MeatballPizza ago

Sick. Not sure if it's a very sick attempt at humor or the real deal. Wish authorities would investigate and tell us.

Fire_Fly ago

Isn't there information in the properties of the PDF that could indicate where the file originated? Can't he take a screen shot of that and send it to us?

iceboob ago


File was deleted from server.

File was deleted by owner or exceeded maximum storage time (100 days from last download).

OP are you LARPing? 100 days from last download? If not, re-upload it somewhere.

squishysquid ago

Danm, used to order pizza pizza from them too. Whelp I'll be off vomiting then.

CaptnMeowMix ago

Two observations:

  1. Most people in here seem to be getting emotional and jumping to conclusions without even reading the pastebin
  2. If this were a honeypot, it would have to be the stupidest one in history. Not just because of the scatterbrained delivery, but because OP is openly advocating the use of anonymity services (which would just make their job harder if they were the government), and because OP once again pulled the file within a short time frame. Waaay before it could catch any significant number of people. Didn't even last long enough for mods to remove his links. What law enforcement or intelligence agency would intentionally be that ineffective?

thisshitgotusbanned ago

anything wethepizza related is cause for serious concern, a possible reason why pizzagate was easily banned from reddit. check out the user wethepizza . these users are planting CP to shut down the movement

thisshitgotusbanned ago

This shit is reason pizzagate was banned from reddit. Mods please remove ASAP.

CaptnMeowMix ago

It's also clearly deceptive by saying ( safe to click no child porn) on the top link.

What are you talking about, the top link doesn't have cp in it. It's a friggin pastebin.

People seriously need to stop and pay attention before getting all riled up and raising pitchforks.

MAGABoomer ago

Please read all posts...I caught his ass and he deleted the files.

platypus22 ago

What is 'We The Pizza'?

I haven't heard of it before. How is it connected?

MAGABoomer ago

Please read all posts here for explanations.

pleasedontsuicideme ago

NOTE: Report anything DIRECTLY to the FBI. Do not just use NCMEC because they may have ties to pizzagate.

mergen ago

the tiny upload was deleted

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah because it was the same person who wrote the RTN troll articles. Scroll down to read my analysis. I busted his ass and he deleted it. He wrote the menu too...text only from *8chan, I swear no pictures.

pleasedontsuicideme ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the fact that you have CHILD PORN and are sharing it illegal? Especially since you aren't helping with an investigation but trying to troll people legitimately concerned about children?

It is sick that you want to mess with with this. It is sick you either have these images available to you or bothered to find them just to troll.

GeneralProductsHull ago

Can this post be deleted and still avoid a "censorship" hue and cry? Posts like this are a monkey-wrench (no disrespect to monkeys... or wrenches) in any/every social media forum. I can't downvote yet but still, I don't think downvoting it to oblivion is even enough. Maybe even suspend the poster. It's not acceptable to risk everyone on this sub.

Naalu ago

Probably. I think thats what he is trying to do here aswell

MAGABoomer ago

You have an excellent sense of smell...

the writing style on the menu is exactly the same only "trying too hard"..see my post for dissection. I do this for a living. And his headline...SPREAD IT is exactly what the RTN writer would love you to do.

MAGABoomer ago

the writing style on the menu is exactly the same only "trying too hard" this guy is one seriously fucked up individual.

MAGABoomer ago

Thanks for that...that's such bullshit. The same person wrote that as wrote the RTN article and the OP. This probably needs to go to FBI. Because the RTN guy just took it a bit too far.

Compare the style...the menu is "trying" too hard.

pepe16 ago

It seems unlikely he'd go so far as distributing CP.

Edit: And by the way, the guy you linked to is a poor shill and none of his hoaxes gained traction in our narrative. Of course the shill will write an article claiming he's successful.

MAGABoomer ago

It's the same guy. That's why he deleted it. And yeah, after reading his article I do believe he'd go that far. When he realized it wasn't going to get spread, he deleted it. That bullshit story on the pastebin is ridiculous. I analyze writing for a living. The writing style was EXACTLY the same in the RTN article, the menu, and the pastebin. He tried to disguise it but I literally catch people doing this for a living and save clients millions....not to mention a shit ton of embarrassment. Same guy.

MAGABoomer ago

The insertion of the RTN blurb into the OP's story was unnecessary, it feels a bit like maybe the same guy wrote that article and the OP story.

Why did "OP" talk about the RTN "journalist". The "article" makes it clear the troll made a fake CTR chat room, had fake people engage in chat hinting at conspiracy, in that chat they talk about getting pizza from WTP...

I did see that stuff on the net from Reddit and didn't buy a word of it. I find it difficult to believe anyone did. He sources now this...

Guy#1, he’s probably been either captured or killed. 3 letter friend’s contact (who was to ensure prosecution against We The Pizza) is now confirmed KIA. We are safe and headed (*any bets he wants people to infer Russia?) My 3 letter friend assures me they are on our side and can be trusted. My 3 letter friend believes his other trusted friend already has the children from the menu in government witness protection or even hiding them somewhere in a hotel.

