Deplorable-MAGA ago

Here is a post I put up a while back about Max Spiers -

Look at this link for some real crazy stories that happened to those people at presidio

Vic138 ago

Here is a good article on Aquino. Aquino even makes a fairly long comment himself at the end.

Here is a excerpt from the article:

"In 1999 (see below), Paul Bonacci, who had been kept as a child sex slave by Lawrence King, positively identified Lt. Col. Michael Aquino as an associate of King, who he said was known to the children only as ‘the Colonel’. Rusty Nelson, King’s personal photographer, also identified Aquino as the man that he once saw King give a briefcase full of money and bearer bonds to, and who King had told him was involved in the Contra gun and cocaine trafficking operation being run by George Bush Sr. and Lt. Col. Oliver North."

Stosh21 ago

Aquino was also implicated in the Johnny Gosch abduction as well as the Presidio incident.He's always been a player in this shit.

TheSeer ago

Douglas Dietrich has a lot more info on Aquino. I believe he knew more than Max (on this topic).
But DD seems to be more willing to 'play ball', comes across as a bit of a sociopath TBH, whereas listening to Max creates empathy in the listener.

Silverlining ago

Child Porn Hub in St. Louis Operated by the Church, Not Kidding (pizzagate) by @Wolftrail7272 03.23.2017

Silverlining ago

The Truth Behind Max Spiers Death CDFury

John DeCamp 3 of 5 Uploaded on 1 Dec 2007 PART 3: Johnny & Noreen Gosch; Col. Michael Aquino; Columbine High School and drugs. Nebraska Senator John Decamp, Franklin Coverup Scandal, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine High School, Kissinger's confirmation of Watergate's REAL Deep Throat, CIA, William Colby.

John DeCamp 2007 FULL Thread archive 03.23.2017

Dauphin ago

Can someone please start doing a Dexter Morgan on these fucks? Aquino... Podesta... Weiner... Clinton... Biden... enough is enough.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

None more relevant than going going after Satan's minions. Aquino is still very much relevant today, especially behind the scenes.

gnostic_front ago Short extract on the relationships between Crowley, LaVey, and Aquino. Many years ago, I studied all three. I am now a grown up, and have compartmentalized thusly: In my study of LaVey's work, he advises against congregations of like minded people, UTTERLY DENOUNCES AND FORBIDS THE PRACTICE OF ANIMAL AND HUMAN SACRIFICE, in fact, views animal and children as sacred, opposes the hypocrisy and abuse linked with political and religious institutions, and preached AGAINST "free love" ("sexual liberation NOT compulsion", as he stated. Indeed, many saw him as a reaction AGAINST the Crowleyan/hippie "Summer of Love" (arguably a precursor to the libertarian/conservative "alt-right", albeit clad in black). Aquino, on the other hand, always read like a CIA operation to offer a more "quasi-scientific" Satanism, combined with the "credibility" of Military service. State funded utter cunt. Long running psyop.

zlomsocz ago

max was talking about scalia before his death

Reversible ago

It's possible the Max Spiers story is a PSYOP to move the talk away from Pizzagate-related criminality and off into UFO/Roswell/alien talk. Moving researchers off-topic so they fail to hit the necessary targets.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Well when studying conspiracies, space crafts whether terrestrial or not, are a part of the equation.

But this is about Michael Aquino.

Researchers out there that want to really be red-pilled. I urge to start your research, then stop, take it in (because it will be a lot) and step back to see the big picture.

rooting4redpillers ago

The Last Interview with Max Spiers | Published on Jul 19, 2016

30:37 - The Presidio... Michael Aquino

Added: 10:00 - Michael A-queen-o... draco prime... baphomet

Votescam ago

Detective Rothstein is making clear that WATERGATE was also not only about prostitution rings being run by the Democratic Party, but also about pedophile rings. And that a "book" recording this information was at the DNC/Watergate building which seems to be one cause for the break in. Earlier, LBJ and Bobby Bakker were running prostitution rings in order to entrap members of Congress. Hotel rooms were set up where women of the night/day were provided to lure members of Congress.<

Haven't yet had a chance to look at the video/links. Thank you!

