ASolo ago


MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2018

Blind Item #2

Apparently this foreign born former A+ list performer who was retired was out one night and saw this guy all over a very young teen. Our former performer didn't know it was a child bride situation. He interfered in the pawing and abuse. The next night our performer was dead.

AviciiKnewTooMuch ago

Thanks for posting this video! This topic (and video) has been my interest since it happened. I knew it didn't sit right with me and it was too out of the blue to be a suicide. Especially the fact they released the cause of death right away and said there will be no further comments. I have quite a bit of research I've compiled, but sadly I don't have the CCP required to create my own thread.

NoPatience4UrShit ago

Suicided is more like it.

new4now ago

Mark Salling died by assisted suicide too

SweetChicken ago

I’m surprised the faggots haven’t put a 24hr warning on this yet

itmustend ago

AviciiKnewTooMuch ago

I too have an Avicii thread to post with a lot of research/evidence to suggest he was suicided, but I don't have enough CCP required either.

migratorypatterns ago

From the trailers, it looks worse than imagined. Forget about star whackers, they have global mercenaries ready to murder good innocent families to grab kids?

So sick.

HillBoulder ago

Try searching this song in YouTube. It has 58 million views and it's nowhere near the front page.

AviciiKnewTooMuch ago

There's so much suppression of this topic going on right now it's unbelievable, and makes me wonder why they don't want these discussions taking place.

SweetChicken ago

Lots of fuckery going on all over the place. This thread still only shows 1 upvote for me

HillBoulder ago

That seems to be a common theme across several subs lately it could be a bug, but it could also be the fuckery you speak of.

think- ago

It's a Voat wide bug.


Was going to submit but will just add here. Crazy day and nights posted a blind

People are assuming he's talking about Avicci...also the video was made in 2015 but it still shows child trafficking was on his radar..shortly after the release of video he announced his retirement from music ..(he later returned back tho)

BarryOSeven ago

Wow (Copy pasta before it gets deleted from the internet)

Blind Item #2 Apparently this foreign born former A+ list performer who was retired was out one night and saw this guy all over a very young teen. Our former performer didn't know it was a child bride situation. He interfered in the pawing and abuse. The next night our performer was dead.

Blacksmith21 ago

And what's the lesson we learned here boys and girls?

Don't call out a rich and powerful pedophile in his own Muslim country when you are a little white boy from Europe.

SweetChicken ago

I disagree, it was an honorable death.

There’s an Erin Burr quote that's appropriate here

Blacksmith21 ago

Aaron Burr.

SweetChicken ago

Talk and text brother, I’m on my cell

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW - I hate speech to text. Pretty sure GOOG/AAPL record it all.

SweetChicken ago

No doubt

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll give you a pass ; ) Hopefully, not driving too.

SweetChicken ago

Haha no, I was in the back yard. If I read Voat while I drive I’d likely intentionally hit people

Blacksmith21 ago

Goddamn traffic. Removing it from my life in the mid-future.

Gorillion ago

Joining the dude from Sound Garden and Podesta's illegitimate kid on the Dead Musicians PG hit-list.

MisterMroraraararks ago

Yea, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, and I'd add Paul Walker as well. Paul was well aware of what is happening in Haiti in terms of the human and organ trafficking.

Blacksmith21 ago

That actually would make a good show: Avici, Linkin Park, and Audioslave (don't like Soundgarden)

stric9 ago

The news stated that the cause of death had not been released. He was at the top of his game, then died suddenly of unknown causes is so fishy that i think it'll cause a Striesand effect among his fans. If it doesn't than my suspicions are true that the general public has been tamed against outrage because of all these fake, look at me lefty protests. Imho he was suicided or it was a robery gone bad.

BarryOSeven ago

Today the news broke he had committed suicide (/ was suicided)

toutedesuite ago

I have been wondering, too. Oman? WTH?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Seriously... who the fuck goes to a foreign nation, especially OMAN, to commit suicide?

This was a hit, pure and simple.

Btw... do we have the cause of death of Vern Troyer yet? Because he was admitted for psych evaluation because he was reportedly suicidal. So, it would be a huge coincidence if he died of natural causes two weeks later.

And if he died of suicide >> NOBODY WAS WATCHING HIM.

AviciiKnewTooMuch ago

There's actually tons of evidence out there to suggest he was suicided. Timing is strange, events surrounding his career, and many others. This actually could be the biggest not talked about thing happening right now in terms of Pizzagate.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I Honestly Feel Like you're a shill. Some of the things you say, Seem To be completely Void Of all rational and logic.

But you seem to be Spot on here. It's Like, I kinda question If you are a shill when you just randomly say rational things.. But I mean, IF I was a Shill... I would say rational Things Sometimes too... I feel you'd have to, If you want to be a good shill.

Either way, I Think you're correct to insinuate they were Suicided

new4now ago

it was suicide

Blacksmith21 ago

Troyer....another Nazi/MK experiment.