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EffinWhiteMale ago

Misleading title, it was no suicide

darkknight111 ago

Wasn’t sure of how to word it right to reflect the unknown nature of it all at the time (breaking story posted shortly after first appearing).

At the time, there was uncertainty whether suicide or “suicide”. Post body makes that clear.

Piscina ago

His killers were with him, he died the next morning, watch from 1:02:45 watch HIS Gestures

His killers were there. Watch it again. Ugh

Someone said wink twice if it doing this under duress. He winked twice.

BrokenWolf ago

I put this over on a different thread, but havenot seen it mentioned here.

I read somewhere that he claimed to be MKULTRA as a kid. If so, and he's trauma based, he's about the right age for programming to have been breaking down for a minute.

Could be suicide programming attached to specific memories, could even be an alter activated to do this.

elizabethrussell144 ago

Here are some clues you won't find anywhere else: Why was Isaac Kappy wearing a Department of Energy hat? I created this article to address something I noticed last year that I have never seen anyone else notice or comment on, so I posted a screen shot, and the original video where this image appears, as well as adding everything that I know about the subject to see if anyone else ever noticed this or what people think about this very strange occurrence. You can read the article and watch the source video here:

Gotrek ago

Reports I saw said there were two people with him before he jumped. Maybe trying to stop him. Or not.

Piscina ago

He said he's not suicidal. Did he even write that suicide note? Was he set up to do something he regretted?

think- ago

Was he set up to do something he regretted?

That's possible.

Kahlypso79 ago

They re always setup.. usually around 3 o clock in the morning

letsdothis3 ago

That bridge is right by a military base... just sayin'

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Otto- ago

Wow, okay. I'm gonna need more time on this after work. I'm more interested in what he did that was betrayal, not how he died. Through subtle hints on the periscope, "there are some things... which... induce decisions..." I think he was under some drug or powerfully suggestive persuasion, even though he said it wasn't drug induced " was ego induced. And it was cynically induced." He said he was in a state of extremely high consciousness, and then went really really low, super low.

I think there's a real possibility he's had enough substance abuse in the past that he was tempted into Adrenochrome. Until I find out the source of these videos, it seems implied that he had some sexual relations with a child, or simulated enough to be caught with. He also said he did not hurt a child though, so perhaps he wasn't violent and/or the child was completely induced. Otherwise it's some kind of gamble or massive waste of money, (hence "Ego") for the pursuit of money. He was quite likely in debt, but I don't think that's what killed him. He said 10/10 scale of worst. That's drug use made from suffering, or at least child-involved somehow.

rickman ago

So we're to believe Kappy got sober/clean enough to go through some deep self reflection and realise he's a terrible person who has wasted his life and doesn't want to live anymore. Yet at the same time he was still crazed and confused enough to keep pushing his PG allegations. How does someone go through those two thought processes at the same time? It's impossible.

To me there are four most likely of potential scenarios:

  • He was telling the truth. He was ready to take what he knew to the highest level(Trump). He gets scared, loses his nerve and decides to kill himself instead.

  • He was telling the truth. The people he was about to expose knew they had to stop him. He was killed.

  • He was a shill. His "death" used to strike fear into online investigators. Make the whole thing look dangerous. Will this be used to ban social media accounts reporting on PG activities because it can "make vulnerable people suicidal", I wonder?

  • As I said above. He was lying and even after a point of deep self reflection where he realised what a terrible person he is, still continued to lie in his final communications with the world. So even though he knows he's lied and feels bad enough about it he wants to kill himself, he still wants to be remembered for being a liar.

kestrel9 ago drugs and mental illness underlying his story imo

think- ago

Will this be used to ban social media accounts reporting on PG activities because it can "make vulnerable people suicidal", I wonder?

Aargh. Don't give them ideas...

Kahlypso79 ago

Fa ebook already claims to be able to detect depression through ai algorithms.


Facebook teamed up with the Military to cause depression thru AI algorithms

Blacksmith21 ago

Fa ebook already claims to be able to detect depression through ai algorithms.

Facebook teamed up with the Military to cause depression thru AI algorithms

Yes and yes.

ReallyLongTimeLurker ago

He said he was not suicidal according to this so two possibilities come to mind he was drugged to commit suicide or it's a fake and he is in witness protection naming names. I hope he is in witness protection.

InnocentAngels ago

The local police closed his case quick.

Kahlypso79 ago

Always a redflag...

Z11Mama ago

Signed into Voat just to see what people are saying about this. My take is that there is definitely more to the story. Not sure what. There is more.


did happy ever substantiate any of his claims?

if not, this just feels like a demoralization psyop

kestrel9 ago

That's what I think too.

LightlyToasted ago

No, IMO, he was a disinfo agent. Given the location of the scene, I'm dubious he's dead. It wouldn't surprise me if he was smuggled out of the country.

ZunarJ5 ago

Oceanfront bridge or Witness Protection?

noworldorder ago

/v/Conspiracy crosspost:

He may have been running a scam with Vegan Mikey:

think- ago

sorry, but the story was made up..At the time when.Mikey had allegedly left the house, and they claimed to have found syringes etc., he actually-still lived there (without syringes scattered around from what I know).

This is a disinfo campaign by Jason Boss and the guys from An Open secret and Enty about Mikey.

rickman ago

If thats true, what were people giving them money for?

noworldorder ago

I believe Vegan Mikey was actively requesting donations. I can't remember the specific reason he stated he needed the money, but it was happening.

darkknight111 ago

He’s also tried to debunk the Heather O’Rourke case.

He through Accipitar Capital owns Tenet Healthcare, a company balls deep in pizzagate.

millennial_vulcan ago

Kappy tried to debunk Heather?

darkknight111 ago

Open Secrets did. More specifically Gabe Hoffman.

think- ago

sorry, but An Open secret is a limited hangout, they tried to smear Mikey.

There was a guy called Jason Boss who made things up about Mikey.

gamepwn ago

Thanks for this, I uploaded the video up of Kappy admitting he was not suicidal.

globosphere ago

12:40: "bad things are coming my way. i could assure you that"

12:52: "there's not hope, because i crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed. and it's a decision that will forever, forever... you'll remember it forever"

15:08: "i'm not suicidal. i'm not suicidal"

new4now ago


Been thinking on this

He was one of them he says

He could have named and share what he knew

Interesting, but can anyone tell me where his dog is?

What can I say

carmencita ago

He could have named and shared what he knew......,

Exactly why he’s dead. He opened his mouth to someone. Always a bad idea.

new4now ago

Wonder what his mistake was

carmencita ago

Talking to the wrong person. Talking before he spilled the beans.

new4now ago

Salling, Cornell, Bennington

carmencita ago

Yes. I have felt from the very beginning that CC and CB were knocked off. Suicide my Keister. That is so obvious it's ridiculous. People that eat up that goop from Hollywood Extra, etc. have had their brains washed many times over. I have posted the pic of Chris & John many times. Not a likeness, but a Spitting Image. We did research about JP having an affair with CB mother who was a nurse. They lived in Az. Plain as the nose on.............

ZunarJ5 ago

If the dog is unaccounted for, it was an oceanfront bridge for sure.

new4now ago

It is said he was hit by a car, after he jumped I assumed

Think bridge was over a road

3141592653 ago

This is crazy


LINK To Iast video days ago?

thelma ago