18685847? ago


18679729? ago

[Snopes llinks included for lolz and also pointing to the original story]

Dr Dean Lorich https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/surgeon-clinton-foundation-corruption-haiti/

Klaus Eberwein https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/klaus-eberwein/

There might be a few others listed on arkancide.com

18678514? ago

Great inspiring post anon ! It puts it out so clearly. This should be done for more whistleblowers who got 'suicided'. Coming to my mind are the alternative doctors, bringing out new cures THAT WORK vs Big P-harm-a , and whistleblowers that wanted to expose the ds., churchandonandon. #factsmatter

18678084? ago

You can't kill us all ! You get off from raping young children !? We get ours from terrorizing YOU. You think you are not normal? We are beyond anything you can imagine.

Wether you stay awake or you fall asleep you won't know who lies in wait for you beyond the closet door.

18678067? ago

Liz McKean, BBC Anchor who was murdered for digging on pedophile coverups within her own television network.


18678057? ago

Raising a glass.

You only live ONCE anons, Do not let anyone tell you what you are to make of this horrific paradoxical conundrum that is LIFE.

18677034? ago

Hopefully we don't have to add anymore to this list.

Actually, that should be two words: "any more". The word "anymore" relates to time/event (= again), as in "I'm not going to make this mistake anymore". (Edookayshun for dumbfags.)

18676949? ago

I bet Robin Williams deserves to be on this list.


18673538? ago

interestingly enough the guy who made reddit was also killed...

18673529? ago

supposedly paul walker stumbled upon a pedo ring in thailand while filming but, there's no way to confirm that whatsoever

18673057? ago

Joan Rivers

18672113? ago

I think Keith Carridine should be on this list, as well

18672672? ago

You mean David Carradine, right? His brother, Keith, is still alive. What makes you think David C. was suicided?

18681842? ago

The blame it on 'jerkying it will choking himself'

Makes me wonder about the lead singer of INXS who died the same way

18683906? ago

Yes, I've thought of Michael Hutchence of INXS as well. And David Carradine too. And Robin Williams. Everybody they told us hung themselves--that's all up for reevaluation as far as I'm concerned. Actually, all suicides, weird accidents, plane crashes, etc. Also eldest children dying. Like Anderson Cooper's older brother. Beau Biden. So many. Wonder how many deaths for these people were actually ritual sacrifices.

18695814? ago

Like in south Korean with the previous government (8 sisters cult) that caused the ferry accident on purpose.

The female president was being controlled by this weird ass cultess, we only know because the president spilled the beans.

Even then outside south Korean most ppl don't know about it.

18699480? ago

I hadn't heard anything about that. Interesting.

18704677? ago

Connected to Hillary surprise surprise.

President Park. I need to be better about archiving articles I come across, there is lots (ferry was another cult however I recall readying they were linked).

Very fucked up, it was literal an Anime level plot but real.

18671756? ago

If someone has a death wish... instead of shooting up a school, they should go public with info about a Clinton pedo ring. They'll be dead before dinner.

18670126? ago

Robin Williams?

18672231? ago

Was just thinking about him. . .it's speculated he was involved, but there are also so many stories about him being a genuinely sensitive & caring person that it's possible he wanted out and was looking to talk? Who can say.

18669729? ago


After Chris Cornell died the project was cancelled.

18669721? ago

Joann Rivers

18669773? ago

While she was killed over the things she said it wasn't really about pedophilia. She was exposing the trannies in the white house.

18669709? ago

How about Anthony Bourdain AND Kate Spade? Both "suicided" two days apart, Bourdain had made a lot of unflattering comments about Hillary and had stated a couple of months earlier that he knew what it was like to "be on the wrong side of her minions", and that it "wasn't pretty".

Spade had partnered with the Clinton Foundation on at least two major projects. She had helped operate a media campaign for The Clinton Foundation's No Ceiling Initiative. Kate Spade also worked with the Clinton's in Haiti, sending representatives to deal with Haitian business owners on Clinton's behalf.

Anyone remember Spade's husband wearing the mouse mask a red scarf (like the one Kate hung herself with) the first day he appeared in public after Kate's "suicide"? A message for "rats"?

