Deplorable-MAGA ago

Oh yes, before I forget, since Max had died on the couch of a sci-fi author in Poland, here are some links to the pedo problems within the sci fi community. There is substantial information here.

PizzagateBot ago

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OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Polish Police Finally Investigate Death of Early Pizzagate Investigator Max Spiers

Jem777 ago

Max was being gang stalked by intelligence & others to quiet him. He was an MK Ultra trained operative who tried to tell the world the truth.

He was killed for it

Deplorable-MAGA ago

So do you think it is more of MIB got to him?
That's what everybody thought at first, and what makes the whole thing interesting because then this satanic ritual stuff started coming out.

Jem777 ago

Max was killed for bringing light to this darkness. He should be memorialized by all of us.

Deplorable-MAGA ago

This is my first time making a post here. A while back, before I heard of pizzagate, this story had caught my eye and I saved the things I found as I looked into it. Putting this here in case it's helpful in some way to pizza gate researchers. It initially caught my eye because there were a few UFO types who were dying in a short period of time then. But this one took on the potential of a satanic ritual. Then the revelation that he was going to drop some dirt on that from back in the 1980s.

A couple of interesting things - was a classmate of Orlando Bloom. Died apparently vomiting up black liquid.

Quick overview in this vid:

A lot of places covered this when it happened

“Your boy’s in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate.”

"His distraught fiancée, Sarah Adams, claims that he was preparing to reveal a global black-magic ring involving politicians and celebrities."

“He was going to expose black magic. He was going to expose some of the stuff he was working on involving political leaders and celebrities,” his gal pal, 31-year-old Sarah Adams, told Yahoo."

"She also claims that when she requested to see the paperwork pertaining to her son's death she was refused access because she didn't have 'written permission'."

These contains a lot of UFO types in regard to the issue

"This is really strange. A second UFO researcher has died just a week apart from another mysterious death of a UFO and paranormal researcher in India. "

Then we start hearing about potential satanic rituals involved.

"He said something demonic is going on, he said he needed to get out and find a church or a holy place, but two days later he was dead. "They were doing some kind of black magic on him."

"MYSTERIOUS DEATH Who was Max Spiers? Conspiracy theorist and UFO hunter – all you need to know"

"'SACRIFICED TO SATAN' Brit conspiracy theorist Max Spiers ‘killed by a cult who tried to deprogramme him’, says devastated mum" "Girlfriend also insists Spiers - who went to school with Orlando Bloom - was being held against his will in his final days"

"Mrs Bates has now claimed she was sent a ‘threatening’ book on devil worship and black magic by Ms Duval."

"A British conspiracy theorist found dead in Poland had been about to publish claims of a global black magic ring involving politicians and celebrities, his distraught fiancee claims."

"Vanessa said: “The police and the doctor all went off and left my son dead lying there with these people".

"In an interview with the Daily Mail, Bates raised the possibility that her son had been offed by a satanic cult, noting that the woman with whom Spiers had been staying in Warsaw, Monika Duval, had sent Bates a book on black magic, along with images of her son in a coffin."

And then we start finding - what is it this guy was actually investigating?

"Now it has emerged that Spiers was inquiring about allegations of widespread sexual abuse against children that was committed at a military base in California by employees acting under the influence of a satanic cult."

"He also spoke of having details on a number of underground tunnels connecting "pre schools, kindergartens, and churches" in San Francisco, which were linked to the Presido scandal."

Following are just some more articles I looked up regarding the thing he is investigating, which were allegation of child abuse at a day care center connected to the army.

Apparently there was actually a real satanic style church might have been involved in that - here are some I haven't even gone thru these yet, but it seems a lot of information there.

These are a couple that have come out the last couple days claiming the polish sci fi author was a secret girlfriend of Max. I'm not sure I buy that but here they are.

derram ago | :

Girlfriend of Max Spiers questioned on suspicion of killing conspiracy theorist

'On Facebook page, Max Spiers – Acts of Max, it posted: "Max is now an unintentional martyr. '

'The mystery surrounding the death of Max Spiers deepens as his girlfriend is questioned on suspicion of killing the British conspiracy theorist who died on her sofa in a flat in Poland. '

'"The prosecutor told me he plans to interview everyone that was present when Max died. '

'We know Monika was there, but it's unclear who else was around."'

'The information about Max Spiers's death reached the prosecution office on August 30 when the body had already been transported to the UK. We couldn't do a post-mortem which is essential in such cases," said Lapczynski. '

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Deplorable-MAGA ago

Please check the link where Max mom accuses her of sending photos of max in a coffin and also sent her a black magic book.

The early stories have Max has a fiance in the UK. This sci fi author who they are calling his girlfriend now, I'm not sure she was his girlfriend.

Malignment ago

If she was sent these things ... where are they? Post it .... a picture of her son in a coffin?? How incriminating can you get

Deplorable-MAGA ago

I put everything I had already, I don't have any more. You would think those articles would have put them in the article.

Malignment ago

You did great, thanks so much nice work