fogdryer ago

These people are so sick. No soul .

carmencita ago

When I started here, I had no idea how bad it was, how many there were and are, and are being created. Organ and Sex Traffickers of Children and the ones that are among us as well, the ones that groom and abuse the innocents. The must be destroyed or Locked Up for Life.

fogdryer ago

Where do we begin

carmencita ago

really don't know. We are doing our part posting it on here, and hoping to spread the word. We cannot take on the world's problems when other's are putting their hands over their ears. If I start thinking of what to do, I will go mad. I or you cannot change this by ourselves We as a group on here have made a difference. Keep thinking that, or it will drive you mad. I used to let it upset me so much and now I am still upset but know that one person cannot change this. We are doing all we can. Talking to friends relatives and neighbors and writing on here is our outlet and our way of making a change. We can't do it all. Take comfort in that. We are doing the best we can. Keep posting.

Aasb ago

I bet they do the same with palestinian children which they capture almost daily.

carmencita ago

I love where your mind goes when thinking of their punishment for their heinous crimes against children. There is no worse crime than what they have done to them. We research the Satanic Ritual Abuses and have always thought they were not that prevalent, but here they are, being committed all over the world against Our Children. I blame our country for we have created much of the conditions and environments that facilitate these horrid abuses against Children and the Poor. I think of this almost every day. I don't think there is a punishment too horrid or evil for these Criminals. They have No Morals. Torture them before they die. If this does not fall under Tortures then I do not know what does. We are not allowed to Torture Soldiers, but it is OK to Torture Our Children? I am getting sick. Tears.

HennyPenny ago Nat'l Health Service England: The scandal at Alder Hey Children's centres on the retention of hearts and organs from hundreds of children. The organs were stripped without permission from babies who died at the hospital between 1988-1996.

Have to wonder if the babies' outcome was determined by the value of their harvested organs?

carmencita ago

Oh Yes, my mind has gone there. I believe this is occurring at many hospitals actually. The Alder Hey discovery is only the tip of the iceberg again. There is talk of a database with Our Children's body measurements of all sorts of limbs and bones and other info. People would be horrified by this and will say it is too impossible to believe, but I am getting the feeling that we had better wake up, because they have been doing this for decades. Under the Radar has allowed them to develop many ways to have access to Our Children. I have an idea that the ACA was developed to facilitate this database, mind you, that is only my thinking. But not impossible to imagine, given their evilness. I can't believe I am actually saying this. Good Lord Help Us.

HennyPenny ago

Good article, Carmencita. Remember this?:

20011-14 Prison sentence "Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, who ran a black market kidney business paid Israeli donors $10,000 each for kidneys that he sold to Americans for $120,000, has been released from prison." He gets released from an American prison , did two and a half years for brokering kidneys. Despite the conviction, Rosenbaum - an Israeli citizen - will be allowed to remain in the United States and will not be deported. His lawyer Edward Schulman said immigration officials found that his crime was not one of 'moral turpitude.' 'If he was drugging the people or knocking them out' to get their kidneys, Shulman said, that would have been a deportable offense. But, he said, that was not the case. 'Both participants were willing". His Jewish lawyer swears that the donor was "willing".

"The real crime hidden between the lines, the recruitment and trafficking of poor and minority Israelis into the United States for the sole purpose of procuring their organs. The US is not party to the 2000 UN Palermo Convention on human trafficking that includes human trafficking for organs. "

1999 to 2009: Rosenbaum and his gang, worked through an Israeli boss named “Tevye” (a name that was always whispered) who was the big shot who organized the Israeli patients and matched them to strangers who would pose as altruistic donors. “Tevye” employed kidney hunters, a lower strata of intermediaries, some of them previous sellers themselves, who were paid by the head to troll immigration offices, jails, unemployment offices, factories, Arab markets, and public housing on the urban periphery, looking for the bioavailable — the debtors, the displaced, the desperate and the cognitively disabled. in the case of Durban-Netcare, of trafficking minors as kidney providers.

At $140,000 (low) to $180,000 (high) paid for each of 100 transplants (even with lots of people to bribe along the way), that’s a lot of money to launder, at least 150 million dollars, a profitable business for Mr Rosenbaum.

Who's to say that Rosenbaum or someone like him based here in the US is not continuing their participation in human organ trafficking but now are cutting out the "volunteer" donor and preying on "bioavailable" war refugees?

Rosenbaum, an Orthodox Jewish "rabbi" in name only, is a protected species, allowed to live here and thrive because of Israeli influence in US politics. Part of the 2009 Rosenbaum bust involved Syrian Jews living in New Jersey who were members of the international Orthodox Jewish criminal network arrested on July 23, 2009. This network is deeply involved in illegal narcotics and financial crimes.The main players in this criminal network are among the leading members of the Sephardic Jewish community of Brooklyn, New York City, and Deal, New Jersey. The tiny Syrian Jewish enclave of Deal, New Jersey (population 1,000) involved when the FBI busted 5 prominent rabbis from this secretive group of Syrian/Israeli Orthodox Jews. The arrest of the Orthodox rabbis led some to dub the affair "Kosher Nostra." The rabbis, including two synagogue leaders, are suspected of organizing a money-laundering network that allegedly worked through charities in Deal, Brooklyn and Israel, Ha'aretz reported. The 15 people arrested on money laundering charges were all Orthodox Jews and/or Israelis, including the "kidney trade middleman," a.k.a. Levi-Yitzhak Rosenbaum. There were so many detainees that a bus was used to transport them. This massive arrest, however, is seen by many as only the tip of the iceberg.

"Non-Jews, "Goyim" or Gentiles, are considered to be even lower and are despised by Orthodox Jews yet they choose to live and carry out their criminal schemes in America, which has a population which is overwhelmingly non-Jewish.

