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Piscina ago

This has a link to her going into detail about child trafficking. She is naming names. She was one brave woman. She was not frightened or nervous but very calm and articulate. Notice the discomfort of the other people around the table. They want no part of the discussion. The blonde woman tries to talk over Natacha and basically denies everything.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Anyone Have a list of AMericans killed In america Since Trump has become president? Is it zero? Or have there been some that I don't recall/was never made aware of?

Vindicator ago

Good question. There were many in the immediate years preceeding Trump. Monica Peterson. Nancy Schaeffer. Chris Cornell. A couple of dudes whose names I can't remember -- one was a prosecutor or something who ended up dead on the beach, another was I think a tech guy whose car crashed into a telephone pole. All that happened pre-Trump, though, I'm pretty sure.

ESOTERICshade ago

one was a prosecutor or something who ended up dead on the beach

Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. was a former partner at Foley & Mansfield, where he’d worked for nine years. He left the firm in January of that year to start work in the Major Crimes Unit down at the Miami office of the Department of Justice and they snuffed him.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Is that the guy who washed ashore In broward county? If So- Good answer. I forgot about him. Although admittedly, I wouldn't be suprised if he has a sketch past- The deepstate will never hesitate killing a "Traitor".... meaning, Maybe he was at onetime a dude who did some shady shit, But has since turned.....

My question was more directed towards good guys from the get go.... But Admittedly, I realize That's a pretty specific Criteria. So again, good answer. Thank you.

ESOTERICshade ago

awwww, thanx @erickaliberhall for the down vote. That was so sweet. You are our village idiot that will down vote a comment regardless of its contents. There is an old saying saying "every village needs an idiot." I disagree though, because idiots drag the I.Q. of the village down. How old are you? About 12?

Vindicator ago

Yeah that's the guy.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Your tactics are obvious for everyone to see. This site is CIA. Mods completely censor and label this sub and discredit people who have exposed the cabal and their opperations.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I agree that this site has major flaws- I even have my own qualms with @vindicator.... But do you have any example of people being "Discredited"???? Even prior to you answering- I can almost gurantee that any person you mention, will have a history of discrediting themselves... That's not to say they don't drop some truth bombs as well. but it seems like a lot of people that drop truth bombs, GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to discredit themselves, and subsequently, The movement.

think- ago

She wanted to expose a new pedophile ring the next day, that had several celebrity members.

There you go....

I hope she left the info with trusted friends, and that these people will be exposed nevertheless.

R.I.P. Kudos to her for investigating these crimes.

kobold ago

many dont consider him reliable, but there is i think a canadian guy, kevin annett, who predicted a few days ago, that bergoglio will resign right about now, on the 23rd iirc.. probably have to do with the vatican summit.

i think this is bergoglio taking care of business and sending an, ahem... 'strong message' to the participants of the vatican summit on sex abuse. i am pretty sure this is how the jesuits approached the council of trent and everything else for that matter, by murdering and intimidating all their opponents.

While Survivors Gather In Rome Prior To Vatican Summit On Sexual Abuse, Pope Says Critics Of Church Are "Friends Of The Devil"

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They are above the law. You need to get the message, not them. They are in no threat of going down.

think- ago

but there is i think a canadian guy, kevin annett

I'm afraid Kevin Annett is a fraud.

I think in this case, it might not have been Francis, since she was about to publish the names of more pedophiles when she died. Might have been some people connected to the new pedo ring. But then, you never know.

What exactly is allegedly not reliable?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, Annett is not a fruad, the mods that attack him in this sub are. The aboriginal people of Canada have backed his claims. You continue to attempt to discredit him.

kobold ago

What exactly is allegedly not reliable?

i meant kevin

think- ago

Ah sorry, lol. Thanks!