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DeathToMasonsASAP ago


3141592653 ago

Possibly Brittany Murphy (emphasis on possibly.) ans this is more historical, but Tom Philpott

knockoutcheesepizza ago

Gareth Williams the spy who ‘killed himself by mistake in a zip up bag’ in London maybe as well. There are rumours he discovered some very illegal activity and investigated the Clintons on the side. Then he was whacked..... not sure if what he discovered was Pizzagate material but it’s very much within the realms of responsibility.

auralsects ago

McCann family critic doxed by NewsCorp entity, dead soon after

Piscina ago

RIP to all of them.

lamplight ago

This is a worldwide cult of evil we are dealing with where the leaders are the perpetrators, judges and executioners. This site has done so much good through the research on these demons. Those who have given their lives for this cause are heroes. Never give up on bringing them to justice.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

Mystery Babylon

Vindicator ago

Would Aaron Schwartz fall in this category, do you think?

3141592653 ago

Absolutely, IMO

EricKaliberhall ago

Seth Rich would.

darkknight111 ago

If I end up dead from suspiscious circumstances, then Steven Spielberg is the most likely person behind it.

Kappy’s death gas triggered further discussion of previous pedowood deaths.

horribleperson ago

No one askes how someone "forcefully throws themselves off a bridge" they use "jump off".

Piscina ago

yes, I agree. the wording of 'forcefully' is strange. The only 'forceful' way to get thrown from a bridge is if someone pushes you.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Have often wonder if the ones doing the killing use the mafia method...kill in plain sight so as to instill fear. Sam Giancana stated in the book, Double Cross written by his brother, working with the CIA is just like the mob, in fact, it is the mob. Sam was traveling the world meeting with heads of state at the height of his career.........he started out as enjoying murder so he moved up in the ranks.

horribleperson ago

Nando? You mean Jill Dando? also the link goes to a page about a different person.

gamepwn ago

I fixed it! Thanks!

septimasexta ago

Should we start a VOAT/Pizzagate/NOTSUICIDAL subverse?

All investigators can post and date their "not suicidal" statement.

Matthew 10:28 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Lansing-Michigan ago

Huey Newton, You can kill my body and you can take my life but my soul will live forever.

YogiPokes ago

What about Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain and Heath Ledger? I read in various places their deaths were suspicious and all three of them, at one point or another, were trying to expose or somehow related to the trafficking of children but not sure if there was any solid evidence to support these claims.

Anyway, thank you for the list. I feel that seeing a "one pager" like this with all the deaths complied into one list is a lot more impactful.

think- ago

Anthony Bourdain clearly was a satanist. He was one of them.

YogiPokes ago

No way.... really??

Piscina ago

I heard that he did the deal just before becoming famous (many years ago). Then everything happened for him: tv series, books, fame, etc. I heard they then came back to him years later wanting to to get his daughter, and he said no. He regretted the deal and wanted to protect his daughter from them. So they killed him. He knew they were coming.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Very interesting info and very likely. The Illuminati is for life and you cannot back out and say no after acceptance. I would assume since he gave his life by murder his child would be spared. But what about all the sick shit he did most likely with other children to get all he had.....

think- ago

Interesting. where did you get the info from?

Piscina ago

Not everyone's cup of tea but interesting:

derram ago :

Natacha Jaitt exposed an elite pedophile ring. They killed her. - YouTube :

OAN Sits Down With Former FBI Agent Over Death Of Clinton Investigator - YouTube :

'Terminator Salvation' Actor Isaac Kappy Dead After He 'Forced Himself Off A Bridge' In Arizona - YouTube

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