GeorgeHodelDidit ago

You know I was in the dark to the whole Jew problem till Pizzagate. Pizzagate became a rabbit hole from hell that upsets everything you thought you knew about the world. The fact is EVERYTHING you have been taught is a lie. Everything is fake. This fact came as a major shock and earthquake to my sense of the world. Black is White. Up is down. And the so called antisemitism is just a fake ass tool the Jew uses to control what we think and dare talk about.

awarenessadventurer ago

NOT Jews. Zionists. (which is satanism) To not understand this is feeding the beast.

carmencita ago

This broke my heart:He said the donors, all of whom came from Israel, got $10,000 for giving up one of their kidneys. "There are people over there hurting," Rosenbaum explained. This is happening all over the world. Every day, somewhere.

sunajAeon ago

This too hideous to read in one sitting, excellent work

Laskar ago

I'm glad someone posted this comment. It's about time VOAT stopped hiding this fact.

Bulgakov ago This is the source of America's problems. The UK decided ILLEGALLY to give Palestine to Jews, they had just as much right as Ireland giving India to Australia, it's fucking absurd. We were drug into WW1 and WW2 as a favor to the UK and in exchange Palestine was to be given to jewish control. Since then we have been false flagging and invading countries all to EXPAND Israel's dominance, it's not a Jew conspiracy it's an Israel problem, why are we funneling our resources to advance a country that's not the US, it's not in our best interest to be involved w/ Israel, if anything they are maximizing ME conflict. I say we throw our support behind Palestine, even Jesus said Israel would fall and I see no reason to defend an illegitimate country with the blood of our children so they can have the promised land. We are not a majority Jewish country and Israel has caused us nothing but bloodshed and poverty. Wake up, Israel isn't our friend and never has been.

garouwarrior ago

This un-conditional support for everything that Israel does is unfortunately supported by a huge proportion of the population, especially among Christian Evangelicals. Trump's rabid embrace and adoration of Israel (at least publicly) was certainly a major in him winning the White House.

The Pro-Israel bias is further propagated by many in the "mainstream" and "alternative" media.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It is because they have bribed or blackmailed for more than 300 years. They have crypto´d the English Crown. They have crypto´d Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Who knows how many families and politicans are actually crypto Jews? But you know we have the technology with DNA to get to the bottom of all this once and for all.

Laskar ago

Thank you for posting this. It is the truth!

Dressage2 ago

Excellent post!

hookednosedjoooo ago

Someone needs to stop these rats

AngB23 ago

So disturbing yet all the evidence is there. Thank you for the research.

Godwillwin ago

Well done, OP!

ByTheBook ago

Public trust in any public institution should be at around 5% or less. Abuse of power in every institution for personal gain is rampant, and it's costing lives of those without the means to speak for themselves.

Evil is alive and breeding.

carmencita ago

Well I am crying again. This is so very horrible to read, but I cannot stop. I must continue because as I am sure, many on here feel the same. If we do not keep going, who will? None of the Hospitals surprise me. Especially Johns Hopkins. Look up what they did to Henrietta Lacks. It is disgusting. Also, do you think that Ben Carson knows none of this? I am not saying he is involved in this, but how can you not know when you are a registered hospital Brain Surgeon. Forget about all of those trusted hospitals you thought were on the up and up, for you will be shocked which ones are involved in this heinous business. All across the country, especially Children's Hospitals will be compromised. Also the holy of the most holy people that you so respect, those that decry what happens to children and the poor will also be involved. Please help us research and dig into these places.

Godwillwin ago

When will the mainstream media expose this in its entirety? It's taking too long

Death2Masons ago

They are the propaganda press. There job is to lie and form your perception of reality. You are waiting for Godot.

Godwillwin ago

:( maybe so

I loved that book, though

Truthseeker3000 ago

Give it to citizen news journalists such as Project Veritas or anyone you follow on YouTube to get the word out. MSM will never report any of it so don't rely on them.

carmencita ago

They are hoping that we will start losing members and interest will wither and die just like the children. We will not let them have that satisfaction. They in the meantime are having their perverted pleasures. We cannot give up. We have to find that connection that can start putting one f the top leaders in a noose and report it to the FBI. It seems like we sure have found many connections to a lot of the organizations that represent children. Maybe they just are not strong enough to hang these suckers yet. Any Lawyers out there, what are our chances as of now?

Godwillwin ago

A little off topic -- it all ties together though--FBI Anon's latest short little interview

Thought this was very interesting. It all makes sense as Israel, CIA, Schumer, McCain KEEP coming up. I don't yet understand where Jared Kushner falls in all this?? I am still not sure if Trump really believes Assad gassed his people. Is he just playing along to "appease" the globalist pedophiles?

carmencita ago

Good article. The American people are always kept out of the loop. We are always left to question what is going on and who is doing what. Yesterday at dinner people said they think Kushner is running the country. I am so tired of armchair quarterbacks fed by the MSM. I am sure that they would have bitten my head of if I had mentioned that the rebels gassed the people with the sarin. I read a really good article of an interview of Seymour Hersh and it spelled it all out. So many are listening to the Fake News talking heads, but completely discount the real journalists that we trusted years ago (and I am not talking about news casters). Real Investigative Journalists.

Godwillwin ago

That was a really great article - helpful in tying it all together. Still would LOVE to know what Trump really believes.

carmencita ago

We will probably not know what he believes. People that powerful never let you into their world or their brains. They keep us out of the loop. They never want their enemies to know what they are thinking. Their beliefs are known only to them and sometimes not even to those that are very close.