It's rumored that both Bourdain and Spade had dirt on Hillary, and conveniently, they both committed "suicide". Interesting to note, they both had young children, and you have to wonder if that's how they were persuaded...something like "Kill yourself, or we'll come for your kid".

18669353? ago

Nice work anon. Hopefully this list allows folks to be more angry than they are sad. Sadness is necessary, but anger gets shit done. Stay angry anons there is shit to be done.

18668879? ago

I just saw a video pointing out some of Tom Hanks' cryptic IG photos too, I wonder how many of these line up besides Kappy?

18673694? ago

Without even clicking on this, I am certain it's the photo of him with Oprah and the pizza clock. Yes?

18668851? ago

Aaron Schwartz was another victim, imo. It is rumored he stumbled on some dangerous material stored at MIT that he publicized. This made him a target and caused his suicide. There was a law passed in CT after that happened which is attempt to prevent what he did.

18671600? ago

18669921? ago

IIRC Aaron aggregated the medical journals and wrote in his manifesto to publicize them for the benefit of humanity but then the feds created charges out of thin air which made Aaron magically hang himself even though he was an on-the-ground, with the people, millionaire activist for true, positive change... not this virtual signaling cultural Marxist garbage. AS = Hero.

18668562? ago

Seth Rich should be on this list too

18679679? ago


18669486? ago

Not really a Pizzagate whistleblower.

18671288? ago

The original Podesta emails came out as a result of Seth Rich's leak, which is what kicked off the whole Pizzagate thing in the first place.

18676921? ago

Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails(allegedly), though.

18685566? ago

You're right, I stand corrected.

18671688? ago

I stand corrected.... good point.

18668493? ago

Max Spiers thinks that DJT is NWO...?

How and why

18668283? ago

Anthony Bourdain might be on this list.

18677570? ago

Fake news ritual to distract from above victim list?

18671713? ago

I believe Weinstein and/or HRC were involved. Definitely not a suicide. Not witness, no note, no one around him seeing any signs... mid successful production shoot.

All very suspicious.

18681720? ago


18673003? ago

Judging by the following article, they use israeli mossad agents as their hitmen to shut down, and possibly kill, whistleblowers on pedophilia.

Ex-Israeli PM introduced Harvey Weinstein to former Mossad spies


18669847? ago

What evidence makes you suggest that? Genuinely curious as I have not seen anything.

18670165? ago

I tried to find the pol thread and can't track it down but the only evidence I'm aware of is the red scarf and hanging himself from a door knob.

It speculation only based on how he died, that he was depressed about 'something' and then suicides in a wired way

18671262? ago

Read his last interview.

18670529? ago

Didmt Boardain’s GF leave the house in a weird mask just days after? Like an animal mask?

So much has happened. Can’t keep track of all the habbenings.

18670416? ago

I'm aware of is the red scarf and hanging himself from a door knob.

that's more than enough, he should be on the list.

18669809? ago

Kate Spade? She died same week. Hanging from scarf from door knob. His was a bathrobe tie from door knob.

18673048? ago

I think Kate Spade was one of the Pedos.

18702180? ago


18670125? ago

Yup that was the other one, there were a couple others that I recall.

There was a thread on pol but I didn't save the image.

18669066? ago


18668681? ago

I believe he should be.

18668163? ago

Trust the Plan. Pedos in Control.

18668103? ago

Thank you for this list. A slight correction to set the record straight: Thomas Paine has not died. He was meeting with investigative journalist Jen Moore as her request. She had been contacted by a victim and it was she - Jen Moore - that died under "mysterious circumstances".

18667718? ago

Thanks for the list, it's easy to forget how many fallen heros there been over these last years.

18667693? ago

Awesome contribution. The best thing we can do to honour these patriots is keep fighting.

18667657? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/6pW3A7T4DWgN - ( Fox News Flash top headlines for May 15 )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/gUjRSJfyE4eY - ( Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/qABV8uKdbrqe - ( OAN Sits Down With Former FBI Agent Over Death ... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/0bGNptSWFJNX - ( 'Terminator Salvation' Actor Isaac Kappy Dead A... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/BwmgBWNe9tsw - ( Natacha Jaitt exposed an elite pedophile ring. ... )