Silverlining ago

Jim Fetzer with Detective Jim Rothstein on pizzagate and more

Votescam ago

Yes -- that's the one I usually post. :)

ich1baN ago

Wow now that is an angle I have not heard before about Watergate.... is there good validity to this claim and others corroborating that the pedo rings go this far back? This is huge news as far as I'm concerned b/c so far it seems that the furthest back we could go on this topic was the Franklin Scandal which occurred in the 1980s... but this is def plausible as well b/c Franklin was a massive coverup and for something that big to happen at that level, it must have happened before.

3141592653 ago

If you look at the Catholic church priest scandals, we have huge evidence going back many decades

Votescam ago

Italians say that from Day #1 Vatican/priests were involved in pedophilia in Italy. There's a very specific article stating this which I can't locate right now, but also many current reports.

But, keep in mind, as just one example of the RCC's history of sexual abuse (along with Mormon Church) was their involvement in the "Church Schools" for the US government where genocide versus the native American was proceeding. The native children were often kidnapped from their parents, they were not permitted to ever speak in their own language, their braids were cut and they were forced into Western European style clothing. They were not allowed to see their parents again, they were beaten, hung, murdered in every way -- and sexually abused in every way. See: Russell Means "Where White Men Fear to Tread"

And --

The report says church officials killed children by beating, poisoning, electric shock, starvation, prolonged exposure to sub-zero cold while naked, and medical experimentation, including the removal of organs and radiation exposure. In 1928 Alberta passed legislation allowing school officials to forcibly sterilize Native girls; British Columbia followed suit in 1933. There is no accurate toll of forced sterilizations because hospital staff destroyed records in 1995 after police launched an investigation. But according to the testimony of a nurse in Alberta, doctors sterilized entire groups of Native children when they reached puberty. The report also says that Canadian clergy, police, and business and government officials "rented out" children from residential schools to pedophile rings.

The consequences of sexual abuse can be devastating. "Of the first 29 men who publicly disclosed sexual abuse in Canadian residential schools, 22 committed suicide," says Gerry Oleman, a counselor to residential school survivors in British Columbia.

Randy Fred (Tsehaht First Nation), a 47-year-old survivor, told the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society, "We were kids when we were raped and victimized. All the plaintiffs I've talked with have attempted suicide. I attempted suicide twice, when I was 19 and again when I was 20. We all suffered from alcohol abuse, drug abuse. Looking at the lists of students [abused in the school], at least half the guys are dead."<

Incest and pedophilia are probably our oldest sexual crimes, but at the least you can look to Sigmund Freud who gave us the Oedipus Complex where he betrayed his own clients - young females and males who told them of their sexual abuse by family members: fathers, grandfathers, uncles, male cousins and male friends of the family. Freud, however, lied to the public in the Oedipus Complex in his outrageous suggestion that it is infants and toddlers and young children who are the aggressors in sexual assaults against male adults in their families.

These crimes are also Biblical, of course.

PS: Males are our sexual abusers of children and they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male. If you haven't seen my posting of this study in other thread and want more info, let me know.

ich1baN ago

Yea we all knew about the RCC but it wasn't yet known that the political pedo rings and the RCC were so interconnected until recently... even the Franklin Scandal didn't reveal that fact even though it happened under the supervision of the RCC, it was widely believed that that was an isolated case.

MattHelm ago

John Dean's wife Maureen was a D.C. madam she ran a call girl ring and the Dems had her little black books that is what the break-in was all about. Dean was the mastermind. Then he flipped and testified against Nixon to keep himself and his wife out of prison.

Votescam ago

Nixon was involved in the coup on JFK which was basically the overthrowing of our "people's government." See: Madelaine Brown on "Clint Murchinson Meeting" evening before JFK assassination

And the murders didn't end there. Nixon rose to power because the JFK assassination paved the way for him. But there was also the Wallace shooting, RFK and MLK, Jr. assassinations. And many crimes which were carried out to protect his criminal administration and keep right wing in power. **Also see Votescam -- The Stealing of America ** We've been voting on hack-able computer voting machines for more than 50 years now -- voting computers came in about 1967 and large computers used by MSM about 1965 and we saw what they could do in 2000 with "W" win. See my posts above for details.

And, in order to fully understand any of this you have to understand these three programs (probably three of a thousand CIA programs) which put right wing in place in US and around the world --

See: Operation Mockingbird — scroll down to “History” — which was being written two years before the end of WWII.

