Fateswebb ago

I remember the previous post with that same name.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

I’ve never seen this movie before but I’ve been on this forum for years now, and it’s horrifying how much of this is exactly the same as a lot of our “conspiracy theories”

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ScientiaPotentia ago

Call the police immediately

thislionsheart ago

It's all real. It all makes me mad.

FriendofAbe ago

That address is within walking distance of a huge Scientology church.

Vindicator ago

Hi gamepwn. I'm giving this an "Unverified" flair to remind folks to proceed with caution regarding unsubstantiated survivor allegations.

tury ago

I just want to say: God bless you. I pray God continues to inspire you with his gifts. God protects you as you help to save children.

gamepwn ago

Thank you so much and god bless you to. I really do hope to save these children and stop this nightmare. I appreciate that.

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Snailracer ago

This could easily be a stalker of hers that wants you to dox her, be safe.

Vic_V ago

Someones trying to lure you there to murder you

gamepwn ago

I would never be dumb enough to go to an address... that's how you get set up and killed.


For newfags

Pizzagate 101  http://magaimg.net/img/sxt.gif

Newfag rundown on the players http://magaimg.net/img/7d6h.jpg

It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker  http://magaimg.net/img/2ql.jpg

Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6j.jpg

On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail http://magaimg.net/img/7d6k.jpg

And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6l.jpg

Elsagate rundown


The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL  http://magaimg.net/img/7j92.jpg

They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6c.jpg

It's all about the adrenochrome  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6d.jpg

Justin Beiber snaps because he was pimped out  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6e.jpg

Are_we_sure ago

It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker http://magaimg.net/img/2ql.jpg

Which is to say it was based on raving lies. The cheesybay account is based in England, not Hawaii. Has nothing to do with Hawaii bro. The ebay feedback for cheesybay is still up on ebay and nothing seems out of the ordinary, not crazy prices are being paid for anything. The Hawaii guy later gave an interview to a website and said the guy making all these accusations had started doing meth and went nuts and he fired the guy. He has had no further association with him after the methhead's father came to gather up his stuff.

Look into it. It's extraordinarily weak as a foundation for anything.


Sounds an awful lot like kvetching there without substantiation

Onetime1 ago

The mere fact that shit heads like arewesure spend time on these boards should be proof positive that something nefarious is going on. All of us have lives to live, limited resources to expend in combatting these abominations, but we we continue on.

Just looking at those blacked out, NSFW images posted above is why.

Thanks to all for their ongoing input. Spread the word. We are winning this fight.

Are_we__sure ago

The mere fact that shit heads like arewesure spend time on these boards should be proof positive that something nefarious is going on.

That's some pretty emptyheaded logic you have going on. If you want to know why I am here you can just ask.

Just looking at those blacked out, NSFW images posted above is why.

The one problem with that is those images have nothing to do with Comet Ping Pong. It was a hoax about an entirely different pizzeria. HRCisDONE is not even represented the chronology correctly. This page supposedly was a hidden menu on the website of WeThePizza, not Comet Ping Pong. Either way, you've been manipulated. This WeThePizza hoax was disproven on VOAT over two years ago. The guy who started it didn't black out images, he was getting people to click on/download actual real child porn.

Quotes from voat/pizzagate about this hoax. The last one is a beauty.

I would advise everyone NOT to open this. WeThePizzaMenu, ...... I'm inclined to believe that you are full of shit, because you could have easily posted this the other day with your many threads and comments, but you didn't. DO NOT OPEN THIS YOU GUYS..... I'm 99.9% positive this is a shill/honeypot troll. A few days ago, this guy had said the "menu" listed exact price figures up to the $250,000 range, and said that one of the categories on the menu was "Finish Him" (obviously fake). He is spreading massive disinfo. It is very likely someone who wants to ruin our credibility (probably one of the perpetrators we are fighting against) and fuck up the investigation.


Same guy linked to 2 GB of straight-up CP with absolutely no chain of evidence. So he's either a total idiot with zero concept of OpSec or a shill trying to bait people into committing a felony.


that's such bullshit. ....Compare the style...the menu is "trying" too hard.


by the way, the guy you linked to is a poor shill and none of his hoaxes gained traction in our narrative.


Asking people to spread cp links is a crime. This person is either an idiot or a honeypot person. This link should be banned. It's also clearly deceptive by saying ( safe to click no child porn) on the top link.


What we need now is for you to POST PROOF THIS CAME FROM WTP SITE. For all we know this could be files you created yourselves/stole from elsewhere.


