octoma ago

So by this point, it's the list of who's NOT an evil pedophile in Hollywood that would be shocking, given the list of d-bags seems to include almost anyone who's ever had more than ten minutes of screen time.

carmencita ago

UpVoat! Thank you for your research and digging further and further and deeper and deeper. I have never liked Michael Cain. Now I know why. SS is a vile perverted rapist and the sooner they are brought down the better for all children. I sometimes wonder who is next. Frightening.

3141592653 ago

Great work, once again

Piscina ago

Great post. Poor little girl. Her mother threw her to the wolves.

carmencita ago

So far the Heather and Judith are the worst child star stories I have read about. I often wonder how the world can allow these horrendous happenings. I know that everyone on here does not like reading the horrible details, but how can we stamp out these satanic ritual crimes if we turn and walk away. I have one of the weakest stomachs if you talk to people that know me, but I can't give up on these two girls. Judith's mother AND father never deserved her. She was too good for them. RIP Judith RIP Heather

NoBS ago

Her mother was a Pedo-Protecting pimp who murdered her own child's dignity and a whole lot more!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/ptTdh :

A Script of Fear : Repeated Threats by Father of Child Actress Carried to Tragic End - Page 2 - latimes

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