See: Operation Paperclip — Wiki’s figures are low — at the minimum 64,000+ which included families but more likely 200,000 according to Kay Griggs/YouTube who relates the corruption of our military with sexual abuse and violence.

See: Operation Gladio — US program to keep right wing governments in place in the countries over which they had control after WWII — Germany, Japan, Italy. In Italy, US actually resurrected the Mafia in order to ensure the plan would be carried out.

And, whatever you know -- keep on tellin' it.


PS: Also recall that we have Nixon to thank for our fake Drug War.

MattHelm ago

Read a book "Silent Coup" by Colodny and Getlin it tells what Watergate was really all about it was a way to get rid of Nixon without killing him they decided no more assassinations so they pushed Nixon out without any bloodshed this is what they now want to do to Trump they want him impeached and removed but don't want to kill him at least not yet. If they can't get Trump out this year they will kill him next year.

Votescam ago

Watergate was about many, many things -- an example of the right wing over drive and Nixon's paranoia -- and willing aides who were stupid enough to humor him. These events can't really be separated from the past or the present. We've been voting on hack-able computers for more than 50 years: Voting machines came in about 1967 and the LARGE computers used by MSM came in about 1965 and we saw what they could do in 2000 with "W". Those large computers gave MSM immense new powers to not only to report but to predict and to name "winners and losers." And this happened usually only after 1% or less of the vote was reported. Previous to the computers, reporters/networks were only permitted to announce ACTUAL vote tallies. See:

But Watergate was also covered up by our Congress which well knew that the Secret Service made duplicates of every tape recording made in the White House.

This is the problem when we don't have truly honest people in office where you get a limited exposure but much else covered up.

**Every president after JFK was part of the coup -- LBJ - Nixon - Ford - (Carter) - Reagan - GHWBush **- Clinton - WBush - Obama - (Trump)

Clinton would be the dividing line between those active or supporting conspirators and those who protected the cover up. Allen Dulles, of course, who would have been an instigator along with LBJ, or "Masterminds" of the coup as they are sometimes called.
Hoover, of course.
See: Madelaine Brown/YouTube - The Clint Murchinson Meeting) where she names everyone present at the private meeting the night before the assassination. But certainly the corruption of those presidents is clear -- and the cover up of the coup on JFK has continued on.

I put Carter in parentheses because I have never been sure about him.
Perhaps one of our greatest actors?
One example of that was Brzezinski relating how they created Taliban/Al Qaeda and then put US troops into Afghanistan 6 months before the Russians came in .... "as a way to bait the Russians into Afghanistan ... in hopes of giving them a Vietnam-type experience." Carter then removed US from the Olympics in Russia citing their invasion of Afghanistan. Carter also played a role in confiscation of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Guilty Men" though the videos did fortunately later appear on YouTube because people had taped them. Seems he called Ladybird to alert her and Gerry Ford and Bill Moyers and thus the showing of the final parts of the series was stopped. There was another History/Discover Channel documentary on the 1992 JFK Classified Records Act where John Tunheim who had headed up the panel of four others tells the American public that they had "unanimously concluded" from the records that ... "Oswald was employed by the CIA working on high level assignments and probably also for the FBI." They would have, of course, seen Oswald's tax records, his W-2 forms, employment records -- something which our journalists had constantly asked for at the time of the assassination but were always denied. Near the end of the program, Tunheim is sitting down and repeats his statement of their conclusions .... TWICE. And as he does so, the TEXT appears beneath on the screen. This documentary didn't get a lot of attention, but played perhaps a half dozen times over a period of 6 weeks or so, as I recall. This was when the History/Discovery Channel was advertising itself as "The Network for the New Millenial." That program has never turned up on YouTube.

It seems John Tunheim did report the panel's conclusion to some members of Congress in a closed session. And that was said to be about the time of the attempt to impeach Clinton.

Trump, of course, remains another question mark for now..

Links/Additional info -- You can read about Brzezinski/Carter and Afghanistan here:
The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser

This is also an interesting read which involves US/CIA creating violent Islamic textbooks and shipping them into the ME in order to create a more violent strain of Islamic religion.

**The US spent $100's of millions shooting down Soviet helicopters yet didn't spend a penny helping Afghanis rebuild their infrastructure and institutions.

