ties in with some posts they have presently. Thanks for posting it. Many of these so called humanitarian organizations are involved in these heinous acts.