The 2nd link should be deleted and it's all a set up anyway


Ok, after reading the "menu" I'm overwhelmed with the impression that its a setup.....Also it doesn't make sense if you have actual pictures of CP why would you use the "code words" for pizza and then come out and say "severe torture". This is someone making a bad joke or it's a poor attempt to distract or discredit.


he pulled this shit last night on 8chan, it was debunkd by some anon pros...


this guy has been busted on 4chan, 8chan, and reddit. Bull shit buddy...dont bring that fake shit over here too!!! ALL LIES FROM THIS GUY


Confirmed Bullshit simply outs itself as bs in the first image indicating whipping. Bottom Left of the image shows self inflicted wounds from a knife or razer. -Second from the bottom left shows a Solider beating an enemy combatant. -Near the top right shows a middle aged man with whip marks -At least half are not underage children


isn't the fact that you have CHILD PORN and are sharing it illegal? Especially since you aren't helping with an investigation but trying to troll people legitimately concerned about children? It is sick that you want to mess with with this. It is sick you either have these images available to you or bothered to find them just to troll.


I just registered to say, FUCK YOU OP! You fucking cunt!

1) Not everyone bothers to fully read a post before examining links. 2) That amateurishly thrown together FAKE menu has images of extreme child porn. 3) Your post is COMPLETE BULLSHIT!

I suggest whoever is moderating look up Chain of Evidence and have a revelation that no law enforcement would encourage what OP states. Any evidence gathered would be completely inadmissible in court. Therefore, it's obvious this is complete bullshit and now my IP, and many others here has been captured downloading images of child bondage that could completely fuck up our lives and those of our families.

Hope you get both jail time and cancer you faggot.


darkknight111 ago

kvetching you say? (((Are_we_sure))) is the head shill around here.

The biggest NPC around. Also has an alt called KnightsOfHubris. He uses alts to get around downvoating and upvoat his other alts.

Remember, if someome has more than one alt, that’s proof they’re a shill.

Best way to handle shills is to click their account, and downvoat their comments, thus reducing their ability to post due to being sub zeroed.

Shills need to suffer the same punishment as those they defend.

Are_we_sure ago

Substatiation? Go look at the cheesybay profile on ebay. It's still active. He's got 40 pages of feedback you can look through. This is from like a decade ago

you good seller, please leave feedback,& happy xmas,&,new year 2010. Seagate Barracuda 7200 1TB (1000GB) ST31000340AS SATA (#320464339939) GBP 45.00


None of it matches the claims made about it. Ebay says it's based in the UK all transactions are in Great British Pounds and he seems to sell a lot of Land Rover parts. And these are normal prices for computer parts. This is not a guy in Hawaii selling computer parts for unusual prices and here's where the whole thing collapses. Remember the entire theory about this is the guy from Reddit's old boss has suspicious eBay account "CheesyBay" selling hard drives for unusual prices. EXCEPT the ebay account is not his boss's account and there's nothing unusual about the prices these computer parts were sold for.

And it's connected to the Clinton's by something as common as a Mr. Potato Head.

I remember when I looked into this there was a name that was connected somehow to the Clintons....however, the reddit folks had it wrong, it was the same name, but clearly another person. If anyone remembers the name tie in, tell me the name, because I'll probably be able to recreate what I looked at.

found it. The guy in Hawaii calls himself Dave Flinstone online, and his real name is Dave Stone and people found a private meeting wtih Dave Stone in Hillary's emails. But it was this guy, David Stone, a career Foreign Service Office at the State Department for decades.

https://www.linkedin. com/in/david-stone-522a9767

Sounds an awful lot like kvetching there without substantiation

This could be a description of pizzagate itself, tons of claims, very tiny amount of substantiation.

Definition of substantiate

1 : to give substance or form to : EMBODY 2 : to establish by proof or competent evidence : VERIFY substantiate a charge

ShaneE11183386 ago

A rule of thumb i.follow is people are drawn to videos that somehow they "experienced or involved in"

2nd option it could be a trap of some sort

Ps I cannot type on the s10+ idk what it is but it's the worst ever. Phone is awesome tho can I make the keyboard bigger?

Q-sent-me ago

Yes you can install third-party keyboards. I'm all the way back on an S5 but I replaced the keyboard with a "swype" style one and really like it.

ShaneE11183386 ago

How do I do that? Is the swipe like the blue line ?