They also spent millions producing jihad preaching, fundamentalist textbooks and shipping them off to Afghanistan. These were the same text books the Western media discussed in shocked tones and told their audiences were used by fundamentalist teachers to brainwash their charges and to inculcate in young Afghanis a jihad mindset, hatred of foreigners and non-Muslims etc.**

There is no way to prove the John Tunheim story -- I was recording the program when the bell rang, so I didn't get any of the last part of the documentary. And that was pretty much my last chance to record it, though I didn't know that at the time. But, obviously, it's information the public needs to know and understand because it makes clear that it was a coup carried out and covered up by members of our own government.

The book "Votescam - The Stealing of America" can be read at the website. The two journalists did take their information and left it at the Watergatet for Director of the DNC Larry O'Brien who was away at the time.


ich1baN ago

Interesting, thanks for naming the important names for further research... the MSM tends to leave out the most important details on events in history.

target_blank ago

I remember in a interview he sounded really doped up and felt under some targeted negative force from Aquino during the time of speaking about him. It was strange. If anyone can find it he spilled alot on him.

rooting4redpillers ago

Maybe you're referring to The Last Interview with Max Spiers. I linked it here on another comment. To me, he sounds very distressed. Strange, as in doped-up, yes it sounded like that too.

target_blank ago

Yes that's the one

He couldn't form a coherent sentence sometimes and sounded like someone nodding off (on heroin or opitates) the part where he talks about aquino@10:00 mark. But its really weird, his mental and psycholocical state is so impaired.

rooting4redpillers ago

Thanks, I just edited my earliest comment, noting 10:00.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Michael Aquino. He is without a doubt one of the architects of MK-Ultra, and by the same token SRA pedophilia. Research will show that he has his hands everywhere. He is also one of the main players of Cathy O'briens book The Tranceformation of America, way back when Pizzagate and pedogate were non existing words. Read that book, or find excerpts of it online with Aquino's name, and you will see evil personified.

YingYangMom ago

If you want more info on Michael Aquino, Temple of Set, Alister Crowley, Lanning and much more, here is the Ex-FBI whistleblower Ted Gunderson dump file. It is quite a treasure trove of information.!79IzHRJQ!aCZLkiUUGoya77PvmqHMrw!S5AQyKwL

pizzagate3456 ago

Great info, Michael Aquino is public enemy number 1 in the Pedogate scandal

equineluvr ago

So De Camp -- whom I admire and respect a great deal -- was onto the same story 30+ years ago. His book has been out there for decades. He was in the U.S., and they never got to him.

But the lesser-known CTist Brit Max Spiers starts poking around this (very) old story, and Aquino follows him to Poland to off him? Or hires a hit man in Poland to off him? And it takes the hit man 4 days to finally kill Spiers with poison?

This doesn't make sense.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

I believe the problem lies in one area and one area only. The Internet. De camp had to sell books, had trouble gaining momentum, at a time when there was no way of going viral. Not the case with Spiers. He had momentum AND the net, he could damage and reach more people than Decamp ever could. Aquino could not have that case reopened and the spotlight on him again.

rooting4redpillers ago

I'd hesitate to say only, but otherwise, I agree. Good point.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

I might have pushed it, but yeah, definitely helped. Aquino once did a Q&A on Abovetopsecret and he opened up about it all.. Mk-Ultra, The Presidio, very well scripted man, but obviously denied everything except MK-Ultra. He did open up about that but followed the narrative.

rooting4redpillers ago

I just posted a link to Spiers' last interview. I'm not up-to-speed on this topic at all, but I'm at least familiar with it. If not for the last few months on v/pizzagate, I'd have been blank.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

It's ok. As long as you side with light and help put a spotlight on these evil entities, because yes, their sickness is the wanted negative possession of their mind and soul.

pizzagate3456 ago

Max Spiers stated in his final interview that Michael Aquino was out to get him. Max simply got closer to the truth than DeCamp, which is why he was killed

carmencita ago

Totally agree. I remember when this first spilled out, his mother was in England and was really worried about getting his body back to the UK to bury him and if I can remember correctly, the UK kept his body and would not release it for quite some time. Unfortunately I got caught up in some deep research on here and lost track of it.