SO recapping, Guy 1 we don't really know what happened to him, and OP doesn't really seem to care. FBI "friend's" person who promised to investigate and prosecute is dead but no links to reports of said death This magical other person has somehow managed to be dead and protect the children at the same time..damn if he's dead, the kids are in trouble eh?

We are friends with a 3 letter agent. We volunteer to help him.

You don't "volunteer" to help in a federal investigation, FBI guys don't generally go off the reservation

Guy#1 sneaks into WeThePizza and unplugs some computer cords and fucks up their network.

Alrighty then...he sneaks...excellent..and unplugs cords...LOL again clues...

Our 3 letter friend is contacted by WeThePizza to fix the computer issues, but says he is busy and recommends me >(Guy#2) as a trusted pedo friendly repair tech, I am no computer expert but I do know a pretty decent amount.

What the actual fuck...why would WTP contact an FBI agent and say "oh hey guy our computer needs a KP friendly tech" and automatically accept "the new guy" which is guy#2 who doesn't know much about computers but clones a hard drive and sets up a DMS. Alrighty then

This whole thing stinks of "bait and make a fool of" DL that shit. It feels like the same person wrote that GUY story as wrote the RTN story about purposeful fake news. This doesn't smell right. and if that's a PDF you know...they can phone home even if you DL with TOR. This shit don't float yet. Especially with the inclusion of the linked article with a similar writing style..although OP tries to hide it.

If you're safe OP, then do tell...where are you? It's safe to name names, get on it...Guy please? After all you're safe...dead FBI friend, who? You're safe, info in trusted spill it.

Raps1 ago

I just registered to say, FUCK YOU OP! You fucking cunt!

1) Not everyone bothers to fully read a post before examining links. 2) That amateurishly thrown together FAKE menu has images of extreme child porn. 3) Your post is COMPLETE BULLSHIT!

I suggest whoever is moderating look up Chain of Evidence and have a revelation that no law enforcement would encourage what OP states. Any evidence gathered would be completely inadmissible in court. Therefore, it's obvious this is complete bullshit and now my IP, and many others here has been captured downloading images of child bondage that could completely fuck up our lives and those of our families.

Hope you get both jail time and cancer you faggot.

Naalu ago

Eh I guess this is the same thing as they did in Reddit. They are trying to spread childporn here so this site also gets shutdown.


(I looked at the pdf "menu" file and it contained CP, also with torture)

Tbear05 ago

Technically this is child porn, I suggest putting up an edited version, as to not get voat fucked with legal matters

33Tqqothrow1bzrk ago

Should we ask molly or the twitter guys to verify if it's real?

sisterfrancais ago

Thanks for the info

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

I would advise everyone NOT to open this. WeThePizzaMenu, you need to take this to your local sheriff's office and show them what you found if this is true. I'm inclined to believe that you are full of shit, because you could have easily posted this the other day with your many threads and comments, but you didn't. DO NOT OPEN THIS YOU GUYS. OP, if this is legit (the story of how you found it) then speak with a lawyer and get their advise on how to proceed. Then come back and update us.

Edit: For the record, I'm 99.9% positive this is a shill/honeypot troll. A few days ago, this guy had said the "menu" listed exact price figures up to the $250,000 range, and said that one of the categories on the menu was "Finish Him" (obviously fake). He is spreading massive disinfo. It is very likely someone who wants to ruin our credibility (probably one of the perpetrators we are fighting against) and fuck up the investigation.

rail606 ago

Wow for real. This is the reason they blew up reddit. The moment we found there active sex shop.

PizzaHunter ago

Be careful there are pictures in the menu file.

MeatballPizza ago

I don't want to download anything from this site. Can someone cut and past some of the content of the menu or post it somewhere I don't have to download files? Thanks.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

You do understand some of us are very hesitant about believing you after all of the shenanigans the other day. Does someone mind posting a screenshot of the "menu" contents, I don't want to download this to my computer.

WatchListMe ago

That made me cry and vomit. What the fuck.

IndigenousAlien ago

Really? This shit again?

anteracorp ago

wtf - this is disgusting

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

So... I definitely remember the 2GB threads from the other day. Care to explain more about how you found this menu? Are you the same OP of the previous threads who took us for a fucking bullshit ride and didn't actually reveal any pertinent information? Explain and confirm your sources, please.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

He's claiming OP #1 was KIA and OP #2 (himself) messed up and had to flee to safety. They did finally deliver on the menu PDF, and with no proof that this is a hoax it's not normal for cancermods to flair everything (even other people investigating their claims to be true) as hoax, delete the posts, suspend the guy, and shut down 350 communities. And now Voat is being DDoS'd so hard it's actually being shut down instead of going into cache mode. And the media is running hit pieces to cover this up specifically. Not normal, dude.