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SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

To facilitate the excessive contributions and conceal their true source, Michel paid approximately $865,000 of the money received from Low to about 20 straw donors, or conduits, so that the straw donors could make donations in their names to a presidential joint fundraising committee.

Hmm, that-s exactly what NXIVM did regarding the Hillary's campaign.

theooeht ago

Was just about to post about this. I might anyway because there's more information.

Thanks for getting this out there, though.


Leo DiCaprio is involved with all this. His production company Red Granite (Occult reference to sacrificial altar) partnered with 1 MDB to launder money during his production of Wolf of Wall Street

literally, they made a movie about fraud, and used it as a financial vehicle to launder money, houses, and commodities.

It's like a modern day version of the Producers if Christopher Nolan directed it.

think- ago

"Dear Leonardo DiCaprio, Happy belated Birthday! This gift is for you," a friend of Low's wrote in a note.

It would be interesting to know who this friend was.

Leonardo DiCaprio clearly is a satanist. which begs the question if he and Low have any mutual friends .....


Edit: PS read the original case documentation (it's over 300 pages).

Gavid Deffen is involved

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Gavid Deffen is involved


hollywood2020 ago

ya know that face when you smell dogshit, and you can't see it because it's jammed under your heel? looking at Husseins face when he's lying again, it's always there wafting around the source

rickman ago

I do note it says only $865,000 went to 20 straw donors. I'd love to believe that was the end of it.