Q-sent-me ago

yeah they're apps but the one i have was free, iirc

SexMachine ago

I've always said that Eyes Wide Shut was based on a true story. Stanley Kubrick was in the know, and he finally had enough.

He was extremely tight ship on filming the movie, only releasing a page of the script at a time to the actors. Often his filmology is filled with symbolism. He even rented a Rothschild property for the filming - the outside of the masquerade. Look at the masks too, there's symbology there - the head of the masquerade is wearing the mask worn by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, no fucking shit.

My theory is that it involves the Rothschilds and the crown of England. The orgies were real, except they were with children. I'm willing to bet the overdosed prostitute scene played out in real life, except the prostitute was underage.

They killed Stanley Kubrick for this film. Less than a week after its initial screening Stanley died in his sleep of a "heart attack"....

Yeah right. And Russia used their deadliest poison to not kill anyone in England.... Don't believe anything they tell you.

paulf ago

He even made the pizzagate part almost explict: the two men hiding out with the underaged girl with the pizza box on the table and then her father pimps her out. I completely agree that he was murdered after the execs saw the final cut - they got the message loud and clear and decided it was far too dangerous to let him live.

emmaD ago

excellent comment.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Yes it is.

Sitnikoff ago

I checked out her channel, and it turns out she's Thai. She mostly posts song covers; I see the background of her apartment and how messy it looks. Also, it looks like her eyes convey a sort of fractured personality state often observed in victims of mind control.

"BANPOJN WATJAROTHAYANGKUL" definitely sounds like a Thai name; I looked up the name with laitn letters and found an obscure Youtube channel that also uses Thai as a language: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvfxP8tkdSCOQF9HXch_vCQ

Looking up the name further in Google results yielded some interesting records and listings (maybe old records, etc.):




seems like the address she mentioned is Banjopn's business address (or at least one of them)

I also found this facebook result; looks like she posted somewhere on the faceboook page of a prominent dance studio in LA:


(still trying to find where I can see her post on the page itself; please help by finding some way to find it)

I'm assuming her name is "Suyada Watjarothayangkul" because searching her name yields what seems to be her Instagram (same screename as youtube):


On what seems to be her instafeed, she has a video of her celebrating that her HIV results are "still negative":


this is her facebook:


Definitely much more to find than what I'm dropping here; keep digging brothers!

SexMachine ago

You have to think how damaged she might be from whatever abuse she suffered, or maybe she's just damaged without having been abused. They prey upon the weak and already mentally unstable, so that if they were to ever go public, no one would believe them.

Sitnikoff ago

Update: Soyboy cuck spotted.


Looks like he's a DJ and hung out with her for some amount of time.




She seems more traumatized after being with the soyboy cuck.

Before: https://tagsfeed.net/m/dj_scratckherz1441/1511151100765833789_1984893143

After: https://tagsfeed.net/m/dj_scratckherz1441/1887401703466520736_1984893143

Perhaps the little cuck might be connected to the human trafficking on some level, considering that the costumed person they're posing with in this picture uses the x's on the eyes (mkultra mind control symbol):


Try to find out who the little cuck is, and we may have even more leads; check her IG followers and her fb friendslist.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Would you look at the nose in this guy.

Sitnikoff ago

Update - this is one of her fb friend's profile pic: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2106348092784990&set=a.102590979827388&type=3&theater

Also, she works at "A State of Trance" which appears to be an EDM label that features artists who have played at Tomorrowland (basically Disney-sized occultist Coachella)

djaeveloplyse ago

Forward the info to Operation Underground Railroad, maybe they can actually help.

Veridic ago

Also, she has a another comment here: https://bestofclip.net/the-white-house/4446603410582250024241.html

DJScratkherzOriginal No.925 2 months ago BANPOJN WATJAROTHAYANGKUL and His Wife frightening that he want to rape and make me get pregnant. He buy human Traffic(Amisa Raksiam) Prostitution.

PrepareForWar ago

Amisa says on her Facebook page that she was an editor at 8gg.


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gamepwn ago

More Trafficking posts from her then...something very strange going on with her.

Fateswebb ago

Interesting, the Amisa Raksiam leads to these links.



This singing artist appears to have a song titled free me. here is the video. (Special thanks : amisa raksiam (for the best vocal voice ever) nonpierrecord really really appreciate, truly thankssss you ..) artist : nonpier record https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqn04Jhvrzw

KillerKap ago

that address is in Little Armenia!!!! holy fukkkk.