Do I see a connection between Syrian children kidnapped for their organs and Sephardic Syrian Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn and New Jersey involved in human organ trafficking, money laundering and other criminal enterprises? And these Jews despise the nonJew and see no religious conflict in harming non Jews?

carmencita ago

Wow! Yeah, I remember the NJ Rabbis. I think NJ has been a Breeding Ground for Crime and Mafia Types from all sides. We have the involvement with NY and the stealing of bones from people in funeral homes. The Funeral Owners were selling the bones and one of the bodies sold off was Alistair Cooke. What caused the discovery was Cooke's daughter who never gave up to find out what happened to her Father's Bones. I also remember some politician we were investigating there. He was hooked up to something nefarious with bodies or bones. Darn it is frustrating when the brain freezes over. I believe there is a Big Connection going on there. There seems to be some kind of Horrible Crime Syndicate from the Mafia and the Kosher Nostra and Mossad is surely there as well. I have a feeling somewhere there is connection to some Really Big Names to these people. Thanks Henny Penny We need to do a post on this guy Rosenbaum. Or Should we say Rosenbum and the Kosher Nostra.

carmencita ago

Please check out the posts @new4now and I did on Child Organ Trafficking @SoldierofLight @HennyPenny @kestrel9 @exposethecriminals @Narcissism

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you for the ping. The posts on COT have been great. It's unthinkable - huge, organized, funded, and covered up. And this is just what has been written about!

carmencita ago

Thanks for responding. It seems that many are ignoring our posts. Thanks a bunch.

exposethecriminals ago

I doubt that people are ignoring them. I couldn't read them through to respond except for this one, they were too upsetting for me. I haven't gotten over the shock yet of the allegations about the Chicago teenage girls, which I just found out. My Chicago relatives are near that area. All my relatives are involved in Pedogate....yet I have to act like everything's normal, or else. I just need a little time to absorb the new information. But thank you for bringing attention to COT!

carmencita ago

I am so sorry that your relatives have to be in that area. Also for their involvement. I know of your story so I was not suggesting you. You have always worked hard to spread the injustices and abuse done to Our Children. I have a friend or two there too, but not in that area. But their hearts break for all the children missing and shot almost every day. Thank You for responding.

exposethecriminals ago

You are very welcome and thank you so much.

carmencita ago

I have a special place in my heart for Survivors. That includes you. <3

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you Carmencita

carmencita ago

You are quite welcome. I am planning on doing more articles on Children and their abuse. So are others. We can't forget them.

carmencita ago

@millennial_vulcan @Gothamgirl @ESOTERICShade @TrishaUK @UnicornAndSparkles Please join in our conversation and discussion in our posts on Child Organ Trafficking I know this is dear to your hearts just as it is for me and @new4now

Gothamgirl ago

Great post Carmencita, very disturbing.

carmencita ago

Yes, they are very disturbing. We are hoping to spread the word and inform people about how this actually is happening and the ins and outs of their operations. Some may doubt the organ trafficking exists, we have new people every day. I have been watching our numbers and we have added on. Hoping people read our posts bit by bit if it is too hard. This was not easy for us reading and writing about it. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. <3

3141592653 ago

Great post. Heartbreaking. And i dont think syrian groups are the only ones preying on the syrian children. Americas military presence there is highly suspect. Sad.

carmencita ago

Yes, it is all very sad. The saddest part for us, is that our country is playing a big part in all of it. We are behind ISIS and what is happening in Syria, all to facilitate Organ Trafficking, while everyone Binge Watches.

3141592653 ago

You speak the truth

carmencita ago

TY and if the truth comes out about Hillary and Bill having connections to Hashim Thaci and Beiden inviting him to the WH they will be too busy watching their Netflix to even care. He is being investigated for arms trading and drug and human trafficking and of all things, organ harvesting. You won't see this on MSM.

carmencita ago

Thank You <3

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


carmencita ago


auralsects ago

@Blacksmith21 where the fuck are you, Commander Moishe told you to never turn off your phone! this post has been up and unshilled for over an hour!

Blacksmith21 ago

I was busy drinking beer, eating pizza and getting laid. Now, after a good night's rest, I'm going to go ride an expensive motorcycle on a beautiful day with a gorgeous woman on the back.

What are you up to? I bet nothing like I've been doing...loser Communazi.

auralsects ago

LMAO nope I don't poison my body with disgusting kike food and Bronfman-alcohol nor bang whores! THE JEW ALWAYS MASKS HIS SABOTAGE AS "FREEDOM"

literally you

EricKaliberhall ago

Yeah, beer and pussy is a Jewish invention... Stay away god dammit. You really are a faggot!

new4now ago

This is sick

gee wonder where these rebels got their start

UN and US started that war for many reasons

we have seen the same stuff in Bosnia, Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, all over Africa

They are trying to take over these countries and their people

All about the money and the rich living longer

carmencita ago

Yes! ISIS is doing their dirty work for them. They take the organs of their own fighters, imagine those kids that went off to fight over there. Never to be heard from again. Yes, I believe it was all purposely created for longer lives. Also there are slick operations, with trained medics, and all the necessary equipment, and set up ambulances. Nothing is too good for them. And what they are doing with the poor people they have ravaged, well that is sickening. Mass graves, even of children. It hurts to think of it.

new4now ago

or they take organs for the fighters, both I imagine

maybe their funds not coming in to support them, so they organ traffic

where oh where are they all going?

carmencita ago

Israel and Turkey are running the show. So................

new4now ago

I been wondering if these countries and more, have swamps too

maybe good guys trying to drain their swamps. I sure hope so

carmencita ago

I do too. We have enough to do over her. I don't want to be researching for their Swamp Probs. Voat-ski.